07-11-1994 City Council MinutesFile CCWS7794.WPS CITY OF OTSEGO MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF JULY 11, 1994 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO IN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT AND THE STATE OF MINNESOTA 7:30PM RF.C.lJLr R COUNCIL MEETING 1. MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WILL CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Mayor Norman F Freske called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. ROLL CALL: MAYOR. NORMAN F FRESKE, LARRY FOURNIER, DOUG LINDENFELSER. AND FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL JIM BARTHEL, TREASURER, ELAINE BEATTY. DEPUTY CLERK/ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AND JUDY HUDSON SECRETARY WERE ALSO PRESENT. THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL STAFF WAS PRESENT: DAVE LICIIT, PLANNER, LARRY KOSHAK, ENGINEER AND ANDY MAC ARTI-{t R, ATTORNEY 2. CONSWERATION OF MINUTES: • 6/3/94 - City Council Workshop Meeting, Pg 5 Larry Fournier said we mentioned the date these businesses would end. The end where repeated should be omitted. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF 6/3/94 WITH THE CHANGE TO PG 5. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6/20/94 - SPECIAL COUNCIL , Pg 3 - LARRY KOSHAK AND RON BLACK, ADD "NORM FRESKE" LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED ADOPTION OF THE 6/20/94 SPECIAL COUNCIL ;MEETING WITH CHANGE. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6/27/94 - REGULAR COUNCIL PG 12, CORRECTION ON THE BOTTOM OTSEGO CREEK AUTHORITY. AL. BEAUDRY OLD CULVERT ADD "AND INSTALL A NEW ONE AND THE DNR AGREED HE COULD DO THAT WORK". DOI'G LINDENFELSER MOTIONED APPROVAL OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES OF 6/27/94 WITH THE CORRECTION, LARRY FOI;RNIER SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. !.i.t�.}..{,�`11,�1H��S A�...t`.al. xe 't..:�.-,i l.!'���.f;'•l�, f�,."� :..-;, :.' CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 11, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 2 - 3. .FOM BAILLARGEON AND DARLENE SOLBERG, PARKS AND RSCS COMMISSION WITH A PROPOSAL FOR DEVELOPMENT OF OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK: Darlene Solberg appeared before the Council. She said she does have a map which shows where they want to get started. She said it is not contingent on the Gram. Whether we =et the grant or not, we will go ahead. We have circled 4 picnic areas we would :.sc. The map was attached to the packet for the Council from Tom Bailargeon. Darlene went thru the costs of the park work as follows: Bituminous pathway 59.500.00 i lorscshoe pits 200.00 ?volleyball courts 700.00 i fandicap picnic area includes table, ;aril(. pads) 1.500.00 .; iron -handicap picnic areas nc ! u.:cles table. grill. pads) 3.000.00 SUB - TOTAL S14.900.00 Restroom (13iffy) rental S 100.00 per month for 1 year.) 1.200.00 TOTAL S 16.:00.00 Norman F Freske said he did look at it and asked how much they will get done? Darlene said she did not know. Floyd Roden would probably know said Darlene. Roden said that the prices were estimates. No mnn Freske asked what was the first thing they would do'? Darlene said she is not sure. Horseshoe and volleyball would be the easiest. 1'loyd Roden said the picnic areas would have to wait until the pathways were built. Doul= f_indenfeiser asked what was decided on the storage facility. Darlene said they have not met since last time but it was in favor with the Parks and Rees people. 1.arry Fournier said he was hoping to see a timetable oi' when, what and finishing time. ;aricnu. said the Col!owing day after the last Council she talked to Tom Bailargeon to get a proposal together. She Is mettfng tomorrow with JeffAstah! )'..iron about the summer camp etc. She brought up a concert in the park. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 11, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 3 - LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE DEVELOPMENT REQUEST THE PARK COMMISSION HAS MADE FOR THE SUMMER OF 1994 AND HE WOULD LIKE A TIME LINE FOR CONSTRUCTION, APPROXIMATELY. APPROXIMAI'h PRICE BEING $16,100.00. DOUG LINDENFESLER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4, OPEN FORUM: no one was present for open forum 5. BOB KIRMIS - NAC: 5 1 ARLENE SANDY - CUP TO ALLOW MORE THAN ONE DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURE. SEC 10, TWP 121, R 23: Dave Licht was present and explained the CUP for Ms. Sandy's 672 sq. ft, for two vehicle garage. Primary concern is W & S and floodplain. NAC recommended approval. The DNR both St. Cloud and St. Paul office have reviewed. The P.C. disagreed with the two recommendations. 1. Well and sewage evaluation 2. Four (4) lots comprising the property and their means to resolve was to file the CUP having them be treated as one site. NAC had no problem with that. Bob Kirmis said that NAC feels the well and sewage evaluation has to be in compliance. They are given 5 years if there is not a major public health threat. He strongly recommended that be reinserted. If you vary he assumes a variance has to be filed which has to be checked with the State. Depending on the decision they have an alternative finding of fact that would insert those two position. One additional condition possibly included. Items 2,3,4,5,6, and 8 be completed prior to issuing the bldg. permit for the garage. That is in leu of requiring a financial security. The Well and Septic being checked should also be added, prior to the issuance. Norman F Freske said the five (5) years were not brought up at the P.C. Larry Fournier said he didn't believe we had a W & S Ordinance. Dave and Andy said we are under the Wright Co. Ordinance. More discussion was had. David Licht said the practice that is followed when someone comes in for an improvement on their property normally is they are going to the bank and if money is being asked for, and other things are not in compliance, they are asked to be brought into compliance and the money for this can be added to the amount. Andy MacArthur said the liability to the City is also in question. CIT'l OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF ,II;LY 11, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 4- L_;rr\ Fournier said our Ordinance does not require it. David Licht said that's right but it's remiss of the city not to require it, if it is not in compiiancc. Also as it relates to septic systems, what is being proposed is not out aline ,N ith what is on the books. Dave Licht read the three items 9, 10, and 11, from the findings of fact. They are proposed to be added to the Findings of pact. t). The well on the site be inspected by the Minnesota Department of Health and modificationsiimprovernents he subject to that agency's recommendation and apprval. 10. The septic system on the site be inspected by the Citi Engineer and modifications improvements be subject to the Engineer's recommendation and approval. 11. Conditions 2, 3, 4, 5, b, 8, 9. and 10 he completed as applicable prior to the Issuance ofa building permit. Larry Koshak said ve should have the homeowner have an evaluator hired for the Septic System. FLOYD ROD'EN MOTIONED APPROVAL ,'ACCORDING TO PLANNING ONfiNG OF THE ARLEEN SANDY CUP FOR A GARAGE, WITH THE ADDITIONS OF 9,10 AND 11. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED AND NOS, & 7 TO BE COMPLETED BEFORE THE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FINDING OF FACTS DATED JULY 1 ! , !994. Larry Fournier questioned the 5 years. if they find a problem would it stop their project? Dave, Licht said not if ifs not a major problem. 5.2. BANK OF ELK RIVER SITE AND BUILDING PLANS RE :'II. N - .;OI17.4 C.11,LIGAN ;AR('HITECT: Daae Licht said this is a site and building plan review. The first lot is a part of the MRD Commercial Park. This is the Bank of Elk River project. NAC has prepared a report dated 1/9-1. The city engineer has reviewed the project.. Approval is recommended sul-.!ject to 17 conditions. This calls for the finalization of a number of items. Ali items have been 'addresses and they have no concern that the balance will be completed with no di=iicuit . .h-hn :'c;ilivan. i\rchutect for the Bank of 1^ik River was present. 1 -le will comment on ar: .;tic: -;tions. 1 -lc said he is working' with the Bank of Elk River and looking forward to ;n our community. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 11, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 5 - Larry Fournier asked about access on #39. Larry Koshak explained that until there is signalization they can have cross traffic. John Culligan said it is his understanding that the Bank would like Ingress and Egress from 39. It is his understanding the determination that this will be closed, right in and right out was determined as to the congestion at the intersection. Am I hearing that this will happen? Larry Koshak said he and the County feel this will happen and it is their recommendation. John Culligan said it is his understanding eventually there will be sewer and water hook ups along 88th Street. He asked if they have to depend on well and septic at this point? John Culligan said he does not do a lot of drainfields. Is it the requirement of the inspection process to have this design? Lam Koshak said they should find a licensed evaluator and they will prepare a site plan. 'There are local designers the building inspector can give you some names. John Culligan asked if that would delay the permit? Larry Koshak said it nomrally will and we don't have the Developers agreement signed vet. It must be signed and completed and signed by the Council. Larry Fournier asked the City Engineer if he is comfortable with the lighting? Lam- Koshak said their would be one additional street light put in for 88th Street. We haven't looked at the street lighting except for 88th Street. He didn't feel that is a real concern. John Culligan asked about the revised feasibility study for 88th Street. They don't have a lot of documentation and he would like a timetable as to when they can get additional information as to road construction. (88th Street). Larry Koshak said the council had received the revised feasibility report tonight. If plans are OK'd a date will be set for a Hearing. We can work with the Bank of Elk River on the road plans. Mr. Culligan asked if Larry Koshak knew when 88th Street would be built. Larry Koshak said by late fall if everything works out. LARRY FOI;RNIER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE SITE AND BIULDING PLANS FOR THE BANK OF ELK RIVER BRANCH WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN DAVID LICHT'S REPORT OF ,JULY 1, 1994 AND THE ENGINEERS REPORT OF 7/5/94. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED, MOTION CAIUUEI) UNANIMOUSLY. (T :' O��' i� OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 11. 1994 AT 7:30P:M - i': sGE 6 - 5.3. ANY OTHER PLANNING BUSINESS: David Licht will be participating in Item 6.1. 6. ANDY MAC ARTHUR - CITY ATTORNEY: 6.1. DISCUSS REOUEST BY OTSEGO RLSID1-':,`ITS FOR ANNEXATiON OF '-:0 ACRES OF OTSEGO TO ALBERTVILI.E: ,Andy; `ItacArthur said he was at the Muncipai Board and talked briefly with ivir. Merrit and ht; indicated that he would participate any time as ;t mediator. D'a iLl Licht said two recommendations are: 1. Appoint two members of the City Council to meet with Albertville officials to discuss border and development issues. 2. Request the Minnesota Municipal Board Executive Director or Assistant Director to chair and moderate discussions benveen Albertville and Otsego. •`, ;l::i'" 7 s;RESI EA POENTED NORM F FRES AND Ft ),.. R NER TO THE COMMITTEE. :,.ttcr'-:houid Lto to the Executive Director of the iuncinal Board and David Licht -aid ;ic can assist them in writing the letter. David Licht said we should do both simultaneously. the letter and contact with Albertville officials . Next Monday is Al'bertviile's City Council Meeting. Once the hcarin`= is set the clock starts running said David Licht. that is his concern. There is another 40 acres corning, to ask for detachment :\t;ay MacArthur put on the record that they have an obvious conflict and they have to withdraw on both sides. David Licht said he is on the record from the other nicht. 1,.LOY) RODENI MOTIONED. DOUG LINDENi °1LSER SECONDED TO SEND '.E i T ER TO TERRY MERI2IT, ''IUNCIP:AL BOARD REGARDING HIS P.1R r'ICIP: TION IN THE DISCUSSION AS v'iODERAT sR WITII ALBERTVILLE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6.2. OTSEGO SCHOOL WELL CONTRACT DISCUSSION: Andy MacArthur said the Contract was submitted to the School. "Che Attorney was in Ron Back's office. It was a conflict. They '.were eToiniT to send it to another office. They Had =uugestcd a few changes. Andy said the changes he had no problem with. More discussion ofconflict. He told them they have to move as quickly as possible. This will he on agenda next Council ^Meeting. (7/25/94) 6.3. DISCI ISS COUNTRY RIDGE T)Ir,,I',NT ISSUES FROM ''•Qs.:.TIN(; OF 7/7/94: CITY OF' OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 11, 1994 AT 7:30PM -PAGE7- Andy MacArthur, Larry Koshak and Bob Kirmis met with Scharber and Emmerick the other day. They agreed on both wells installation and shouldering and are looking at some money from a contractor to see what the difference would be. Larry Koshak said he talked with Bruce Thieland and he agreed they can put in a well at the County Park. He said on 85th Street, we can put a well in the 80'of right of way. There is 29' of right of way for a trail. It could possibly be put in there. If it was by a trail we would have to put 3 posts around it. It still has to be turned over from the property owners to the City. Floud Roden said the bike trails will be 8' hard surface but you have to figure 10'. Larry Fournier said he was wondering when they are on the trail if they may be more in the way of activity. He suggested putting it on the right of way. Lam, Koshak explained the right of way and the future use of it. Larry Koshak said if we go on private property we have to get an easement. ,Adv MacArthur said it would end up clouding easements. Larry Koshak will pick out a spot where it should go. They will meet with Steve Scharber later this week. He may want to give us rock for sealcoating as opposed to dollars. We will have to make a judgment on that. 6.4. DISCUSS OTSEGO ASSESSMENT POLICY: Andy MacArthur has a Resolution from Thursday's meeting. A Resolution establishing an interim assessment policy for commercial and industrial developers. The Developer would be responible for 100 % of the costs. Where an MSA street is involved, we would assess for the cost of a regular road and the City would cover the rest of the MSA Standard cost. We need a Resolution for statement of policy so we can get the developers started. Norman F Freske explained how they came up with the policy. Lary Fournier asked what the timetable would be for the entire assessment policy? Andy MacArthur said to look toward the end of the summer. The Council has to make a map and devide the City up. The Council will have to have a workshop for this. Larry Koshak had the proposed assessment on 88th Street. He explained the breakdown of the project . The Developer shall be responsible for the cost of all streets constructed in a Commercial -Industrial Development and said streets shall fully conform to all applicable City street standards. Where any such road is designated as a MSA street. the C;T Y OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 11, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 8 - City `vill assume the costs for additional facilities over and above a typical street built to City street standards. $44.750.00 would be the price. $10,990.00 for the City $33,760.00 for the property owners share. The suggested way to parcel it out is the Bank of Elk River, MRD Commercial and Christ Lutheran Church would pay assessments. Doug Lindenfelser asked lithe road would get extended what would happen? Larry said they would get credit for what they paid. Lara; Koshak said the further you get down that road there will be storm sewer so that will raise the cost of the road. Dour Lindenfeiser asked if this was standard for other communities? Larry Koshak and Andv MacArthur said yes. Floyd Roden questioned the stormwater and how it would run. Larry Koshak said NE to the State ditch. He questioned the assessment after the fact and asse::sment for the present building in the MRD site. How would they pay'? Larry Fournier said the watershed district would pay if it got going. Larry Koshak and Andy MacArthur explained. If it benefits the property you could do that said Andy. The amount might be so low you may never have to prove it. More discussion was had. Andv said you can go back and look at properties. The problem is when you get the before and after measurements. Just measuring it may cost more than what you get. Floyd Roden brought up that once it is blacktoppcd it will add to storm sewer drainage. Larry Koshak explained the Bank will be overflowing into the ditch, and they don't have to \\orry about ponding. More discussion. Andy MacArthur explained further. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED ADOPTION OF THE RESOLUTION REGARDING ESTABLISHMENT OF INTERIM ASSESSMENT POLICY FOR STREET CONSTRUCTION IN COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL AREAS AND COMMEdCIAL-INDI"S T RIAL PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON MSA STREETS: PENDING APPROVAL OF A CITY ASSESSMENT ORDINANCE AND POLICY MANUAL. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Lara Fournier said we mentioned a workshop in our discussion, and would like it set now. The workshop was set for August 15. 1994 at 7:30 PM. 6.5. .ANY OTUER LEGAL BUSINESS: Andv `AacArthur had a copy of the Data Privacy Manual. They were asked to do this SOMC ;iMC at!o. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 11, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 9 - He suggested they go over it and put it on the Agenda for the next Council Meeting Autust 25, 1994. Lara, Fournier brought up Sentence to Serve in regard to Otsego Creek cleanup. At our last council Mayor, Nonnan F Freske, asked about liability. Maybe Andy should check that out for us. Andv MacArthur asked if there is a separate policy on the Creek Authority. Floyd Roden said the County may have their own policy. The creek is private property. And MacArthur will check with the County and if it is a question of coverage, we can stick them on the City policy for a short term. The question is would it be Otsego or Albertville. It was agreed, it would be charged to the Creek Authority. Andy suggested we should add that coverage if there is a problem. Put on next agenda. He brought up the gambling license for Ducks Unlimited. He saw no problem with it. We do have 30 days. This is an exemption from the State gambling . 7. LARRY KOSHAK - CITY ENGINEER: 7.1. REVISED FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR 88TH ST MSA RD: Larry Koshak brought the revised report. The changes are Pg 6 the cost of the ultimate road from 204 to 254. Exhibit B: shows the original one you actually passed. The length added cost other than that, it is the same report that was presented. $40,970.00 short street. Alternative 2 changed. Larry Fournier asked about alternative l cost. Larry Koshak said Pg 1. He recommended setting the hearing date. There is a resolution that was in the packet last time. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE FEASABILITY STUDY FOR 88TH STREET REVISED JULY 11, 1994. (JUNE 94) ON DOCUMENT. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. LARRY FOURN IER MOTIONED, FLOYD RODEN SECONDED TO SET HEARING DATE FOR AUGUST 8, 1994 AT 7PM FOR 88TH ST. IMPROVEMENT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7.2. CONSIDER AWARD ON CONTRACT FOR MUNC. WELL #1: TRAUT WELL DRILLING LOW, AT $68,450.00 RENNER AT $69,858.00 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE. WAS $57,000.00. It was about a 20% increase. Well drillers said there was a lot of work out there. The time schedule was too short. They had to have added monies to liquidate damages because they couldn't accomplish it in 74 dans. They are looking at 100 days. It is a gamble if we could bid it again. These two bidders bid large municipal wells. Discussion was had and Larry Koshak said both contractors have a good reputation. Larry explained further. We need to build the well properly at this time. Larry Koshak recommended rejecting the bids and rebid it. 1 le recommended holding Won the decision. By the next City Council Meeting we will CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 11, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 10 - have the bids in for the piping. If they come in under the estimate the whole package may come in. Larry Fournier asked how firm the school was on the schedule they gave. Larry Koshak said they are looking at the sprinkler system being tested, etc. He has a feeling we could work this out to get more time. The well wouldn't be complete until the first of December, and school will open in 1995. They have a temporary well they are using now. The City Council felt we should reject all bids and rebid. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED, DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED TO REJECT ALL BIDS AND REBID TIIE WELL. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RESOLUTION TO SET BID DATE -( PUBLISH, 8/20/94) AUGUST 2, 1994 AT 10AM. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED, LARRY i OURNIER SECONDED, 7-ialfION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. L arry Fournier asked if Larry Koshak will address the issue of 100 days for construction? Larry Koshak said he would. They will take some other quotes on pitless adapters. He explained further. 7.3. UPDATE ON TOPOS FROM MARKHIJRD - DISCUSSION OF FEE CHARGE WE DON'T HAVE THE TOPOS YET POSSIBLY TOMORROW MORNING. Last sheet of packet, Larry Koshaks proposal on mapping. $46,100.00 - 9100 acres approximately, which conies out to S5 per acre capitol costs. Estimated cost otreproduction is 1 to 10 acres $20.00. Larger piece 10 to 40 acres, 10 to 30 dollars. Also City staff time and material should be considered. Minimum charges S25.00 per map. Price schedule was discussed. COUNCIL WILL REVIEW AND LOOK AT MAPS BEFORE THE DECISION IS MADE. Larry Koshak said there in 2' contours. They will have to add 1' of contours. Floyd Roden asked how much advantage would this be. Larry Koshak said there would be quite a savings because they wouldn't have to go out into the field. 7.4. A N Y OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS: Larr . Koshak talked about the 80/ 85TH Kadler project. Dig outs should be done this week. Four (4) spots will be dug out. Crackfilling will be eliminated. It is a waste of money:. They have crack filling dollars for added thickness of material in that area. Norman F Freske said re: cost for the pipe contractor, he told us he didn't know where the project. was. If he would have known that area he would have known the soil. That bothrere.d Norm. Larn. Koshak said it was his choice to put the rock in. The material we were to replace is not good enough to put in there. Class 4 will be put in. We don't need 44'. one piece of pine is vaoing back because 44' is too long. More discussion. Larry Koshak said they never looked at the project before they bid it. trod to keep the cost down and didn't do any soil boring. It will work out alright.. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 11, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 11 - 8. CITY COUNCIL ITEMS: 8.1. UPDATE ON BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS: A. EDAAC: Larry Fournier has a meeting tomorrow night at 7PM. B. P.C.: Arlene Sandy and Bank of Elk River were on Agenda C. PARKS AND RECS COMM: Floyd Roden brought up the cost and the money for 1st phase. There will be some stakeing, etc. We need some Engineering $400.00. Norman F Freske said whatever is needed to be done right. Larry Fournier agreed, the trails will follow the curvature of the ground. Doug said if it is more than anticipated you may want to revamp your plans. D. #728 PARKS AND RECS BD: Ron Black - absent E. PUBLIC WORKS: The Public Works Department haven't met since last council meeting. Norman F Freske brought up Sally's lot and weeds. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO START THE PROCESS FOR WEED MOWING FOR SALLY GULBRANDSTON, DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Gar< Lindenfelsers estimate for roofing Peavey place is $1,846.56 which covers labor taking off old shingles, material etc. but nothing on the chimney. Floyd Roden said Greg Vetch will give a bid also. Put on agenda for next Council Meeting. (7/25/94) Jaycralt has truck done. They have to move the muffler. It takes 4 t6 hrs to do the muffler work. Dave will call Dick Bethieum tomorrow. Tomorrow AM it will go to Little Falls. There are 2 trucks in the front office. Last week in July Dave Chase is on vacation. 1st of next week they will be graveling. Dan Reamer, Baurely Bros is coming out tomorrow to look at the road. They have been mowing, grading and cutting grass recently. Doug Lindenfelser is looking at a chain saw for the Public Works Department. F. OTSEGO CREEK AUTHORITY: Dave Chase did the culvert at Walter Berning and Sons. Took one out and cleaned out one to the West. Lloyd Beaudrys took 2 hours time for the Maininance Department 2 Men. Truck and a backhoe. Ins was discussed. G. ADM. SUB-COMMITTEE: No meeting. July 20, 4PM next meeting. H. SU:B-COMMITTEE FOR BULLETIN BOARD FOR OTSEGO: DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO HAVE ROGER KIRSCHT BUILD A BULLETIN BOARD FOR S1,865.00. NORMAN F FRESKE SECONDED THE MOTION. :AND SECONDED WAS WITHDRAWN. ( Council will check with Roger Kirsch on building it with block and bring it back next meeting.) CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 11, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 12 - Larry Fournier said he feels Don Meinhardt's model tits in with the archutecture of our building better. Discussion of price was had and concrete with a lighted case. Doug Lindenfelser didn't aurce. Electrical work and sales tax not included on Don Meinhardt's sign. Larr'/ Fournier liked the glazed block. 3.2. ANY OTHER COUNCIL BUSINESS: Dave Schmid has asked to file an appeal on the wetlands no loss determination, Norman F Freske brought this up. Treasurers Report - was presented. We got $306,000,00 from Wright Co., $29.000.00 from the State and Park Construction paid $36.000.00 in Juiv said Jim Barthel. Last ,.vear the Wright Co. amount was $27,100.00. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE TREASURERS REPORT, DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3.3. PAY ANY BILLS: CLAIMS .729 THRU 804 INCLUSIVE WERE PAID FINANCIAL REPORT FOR ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT IS DUE BY JI'L a' 29, 1994 NEEDS TO BE PUBLISHED: Elaine Beatty brought it up to the Council with a copy to review before it is published. GIS Mapping July 14, 1994 - 10AM Larry Koshak is going to this County Meeting. and wants some or all of the Council to go. Carl Swenson - Re: his rental units Elaine Beatty brought up Carl Swenson's Rental Units. He has tax information to show that the rental units were there when he bought the farm and not ille<gal . He also has a letter from Marian Alexander the neighbor that the rental units were there when he moved in. These units were grandfathered in and not ILLEGAL. MOTION BY LARRY FOURNIER AND SECONDED BY DOUG LINDENFELSER THAT CARL SWENSON'S RENTAL UNITS WERE THERE BEFORE Ia1E MOVED IN, THEREFORE THEY ARE GRANDFATHERED IN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Norm Freske said that the Building Inspector did his job by bringing this to the attention of the Council. Larry Fournier brought up the quarterly budget meeting. It is time, maybe we should look at setting a date. 1,.'1,RItY FOURNIER MOTIONED T() SET AUGusT 4, 1994 AT 7:30PM FOR A MIDGET MEETING. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larrt. Fournier brought up annexation and asked Norm Freske if he would contact .c)meone in Albertville about a committee to meet. Norm Freske will contact CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 11, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 13 - Albertville's Mayor, and a letter will be sent to Terry Merrit. The Council would like to know when it is set said Doug. Lindenfelser. 8.4. ADJOURN BY 11PM: DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. s NORA, F FRESKE, MAYOR DOUG INDENFELS ^ ', COUNCIL -16 FLOYD RODEN, COUNCIL LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL RO. BLACK, COUN IL ATT T: LJ INC BEATTY, DEPUTY CLE ' ZONING ADM. EB RESOLUTION 94-89 RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HE ON I I ROVEMENTS 11 I REAS, pursuant to resolution of the Council adopted June 11, 1994, a report has been prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. with reference to the improvements of 88TH Street NE and Quaday Avenue NE Streets within the MRD Commercial Park and this report was received by the Council on 7/11/94. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of Otsego, Minnesota; 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such street in accordance with the report and the assess- ment of abutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429 at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $254,950.00. 2. A Public Hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the eight day of August, 1994 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:00 (PM) and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such Hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the Council this 11TH day of July, 1994. CITY OF OTSEGO: NO F FRESKE, MAYOR RESOLUTION 94-89 RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution of the Council adopted June 11, 1994, a report has been prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. with reference to the improvements of 88TH Street NE and Quaday Avenue NE Streets within the MRD Commercial Park and this report was received by the Council on 7/11/94. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of Otsego, Minnesota; 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such street in accordance with the report and the assess- ment of abutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429 at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $254,950.00. 2. A Public Hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on the eight day of August, 1994 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 7:00 (PM) and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such Hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the Council this 11TH day of July, 1994. Ai TEST: a, CITY OF OTSEGO: G / NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR ROME PERRAULT, CLERK