05-09-1994 Board of Review MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, IN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT, AND STATE OF MINNESOTA BOARD OF REVIEW (RECONVENE) MAY 9, 1994 - 6:30PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WILL RECONVENE THE BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING: Mayor Norman F Freske reconvened the Board of Review Meeting of April 21, 1994 at 7PM on May 9, 1994 at 6:30PM. ROLL CALL: NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR, RON BLACK AND LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL, DOUG LINDENFELSER AND FLOYD RODEN COUNCIL WERE ABSENT. PETE MERGES, CITY ASSESSOR WAS PRESENT AS WAS ELAINE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLERK/ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, Pete Merges explained each property and recommended to the Board as follows: (See Exhibit A Summary from Randal L. DesMarais, Assistant Wright County Assessor) BILL AND VICKI OLSON - PID #118-500-202101 This property was reviewed and there is only a cellar under the house. They recommended reduction of the value of the basement of $3,100.00. Value was $57,800 before. Recommended reduction of 1994 market value of $54,700. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSORS RECOMMENDATION TO REDUCE THE VALUE OF THE BILL OLSON RESIDENCE FROM $57,800 TO $54,700. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. EARL C AND RUTH COOK - PID #118-026-002150 Mr Cook told Pete that the 3 -season porch had been on there for 12 years. When they revisited this site, Pete said he remembered being there last year. The 3 -season porch has screens and windows, but is unheated. They recommend no change in value. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED AND RON BLACK SECONDED TO NOT CHANGE THE VALUE FOR EARL C AND RUTH COOKK, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO BOARD OF REVIEW (RECONVENING) OF MAY 9,1994 AT 6:30PM - PAGE 2 - ELVA J CROW - PID #118-037-001070 The home was remeasured and an error was found. It was assessed at 28X60 when it actually measured 26X56 or a difference of 224 Sq Ft. They found an Air Conditioner that had not been assessed. Recommended reduction of the 1994 market value of $5,900.00. RON BLACK MOTIONED THAT THE MARKET VALUE ON THE ELVA J CROW RESIDENCE BE REDUCED FROM $63,400. TO $57,500. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. KEVIN J AND LINDA M. WOLF - PID #118-035-001060 When reviewed, it was found to have been calculated incorrectly on the size. It was recorded at 1,152 sq ft when it should be 1,248 sq ft. After refiguring the recommendation is a reduction of the 1994 estimated market value of $7,600.00. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED AND RON BLACK SECONDED TO REDUCE THE ESTIMATED VALUE OF KEVIN AND LINDA WOLF FROM $50,700. TO $43,100. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RANDY AND BROOK THORESON - PID #118-031-001120 Ken Yager of the County office calculated the book value, fair condition $4,200. and average condition of $6,000. With the property it adds $2,500. to $4,000, as opposed to a park setting. $8,000. was the Assessors suggestion for value of the home. The Board motioned to reduce the garage by $1.00 per square foot. After adjustments the recommendation is a reduction in the 1994 market value of $1,400. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE RECOMMENDED VALUE REDUCTION FROM $39,200. TO $37,800. THE VALUE OF THE GARAGE NEXT YEAR SHALL BE AS IF IT WERE COMPLETED. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DUANE D GLOEGE - PID #118-024-003120 After viewing, it was found that more depreciation was needed on this house. Recommended a reduction of the 1994 market value of $2,700. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO REDUCE THE 1994 MARKET VALUE FROM $86,200. TO $83,500. FOR DUANE D GLOEGE. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO BOARD OF REVIEW RECONVENING OF MAY 9,1994 AT 6:30PM - PAGE 3 - MORLEY AND VIVIAN BRECHLIN - PID #118-033-001090 After viewing the property on a drive-by, the Assessors both agreed the Brechlins got a good purchase. The property sold in 1991 for $42,000. May 21, 1994 Sheriffs Certificate shows $19,950. The Brechlins purchased it for $9,900,on March 15, 1993. Recommendation is no change in the 1994 estimated market value. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSORS RECOMMENDATION OF NO CHANGE IN THE MARKET VALUE. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY RON BLACK, SECONDED BY LARRY FOURNIER TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7PM. 6,„ N RMtjF FRESKE, MAYOR LARRY F RON : LACK, COUNC ATTEST: -ELAINE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLER ZONLNG M)IVU ISTRATOR (CITY SEAL) 8‘piTYDA 011000N Z = m d Waif O 11 -4y 7856 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor TO OTSEGO CITY LOCAL BOARD OF REVIEW; Wright County Government Center 10 N.W. 2nd Street Buffalo, Minnesota 55313.1193 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 Metro: (612) 339-6881 FAX: (612) 682-6178 May 5, 1994 Pete and myself reviewed the properties on April 28, 1994 whether it was rain and snow did not matter. After reviewing the properties we refigured based on our Judgments of that day and based on the 1994 schedules. Our suggestions are as follows. Sincerely, 12,71, eV Rnadal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor RLD/ga Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer Bill & Vicki Olson 8789 Nashua Ave. N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 PID #118-500-202101 Pete and Randy reviewed the property on April 28, 1994 with Mr. Olson. Basically we found a cellar area not a basement area. After making the adjustments, we suggest reducing the estimated market by $3,100. Land Buildings Before $ 24,600 33,200 1994 After Land Buildings $ 24,600 30,100 $ 57,800 $ 54,700 Earl C. & Ruth Cook 14427 89th St. N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 Re: PID #118-026-002150 Pete and Randy reviewed the property on April 28, 1994 with Mr. Cook. We rechecked our numbers and feel the estimated market value for 1994 assessment of $82,300 to be reasonable. No change is suggested for the 1994 assessment. Elva J. Crow 14030 82nd St. N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 PID #118-037-001070 Pete and Randy reviewed the property with Ms. Crow and her daughter on April 28, 1994. We remeasured the home and found an error. The home was assessed as a 28 x 60 = 1,680 sq . ft. when it actually measured 26 x 56 = 1,456 sq . ft. making a d i fferenoe of 224 sq. ft. We also found there to be central air oonditioning which was not assessed. After making the above mentioned adjustments, we suggest a reduction of $5,900. Before Land $ 20,000 Buildings 43,400 Total Estimated Value 1994 After Land Buildings $ 20,000 37,500 $ 63,400 $ 57,500 Kevin J. & Linda M. Wolf 8331 Needham Ave. N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 PID #118-035-001060 Pete and Randy reviewed the property on April 28, 1994 with Mrs. Wolf. We found the house as being assessed as 1,152 sq. ft. when In fact It Is 1,248 sq . ft. It was not measured Incorrectly but calculated incorrectly. We also found an 8 x 24 lean on the garage which was not assessed. The lot Is and has been somewhat under water for much of the year. The home has had some leakage and does not appear to be a good quality home. After refiguring the buildings and adjusting the land value, we suggest a reduction of the 1994 estimated market value of $7,600. Before 1994 After Land $ 20,000 Land $ 15,000 Buildings 30,700 Buildings 28,100 Total Estimated Value $ 50,700 $ 43,100 Pete has suggested he review for 1995 assessment some other lots In the area that may have a water problem. Randy & Brook Thoreson 14377 87th St. N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 PID #118-031-001120 Pete and Randy drove by the Thoreson property on April 28, 1994. After having Ken Yager of the County office who does the valuation of mobile homes within the mobile home parks calculate the book value, basically gave a range on the mobile from fair condition $4,200 to average condition of $6,000. Ken agrees the mobile setting on a piece of property adds from $2,500 to $4,000 as opposed to setting In a park. Our suggestion Is to value the mobile at $8,000. Also the Board moved to reduce the garage by $1 .00 per square foot. After making the above adjustments, the reduction would be $1,400. Land Buildings Total Estimated Market Value Before $ 20,000 19,200 1994 After Land $ 20,000 Buildings 17,800 $ 39,200 $ 37,800 The decking and utility shed did not change. Duane D. Gloege 9502 Parkington Ave. N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 PID #118-024-003120 Pete and Randy reviewed the property with Mr. Gloege on April 28, 1994. We found there to be more depreciation needed on this house. After making that adjustment and refiguring with the 1994 schedule, our suggestion Is a reduction of $2,700. Before Land $ 20,000 Buildings 66,200 Total Estimated Market Value 1994 After Land $ 20,000 Buildings 63,500 $ 86,200 $ 83,500 Morley & Vivian Brechlin 14576 84th St. N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 PID #118-033-001090 Pete and Randy drove by the Brechlin property on April 28, 1994. We both feel the Brechlins got a good purchase. Randy did check the CRV and it appears to be correct per what the bank seems to give for information. The property sold in 1991 for $42,000. The sheriff's certificate on May 21, 1994 shows $19,950 and shows Brechlins purchasing for $9,900 on March 15, 1993. Our suggestion Is no change in the 1994 estimated market value.