05-09-1994 City Council MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA REGULAR MEETING MAY 9, 1994 - 7:30PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WILL CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: Mayor Norman F Freske called the meeting to order at 7:30PM ROLL CALL: NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR, LARRY FOURNIER, RON BLACK, COUNCIL DOUG LINDENFELSER AND FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL ARRIVED LATE. ALSO PRESENT WAS ELAINE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLERK/ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, AND JUDY HUDSON, SECRETARY ALSO PRESENT WERE BOB KIRMIS, NAC, LARRY KOSHAK AND KEVIN KIELB, ENGINEERS AND ANDY MAC ARTHUR, ATTORNEY. 2. CONSIDER MINUTES OF: APRIL 25, 1994 : Larry Fournier had a couple of corrections: Page 2, Middle of Pg. Larry Koshak instead of Larry Fournier. Bottom Larry Koshak. Pg. 7. Middle of Page Larry Fournier asked if these agreements when would this project begin. Page 8, Middle. Should say Larry Koshak explained the proposed sketch plan etc. MOTION BY RON BLACK, SECONDED BY LARRY FOURNIER FOR ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 25, 1994, AS AMENDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APRIL 18, 1994 BUDGET MEETING: LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED AND RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION TO ADOPT THE APRIL 18, 1994 BUDGET MEETING MINUTES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. JIM LE FEBVRE - REGARDING DRAINAGE OF HIS AREA Requests to have this continued to 5/23/94 as he cannot be at this meeting. 4. STEVE WILTERMUTH AND NEIGHBORS W/PETITION RE: A SOLUTION TO THEIR WATER PROBLEMS: CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 9,1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 2 - Steve Wiltermuth appeared before the Council and read a Petition. They presented the Petition to the Council. Ron Black said this should be referred to the City Attorney and City Engineer for review and recommendation and to see if signatures are accurate and make suggestions. Larry Fournier asked what is the responsibility of the City. Are we obligated under the law to do something? Andy said they have to check the signatures to make sure it is valid. It will, in the end be the Councils decision as to whether the project goes ahead or not. Steve Wiltermuth asked what kind of time line are we looking at? Andy will review the petition for substance and amount of signatures. The City Engr will be looking at the project issue. He may need more information. Larry Koshak said they should have it back for the next Council Meeting. 441-2625 is Steve Wiltermuth's number. They will be at the disposal of the Council. Mrs Wood asked if the City found out about pumping. Have they found out anything? Mayor Norman Freske said he called a couple of places. Floyd Roden was to call the DNR. Mrs Wood called to Rogers and found out a pump would be $1,200 for a 6" for a month, and other prices. She didn't see why the City couldn't do this. She said that this is floodwater not ground water. You can do something and you are obligated to do it. I don't care how many people are screaming. Andy said the Halls addition was done for a specific period of time and a specific time. Mrs Wood said when you did Halls Add. you said you would take care of us too. Mayor Freske - Part of it was the ability to hook onto it. If nothing else plug up the culvert to where it was before you dug it out, said a resident. Larry Koshak - Said it was put in for an outlet to the River. The benefit was for an outlet to the River within the watershed. Only the basin of the watershed was drained. Your water does run to Halls pond said Doug Lindenfelser. If you don't do something, you may be more liable then you want to be. What are City dollars for but to help the people out. I want the City to do something said Mrs Wood. 5. JEFF ASFAHL - #728 PARK AND RECS BD.: Jeff Asfahl appeared before the Council. DISCUSS 1993 ANNUAL REPORT: Jeff appreciated being on the Agenda. 3RD Summer in operation is being entered. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 9, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 3 - The Rec Bd seems to be pleased. We are making good strides. We are responsible for Rec programming. Youth association assistance provided. Clearing house calls are handled. He provides liaisons support to communities. Works at sharing ideas with and among communities, additional scheduling and maint. coordination of the Outdoor Rec activities. He discussed more of Otsego and what they can and are doing. He discussed the Annual Report and discussed the information in it. Bike Rodeo, and full day of entertainment at Otsego Co Park, Safety camp for youth at the City of Otsego. Adm. Services - Outdoor Ice Rinks maint and coordination is done by them. Cooperation with the other communities was discussed. Outdoor field use and maint., the coordination is done by them. These could easily be adopted by the City of Otsego. Fields need study is being looked at with Steve Ralph, City of Elk River and Jeff. 13e discussed that further. Working together was discussed and what help they can he DISCUSS REVISED JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT: This is a draft copy. It is a current Joint Powers Agreement. Clarified Pg 3, Paragraph #3 under funding. Each Gov. is responsible for their programs. He discussed further. Employees or volunteers shall be recommended to the Government by the Rec. Coordinator and recommended for Employment by Jeff Asfahl. Norm Freske - In the last two years, have the kids in Otsego been using this program more. Right now he doesn't have the figures. People living in Otsego have a Elk River mailing address. It makes it hard for us to extract the information. He is working on getting that information for Otsego. Larry Fournier - said the cost seems to be going down, why? Jeff said increased participation is the reason. Plus he is working harder. The Mayor thanked him for his report. 6. OPEN FORUM: Mrs Dave Peterson. Lives in Vasseur's Estates behind Maria's old house. As of Wed. night she has water in her basement. They asked Elaine what is going to be done. She said that they could connect, but it would be assessed back. What is the cost. We paid $600.00 for the Halls project. The entire area will be assessed said Larry Koshak. ( 14333 87TH ST is her address. ) Norm explained the petition for tonight. she works in Princeton and her husband is a truck driver. She said they were not aware that they were not connected to the pipe. Norm Freske said they have a problem and in the next few weeks we will have a recommendation from the Engr. No one else on open forum. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 9, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 4 - 7. BOB KIRMIS, NAC: 7.1. THIRD INDUSTRIAL SITE DECISION: Mayor Freske said he would wait until the other Council Members arrives. Bob Kirmis explained the request The City of Otsego has requested three actions. Comp Plan Amendemnt, to Modify the City's Land Use Plan, Rezone from A-1 to Limited Ind., Approval of the sketch plan for the subdivision. He explained the Comp. Plan Designation of a 3RD Ind Site. This is to accommodate Home Extended Business and offer a variety of Ind. opportunities. This would be Light Industrial. There has been an Informational Meeting and the P.C. has conducted a Hearing. Residents have concerns and he summarized them. The P.C. has determined that compatibility concerns do exist on the site and the proposed use is not appropriate at this time. The primary issue is if the use is appropriate at this time. The P.C. has recommended denial of the request. Resolutions and Findings of Fact have been supplied. Norman F Freske made a statement. Regarding Mr Licht, Larry Koshak and Andy MacArthur, he felt they are doing a good job. They did not recommend approval or denial. The landowners did not come to City hall for an Ind. Park. It came as recommendation from the EDAAC and P.C. The P.C. held the legal Public Hearing. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE P.C. RECOMMENDATION AND DENY THE AMENDMENT REQUEST TO CHANGE THE USE FROM LOW DENSITY RES TO IND. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED FOUR TO ONE WITH RON BLACK OPPOSING. Ron Black - said he is not sure where the PC is coming from with this recommendation. My preference would be to refer this back to the PC. The Comp Plan from day I has called for a Third Industrial Site. Assuming that this is not appropriate, I would like the PC to say what is appropriate. We have no recommendation to date. I think it is premature to adopt a Resolution denying anything. We have no reasoning as to why they made there decision, or what alternatives we are to be looking at and how this fits into the Land Use Plan. I feel this should be referred to the P.C. There is no reasoning here and there was no reasoning at the P.C. Ron said as a follow-up I have been asked as a Council Person what the City's plans are. There are people extremely interested in relocating there businesses. Larry Fournier said we do have a recommendation on this site and they have recommended denial. If we think we need a site, I feel we should instruct the P.C. to find a site. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 9, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 5 - LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO HAVE THE P. C. COME UP WITH A PLACE FOR THE THIRD INDUSTRIAL SITE AND DETERMINE IF THE NEED IS THERE. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 1 WITH RON BLACK OPPOSING. MAYOR FRESKE - Said no matter where you put it, the people will not be happy. It is not as simple as everybody thinks it is. Mr. Black urged the Council to consider there last vote, because any area in the Immediate Urban Service Area will run into the same or similar sort of problems. I believe if this is turned down without an alternative recommendation we have done a great mis-service to the Residents of Otsego. If a site is proposed, what justification do we have to turn down this site? We set up ourselves for big time problems. Larry Fournier said as part of my motion, I would like the PC to determine there is a need for a 3RD IND. Site. Doug Lindenfelser said he knows there is interest in the Western part of the City. Mayor Norm Freske said one person is opposed to it, but started building before the vote was in. MOTION BY RON BLACK THAT ALL THE COSTS BY THE CITY REGARDING THIS DEVELOPMENT WILL BE BORN BY THE CITY OF OTSEGO. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black said he would like a tabulation on this by next meeting. 7.2. BIG ED'S MINING PERMIT: Larry Koshak gave an overview of this project. He said Bob Kirmis prepared a Findings of Fact on this. This is for a Mining Permit for R. L. Larson on the Ed Dauphinais property. He explained further. The Planning Commission held a Hearing on this on May 4,1994 and unanimously passed the mining permit with the following recommendations: 1. The proposed seed mix is revised to meet the standards of the Mining Ordinance. 2. The submitted narrative is revised to list the source of water for dust prevention. 3. All topsoil used in revegetation cy"%he site meet Ordinance standards. 4. The submitted plans are revised Lo identify the location of temporary sanitary facilities. 5. The Traffic Control Plan is revised to include a "trucks entering" sign on Quaday Avenue. 6. The entrance roadway, staging area and temporary culvert shown on the submitted plans are removed or obliterated upon project completion. 7. The temporary and permanent erosion control strategy include the following: A. Silt fencing around the downhill perimeter of the topsoil stockpile until the proposed temporary vegetation is established. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 9,1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 6 - B. Silt fencing along the North and West sides of the site until all site storm water can be routed through the proposed sedimentation pond. C. Silt fencing or bale checks downstream of the proposed culvert until final project completion. 8. The present condition of 72ND Street and Quaday Avenue are analyzed and recorded for comparison with the post mining roadway conditions. 9. The City enter into negotiations with the property owner for right-of-way and temporary construction easements associated with the construction of a future frontage road through the site. 10. A security is posted by the applicant in a form of a letter of credit or certified check in the amount of $60,000 to cover potential off-site damage to roadways and on-site restoration. 11. All commercial/retail sales activities upon the subject property be discontinued no later than 22 June, 1994. Such discontinuance shall include the removal of all commercial related sale items from the site. Larry Koshak met with the Hwy Dept. They have put Quaday and 72ND in as a haul road. They are providing the necessary analysis and are placing 3" of gravel on the road before any hauling is done. The pit is closed after the material is taken out. We are also requiring a letter of credit. All environmental issues will be monitored. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE P. C RECOMMENDATION FOR ED DAUPHLANAIS DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Fournier asked about the roads being brought back to as good or better conditions after the mining operation is completed. Randy Larson had a couple of questions. Number One, on the application it calls for a fee. Is that the $750.00 that we paid already? Larry Koshak said you must pay for review of all documents. Also 5 cents per cubic yard for removal of the material. The fee is paid to the City for removal of the material from the site. He said he talked to his attorney and that is not legal. Andy MacArthur talked to his Attorney and these are legal fees. Randy said the haul road is a designated haul road. The State and I are in conjunction with this. You want a $60,000.00 Letter of Credit and 5 Cents per cubic yard. The State can't find out why the 5 Cents. You are an intermediary in this, not the State said Andy MacArthur to Mr. Larson. Larry Koshak said the State is not mentioned in this Permit. It is issued to the land owner and the applicant. Those Conds. of the Ord are binding and the 5 cents per cubic yard is part of that Ord. State is involved only in the fact they have made Quaday a haul road. Q CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 9, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 7 - Randy Larson read a portion of the Ordinance pertaining to State Projects. Larry Koshak said if the State was the owner of the pit those conditions would exist. Property owner is the owner. More discussion was had on this. Andy MacArthur said the City is permitting you for the removal of the material. Mr Larson is contracting with the State, said Andy. Ron Black said Otsego has had some experience with the State on haul roads. As a result we had to beef things up so the residents didn't get stuck for paying for a wrecked road. We had a mining permit situation where the State divorced itself entirely from the mining permit. That type of situation has been part of why we have an Ord. We have two other applications in the area. Larry Fournier addressed the letter from Northern Natural Gas Co. Larry Koshak said the pipeline is not affected. 7.3. WETLANDS ORDINANCE: Larry Koshak explained the Ordinance. It has been in effect sine Jan 1, 1994. This is an Ord pertaining to it. On 5/4/94 a Hearing at the P.C. was held on this. They passed the Ordinance Unanimously. He explained we have to deal with land use and the wetlands on it. Kevin is here and can give a presentation. RON BLACK felt it would be a good idea to have a presentation as to what is involved in wetlands. Kevin Kielb, from Hakanson Anderson said The act has been in effect since Jan 1, 1994. An interim law was in effect before that. This will entail that every piece of property has to be reviewed by the owners and they have to prove to the city that there are no wetlands. This has to do with any development or soil being disturbed. We are responsible to the Bd. of Soil and Water Resources to make sure the MN Wetland Act is abided by. We have to issue a no net loss of wetland determination or an exempt activity which are in the ordinance. If not exempt, we go into replacing the wetlands. There is a lot of paperwork involved. It is a long drawn out process. Project will be delayed 90 to 100 days to go through the process of publishing and replacing wetlands. Resolution to set up a Tech. Evaluation panel (review Bd) He explained. They will deal with scientific issues pertaining to wetlands. There are twenty -some forms that have to be available. Burden of proof will be on the landowner, not the City. Doug Lindenfelser is concerned with farming practices within the City. Kevin said there are several exemptions. He explained a wetland that has been farmed 6 out of the 10 years and exemption can be had. To drain a wetland you would have to go through the process. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 9,1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 8 - Mayor Norm Freske asked what about the wet years like we have been having? Kevin said it may become a wetland. Larry Koshak said what you are passing is a formality. The State has delegated this act. If we didn't pass it a moratorium could be placed on the City. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE WETLAND ORDINANCE UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Put on Agenda of 5/23/94 Larry Koshak said we need a staff training. That includes Elaine and her staff. 7.4. ANY OTHER PLANNING BUSINESS: NONE 8. ANDY MAC ARTHUR, CITY ATTORNEY: Andy MacArthur appeared before the Council. 8.1. ANY INFORMATION ON CITY BONDING: Andy MacArthur said he needs a no amortization before he can get this information. Larry Koshak said there is a meeting on this at the School Board tomorrow night and he will let Elaine know the date and time. They had tabled this. 8.2. ANY INFORMATION ON DRAINAGE: Larry Koshak - said Fabian Sadowski came to him and he said who is responsible for maintaining the creek or pond from Rabash Pond on Darkenwalds land (Darkenwalds Pond). Larry K. said it is within the 40 where the mining permit is on Darkenwalds land. That pond is a DNR designated wetland. The ditch is plugged up and not running very well. It was cleaned out 15 or 20 years ago. They can hardly farm anymore. We are getting wet. We can farm it when the ditch is cleaned. More discussion on the creek was had. Fabian said Darkenwald have driveways across it. What can we do? A portion of the ditch is designated as an official waterway. The pond itself is a protected water. Shape and size is protected by the ordinary high water mark. Mr Koshak said we have no authority to get in there. That is why we are looking for easements. Can we ask the DNR to check this lake out? Larry K said we can make this request. They will look at it. We can make sure we have an ordinary high water mark. If he ran animals in there can't it be back to the original ditch? I believe the City has some responsibility to us because of the building you put on us. Why does the DNR need all this water. Someone has to take responsibility. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 9, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 9 - Mrs Wiltermulth said there is an exemption 10. If something has been blocked it can be exempted. I don't think this needs to be a lot of work. It should be cleaned. Ron Black said to his knowledge the City of Otsego has been in existence for three years. The County Commissioners should be addressed on this. Larry Fournier said that area is in the LeFebvres Watershed District. What are we doing? Ordinary High watermark needs to be established. We can then decide with the topos what we can do. We should get the topos in July. Floyd Roden agreed with Fabian that there is blockage. Fabian Sadowski said it is blocking up, on Sadowski's, Jim LeFebvres and John LeFebvres. It is running slow through LeFebvres said Mr. Sadowski. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO HAVE THE DNR AND MR KOSHAK REVIEW THIS AREA FOR BLOCKAGE TO ELEVATE THE WATER PROBLEM AND REMOVE THE OBSTRUCTIONS. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Diane Wiltermuth asked why Mr Sadowski didn't need a petition. Larry F. said he didn't believe it was a new water project. Ron Black asked if the motion would include the removal of obstructions if the DNR finds them? Yes. Ron Black felt we should notify Jim LeFebvre what our action was. LARRY K said Jim LeFebvre was concerned with the Rice Lake/Foster Lake Watershed. ,3. ANY OTHER LEGAL BUSINESS: There was none 9. LARRY KOSHAK, CITY ENGINEER: Larry Koshak appeared before the Council 9.1. CONSIDER THE RESOLUTION FOR THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OK see above 9.2. SEE #7.2 ABOVE: OK CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 9,1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 10 - 9.3. JALGAR AVENUE (70TH TO 85TH ST) AND KADLER AVE (70T11 TO 80TH ST) COLD MIX PAVING PROJECT (FIN -ROAD): Larry K attended a meeting in St Cloud which included proposed pavement by the government of Finland. This is part of the low volume road conference, international conference held in MN sponsored by the government of Finland. They work closely with their industry and have a cold asphalt for low volume roads. Mn/Rd is one of the places and Otsego's two streets are being viewed for this project. Wayne Fingalson is the local sponsor and Stearns Co and the Fin Government. Finland would supply the oil, and equip, and Mn/DOT would supply the gravel and trucks to haul the mix. he explained what the City would furnish. 2 -trucks, l day, etc . They want to see how this works with local government. They have to have this road tested before it can be done. Larry F said Item 4 said that the City of Otsego would make necessary corrections. Wayne F. will be here at one Council Meeting in June. They would like to have it done by August for the opening of Mn/Road. 1.75 miles of road if they take both roads. It is settled that Otsego Roads will be done if the structure of the road is OK. Ron Black - Asked how Fin Standards compare with Otsego's standards or Mn/Dot's standards. Mn/Dot does have a liaison that works with Finland. He explained further. It will only be 2" of pavement when it gets finished said Larry K. The only energy used is the machine. 9.4. WRIGHT COUNTY TRANSPORTATION STUDY DISCUSSION: Larry K explained they met W/Co Engr and Consultant, and Chair of Co Bd and Mn/DOT. They talked about a number of things that would affect the city. #39 upgrade widening the road and putting additional lanes in it. Putting #37 in the near future list for widening and flattening. Another Co Rd in the City is a possibility. The review of it, is possible to go right up Nashua. Henn. Co needs a new bridge across the Berning Dam and the concept would be an inter -County Hwy all the way to #39. Another bridge across to E.R. was mentioned. Install signalazation that warrants it. Incorporate recreation and bike trails into their plan and review intersections. Other ideas were discussed. It was a good meeting. Mayor Norm Freske agreed. Floyd Roden said a road E & W at 70TH St was another road they mentioned. Ron Black asked about near future list. How does the Co define that. Larry K said 10 to 20 yr plan. Are they planning on doing anything with Co #37 E of Odean before that? Mr Koshak said he didn't know. It would be up to the Community to promote that with our Co. Commissioner. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 9, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 11 - 9.5. UPDATE ON #101 PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING: Held at Mn/DOT Larson is the contractor. If they agree to the terms they will start hauling. Project is to be finished in Nov. Mary Baufield property issues have not been totally resolved. Norm Freske asked if they knew what the problem is. Larry K said it is a question of where the pond should be. They are digging the pond according to plan said a Rep. for Larson. #39 will be out of commission for some time. State will keep us informed. Ron Black said #42 will be used for a haul road. Will there be pre -haul and post - haul studies done? Co has a program where they charge $500.00. The MSA Project will fall in behind this project. When the mining operation and road is done, we can do that project said Larry K. 9.6. ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS: Mn/DOT did call on 70TH to Mn/Rd they will designate that as a haul road. They are doing a milling job on #94 and we told them we had not accepted the road from Mn/DOT yet. Andy MacArthur said we will be getting the money from Mn/DOT on the haul road, Larry we are No.1(out of 9 Counties) for the trails project. Larry F requested a 10 min. recess. A 10 Mn Break was taken. Norm Freske called the meeting back to order at 9:45. 10. CITY COUNCIL ITEMS: 10.1. UPDATE ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS: A. EDAAC: They will be working on an inventory on Home extended Businesses. Several ideas were put out. They voted on_hiring an intern who would workat creating this inventory. Vern Heidner said he was asked to bring this to the Council to see if they supported that. The other idea was to have the commission do it. He asked Liz Wilder, who was in the audience, if she would talk about it. Vern Heidner said Liz was on a sub - Committee. She said an intern would get the job done. Secondly funding at 24 hrs a week, $5.00 hr for 10 weeks could be completed for $1,500.00 it would include the businesses. (all kinds) A survey of businesses would be done. An intern would need direction. Who would do it? Advisory Commission or a City Council Member. A person who would be impartial. Larry F. said we budgeted $20,000.00 for the EDA. Vern Heidner said that people would talk more to a person like that. RON BLACK - questioned how this individual would work, and what are they looking for, and how would they find it. Liz explained going over records, phone books, observation, etc. Ron Black felt we had to be very careful and it would have CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 9,1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 12 - Larry F. said he had a problem with having this intern running around the city by themselves. Vern Heidner felt he could spend some time going around with this person. Ron Black felt the idea of an outside person doing this would be great as long as they are sensitive. He would be more concerned about turning the committee loose. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE THE CITY HIRE AN INTERN WITH THE PURPOSE OF SECURING A LIST OF ALL THE BUSINESSES IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. THIS WILL NOT EXCEED $2,000.00. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NEXT COUNCIL MEETING EDAAC WILL PUT TOGETHER A FORMAL LETTER ON THIS. (5/23/94) Larry Fournier brought up that during the Pros and Cons process some of the information that Dave Licht gave them conflicted with the letter that Larry F sent out. He would like to run it past the Council. More discussion was had. They would feel better if it were run by us first said Larry Fournier. Larry Fournier felt the conflict in information was the problem. Ron Black felt there was none. Ron Black felt it looked like the Council or EDA was censoring the information they got. Mayor Norm Freske agreed. Vern Heidner said some of the people are concerned about the Home Extended Businesses and the 1997 being done clause. Can that be changed? That did come up. Do we need a Third Ind Site? Ron Black said there is a real simple response to that. The Ordinance is the Ordinance. We may not be around in 1997. I suggest the Advisory Committee do nothing with it. One of the purposes was to get this thing moving. If we start talking about moving the deadline we will be in trouble. Larry Fournier said we did say we would offer a window of time where they would apply for a legal business permit. More discussion was had. Ron said the goal has been from day 1 that the rational be spelled out. Larry Fournier felt that what happened here tonight was part of the process to pick that site. B. PLANNING COMMISSION: Ron Black brought up the Robeck Rezoning. The P.C. made a site inspection and voted to not make any moves at all to modify the Comp Plan or make any zone changes. That is what they decided. Nothing has formally come back. Ron said he asked the P.C. to look at considering in that area, (triangle area) The rational in the Comp Plan is that this area is dedicated for Ag Use. His place is the Easterly most place. It is not Ag land. W of him is all chopped up into small pieces. He asked the P. C. to look at it. P.C. said they would look at it. C. PARK AND RSCS COMM; Nothing D. #728 PARKS AND RECS BD: CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 9,1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 13 Otsego is #1 in the Co for the Trails project said Floyd Roden. Other than that the bike rodeo is coming up soon, a week from Saturday. Norm Freske said that Floyd Roden plowed the area for the trees for the School. He was out there. There were 20 and 30' trees. Roche Martin did a great job. It was impressive. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO SEND A LETTER TO ROCHE MARTIN AND THE OTHER PEOPLE INVOLVED THANKING THEM. NORMAN F FRESKE SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL THE STUDENTS SHOULD RECEIVE A COPY OF TH N; LETTER. (HANDKE STUDENTS). MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. There is a meeting tomorrow night said Norm Freske. E. PUBLIC WORKS: Dave Chase was here. He asked about Archie Lindenfelser's road. It needs gravel. There are frost boils there. 60th will be dug up also. Doug Lindenfelser brought up they approved a new gas hot water heater for the shop. $690.00 from D.J.'s vs a higher quote from B & D. It does include installation. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO PURCHASE A 40 GAL WATER HEATER FROM D.J.'S FOR $690.00. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. It takes a special kind of water heater because of special regulations. Mayor Norman F Freske went over what had been discussed. Ron Black - Asked about Lights on 96TH F. OTSEGO CREEK AUTHORITY: We need a meeting said Floyd Roden. G. ADM. SUB -COMMITTEE: We haven't met said Ron Black, since the last time. 10.2. MOTION FOR BID DATE FOR 80TH KADLER, ETC BID OPENING. DATE IS MAY 26, 1994 AT 10AM (Was set last meeting for May 20, 1994 at LOAM): RON BLACK MOTIONED TO CHANGE THE BID OPENING DATE FROM MAY 20TH, 1994 AT 10AM TO MAY 26TH. 1994 AT 10AM ON KADLER 80TH AND 85T11. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (IT HAS TO BE ADVERTISED 3 WEEKS) 10.3. DISCUSS CLEAN-UP DAY: CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 9,1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 14 - Norm Freske said it should be the cleanest City in Minnesota. 350 people, 1400 tires, 10 Roll -offs. Steve Wiltermuth drove by at noon 65 cars in line. Longest wait was 2 hours. People like the Clean Up day and are very positive. Norm Freske said he had the comment that why have sheetrock and wood that they can burn. Dave Chase said hopefully they will be here to haul the dumpsters away by morning. 10.4. ANY OTHER COUNCIL BUSINESS: Larry Fournier brought up the Peavy Rental. 1995 instead of Jan 1,1975. Norm brought up a wetland meeting in Hudson, Wisconsin and a meeting at Wright Co Economic Development Floyd Roden brought up garbage hauling and we get about $6,000.00 from the Co.to go with one hauler. Membership for MN Clerk's and Finance Officers Assn: RON BLACK MOTIONED, DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION TO RENEW THE MEMBERSHIP IN THE MN/CLERK'S FINANCE OFFICERS ASSN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY LARRY F. SECONDED BY FLOYD RODEN TO ACCEPT THE TREASURERS REPORT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Norm Freske got a letter from Dennis Moeller from Co Extension he will do training for festivals. League of Cities Conference June 7 -10,1994 at Civic Center. said Mayor Freske Elaine Beatty brought up that Jerry Olson inspected Goenner's property on the newspaper in the fields complaint. They are currently tilled in. Ron Black met with Mr Helgeson at Wright Co Sheriffs Dept Re; Sierens. He explained further. Ron Black is looking at having some numbers put together and thinking about it for next years capitol improvements. The Sirens are for emergency. We have three in the City right now. Larry Fournier brought up the Fire Committee letter sent to Albertville. No response yet. Judy Hudson brought up quotes for bulletin boards. Don Meinhardt brought them tonight. It will be brought up at the next meeting. 10.5. PAY ANY BILLS: The Council Paid the Claims (Claim No 461 thru 534 Inclusive. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 9,1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 15 10.6. ADJOURN BY 11PM: MOTIONED BY DOUG LINDENFELSER, SECONDED BY LARRY FOURNIER TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJO RN AT 11PM. NO * F ' KE, MAYOR x &r FLOYD '®, DEN, c6 rc CIL l RON BLACK, CO CIL E RINE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLER ZONING ADM. (CITY SEAL)