07-07-1994 Special Workshop MinutesSPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING JULY 7, 1994 AT 7:30PM 1. MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WILL CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: Mayor Norman F Freske called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. ROLL CALL: DOUG LINDENFELSER, LARRY FOURNIER, NORMAN F FRESKE, RON BLACK FLOYD RODEN 2. DISCUSSION OF ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF CHANGES: Jerry Perrault is leaving at the end of December. We appreciate all the work he has done said Mayor Freske. He opened it to comments. Norman F Freske brought up the letter the public accountants had sent. Doug Lindenfelser said we should start thinking about an Administrator. Someone who has good training and a good education. That would be a plus for the City. With Elaine's position we can coordinate it to keep everyone afloat. Norm F Freske said he is thinking more of a financial person who knows how to write grants. Floyd Roden said right now we don't need a full-time financial person. I have talked to Mert Auger and Rick Wolfsteller. He has job descriptions of an Assistant Administrator and a City Administrator. He would consider an Administrator. Larry Fournier said we don't have a finance manager now. Why would that be required? Floyd Roden said that Jim Barthel is willing to leave as Treasurer. Larry Fournier said so you are saying have a City Administrator and a City Planner job tied into one. Floyd Roden explained that they have more billing then we do in Monticello and explained further. Mert Auger is City Adm./Zoning/Planning and Finance and oversees it all. Monticello or Buffalo has ten times the work we have. Floyd Roden said Rick Wolfsteller is willing to talk to us and Mert Auger is also willing to talk to us. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 7, 1994 PAGE 2 Larry Fournier said Jerry's job now is City Clerk and Finance Manager. Are you saying you would replace the City Clerk with a City Administrator and eliminate the Treasurers position. Norm F Freske said maybe a part time Finance Officer would be a better choice and save some money. Floyd brought up some other problems. Doug said hours and time wise at meetings you would save money on the professionals by having an Administrator. Norm Freske asked if you wanted a Council with hands on or not. Ron Black said as far as zoning goes we have an extremely qualified person on Staff. He brought up Special Assessments and Bonding as the area's where we need a person. Larry Fournier said am I hearing that we don't have to have a City Administrator? Ron Black said the administration can be handled without the title on the door. He explained further. He didn't feel that's what we need now. What we need now is someone to step into Jerry Perraults shoes and be able to take care of the money end of it. As far as Administration, the City Clerk can be responsible for that. It doesn't make much difference what you call the responsible person. Doug Lindenfelser asked would you eliminate the City Clerk's position? Ron Black said no, for example, Sandy Thackery is the City Clerk. Coon Rapids has a City Administrator and a City Clerk. Doug Lindenfelser asked who is Clerk in Albertville? Elaine said she thought Linda was. Larry Fournier asked why wouldn't our Deputy Clerk take that job over when the Clerk retires? Floyd Roden said you can do what you want as far as job description. Education is what I'm looking at. Larry Fournier said this is what Elaine is doing now. I grant you that she doesn't have a plaque on the wall, but I am hearing only good back from the residents and from the City offices. If it is working now, why change it? CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 7, 1994 PAGE 3 Norm F Freske said if we get a finance person it would free a lot of this up. Maybe the Deputy Clerk could do a lot of things that Dave Licht wouldn't have to be doing. We could eliminate some of Dave Licht's job. Ron Black said Dave Licht wants to do that also. Be involved only in the controversial ones. Monticello and Buffalo started with David Licht and still use him, it's the same situation. One for 40 or split is handled Administratively. Floyd said if you look at a City Administrator, you can hang the plaque on the wall. Norm Freske said the plaque on the wall can sometimes be a problem. More discussion was had. Ron Black said when you are talking about a person about with the experience and credentials you are talking about $50,000.00. Floyd Roden said Mert said $40,000.00. You pay Dave Licit $60,000.00. Ron Black said the Zoning and Planning is all working and the finance guy is the one leaving. Floyd Roden said Jerry and Jim combined is $75,000.00. Doug Lindenfelser said dollars and cents you can afford a City Administrator. Finance, if that is the only target, you don't have that much work for them. If you get a man you can have them do all three. You are dealing with City now. Floyd Roden said the Asst. Administrator does all the grant work for Monticello. Norman F Freske said that is what the Finance Administrator can do. Larry Fournier said Jerry's Job is financing. How about if we hire a part time financial person who has all the skills and schooling? The Deputy Clerk, have her dig into zoning and planning. Do more of that in house and control those costs, then in another year look at it again. Norman F Freske felt Elaine should not be taking minutes. Do more planning and get into that. Doug Lindenfelser asked if Elaine is willing to do the extra work? CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 7, 1994 PAGE 4 Ron Black said he feels Elaine should be appointed to City Clerk and also be the City Administrator and that would cover planning and zoning. Making decisions on a day to day basis, at the same time bring in a finance person to cover what needs to be done to move the city from out of hand bookkeeping (computerize) so the Council has the information they need. We need to know how the finances are going. We know what is going on now, because Jerry does it. It is also an era of when Otsego was a TWP and had nominal financial issues. We are kind of moving out of that. I don't think we need another full time staff person drawing $40,000.00 or $50,000.00 a year in salary. I see more clerical or finance people, but stay away from the full time professional staff. Norman F Freske asked what the finance person would be doing? Ron Black said the bonding Debt., retirement, levy, assessment, finance, budgets, billings, and anything tied to money. It would eliminate the treasurers position said Larry Fournier. This person would not get involved in zoning and planning. This would be a part time position in answer to Floyds question. Larry Fournier asked if the only reason we want it is financial? Ron said no. More discussion was had. The Maintenance would be separate yet. Dayton's City Administration is handled by the City Clerk. Doug Lindenfelser asked if Ron was sure that we needed a City Clerk? Ron Black said for service of process you have to serve the City Clerk or Mayor. Andy MacArthur said you have to have a City Clerk. Larry Fournier said we need to define the jobs, have a job description. Norman F Freske said we should write down what this person should do. We can come together and see how it looks, put it in writing. Larry Fournier agreed, he felt the financial part of it would be good and get that person on board soon. Ron Black felt we should actively look for a part time finance person. Floyd Roden said he felt we should have a job description. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 7, 1994 PAGE 5 Larry Fournier asked if we should write the job description? There was more discussion. Ron Black read the information from Abdo, Abdo and Eick stating what the finance person would do. Norm felt that they would not be the persons to do it as the City Auditors. They have good ideas. Larry Fournier asked what jobs should a description be written on? Norm said write down what we need. Norman F Freske said he did talk to Jean Nichols, Auditor. More discussion. Ron Black said he knows some people that are qualified and interested in doing a financial job part time. Doug Lindenfelser read Abdo's report and said that sounds like it covers what we need. We can give it a try. Norman F Freske said if we don't find somebody that is willing to do this (part time) then maybe this would be the way to go. (Abdo) Ron Black said two people he has in mind are qualified and professional. Floyd Roden said why not bring this up Monday night? Ron will not be here. Ron Black felt if we can get someone local we would be money ahead. Larry Fournier and Norman F Freske questioned the same people doing the Auditing and bookkeeping? Ron Black said there are at least two local people he knows, but everything coming out of the office of Abdo, Abdo, and Eick, is very professional work More discussion of job and how to handle. Ron has two people in mind. He will check and get proposals and they will bring this up at the first Council Meeting in August. More talk about job description was had. 3. Discussion of requested annexation from Otsego Residents (80 acres) into the City of Albertville: CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 7, 1994 PAGE 6 Dave Licht said they are also under contract with and do work for the City of Albertville. They have not been contacted or involved with them on this issue, so for the time being he doesn't see it as a problem. Request is for 80 acres by the City of Albertville to the West. He said he doesn't know what the Council's position is. This is likely to be one of a number to come forth. If the Cities end up fighting we feel you will have a large expenditure. Branch and North Branch battle in this regard was brought up and the expense. He felt it is a total waste. He felt and suggested a couple of months ago to Albertville that they initiate meetings with Otsego. He felt Otsego should take the initiative to try to establish a committee and get together and try to establish boarders. He felt they owe the community that. He suggested in setting up a committee you need a neutral party monitor or chair the group. He suggested the Executive Director or Asst. from the Municipal Board serve in that capacity. Andy McArthur felt they wouldn't charge. That would minimize up front costs. See if you can get the issues resolved. David Licht also works for St Michael and Frankfort. It may serve as a foundation for a discussion of broader issues. In the next two weeks make an attempt to contact Albertville and express your interest to negotiate a resolution. If you were to oppose the annexation you should pass a Resolution. That should occur on the 25TH of July. Minnesota Municipal Board will set a hearing to occur within 60 days or so of the filing. It would be split between the two city halls. One day here, one day there. Municipal Board would like this resolved between the two communities. This will be 3 Municipal Board members, not 5 like Incorporation (no CO Commissioners). One thing that needs to be looked at is the sewer study that is being promoted by the Co. There is some push at that level. Norman F Freske said we have been involved. It is a good time to look and work with Albertville and that area. I would hate to spend big bucks. I think we have to oppose it, but to get a hearing and spend a lot is a problem. 80 acres may not be a lot, but we need to look at the Industrial Area along I-94. We should get together. Let them know we are willing to sit down. There was a EA. when we made this deal with Otsego Creek they were to give us the information as to what they were going to do with the land adjacent to this pond. This would be a good time to say we had an agreement. Floyd Roden felt that should be looked into. We spent a lot of money getting that. Norm felt we need to work with them. (Albertville) Larry Fournier said what if Albertville asked them (the Professionals)to work for him? Dave Licht said with some of the backstabbing he has been hearing it may be a problem. Larry Fournier said he has been happy with Dave's work. Dave explained more. He felt the two communities should be working together, the two communities. Dave Licht said with some of the backstabbing he has been hearing it may be a problem. Larry Fournier said he has been happy with Dave's work. Dave explained more. He felt the two communities should be working together, the two communities. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL MEETING OF JULY 7, 1994 PAGE 7 Larry Fournier asked if this Resolution has to be on the 25th? David Licht explained that if we passed a resolution we are in opposition to it , Albertville may feel we want to fight. Norman F Freske said he was at a LMC meeting a week ago. Someone from St. Michael was there. They said they are willing to work together. Norman F Freske felt we are also willing to work with the surrounding communities. Ron Black is not sure what the criteria is to either grant or deny this thing. It has to be clear that we are prepared to fight if we have to. It has to be known if we can't work it out that we are willing to fight. I don't have any desire to give one square inch to any neighboring community. The communities have similar problems, monumental needs and no money. That is his message to send. The landowners have never asked if sewer and water is available. They have not given either community a chance to sit down and see if something can be worked out. Norman F Freske said he knew about it 6 or 8 months ago, but it was just a rumor. Doug Lindenfelser would like also to sit down and discuss it with them. More discussion was had. We have to be careful in saying it's just a little piece of land. There are also reasons why we should work together. Larry Fournier agrees with Doug Lindenfelser and Ron Black. Negotiating should come first then the boxing gloves, if needed. Doug Lindenfelser asked if there is ever a trade off? David Licht said there can be. Doug Lindenfelser said the only thing he sees positive for Albertville is it shows them a boundary, the freeway. David Licht feels you have to get the issues out and get a broad view of what is involved here? You have a long boarder with Frankfort Twp. You may have issues. Floyd Roden asked if Kenco has come to the City? CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF JULY 7, 1994 PAGE 8 Floyd Roden said this is what bothers him. In 1988 we went to Municipal Board with Albertville, we don't want to get on the wrong foot. David Licht said the property owner representative is the person initiating the request. More discussion. Andy MacArthur said for the record, the Council knows where they stand. Technically, Albertville would be a party when involved. He talked about the money spent on these kinds of issues. Andy MacArthur said the Municipal Board also does not want to see another Branch - North Branch. There is a lot of ways to approach it. They can give you a way to approach it. Norman F Freske agreed we need to send a resolution and word the resolution right. Ron Black said we recognize Otsego did not instigate this, nor did Albertville. He suggested at Monday night's Council Meeting the mayor appoint a committee to represent Otsego and at the last Council Meeting of the month, do a resolution. We should hold out an olive branch. More discussion on working together. I-94 is a good corridor. Andy MacArthur suggested that we request formally under the statue that the Municipal Board come in and mediate after the hearing is set. You could go informally now. David Licht felt Terry Merrit would help us with that. Norman F Freske read about this in the paper. He faxed it to Otsego. Talk about the Resolution. Andy MacArthur and David Licht will collaborate on the Resolution. 4. Any other Council Business: 5. Adjourn Meeting: Larry, Fournier motioned to adjourn, Ron Black seconded, motion carried unanimously. Norm Freske, Mayor ier, C uracil Ro Black, Council oug I4ndenfelser, Co cil Floyd Rode , Council A'1'1'EST: Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Ad (City Seal)