06-27-1994 City Council MinutesFileCC5494.WPS CITY OF OTSEGO MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF JUNE 27, 1994 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, IN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT AND THE STATE OF MINNESOTA 7:30PM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 1 MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WILL CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER. Mayor Norman F Freske called the meeting to order at 7:30PM ROLL CALL: NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR, DOUG LINDENFELSER, LARRY FOURNIER AND RON BLACK, COUNCIL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT. FLOYD RODEN WAS ABSENT JIM BARTHEL, TREASURER, ELAINE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLERK/ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, JUDY HUDSON, SECRETARY WERE ALSO PRESENT. PROFESSIONAL STAFF PRESENT AS FOLLOWS: BOB KIRMIS, ASST. PLANNER, ANDY MAC ARTHUR, ATTORNEY AND LARRY KOSHAK ENGINEER 2- CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: 6/13/94 - RON BLACK MOTIONED TO APPROVE 6/13/94 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL PERSONNEL POLICY MEETING. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6/13/94 - Regular Council - Pg. 6 correction - "Larry F. questioned, said Larry K. Remove "said Larry Koshak". LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF 6/13/94 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CHANGE. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Y .I .6.1 i► Y :14 1 1 K. C. Foster was present and explained the Short Term and Long Term Disability. He discussed life Insurance for the employees and the 13 or 26 week benefit period short term disability. Long term disability would tie in with the short term disability. (See letter from K. C. Foster of June 13, 1994). $147.80 per Mo. Short Term would be the cost. Long Term disability would cost $218.21 per month. The price would change with more employees. The option of one or the other or all is available. Larry Fournier questioned the premium, is it per employee? No, per month cost for total of all employees said KC. Ron Black asked about the short term disability and the original hand out we had gotten. This quote is a better quality said KC Foster. This one is more geared to a 60% plan. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF 6/2794 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 2 - Norm F Freske asked the difference between the two quoted. KC explained the difference. It is close as far as benefits. The plan we have tonight is not a guarantee issue program. The League of MN Cities is a guarantee issue. The Council needs some time to look it over. Ron Black felt the second alternative is something we can look at in the Fail when contract time is up again. More discussion was had. If the employees want to do long term disability on there own, they would have to have 75% participation. LMC Plan can be easily put into place by July 1, 1994 said KC. It was agreed they would go with the LMC Plan now which had already been approved. 4. DAN GREENE RE_: MANAGED CARE FOR WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION: Dan Greene from First National Insurance appeared before the Council with information on managed health care. They are offering a five percent discount, $400.00 a year for the City of Otsego, if you sign on with an organization for managed health care such as Health One. It is possible that the employees could already be with the doctors or clinics that are with some of these groups. It is a definite long term benefit. Mayor Freske said he read it and it is too early to tell if it is a good deal. Larry F. asked about the quality of care for the employees. Dan Greene felt that the quality would be the same, but a lot more control is there for the doctors. The only negative he can find is if an employee has their own doctor they want to go to. Ron Black asked for an explanation of managed care. Dan said they set down ahead of time and set the price as to what the fees should be. It is managed and making sure that the care is there. In an emergency you can go to any doctor. Once they are stabilized, they would look at it again. This only comes into play under a Workmen's Comp. claim. Andy MacArthur asked if this plan affects the initial decision on benefits? Dan Greene said at this point, he does not know. He suggested asking questions of a health care plan. 5 OPEN FORUM: No one on Open Forum 6. BOB KIRMIS, NAC: Bob Kirmis appeared before the Council. 6 L BRIAN AND KERRI OLSON - 14123 - 90TH ST NE, PID #118-027- 6.1 1 1 t 1 1 HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE TO ALLOW PLASTIC INJECTION MOLDING TO PRODUCE SMALL. HAND-HELD PARTS. Bob Kirmis explained the request. Notification and Public Hearing is required. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF 6/2794 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 3 - He explained the Permitted Home Occupation and Special Home Occupations. (potential for adverse impacts). This is not the same as a CUP as it is tied to ownership of land, not the land itself. He explained the machine they wished to have. He read from NAC's Report of June 16, 1994 Findings of Fact Pg. 3, Numbers 1 - 9. He noted that Mr. and Mrs. Olson is in the audience. MOTION BY RON BLACK TO ADOPT THE PC RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE THIS SPECIAL HOME OCCUPATION LICENSE TO ALLOW PLASTIC INJECTION MOLDING. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6 2. HERITAGE_ PRESERVATION QRDINANCE• Bob Kirmis explained the Heritage Preservation standards. The Ordinance is based on a model Ordinance provided by the MN Historical Society. That model is based on an Ordinance Draft by the City of Eden Prairie. He explained the powers of the States Statues and said that the PC and City Council should have some of these powers. The powers listed in the Ordinance are identical to those of the model Ordinance. The City Council would establish a Historical Commission and by-laws would probably be the next step after this Ordinance is approved (if approved). RON BLACK MOTIONED ADOPTION OF THE PC RECOMMENDATION OF THE HERITAGE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Norman F Freske asked about the process of setting up the Commission. Andy MacArthur explained. Doug Lindenfelser asked if there is much in the City that would be affected by this. Ron Black said that is what this Commission will determine. Norm F Freske said he agreed, but didn't wish to spend big bucks. Doug Lindenfelser asked how this is established. Joy Swenson explained, it depends on what it is. After the survey we will know more. Doug Lindenfelser was concerned about the cost. Andy MacArthur said the city can budget, but also the Commission can find funds or grants. RON BLACK MOTIONED AND LARRY F SECONDED THE ADOPTION OF THE ORDINANCE FOR HISTORICAL PRESERVATION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black said he would)); willing to work with Elaine or Judy to get some information out and develop a list of potential members. 6 3. AMENDMENTS TO INS ZONING DISTRICT AS FOLLOWS. A. AMENDMENT TO ESTABLISH PUBLIC AND SEMI-PUBLIC REC FACILITIES ATTED USES IN THE INS DISTRICT• Bob Kirmis explained the proposed amendment. This would change a CUP to a permitted use for Rec. Use Public/semi-public. Several members of the PC felt this amendment should be pursued. At the Hearing there was reference to the VFW CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF 6/27/94 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 4 - facility which is the same zoning district. The amendment was a split vote and denied by the P.C. He explained the text of the amendment. There are some ramifications the Council should consider. RON BLACK MOTIONED ADOPTION OF THE PC. RECOMMENDATION TO DENY THIS AMENDMENT TO THE INS ZONING DISTRICT TO ESTABLISH PUBLIC AND SEMI PUBLIC RECREATIONAL USES AS A PERMITTED USE. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black talked about in the Residential Dist. Parks are a permitted use. If the public authority would aquire the land for park it would be permitted. He was concerned the parks use may change. He felt the PC made the right decision on this, but wondered if the concern of Park and Recs. can't be addressed. He explained further. Norman F Freske agreed with Ron Black and has some problems with it also. B. AMENDMENT TO ESTABLISH PRE-SCHOOLS AS A CUP IN AN INS DISTRICT: Bob Kirmis Explained the amendment regarding pre-schools. Nine conditions have been added. The intent was paralleled with a personal day care center. The thought was that preschools generally function the same as a daycare center. The amendment was discussed regarding the appropriateness of this. There was a representative from Christ Lutheran Church who felt the INS Zoning provides the ample protection the City needs. There are State requirements which applies to this. Many conditions do overlap. This was denied by the PC on a split vote. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE PC RECOMMENDATION AND DENY THIS REQUEST FOR THE ORDINANCE CHANGE. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. RON BLACK AND NORMAN F FRESKE OPPOSED AND LARRY FOURNIER AND DOUG LINDENFELSER APPROVED THE PC RECOMMENDATION. AMENDMENT FAILED. Ron Black said with respect to some of the points raised at the PC Meeting he believes are phony. We have no information that preschools are accredited. They may be licensed, but as far as he knows, not accredited. He said daycare and preschools are all treated the same regardless what zoning district they are in. The VFW or School can operate a preschool totally without the oversight of the City. This is the only section that has a church as a permitted use. In any other district in the City, the City has the CUP to follow. He explained further. He felt it is important to have our ordinance consistant. Norm Freske felt they did come and get the INS Zoning and if they do make a change they would have to come back again, but we do need fairness in the City. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF 6/27/94 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 5 - Larry Fournier said we considered this request before. The state does license daycare's. Any changes, the Building Inspector and Engr. will be there. We have a Nuisance Ord. The City has it's chance to comment when it is approved initially. That is why I did not support this amendment. Ron Black felt there is no impact on the Church. It would only impact if the Church changed their operation. He felt the Council would be concerned with that purely for the safety for the kids. More information was given. He felt this Amendment should have no impact on Christ Church's operation. Larry Fournier commented that our Ordinances are very strict and definite when they describe what can be done in a certain zone and he felt we are fully covered. Ron Black felt he was missing the point. The VFW can put up a building w/a building permit and can turn around and lease this building and there could be a problem. Larry Fournier felt if these bad things occur that we should then have a change. Doug Lindenfelser agreed. 6.4. ANY OTHER PLANNING BUSINESS: Larry F said he had asked Dave Licht to give us a written document stating what our Home Extended Business Policy is. He is looking for that document. 7. ANDY MAC ARTHUR, RADZWILL LAW OFFICE: Andy MacArthur appeared before the Council. 7.1. ADOPTION OF PERSONNEL POLICY: Andy MacArthur said he agrees with the policy as written. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED APPROVAL OF ADOPTION OF THE PERSONNEL POLICY. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ( THIS INCLUDES THE SHORT TERM DISABILITY) Andy MacArthur will work on amended contracts for the Employees. 7.2. DISCUSSION OF ASSESSMENT POLICY: Andy MacArthur discussed the memo he wrote Re: a policy Ordinance for an assessment manual. This is a modified version of the LMC Ordinance. Most assessment manuals are broken down to lots and blocks, etc. We don't have that. He felt the per lot assessment we did previously is probably the way to go. He discussed further. We don't have a basis now. We need to get an assessor out there on the first commercial property. That will be the only way we will be able to justify it. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF 6/27/94 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 6 - We have to show benefit before and after. For the City you have to be equitable across the board. If you have a procedure you have to follow it. The advantage of this is, when you go into court, if you follow the procedure you are OK. If you assess below 20% and bond for that, you can't. This is general outline information. We have to get this Ordinance in place and go from there. Doug Lindenfelser felt it was hard to have a policy. Andy MacArthur felt that is where the appraiser will be handy. Bottom line is benefit to the property. Larry Koshak said in a residential area if everything looks the same. The only measure you have is the appraisals. The road or streets in the Commercial area could raise the property substantially. Andy explained more. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO HAVE THE ASSESSMENT POLICY COMMITTEE ,CITY ATTY. AND CITY ENGINEER WORK THROUGH THE DRAFT ORDINANCE AND BRING THE NEW INFORMATION BACK TO THE COUNCIL. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Section 7: Larry Koshak wanted to have this looked at. DATE SET FOR: Thursday July 7TH, 1994 at 5PM Special Assessment Manual Meeting: With Mayor Freske, Larry Fournier, Andy MacArthur and Larry Koshak. :I► 1► 1► 11 :► U: S: :►/ .:► FROM 2 YEAR TO 4 YEAR TERM): Elaine Beatty noted that the Notice was Published and Posted. Hearing opened to the Public. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED AND RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Fournier suggested that we put this on a Council Agenda where we have all Council Members Present. Norman F Freske suggested we wait until next year. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE THIS SET ON THE AGENDA FOR THE NOVEMBER 28, 1994 COUNCIL MEETING. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED THREE TO ONE WITH DOUG LINDENFELSER OPPOSING THE MOTION. 7 4 HEARING FOR PROPOSED AMENDMENT FOR THE CITY OF OTSEGO LIQUOR ORDINANCE TOI.OWER DRAM SHOP LIMITS FOR TEMP. LICENSES ISSUED TO NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS: CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF 6/27/94AT 7:30PM - PAGE 7 - Hearing was opened to the Public. Elaine Beatty noted that the Hearings were published and posted. Mr. Wayne Radloff of the Otsego Lions Club was present. Andy MacArthur explained the Ordinance. There were no comments. RON BLACK MOTIONED AND LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AMENDING OTSEGO ORDINANCE NO. 91-08 TO PROVIDE FOR LOWER LIMITS OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR CHARITABLE, REGILIOUS OR OTHER NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS WHICH ARE ISSUED A TEMPORARY ON - SALE LICENSE BY THE CITY. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. •► 1 :ILI ► I •: hS:11: •► Andy MacArthur said he was directed to contact Neil McMillian and Farmers Home Administration. A). Not much funding available. B). $38,000.00. $27,000.00 is the breakdown. We will not qualify to get it. There are lots of documents you have to fill out. Larry K. said it is a long tedious task. Andy MacArthur recommended that we approve Holmes and Graven to go ahead and issue the resolution for Bonding. Larry F asked about bonded indebtedness. Andy said we are well within our limits. Doug Lindenfelser was concerned as to should we get involved in it. He didn't know if we are quite ready now. Norm Freske felt he agreed, but felt that the School is here now. Andy MacArthur said we would look at a 5 -Yr bond callable at any time, with the idea that we would look for another bond. Larry Fournier asked about the cost. $1,500.00 said Andy for the Bond Council. It would be sold through the local bank. The amount of the bond would depend on the bids. July 6,1994 is the well bid. The watermain bid will be on the 20TH of July, 1994. The electrical and mech. would be bid later in Aug. or Sept. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE ANDY MAC ARTHUR MOVE AHEAD ON BONDING CONTINGENT ON THE SCHOOL DIST. EXECUTING THE WELL AGREEMENT AND ACCEPTING THE WATERMAIN. LARRY F. SECONDED THE MOTION. ($205,250.00.00 LESS $35,000.00 IS THE ESTIMATE BY THE ENGINEER). CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEEING OF 6/27/94 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 8 - MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.(BANK OF ELK RIVER AND MARQUETTE BANK SHOULD BE CONSULTED) Doug Lindenfelser was concerned about the 25% Engineering. Larry Koshak said it would not be that high. Part of that is contingency and legal /administrative fees. 7.6. ANY OTHER LEGAL BUSINESS: Ron Black said after the last Workshop, it was suggested that the Council adopt an Ordinance making the Sewer and Water a monopoly of the City. Andy MacArthur said that Albertville and Branch has Ords. You can pass an Ord. stating that you have to hook up to Municipal. system, but you have to have a Municipal. system first. More discussion was had. The Council wanted to make sure that the City is involved if any water or sewer lines are run. Ron Black suggested the professionals discuss this issue and come up with a recommendation. 8 LARRY KOSHAK, HAKANSON ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES: 8.1. FEASIBILITY REPORT REVIEW FOR 88TH ST (101 FRONTAGE ROAD): Kevin Kielb and Larry Koshak explained the Feasibility study. Cost of the project was discussed and the project is feasible. Two alternatives were shown. 1. Building 88TH to the end of the Bank Lot 2. building 88TH and Quaday. Larry Koshak showed that only the SE corner of the plat is in the LeFebvre Watershed District (a small portion). The roadway section is in the MSA needs study said Kevin. A 44' wide urban section with curb and gutter is called for. A right turn lane onto CASH 42 and a left turn lane on #42 is another thing the Co wanted them to look into now. Doug Lindenfelser asked about a right turn lane off of #42 onto 88TH? Larry K agreed that should be looked at. He discussed a catchbasin with Alternative 2. Ron Black asked if that would be a hurried pipe? Kevin answered, yes. Larry Koshak said with a long piece of road the catchbasins and storm drainage would be put in. With the short piece it would not be. Bob Kirmis said the City's approval does not include Quaday Avenue. Kevin Kielb showed a typical street section and typical right turn lane section. This is MSA Standard. Cost of the road was discussed as follows: ALTERNATIVE #1: Total Estimated Const. Cost of $31,470.00 Contingency, Engr., Legal & Adm. @30% $ 9,500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED ALTERNATIVE #1 PROJECT COSTS $40,970.00 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF 6/27/94 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 9 - ALTERNATIVE #2: Total Estimated Const. Cost of $155,700.00 Contingency, Engr., Legal & Adm. @30% $ 46,710.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED ALTERNATIVE #2 PROJECT COSTS: $202,410.00 Ron Black asked why the gap between the Bank and Church property and 88TH? Larry Koshak said it was based on moving the road over on the high property so they didn't have to fill. (Larry Koshak explained.) It puts outlot A at the back of the Church property. Ron Black said it is his understanding that they are going to close off #39 access to the Church. Are they considering the cost of development at today's prices or ultimate development prices if sewer and water were put in. Larry K said they looked at it as ultimate development. Bob Kirmis said there has been no approval for this street configuration. Ron Black did not feel that the street configuration as shown was the ultimate and best use of the property. Larry K said there are some other options. They can shorten up the curve. More discussion was had and Ron Black brought up why not build the initial road to the end of the Church property. Doug Lindenfelser felt we should look at the end of the first lot and cul -du -sac the road at that point. Kevin Keilb said that is the portion we have right of way for now. Larry Koshak said we wanted to show this as an alternative. Ron Black asked about the two lots lying E of Quaday, assuming muncipal Services are available, what sort of facility would be reasonable to develope there? Knox Lumber, Target, small shops, what, Considering filling would have to be done? Larry K said they were talking about $3.00 a yard to mine and place the material for fill. The parking lot could be 2' below the flood plain level. The lumber yard, etc could be at flood plain level. You could put office bldgs, etc where you had large parking lots and smaller building area. There is a big ponding area. Ron Black asked what realistically can we look at for ultimate development. Larry Kosahk showed on the map the low areas and areas that could be easily developed. There is a lot of cost involved. They have to take 2' of topsoil off to put a fill in for a foundation. He agreed with the developer/surveyor on that. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED AND RON BLACK SECONDED TO HAVE THE ENGINEERS CHANGE THE FEASIBILITY STUDY TO GO BACK TO THE ORIGINALLY APPROVED ROAD (88TH ST) CUL -DU -SAC AT THE END OF THE BANK PROPERTY, TOUCHING THE CHURCH PROPERTY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF 6/27/94 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 10 - Ron B asked how what we are doing impacts on the Bank? Larry K said the bank need the road by this Fall. The letting time is only 10 days. In Sept and Oct. we should be able to do it and be ready for them. Larry F. asked if the City Engineer is aware of where the cul -du -sac should be. The cul -du -sac will touch the church property. 8.2 APPROVE PLANS AND SPECS FOR WATERMAIN FOR OTSEGO SCHOOL AND SET BID DATE: RON BLACK MOTIONED TO APPROVE PLANS AND SPECS. FOR WATERMAIN FOR THE OTSEGO SCHOOL. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION FOR BID AND PLANS AND SPECS FOR THE WATER MAIN FOR OTSEGO SCHOOL. BID DATE JULY 20, 1994 AT 10AM. LARRY F. SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8 3 DISCUSSION OF SEPTIC AND WELL FOR OTSEGO SCHOOL: Larry Koshak said we are proceeding with the well as planned and the Septic and Drainfield will be a go ahead, as time has run out for the sewer issue. MOTIONED BY LARRY FOURNIER, SECONDED BY DOUG LINDENFELSER, TO GIVE THE ENGINEER THE OK TO PROCEED WITH THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR THE SCHOOLS DRAINFIELD. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8.4. DISCUSSION OF COUNTRY RIDGE PLAT: Amount we are requesting is $9,000.00. It includes 2 -wells and other items. Ron Black felt there was no room to negotiate for the wells. They should be put in by the contractor. Doug Lindenfelser asked if sealcoating would handle the problem. Larry Koshak said yes. They passed all the State tests we required. It does not hurt the structure of the road. The whole development should be seal next year said Larry K. Larry Fournier asked about the wells. The lots are all sold. Larry K said the two monitoring wells we are looking at placing them at the best place for the City. He explained how we did it in Antelope Park. More discussion was had. Ron Black said cash for the wells is not acceptable. RON BLACK MOTIONED THAT THE CITY INSIST ON THE INSTALLATION OF MONITORING WELLS SUBJECT TO THE DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT, IN COUNTRY RIDGE LOCATION. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF 6/27/94 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 11 - TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Koshak would like to see one well in the County Park he said and one in Country Ridge. 8.5. UPDATE ON CSAH ODEAN AND 37 INTERSECTION PROJECT: The County has extended the project another 500' so they can pick out another cattle pass beyond the Kolles property. Larry K would like to get it finished, get agreements with the property owners, etc. 8.6. ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS: Wetlands instructional meeting date set for Thursday July 7, 1994 1PM. KEITH ENGLSBY CALLED AND THE CHECK IS AT PARK CONSTRUCTION BY THIS WEEK. Norm F Freske said call them when ready he will pick it up. Larry K met with Richard LeFebvre and Mn/DOT regarding the corn stand and he will get a temp. access. He will put a wagon on #42 also for selling corn. Update on mapping. One week late on July 10 we will get the topos. Halls Pond first. (Put on llth of July Agenda) Pre -Construction. meeting on 80 & 85TH Proj. Thursday, 1OPM. (Was 11PM) Norman F Freske brought up Larry K. info. on Elk River Sewage Treatment Plant Update. Darlene Solberg complained about the major equipment going down Parrish speeding. 9. CITY COUNCIL ITEMS: 9.1. UPDATES ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS: A. EDAAC: No meeting. Next meeting is 7/12/94 , 7PM No report C. PARKS AND RECS. COMM: Darlene Solberg said she felt unprepared. They would like to get started on some work. Would like Merlin Otto and Tom Baillargeon here at the next meeting. They would like to get started. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING 6/27/94 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 12 - Horseshoe and volleyball is something they would like and a Handicapped site, Trail and restroom ( rental). $17,000.00 cost to get started. Doug Lindenfelser asked if they are interested in building a shed for equipment, etc. Darlene Solberg said yes. They want to get something done. Want to know how they can raise more money. What they have is only a start. Ron Black said that he request to have the park and Recs. put together a more formal proposal. Add Parks and Recs. Proposal to next Agenda. 23, 24 and 25th of August is a summer safety camp for Parks and Recs. Norm F. brought up the Maint Dept will be spraying weeds for Park & Recs. P. #728 PARKS AND RECS. BD: Ron Black said they met last week. One issue coming up is space needs for the coordinator of Park and Recs Bd. The School District has not included future needs of Community Ed. One idea is the possibility of moving from where they are at now to the City of Otsego. They met last Thurs. Street lights were brought up. They felt if they put them in everyone else would want them. They thought they should be put in the budget for next year. Doug Lindenfelser felt some sort of a policy should be set up. He brought up putting in reflectors. We have to think about electric bills. He felt the 96TH ST area had some criteria with the park being there. Ron Black felt we should develop some criteria. (MSA ST, Visibility, Safety, etc.) This criteria will be developed at Public Works. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO INSTALL 4 LIGHTS, ONE ON PADGETT AND 96TH, TWO ON 96TH & 95TH ST & 95TH AND PARKINGTON, AND 96TH AND PARK. WHEN POSSIBLE, GO WITH UNDERGROUND LIGHTING. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chainsaw was brought up. $275.00 to $300.00 for a 16 to 18" saw. DOUG MOTIONED TO HAVE THE CITY PURCHASE A CHAINSAW FOR THE MAINT. DEPT. NORMAN F FRESKE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black recommended getting a good chainsaw. Dave Chase said they are taking a culvert out on 80TH by Barthel Bros. It is caving in. They will be striping Odean Ave. Dave will meet w/Postmaster. The tandem truck will go to Little Falls the first week in July. F OTSEGO CREEK AUTHORITY: Larry Fournier said we met last Wed. we discussed the creek walk w/DNR. Dave Chase removed culverts. Alvin Beaudry wanted to take out old culvert. It is not part of the creek. DNR agreed he could remove it. Dave chase suggested CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF 6/27/94 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 13 - Norm Freske brought up private property and sentence to serve workers, etc. G. ADM. SUB -COMMITTEE: we did not meet. Ron brought up the siren and the person is stopping by. He will check w/NSP after he is sure of what we need. H. SUB -COMMITTEE FOR BULLETIN BOARD: This will be on another meeting (1st meeting in July, July 11, 1994) ► Norman F Freske brought up the Assessor Course for Pete Merges. He needs to take the course. The bill is $395.00. RON BLACK MOT TO AUTHORIZE THE ASSESSOR TO GO TO THE COURSE FOR $395.00. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Norman F Freske brought up LMC meeting tomorrow he will be attending. 9.3. PAY ANY BILLS: Claim numbers 686 - 728 were approved and paid inclusively. 9.4. ADJOURN BY 11PM: LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSLY. NSRM 04-0 F'FRESKE, MAYOR FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL RON BLACK, COUNCIL ELAINE BEATTY, DEPUTY C RK/ ZONING ADMINISTRATOR (CITY SEAL) EB SE COUNCIL , ARIAOURNIER, COUNCIL