06-21-1994 Special Workshop MinutesSTATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL WQRKSHOP=ING OF JUNE 21 1994 A Workshop Meeting was held with Elk River School Officials this 21 stay of June at 5:0() PM in the Otsego City Hall Conference room. Norman F Freske, Mayor, Ron Black, Council Member, Jerome Perrault, Clerk Larry Koshak, Engineer, David Flannery, School Superintendent, Tim Kelly, School Board Member, Clete Luartes, Project Manager for Stahl Construction Co. and Ron Erickson, Architect for the new school, were present. The Workshop Meeting was called to order by Norman F Freske. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss water and sewer service for the new school. Mr Flannery said that school officials were pleased with the City's offer to put in a municipal well to serve the school and they are in complete agreement with this approach. He did say he was concerned about the story in the Elk River Star News that the school had requested sewer service and this was not true. Larry Koshak said the municipal well will also serve others along Hwy 101. Concerning the sewage plant, the City had initiated a study of this and have met with the Darkenwalds concerning use of their sewage plant. Bids on the municipal well will be received on July 7, 1994 and the water lines will be bid at a later date. Discussions have been held with the Darkenwalds concerning use of their sewage plant, but an agreement would probably not be made in time to meet the school construction schedule. The well is scheduled for installation in time to meet the school needs. Mr Luartes said construction of the school is right on schedule, even a bit ahead of schedule. Larry Koshak said discussions were held with the City of Elk River concerning buying sewer plant capacity from them, but their plan was later turned down by the City of Elk River. Ron Black said that we have a real vocal group in Otsego that are opposed to having a sewer system in Otsego, but the eventual goal is to have a sewer system available along the Hwy 101 corridor. Tim Kelly said the school should not he involved in any discussion concerning a sewer system. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF JUNE 21, 1994 Mr Luartes said that the contracts have been signed to install the septic system for the new school and installation is scheduled to begin in July. Norman F Freske said discussion will continue concerning sewer system availability along the Hwy 101 corridor. Mr Flannery said that the school administration went ahead with plans to build a new school in Otsego even though municipal services were not available and with the knowledge that it would have to be an elementary school. Mr Luartes said there was only one spot on the school site that was acceptable to locate a septic system according to MPCA regulations. Ron Black said that when concerns were raised as to weather a septic system was going to work on the school site, that is when discussions were started with the Darkenwalds. Larry Koshak commented that the Darkenwalds are interested in privatizing their wells and sewage plant, discussions have been held and more will follow. Tim Kelly said he thought more discussion should be held between school officials and the City Council to prevent a misunderstanding of each others position. The Meeting adjourned at 5:55 PM. NORMAN F FRES KE, MAYOR ATTEST: JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK JP/co RON BLACK, COUNCIL