04-25-1994 City Council MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO MINUTES OF TELE PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, IN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT, AND STATE OF MINNESOTA REGULAR SESSION APRIL 25, 1994 - 7:30PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WILL CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order at 7:30PM by Mayor Norman F Freske . ROLL CALL: Norman F Freske, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black were present. Also present were Larry Koshak, City Engr, Bob Kirmis, Asst. City Planner and Andy MacArthur City Attorney, Jim Barthel was absent, Jerome Perrault, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Adm and Judy Hudson, Secretary were present. 2. CONSIDER MINUTES OF 4/11/94 COUNCIL MEETING , PERSONNEL MANUAL, APRIL 14, 1994: LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE SPECIAL PERSONNEL MANUAL MEETING MINUTES OF 4/11/94. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 11, 1994. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE PERSONNEL MANUAL SPECIAL MEETING OF 4/14/94, DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. OPEN FORUM: NO ONE 4. BOB KIRMIS, ASST CITY PLANNER: 4.1. MARQUETTE BANK CUP/PUD Mr Kirmis explained NAC's Report and use of the N end of the property for the Marquette Bank, Zoned B-3 General business. Finance Companies are a permitted use in the district. We have an expansion of the facility and some substantial site work, and erection of a canopy. There will be a U -maneuver to service the drive-through tellers. The Planning Commission recommended this CUP/PUD, subject to 11 conditions. (Bob CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1994 AT 7:30PM -- PAGE 2 - Kirmis Read them, and a copy is attached) NAC has also recommended approval of the CUP/PUD. Larry Fournier - Asked about the Public Works Committee Review. Bob Kinnis said it was the condition of the highway. Larry Koshak agreed that we are beginning to add enough traffic that we may need an overlay, etc. We need to review those two roads. Park Ave was only sealcoated. RON BLACK MOTIONED, DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF THE MARQUETTE BANK CUP/PUD, WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF NAC'S REPORT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO HAVE A TRAFFIC COUNT TAKEN AT PARK AVENUE BEFORE AND AFTER THE BANK OPENS. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Fournier asked about making sure that the area is safe. Larry Koshak said we could have the owner give traffic counts. We can also get some traffic counters as we have done in the past. Lany Fournier felt that would be appropriate. Ron Black asked if that was part of this request? Doug Lindenfelser agreed with that. He said the Public Works Department could do the traffic count. Larry Koshak said he mentioned this at the public works committee. The Council felt it should be separate from this. 4.2. VERN AND GLORIA HEIDNER - 2CUP'S Bob Kirmis explained the request. The CUP is to allow more than 1 detached accessory structure for a single family dwelling, and more than one building to exceed 2,000 sq ft. He talked about the amendment to the City Ordinance for storage building requests. He noted recommendation #3 in the Planning Report they recommended a termination date for removal of the pole bldg. (Bob Kirmis read). This recommendation was deleted by the PC. The background is the Planner needs to consider the long teen. The pole bldg. is a non -conforming use long term. PC felt the pole bldg. is able to exist on the 3.5 acre site. Three neighbors said they did not object. Pole bldgs. are common to the area. NAC provided two findings of fact one is the recommendation of the PC, and one is the recommendation of NAC's Office. He read the PC recommendations. (See the Findings of Fact). (Kirmis read the conditions). FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PC FOR TWO CUP'S TO ALLOW: 1. MORE THAN ONE DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURE FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING. 2. THE COMBINATION OF A DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDING AND ATTACHED GARAGE TO EXCEED 2,000 SQUARE FEET. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. THIS IS ALTERNATE #2 WHICH IS THE SECOND FINDINGS OF FACT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 3 - The storage shed was addressed. The Council asked why are we addressing it? Vern Heidner brought up that he might need to go one foot larger on the garage than what NAC has addressed. The size was not noted in the Finding Of Fact. 4.3. ANY OTHER PLANING BUSINESS There was none 5. ANDY MAC ARTHUR, CITY ATTORNEY: 5.1. ORDINANCE - (CHANGING MAYOR POSITION TO 4 -YEAR TERM) Andy MacArthur explained the Ordinance. As far as staggering the terms, he couldn't find anything that would allow the City to do that. Norman F Freske said this was not brought up by him. Larry Fournier said he brought this up. Two years goes so fast that it seems it make sense and it adds stability. If we have a Mayor that is a problem they can be gotten out of office. More discussion was had on this issue. We can wait on this a couple of weeks. Andy said he has the Ordinance drafted. You have to adopt this before June 21, 1994, if you want if for the upcoming election. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO TABLE THIS FOR NOW. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. LARRY FOURNIER ASKED IF THE MOTION COULD INCLUDE TO PUT IT ON THE AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING. FLOYD RODEN AGREED. MOTION CARRIED WITH NORM F FRESKE OPPOSING. 5.2. DISCUSS INFORMATION ON PERSONNEL MANUAL Vacation days and leave days being changed to personal days was discussed. It can be done. An addendum needs to be put on the contract . This will be brought up at the personnel manual meeting. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED ADOPTION OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL REVIEW OF THE PERSONNEL POLICY OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DATED APRIL 13, 1994. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5.3. DISCUSS "NO SMOKING" POLICY Andy MacArthur explained. He has no expertise with the ventilation. There are also numerous rules. He attached the rules to a memo. The City will have to decide if they want to establish a smoking area or not. This will be brought up at the next Public Works Meeting. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 25,1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 4 - MOTIONED BY FLOYD RODEN, SECONDED BY LARRY FOURNIER TO DIRECT THIS TO THE NEXT PUBLIC WORKS MEETING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5.4. ANY OTHER LEGAL BUSINESS Andy Had a request for authority on Septic systems. There is a 90 day period to conform. It should be done as soon as possible. This is for the Council's information. Ron Black said he felt it is a Health Issue. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE THE CITY STAFF PROCEED AS EXPEDITIOUSLY AS POSSIBLE TO PROCEED WITH THESE SEPTIC PROBLEMS. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. LARRY KOSHAK, CITY ENGINEER: 6.1. DISCUSS MUNICIPAL WELL FOR OTSEGO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MUNICIPAL WELL FOR THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Larry Koshak brought a map with the location of the well and used the overhead projector to show his presentation. Item 6.1A Is a summary of a meeting with Dr Flannery, Mayor Freske, Councilman Black and Larry Koshak with the issue of constructing the well on the site and supplying water to the School. There is interest. The Superintendent will discuss the matter with the School Board tomorrow night. Larry Koshak has prepared a report. We are looking at an ultimate system that would serve the Urban Service area, but for now the School itself. Kevin showed the overheads. Mr Koshak showed the site. There are 3 - potential sites for the well at the school. The original selected site is to the rear of the building. There is a proposal to construct that. Other sites are the one by the ballfield area. (that was 225' from the roadway, which took away the soccer field. The other area is an area by #42, 1 acre site.) There is an access so it would give us an opportunity to get on the road. The differences were explained by Larry Koshak. The most feasible one requires more pipe, but is the best for a pumphouse. The one to the north is the least likely. Our goal for the present time is to supply the school with just well water. A Building would be part of the next phase. We would have to put the tank in that building before we constructed it. Phase 1: Supply the School with water - 360 gals per Minute. oversize the well to 800 gal well. $64,000.00 would be the cost. The Muncipal well requires fluoridation for treatment of water. We would put a system in the School's Mech. Room. (See attached prices from Larry Koshak's CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING M MUTES OF APRIL 25, 1994 AT7:30PM- PAGE 5 - Feasibility Report attached). A 12" pipe will be run along the roadway. It will eventually become the City's main waterline . Total cost $205,250.00. Also included are yearly costs. Total $6,410.00 a year total. Future costs : Total Est. Phase II COSTS: $568,750.00 When additional water consumers want on, is when we look at constructing a pump - house. We anticipate this will happen 5 years down the road. 30 year system for the Urban Service Area, we would need a couple more wells, etc. Phase III Costs $6,100,000.00 . Larry Koshak: This is a projection over a long period of time. There could be a partial tank put up. They put together a possible fundings of what it will cost to get this system going. (See attached information) Kevin explained the long term. Year 10 is where we start to get income back. This will take some financing. Year 0 we take out a $600,000.00, 0 -coupon bond, and pay back during the life of the water system. Larry Koshak asked if there are any questions? It shows how it can be kept track of. The key is once a system is developed, it is important to require all new developments to hook up. This is a revenue income. We can utilize revenue bonds. Larry talked about how the school would pay. They could pay it all at the beginning. Mayor Freske said the School is receptive to the idea. Doug Lindenfelser asked about the 25% for engineering? Is it negotiable? Larry Koshak said yes. Bonding is a price also. Kevin said these numbers are estimates. We need to look at this. It can work. Larry Fournier said, you mentioned that the School District would be willing to pay a large portion of the up front money. Larry Koshak said initially we asked the School pay a $3,800.00 annually. That could be negotiated. If they have capitol funds available it is a possibility they could pay it off. Ron Black said that the district bid out for the Otsego School, they were short money. We thought, if the school district is short of funds, maybe the City could help the School out. It would be a limited portion of Otsego that would use the water. That is where the plan developed. Ron explained further. Norm Freske agreed it is perfect timing. Larry Koshak said that if the Council would support this program, the Supt. should know by tomorrow's School Board meeting. Dennis McAlpine said in Ramsey they have their City water and they have their commercial in that area. Floyd Roden said he did mention all new developments. It would be a City policy. said Larry Koshak. Item C: Two resolutions for your consideration. 1. Accepting Report. 2. Ordering Plans and Specs. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO PASS THE RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT fl FEASIBILITY REPORT, DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MO1' q, REGARDING THE WELL FOR THE SCHOOL SITE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 6 - Larry Fournier asked if we didn't do this tonight could we ask them to hook up to this well later? Larry Koshak said they did petition for water and sewer. He explained further. You can approve this on contingency of School district approval. Larry Fournier asked if this is feasible according to our bonded indebtedness? LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECS FOR THE WELL CONTINGENT ON THE SCHOOL BOARDS APPROVAL AND ALSO OUR CITY ATTORNEY AGREEING ON THE BONDING INDEBTEDNESS AND ANY OTHER ISSUES PERTAINING TO THIS. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black said it would seem likely that the School District. would work with the City of Otsego. It has to be a cooperative effort. We also all pay taxes to one or both public agencies. Larry Fournier is concerned with the City's additional bonding and if the City can afford it. Andy MacArthur can get this information by next Council meeting. Larry Koshak will put together specs for well drilling, etc.and the site situation would need to be resolved also. Larry Fournier asked how would they want this presented to the Supt? Larry Koshak will talk to Mr. Hysell. 6.2. CONSIDER APPROVING PLANS AND SPECS. AND ORDER BIDS FOR A BITUMINOUS OVERLAY ON 80TH ST/KADLER & 85TH ST. Larry Koshak has a set of Plans and Specs. The culvert on Kadler needs to be a 48". It is now 36". ( About the size where the bridge is on Kadler.) That cost is approximately $14,000,00. $97,000.00 was the original feasibility study, that went to Jalgar. We didn't go from Jalgar to City limits. Total cost estimate is $135,600.00. Public Works would replace the culverts all except the 48". They would do any restoration (seeding). Excavation of the bad spots material hauling and shouldering. The State paid $36,000.00. The City will pay $100,000.00. That includes the dig -outs. They looked at it in March. It has deteriorated since March. 1-1/2" overlay is all they are putting on it. This would not meet the 9 ton standard. More discussion of what the PublicWorks would do and how. Cost of shouldering gravel is not in the bid. Larry Fournier asked what the additional cost would be if we took this to 9 ton road? $350,000.00. Floyd asked if it would help to go the extra 1/2" material. It could be bid both ways. Asphalt is 60 or 70% of the cost. Larry Fournier asked if we can afford this road with the road and bridge fund. Jerry Perrault said he didn't think so. There will be $73,000.00 in MSA Money. More discussion on funding was had. Jerry Perrault said there is $50,000 road and bridge money that was used for MSA that has not been reimbursed yet. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 7 - DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO APPROVE PLANS AND SPECS AND ORDERING BID DATE FOR 80TH AND KADLER AND 85TH ST. WITH IT BID BOTH 1-1/2 AND 2" BITUMINOUS OVERLAY. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED AND FLOYD RODEN SECONDED TO HAVE THE BID DATE FOR THE 80TH AND KADLER AND 85TH STREET PROJECT FOR MAY 20, 1994 AT 10:OOAM. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6.3. UPDATE ON #37 AND ODEAN PROJECT: Larry Koshak said we have a go ahead with the formal papers. We had a silo mover come in and look at the silo w/concrete pad and there was an adjustment upward. $13,500.00 reimbursement to the Kolles family. Larry Koshak talked about the Robert Cullinan garage and they will talk about a variance with Mr Licht. With the cattle pass gone, we are within our budget limits. Discussion of damage on Kolles Farm, etc need to take place. Larry Fournier asked if these agreements are reached, when will this project be resolved. If not agreed upon within the next three weeks said Larry Koshak, the project will probably be done next yr. 6.4. COUNTRY RIDGE DEVELOPMENT UPDATE. Mr Sharber is taking control of the drainage and it is under control. The only other issue is the Letter of Credit. Monitoring Wells, they still want to talk to the Council on it. Council felt the monitoring wells need to be done and there is nothing to talk about. The other part we should give them a time limit. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO GIVE THE CONTRACTORS 30 DAYS FOR FINISHING COUNTRY RIDGE. SECONDED BY LARRY FOURNIER. OTHERWISE THE LETTER OF CREDIT WOULD NEED TO BE POSTED WITH THE CITY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6.5. REPORT ON INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL MUNICIPAL SERVICES FOR THE 101 CORRIDOR Larry Koshak had a meeting with George and John at Darkenwalds sewage treatment facility. It is very well kept. 60,000 gals per day is the present system. They are at 30,000 gals. There is a window of 30,000 gals. If we are considering that for the School, the School is 12,000 gals. We would assume the PCA would be concerned with the School being brought into a private operation. We asked them to put together a map of the properties that they have planned for that capacity. What uses they wanted on the CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 8 - property. We could probably have a workshop. We could do that on the 12TH of May meeting at 8PM. The School is very interested in that also. Darkenwald's feel that would be an important step. John and George will probably be here with their map. 6.6. DISCUSS MN/RD ISSUES (JALGAR AVENUE) The host Country is Finland and they propose to use a softmix and their proposal is up for consideration. LOAM on Friday they will meet with District #3, Wayne Fingalson, and Larry Koshak. We have to be there to convince the District and Wayne of our acquiring this road. The Fins have come up with a manufactured soft mix. The technology has not been accepted widely in this Country. They are willing to put it in for the conference. (World Wide) Doug Lindenfelser said keep in mind the 1 mile of stretch of road on Kadler. 6.7. DISCUSS MARY BAUFIELDS PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT PLANS Larry Koshak explained the sketch plan. Larry Fournier wanted to note to the Council that the sketch plan is proposing Lots 1 and 2 the access situation would require they come out to the MSA road. Talking to the Co Engr that would be the requirement until the light goes in. 88TH would be the #42 access. We feel a portion of the costs should be assessed against the property owners and we need a determination what that would be for the property owners. Andy MacArthur is looking at the Assessment Manual. Larry Fournier asked if we can construct a portion of a MSA Street? Larry Koshak said yes we can. We would be committed to that route. We need access to this property. One half of this is in one watershed and the other half is in the LeFebvres Watershed. RON questioned the sketch and asked how does one gain access to lot 1 and lot 2, block I? He is making the assumption that accesses to Parrish Avenue will be limited. That is an issue he would see there. Outlot A, what kind of concepts are for that. Larry Koshak said Lot 1 and 2, B I will be combined. Block 2 is speculation. The Moratorium situation has forced the creation of the outlot. The street configuration would be a limited access. There may have to be an additional street for access. The other access is about 87th to come across from Country Ridge through John LeFebvres property. Bob Kinnis said now is the time to plan the whole circulation system for the area so we can pick this up piece by piece. We need to determine before this snowball starts corning. We have to consider the whole piece. Larry Koshak said there is a Co meeting Wed night they need to look at that property. We need to look at it with NAC. The Council agreed they all should be designed. Norm Freske said this is a good time to have the whole area planned as did Floyd Roden. Ron said there is a sketch somewhere for E of 101 and West of #101. Larry Koshak said they have had discussions with Richard LeFebvre. The recent lot split we have had discussions. It would be best to bring that all to the Council. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 25,1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 9 - LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED, FLOYD RODEN SECONDED TO HAVE A WORKSHOP ON THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1994 AT 8PM. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC WORKS MEETING WAS SET FOR THURSDAY MAY 5,1994, FOR 2:30PM. 6.8. ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS Carron's brought up Janette Carron's land on Nashua and 83RD. Debbie Carron asked about Goenner asking them to rebuild the drain tile that hasn't been used for 15 years. they don't think there is a culvert hooked onto Nashua. Larry Koshak felt that is a private tile and the individuals have to take care of it on there own. The Public Works felt any obligation would be within the right of way. Floyd Roden said Bill LeFebvre originally put it in. It is Carron's understanding that no water is coming in there from adjacent property owners. The tile is deteriorated. It is a private matter between property owners. Goenner needs Carron's permission to go through her land. Wed April 27, 1994 Pre -Construction meeting at Golden Valley for 101. County Meeting on Wed. April 27, 1994 at 1PM regarding roads. 37, 39, and possibly another County road in the City. Intersections site distances, etc. Maintenance goals and a list of items. Mayor Freske will try to make it. Tomorrow night John Harwood will be here. Larry Fournier has been getting calls. Why do we need a Taxing District? John Harwood will explain. Doug wanted to know how we handle the area beyond the City. Larry Koshak said unless you go to a watershed authority. It would be through the Watershed Management. Ron Black talked about the Watershed taxing operation we got from over in Woodbarry. More discussion of watershed authorities. Andy said they can be hard to form. More discussion of taxing districts was had. Larry Fournier asked if we create this Watershed, at a future date could we have another district to include the other communities. More discussion of watersheds was had. Larry Koshak explained developed property and how it is handled. Norman F Freske asked if we could use general funds for the district? Andy said yes we could. Doug Lindenfelser said the people think it is just Otsego Creek, not the whole watershed. 7. COUNCIL ITEMS: 7.1. UPDATE ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS: a. EDAAC Larry Fournier said EDAAC Meets May 2, 1994 at 7PM b. P.C. Ron Black had nothing to report CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 10 - c. Park & Recs (2 members to be considered for reappointment) DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED, RON BLACK 2ND TO HAVE DEBBIE CARRON A MEMBER OF THE PARK AND RECS TO REPLACE KRIS NEIBLER. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO APPOINT DEBBIE CARRON AND DARLYN KOFOED FOR 3 YEARS TO END IN 1997 FOR PARKS AND REC BOARD. FLOYD RODEN 2ND. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Floyd Roden brought up Friday LOAM, tree plating at the City Hall and New school. d. #728 Park and Recs Bd NOTHING TO REPORT. e. Public Works Meet Thursday 2:30, May 5, 1994 f. Otsego Creek Authority No meeting, g. Adm Subcommittee Auditors were here and working on the Annual report. Auditors were most complementary on the quality and quantity of work coming out of this building and Adm. Staff. 7.2. PEAVEY HOUSE RENTAL (RENT AMOUNT REVIEW ) Rent is now $350.00. RON BLACK MOTIONED THAT EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1994 THE RENT TO BE INCREASED TO $375.00 AND ON JANUARY 1,1995 INCREASE RENT TO $400.00 PER MONTH. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black would like Doug Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden to look into the Peavey House Rental and get information on it for the Council. 7.3. Council sign up for the Prayer Breakfast OK 7.4. Sexual Harassment Training (Set for June 16, 1994 - 7PM ) CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 11- RON BLACK MOTIONED TO SET JUNE 16, 1994 AT 7PM FOR SEXUAL HARASSMENT TRAINING. FLOYD RODEN 2ND. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7.5. Clean Up Day Equipment Discussion: Ron Black brought up the equipment that the City has paid for in the past, comment that we would not need to rent it for this year. All agreed. More discussion of clean up day . Larry Fournier said we need to give direction to City Employees to work that day. Council agreed that the Employees should work and get paid. 7.6. Appoint Joe Zerwas and Lu LuConic for Building Supervisors RON BLACK MOTIONED TO APPOINT JOE ZERWAS AND LU LU CONIC FOR BUILDING SUPERVISORS. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7.7. Any other Council Business Larry Fournier brought up the ground breaking at the School tomorrow night at 6PM City Hall Sign, plans from Don Meinhardt. We need to find out cost. Norman F Freske got a call from Craig Fenstra that Mr Goenner had full size newspapers, unshredded blowing around outside in the fields. The sheriff was called. Mrs Carron also had the same problem. REGARDING THE NEWSPAPER MESS: RON BLACK MOTIONED THAT THE APPROPRIATE STAFF MEMBER INVESTIGATE THIS AND APPROPRIATE MEASURES BE TAKEN. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 441-4680 CRAIG FENSTRA'S NUMBER. Mayor Freske brought up the Donald Huss wants to have dust control on his road. Citizens can have it on. They pay for it. We apply it. They pay up front. We should tell them what our policy is. (Write them a letter). CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 12 - In regards to Carl Swenson's illegal rental units: LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO SEND CARL SWENSON A LETTER STATING THAT THIS IS ILLEGAL USE. THIS USE SHOULD CEASE WHEN THIS PROPERTY IS NO LONGER OWNED OR RESIDED THERE BY THE PRESENT OWNER. NO FURTHER ADDITIONS ALLOWED. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. THIS WILL BE AGREED TO FOR RECORDING PURPOSES AT THE COUNTY. Floyd Roden brought up the water problem in the City Hall. In Jerry Perrault's Office Elaine Beatty brought up ODay Acres Park and Rees Fees: RON BLACK MOTIONED TO AMEND THE DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT TO ALLOW THE PARK AND TRAIL FEES TO BE ALLOWED TO BE PAID PER LOT AS BUILDING PERMITS ARE ISSUED. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. THIS WILL BE PAID WHEN THE LOT IS SOLD. INCLUDE INTEREST AT 6 OR 6.25%. MOTION CARRIED WITH FLOYD RODEN ABSTAINING. (THE DATE WILL START FOR THE DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT DATE ON INTEREST) Ron Black asked about Christopher Guimont on the cleanup of his lot. He will be getting rid of the cars except for two and he will have a fence on those. Larry Fournier asked about meetings this week. Floyd Roden brought up the vehicles on the Havel property. He has been sent a letter. Water problems in the City brought up by Floyd Roden. 80TH ST Lyle Makelas send a junk letter. Junk Vehicles and Clean the ditches. Per Doug Lindenfelser. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11PM 7.8. Pay any Bills 7.9. Adjourn by 11PM ELSIY..k, COUNCIL R(N BLACK, COUNCIL A TEST.. ELAi.l �''`�', DE CLERK/ZONINI:'T AMJN ST TATO (CJ'ry SEAL) MARQUETTE BANK - ANI_MALL LOCATION, OWNED BY DR DAVID GILENBACH Based on the foregoing considerations and nit development/conditional ordinances, lopment/conditional the applicant's request for a planned use permit to allow the modification efto owing' ima11 orshopping center is approved and subject to t 1. The site plan is revised to illustrate lighting locations. All lighting used to]inate off-street light away from areas must be hooded and directed to deflect adjacent residential properties and public rights-of-way. 2. The revised site pian illustrate all exterior trash handling locations. All such trash areas must be screened from view of neighboring properties and public rights-of-way. 3. The revised site plan identify all designated loading areas. 4. The row of Colorado Spruce Trees proposed to be planted south of the bank's one-way exitroad, hedges shall be ved oplantedNorth to side of the road, and additional screen vehicles from the adjacent residential area. Submittal of a grading and drainage plan subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. The proposed drive-through aisle be paved and curbed in conformance with Ordinance requirements. 7. If the vehicular stacking is found to cause traffic problems on the site, the City reserves the right to require a re- arrangement of the parking areas and circulation stacking tun lane lan to increase the stacking by (Exhibit C) . 8. Any additional signage ox' modification of` existing signage on the site will r onere a sin of permit,8ectinrn37 f and themust Ci y conform Zoning signage regulations Ordinance. 9. The applicant shall enter into a PM developers agreement with the City. 10. The Public Works Committee 39 service the roads and ity the�r f ability ark nto and the County Road accommodate increased commercial traffic. 11. If the development is result in an increase septic drainfie?d usage, a study conducted to evaluate the present .� on site. and future sewage treatment capacity