06-13-1994 City Council Minutesfile CC5494.wps CITY OF OTSEGO MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF JUNE 13, 1994 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, IN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT AND THE STATE OF MINNESOTA 7:30PM - REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 1. Mayor Norman F Freske will call the meeting to order: Mayor Freske called themeeting to order at 7.30PM ROLL CALL: NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR, LARRY FOURNIER, RON BLACK, AND DOUG LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL, WERE PRESENT. FLOYD RODEN ARRIVED LATE. JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK, ELAINE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLERK/ZONING ADM., JIM BARTHEL, TREASURER, AND JUDY HUDSON, SECRETARY WERE PRESENT. LARRY KOSHAK, ENGINEER, ANDY MACARTHUR, ATTORNEY AND BOB KIRMIS, PLANNER WERE ALSO PRESENT. 2. Consider Minutes of 5/23/94: DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED, RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11•1111 1.1.1 11111.1•• 11 • •1 1• 11.1111 • 0 s'$.1 • I Discern' Robert Osmundson appeared before the Council regarding the Ordinance. Mark Caseialeus, explained the Snowmobile Ordinance and why there is a need. The County Sheriff said we need something to enforce. They went to other communities and looked at their Ordinances. They took what they thought was appropriate. The committee stayed on safety and equipment issues. The Ordinances were made for Residential Streets in platted areas. Norm Freske explained that we got a letter from Senator Adkins June 6, 1994, regarding the liability for farms who allowed snowmobiles to cross their property. The two guys who were representing the snowmobile ordinance are working with Tom Constant regarding snowmobile trails. They included 4 wheelers, mopeds, etc. in the ordinance. Radzwill Law office helped with the Ordinance. The biggest problems are with kids riding these vehicles. They talked about riding on right-of- ways. Staying on the side of the street and going to a trail to ride. Ron Black suggested this Ordinance should be referred to the City Attorneys Office. Larry Fournier questioned if they had people working on both side of this issue. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 13, 1994 PAGE 2 They said yes. About 30 people originally showed up for the meeting and the second time there were 10 people. They emphasized that the Ordinance is just for platted areas. Doug Lindenfelser had a problem with the people not being able to use the right-of- ways. Ron Black said the makeup of the committee was by people extremely interested in the problem. That is why we should have the Legal Department look at it. Norman Freske commended the people for looking at this issue. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE THE CITY ATTY CHECK THIS SNOWMOBILE ORD. FOR LEGALITY. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE A HEARING ON THE 12TH OF SEPTEMBER, 1994 AT 7:00 FOR THE PROPOSED SNOWMOBILE AND OTHER RECREATIONAL MOTOR VEHICLES ORDINANCE. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4 Gary Groen - Accountant from Abdo,_Abdo and Fick reviewed the Audit for 1993: Gary Groen appeared before the Council with the Audit of the year ending 1993. The first couple of pages is the overview. Pg 9, Information on Bonds that were outstanding at the end of the year. Interest rates, Pg 10, debt service req. for the next 5 years and the years from 1999 to the end of the bond issues. Those are being paid by the special assessment levied. No taxes are being used for these for the most part. The last page shows the leasing of the City Hall. The General Fund was discussed. Balance sheet on Pg 14, as compared to 1992 to the end of 1993. The first five or six months of 1994 are financed with this fund balance. This is something you need. The fund balance is about 50% of the 93 expenditures. That should remain that way as you go forward. That is something we will be monitoring and reporting to you. Pgs 15, and 16, expenditures by revenue source. We have worked with changing the chart of accounts. Next year we will be where we have the budget and actual line up of expenditures. Pg 15, is total expenditures. Pg 16, he went over and explained. The end of 1993 the fund balance is $319,209.00. Pg 17, and 18, We establish self funding insurance this year. We also have accounted separately for fire, road and bridge and park dedication. Pg 21, State Aid Const. Fund - Money from State of Mn for Road Construction. End of the year balance was $81,134.00. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 13, 1994 PAGE 3 AUDIT REVIEW The second column is the Munc. Bldg. We transferred out of the Gen. Fund, plus the Lease. There remains the fund Bal of $164,207.00. The original source of that was an advance of the Gen. Fund. We have made some changes the past couple of years and worked with the chart of accounts. We have started the first of the year with some computerization. Gary Groen asked for any questions. Norman F Freske asked Jerry Perrault if changing to computer is a problem. He said Judy Hudson has been working on it. ,. .I. •� al 1' 'i. . David Dayon is the Sewer Committee rep. for Frankfort Twp. The Committee is requesting input from the surrounding communities. Any information that would be helpful to them in the way of sewer studies. Norm Freske asked how the collector system is working. Mr Turnquist said it's too soon to tell. Ron Black said he doesn't remember seeing a copy of the study. Pat Swatzke said he has a copy he will leave. Norm Freske said he could not attend the last meeting but Arleen Nagel went. A Co. wide study was done said Mr Dayon. More discussion was had on sewer systems and sharing services. Mr Dayon said he is looking for a letter which will give an overview of the current status of Otsego Sewer studies, etc. Doug Lindenfelser asked if Frankfort is looking into putting in a system. They are advising a Feasibility study said Mr Dayon. Ron Black said we should have Larry Koshak provide Mr Bob Turnquist, of the Frankfort Town Board some information. _5a: Addendum: Hearing for "On -Sale" Liquor License and Wine License for the Pattern Station (Riverwood Conference Center) and "Off -Sale" Liquor License for Riverview Liquorette: Elaine noted the Public, Posting had been completed. Norm opened the Public Hearing. RON MOTIONED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. .f ,3 CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 13, 1994 PAGE 4 LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE ON SALE LIQUOR AND WINE LICENSE FOR PATTERN STATION (Riverwood Conf. Center). DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO APPROVE AN OFF SALE LIQUOR LICENSE FOR RIVERVIEW LIQUORETTE. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIER UNANIMOUSLY. 6. OPEN FORUM: Pat Sawatzke, Co. Commissioner, discussion on sewer. He does have a copy of the study that was done. A quick run-down of what was in there. They got one copy for each City and Twp. It is pretty general. Discussion on existing wastwater treatments in the County existing on site. He explained the rest of the options and conclusions. Wright Hennepin has recently gotten into the sewer business. They are working in some Wright Co Communities. He said it is something we may want to keep in mind. Another thing I want to mention to you is garbage. Organization collection and benefits to the City. We are interested in assisting to you. He is open to any questions. Pat Sawatzke said there has been more movement on this. You would see substantial savings on this. Judy Rose is working with the Sewer issue quite heavily. 7. BOB KTRMIS, NAC: 7. lames and Carrie Barthel - Transfer of property rights (1 per 40 Split): Bob Kirmis explained a CUP to allow a 1 per 40 transfer of property Dev. rights. He explained the location. (Exhibit B) Would enable the applicant to construct a new single family dwelling. This is a CUP in the A -I Zoning Dist. The Barthels currently reside in an accessory mobile home. They plan on vacating it and moving into the new home. The PC has recommended with the eight conditions. from NAC's report of June 6, 1994, which Mr Kirmis read. Larry Fournier said there are quite a few points which the Engineer should comment on. Larry Koshak had the site plan. RON BLACK MOTIONED FOR ADOPTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry F laid they are moving the mobile home, if they decide they need it can they keep it?.7Bob Kirmis said yes, but they will have to meet conditions. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 13, 1994 PAGE 5 7 2. Mary Dare Bonfield - MRD Commercial Park: Bob Kirmis explained the request. So of Co # 39 and E of Co # 42. This Development site is proposed for a branch Bank. MRD Commercial Park is proposed. He explained only a single lot lies out of the LeFebvre Watershed Dist. Only that lot is being platted at this time. Rezoning from A-1 to B-3 and a simultaneous subdivision approval. Single lot is W of the existing Church facility with a stub of 88th St. to the South. The whole area will be commercially developed. If the City chooses to approve the rezoning. The single lot subdivision is subject to 10 conditions, which Bob Kirmis read from NAC's Report. In addition to the conditions read, the City Engineer had made some comments on the plat. One item involves the 88th St segment of the MSA road. The City Engineer has recommended the entire segment of 88th St be constructed. The P.C. in consideration of this, did not think the construction of the entire segment was appropriate at this time. Larry Koshak said that his point of view on this particular street configuration we couldn't complete the drainage. His conclusion as well as ours is the drainage should be carried out to the lower end of the plat. MSA. administratively, would be more costly to do small segments of the street at a time. I would like to see it go through the whole property. It is 665' in the first piece and 800' in the remainder, 1400 and some feet if completed. If any piece was replotted it would be subject to extension again. Norm F Freske explained that because of the Water & Sewer and floodplain they felt it shouldn't be built now. Larry Koshak felt it wouldn't be a problem or an additional cost. He said we need to talk about how to proceed with this. If we assess by front footage they can take care of it. Both sides of the street are assessed in equal amounts. We can work it out now, or when the rest of the parcels are brought in. Larry Fournier asked if we have funding in the MSA funding to do this now? Larry Koshak said he believed so, the intersection of Odeon and Co #37 would probably not be done now. Larry Fournier asked how much money would be saved.? RON BLACK MOTIONED ADOPTION ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION, RON AMENDED HIS MOTION TO DELETE ITEM #4.\REZONE FROM A-1 TO B-3. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 13,1994 PAGE 6 RON BLACK MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION. REGARDING PRELIMINARY AND FINAL APPROVAL OF THE ONE LOT M.R.D. COMMERCIAL PLAT. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Andy MacArthur said he was called about the waiving of the assessment when no costs are in. LYNN CASWELL said filling out the property on Hwy # 101 is prohibitive. The amount of material is quite high. We are looking at sliding 88th ST S.W. Maybe some of the lowland could be used as part of those lots. We would be interested in extending 88th to the S line. The plat that you have before you is one that would reflect the extention of 88th and curve to the bluffline. They would like to continue on with approval, in that we would like to have the street be further to the West. Larry K said he didn't have a problem with that. It would show a modification to the plat. There may be an additional outlot to the S side of the church property. The plat would be modified. Larry K said there is a ridge in there. 2 lots to the S and 2 lots to the E side of the road. Ron Black said he feels the P.C. made the appropriate recommendation here. There are a number of things that need to be resolved with Outlot A. Maps need to be changed. Until those questions are resolved it is premature to say where a street should go. Lets address it when it happens. What is before us is doable. There are lots of questions that need to be addressed. The City needs to talk about assessment policies. Larry Fournier questioned the P.C.'s Recommendation of 250' of street. Larry Fournier said he had a concern of the water drainage. Larry Koshak said all the water would drain onto the ditches in Co Rd #39, and end up on #101. Wally Klus said he wanted to address the no access on #42. We have 508' of depth and wonder if we could have a right in - right out. If we get no access off of 42, there would be no access and we would be landlocked. We are hurting that property. 88th ST will help the Bank property. There is a shared roadway between the church and bank property. There was more discussion of road access. There is access there now. We would like you to look at those two items. We did not have the (11) eleven conditions in advance. We want to comment on them now. We noticed Item #4 is asked to be removed. We appreciate it. #5. Co.39 & Co.42 right of way dedication. What does that amount to? #6. Already discussed. #7. This property is in floodplain, but not the Wild and Scenic as I understand. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 13, 1994 PAGE 7 Grading and drainage plan is in Park and Rec. dedication that deals with commercial land. Bob Kirmis said the question is a trail corridor along #42. The City has a trail planned. Wally Klus asked if the City has a proposed Developers Agreement? Bob said we are working on one at the Staff level now. Larry K said they discussed the roads at length with the Co. Engr. It was their best judgment that access would not be allowed in that area. The Co. sees the trends of build up congestion at the intersection. (He explained further). The Co Engr could give you more detailed answers on that. Wally Klus said there is an access point there now. Ron Black said it is City and Co policy to limit the proliferation of accesses. The P.C. specifically adopted this and did not discuss additional accesses. We could refer that back to the P.C. - Doug Lindenfelser said you brought up landlocked land. The P.C. did not discuss that. It was not an issue. Wally Klus said if we have to recurve 88th ST that may take care of it. Bob Kirmis said the plat before the council involves the Lot 1, Block 1. The provision of the Moratorium is the City cannot accept anymore land within that moratorium area. He felt it was premature to be talking about configurations. 73. Any other Planning Business: 8. ANDY MAC ARTHUR. CITY ATTORNEY: 81. Bonding of Municipal Well fiscussioiu Andy MacArthur explained. Bond for 5 years and refinance with a straight revenue bond later. The cost for Kennedy is $1,500.00. 4-1/2 to 5% for the 5 year bond. Larry Fournier said maybe there is an alternative source of financing. They will finance for up to 40 years and interest rate is 5%. It may be worth looking into. There is no $1,500.00 there. Wright Hennepin Electric would help us apply. Larry explained the expenditure between now and September. Ron felt we should have Andy check into it. He will contact Neil McMillian at Wright Hennepin Electric. RON BLACK MOTIONED AND LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED TO HAVE ANDY MACARTHUR CHECK WITH NEIL MCMILLIAN REGARDING BOND WITH WRIGHT HENNEPIN ELECTRIC AND A COMPARISON. MOTION CARRIEb UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 13, 1994 PAGE 8 Andy explained the School District information draft agreement on the Well, etc. We will copy the information for the Council and put it on the next Council Meeting June 27, 1994. Larry Koshak explained the difference. Doug Lindenfelser questioned the drainage into the private ditch. Larry K. said we will talk about that later. 8.2. New C" Hall Facilities, ns urance Discussion: Andy MacArthur said the Ducks Unlimited and Lions are not at the level of coverage required by the City. Nobody has the proper coverage now. He wants to know if the Council wants to reconsider. Norm Freske asked if one million would cover ? Max Downs, Representative for Ducks Unlimited said they have reviewed the Cities regulations for one million dollars. The most coverage available for local organizations, for church groups, for one day event is $500,000.00. Any organization can get up to one million dollars. It takes a lot of liquor sold to make any money. It is not feasible for us with the current limits. I am proposing the Council to take a look at what they are asking and do an amendment for non-profit organization. He is proposing $500,000.00 be amended to that figure. Larry Fournier said the Attorney recommended one and 1/2 million. Andy MacArthur the original Ordinance was written for the bars. We did not have the facility then. He views it as a policy decision. I could try to tighten up the indemnification agreements. It is purely a policy decision. It is a monitory decision and most other cities are not at the level that we are said Andy MacArthur. More discussion was had. Ron said we would have to hold a hearing to amend the Ordinance to $500,000.00 limit to non-profit organizations. They would have to demonstrate they were legitimate. We would get Dan Greene's reaction and the public's reaction. He has a fact sheet and information on the Ducks Unlimited Organization. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO SET THE HEARING FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO ADDRESS THE INSURANCE POLICY LIMITS FOR 501C3 NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS FOR OUR NEXT MEETING ON JUNE -27-94 AT 8P.M. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 1 WITH LARRY FOURNIER OPPOSED. 8 3. Consider Mayor's Term being changed_fr_om two to four year term: June 21st is the deadline to have the Mayoral term changed said Andy MacArthur. Doug Lindenfelser said he talked with Albertville and the people he talked to said they felt a two year term was a better variety. Norm Freske said when you make a commitment you have to commit. He did not bring this up. Larry Fournier said for the record he brought it up. When we were a Twp. the supervisors all had the same term. I don't think there was a problem with that. As a Council all Council Members have 4 year terms, the Mayors term is two years. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 13, 1994. PAGE 9 LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO CHANGE THE TERM FROM 2 YRS TO 4 YEARS. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTIONED DEFEATED THREE TO TWO. RON BLACK, DOUG LINDENFELSER AND FLOYD RODEN OPPOSED AND LARRY FOURNIER AND NORM FRESKE FOR. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE A HEARING ON THE MAYORAL TERM ON JUNE 27, 1994 AT 8PM . DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black said maybe we could notice this for public comment for a Hearing so people can come in and say something about it. Floyd Roden agreed. Norm Freske said it has been on the last 4 Council Meetings. Larry Fournier said people that have contacted him did not feel it was a problem either way. It was in the paper. Doug Lindenfelser said he would like to have the people have the chance to decide that. Andy MacArthur said legally and technically the Mayor did not have to abstain on voting. 8 4. Discussion of block parties and Ordinance: Andy explained that we don't have any form of permit or control on this right now. He provided an ordinance they used in Oak Grove. There are two ways to go here. You can direct the City Staff to go ahead and draft a permit or look at a specific Ord. We have to have something. Floyd asked Andy what his thoughts are on the Ord. Andy said you may want to look at the liability. If the City is to issue permits, there should be liability Insurance. You need to determine what is a large event. Ron Black said we should have the City Staff put together a Permit with the appropriate disclosures and a nominal fee. Elaine can draft this and send it to Andy to approve it legally. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE ANDY MAC ARTHUR WRITE UP A PERMIT WITH THE FEE OF $15.00. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8.5. Any other Legal_Business• none 9 LARRY YQSHAK, CITY ENGINEER: .7 • / ISI I ISA 11.11 1 • , Al . 11 i) 85TH ST Project to Bauerly Bros: 10 CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 13, 1994 PAGE 10 Bids have been taken on this project said Larry Koshak. Recommendation is award of bid to Bauerly Bros in the Amount of $99,687.4.lor 1 1/2" overlay and $120,107.83 for 2" overlay. He had a call from Keith Englsby he is hurding the City's money thru the system. a. Resolution: LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BIDS AWARDING BAURELY BROS. THE PROJECT, ALT #2. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (AMOUNT OF $120,107.83.) 9 2 Approval of Plans and Specs for Municipal Well Construction: PLANS AND SPECS WERE PRESENTED BY LARRY K. PLANS AND SPECS FOR PIPING AND ELEC. SERVICE WILL BE BROUGHT BACK LATER. 9.2.a Resolution: RON BLACK MOTION TO ADOPT THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE WELL. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH FLOYD RODEN OPPOSING. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED, RON BLACK SECONDED TO HAVE A WORKSHOP MEETING FOR JUNE 20, 1994 AT 7:30PM ON MONDAY CONCERNING WELL AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Fournier would like to see the Plans and Specs Larry Koshak said they are standard type documents and specifics are for the quantities. Doug Lindenfelser said it is hard to approve something we have never seen. b. Agreement with SchooLDistrict #728: 9 3 Update on discussion on Wastewater Treatment Service for Otsego School: (DISCUSS MONDAY NIGHT) , Attorney Meeting: (DISCUSS MONDAY NIGHT) b. PCA Meeting: (DISCUSS MONDAY NIGHT) ,7 CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 13, 1994 PAGE 11 9.4. Report on Visit by Dan Lais, DNR Hydrologist: They visited with Ms Carron and her property. a, Halls Pond Watershed Ms LuConic let them look over her property. He would not like the watershed changed. The overflow should remain the way it is now. We would need a permit from the DNR to dump into Mr Anderson's property. He preferred it to be handled thru the Halls area. Dan Lais felt it was part of the natural watershed. If we feel different we have to document it. Mr Wiltermuth asked if Mr Lais had any comment on the flowage of water from 90th and O'Brian. Did he look at the culvert? Larry K said he looked at the items he had time to look at in the area. Norman F Freske said we ordered topals and we will set an informational hearing for the area on the topo information. b. LeFebvre Watershed They -visited with Fabian Sadowski. The creek needs no maintenance. • c. Rice/Foster Lake Watersheds The water level could not be lowered said Mr Lais. They visited with Mr. Mark LeFebvre, Jim LeFebvres Son. Mr LeFebvre also called Larry Koshak on the way the School was discharging water into the ditch. He felt this was a private ditch and the people who constructed the ditch should be compensated. (Larry K explained further). Discussion with the Council was had. 9 5 Order_Feasibility Study for MSA Streets., QuadayAve (CSAH 37 to CSAH 42) & 88th ST (CSAH 42 East approx. 650 ft): Larry K. explained that he talked to Mr Dwyer and he said the bank is OK with assessments as long as they are reasonable. We need the feasibility study to talk about the cost of what that would be. One option is no assessments. The second option is the landowners waive the appeal and assessments and the Hearing. They would have to all agree. We have the Church, Bank and Ms Baufield. The third option is to prepare a feasibility study for 88th ST and hold a hearing on these issues with the property owners. We need some idea on the assessment policy. Larry F. said we asked the City Atty. to work on the assessment manual. Andy MacArthur said he would have something by the next meeting. Commercial is different than Residential said Larry K. We could set the Hearing date for July 25, 1994 and approve plans and specs late in Aug. Award project late September. We would need to move along. Ron Black - you are saying figure out cost, and figure out policy for commercial property assessments. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 13,1994 PAGE12 Larry K said we would look at the 650', plus going to the bottom of the property. Discussion of Quaday and Big Ed's property was had and MSA Funds. Larry K will get the assessment information for the Council. a. Resolution: RON BLACK MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION FOR THE 88TH ST ROAD TO THE EDGE OF THE CHURCH PROPERTY IN THE MRD COMMERCIAL PROPERTY. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Fournier questioned where the curve in 88th ST would be. Discussion was had. 9.6. Misc. Reports: a. Mississippi River Levee Inspection: Larry K. explained that there are erosion problems there. Some of the facilities are being eroded. Soon some of the runoff will go directly down the washout area. There is a need to stop that erosion. One suggestion is put groins in the washout. The issue is can the Corps find money to do that work. They will continue the study to try and find money. The County will do some Maintenance. b. Elk River WWTF E.A.W. We would address the issue about conditions of regional Wastewater treatment for the area and water quality of the river, said Larry K. Larry F encouraged Larry K to address regional wastewater treatment. c. LMCR Grants results: We were rejected - received no money d. MSA & STIP Meeting: Larry Koshak attended this meeting. It is complicated, but it's getting better. Our project is No. 41 on the list. It has a good possibility of being granted. This is the 4th on the enhancement list. This will now go to St Paul. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 13, 1994 PAGE 13 Norm Freske asked about the David Schmid/Catherine Davis wetland Filling. Larry K explained. He has to take it out or midigate the wetland. He has to remove it by December of 1994. We have to react to the mitigation. Discussion was had. Larry K said Fin/Road is still on go. Floyd Roden said the billing on the Otsego Creek should be separate for the Authority. 10. COUNCIL ITEMS: 10.1. UPDATES ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS: a EDAAC, EDAAC met a week ago. They are working on by-laws, using P.C. By -Laws as a guide. Liz Wilder contacted St Cloud State Intern. Some members were missing so it was a slow meeting. b. P.C. Council addressed the most recent matters of the P.C. The P.C. anticipates some general review of the Zoning Ordinances. They will start later this summer. c. Parks and Recs Hearing and Meeting tomorrow night. Come with your thoughts tomorrow night. Doug Lindenfelser said they should consider a piece of property for the Public Works Dept. More discussion was had. Doug said this had been talked about in the past. d #72S Parks andRecs Bd e. Public Works. Island View wants Dust Control. Dave Chase told them to get a petition to get the road paved. Norm brought up striping, which Elk River does. Start on 80th ST tomorrow. Stockpiling gravel. Mower is out it's been down for 5 days. Put Street Lights on next Public Works agenda. June 23, 1994 at 2:30PM is the next Public Works Meeting. ,T f. Otsego Creek Authority CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 13, 1994 PAGE 14 Meeting is set for June 22, 1994. There trying to get finances straight. Al Beaudry wants to put in a culvert. They will discuss. g, Adm Sub -Committee The Sub -Committee met last week. We are in the process of getting the Accounting system on computer. We talked about staffing needs, but met no consensus. 10.2. Update on Peavey House from Doug and Floyd: The Peavey house needs a roof, it definitely needs to be redone. Doug contacted Gary Lindenfelser to check it. Doug Lindenfelser and Floyd Roden will get a cost on roofing. The renters had no problem with the rent increase. Doug Lindenfelser had Roger Kierscht draw up a plan for a bulletin Board. Ron Black would like Roger to design a sign utilizing the block. Norm Freske said the Lions would like to have their sign moved over to our New City Hall. 10.3. Any other Council Business: Doug Lindenfelser said Don Greninger called him regarding a survey. If he built on the whole parcel would a survey be required? Yes - According to our Ordinance all new homes require a survey be done. 10.4. Pay any Bills: BILLS WERE PAID CLAIM NO.'S 586 thru 685 10.5. Adjourn by 11PM: LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO ADJOURN, FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION, RON BLACK MOTIONED TO TABLE THE MOTION. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE TREASURERS REPORT. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE A PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO ADOPT RESOL1JTION OF THE CITY OF AFTON. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETI8NG OF JUNE 13, 1994 PAGE 15 Larry Fournier and Norman F Freske talked with Wes Wittkowski Regarding Zip Code and Post Office. Norman Freske tried to get hold of Mr Fisher. Mr Fisher called Elaine Beatty back. Larry Fournier talked to Rogers, Elk River and Dayton regarding Post Offices. Doug Lindenfelser said Jim Hennum is piling junk in the back of his property. He is located on LaBeaux. They decided to have Jerry Olson check this out. MEETING ADJOURNED: FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL N BLAC , COUNCIL ATTEST: ELAINE BEATTY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CITY SEAL i3 ,7 4.u, DOU LINDENFELSER, COUNCIL LARR :OUIFNIER, COUNCIL EPUTY CLERK/