08-08-1994 City Council MinutesCCWS7794.WPS CITY OF OTSEGO MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF AUGUST 8, 1994 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO IN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT, AND STATE OF MINNESOTA 7:30PM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 1. MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WILL CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER. At 7:30PM Mayor Freske called the Meeting order ROLL CALL. Mayor Norman F Freske, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier, and Ron Black, Council were present. ALSO PRESENT WERE: Jim Barthel, Treasurer, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator, and Judy Hudson, Secretary. PROFESSIONAL STAFF PRESENT WAS AS FOLLOWS: Larry Koshak, City Engineer and Kevin Kielb, Engineer 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF 7/25/94 COUNCIL MEETING. Pg. 11. 9.2 G & L Quote. Pg 5, Last Paragraph should be " why" not you. RON BLACK MOTIONED APPROVAL. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. KEVIN DOTY, VICE PRESIDENT MARQUETTE BANK - OTSEGO DISCUSSION OF BANK AND SERVICES: Norman F Freske welcomed Kevin Doty. July 18th marked the opening of Marquette Bank Otsego. They installed the first ATM. It is heavily used. The bank traffic is starting to pick up. They are pleased with the amount of public interest they have had to date. Marquette Bank and Sister banks are capable of handling comfortably up to 10 million dollars. One area they have excelled at is Industrial Parks. They are dealing with Minn. Business Finance. OMINI BD. They have an excellent rapport with the Board. He felt that would be of some interest. They are extremely interested in funding same. The cash management is the second point. Controlling the paperwork and more efficiently managing the funds. They have the capability of balancing the cites books monthly. The cost is very low. Thru a modem you can hook up. You can deposit directly into a persons account (employees) They can also transfer and it is a cost of approximately $50.00 per month. He is willing to explain to the Council. Nancy Fin is a full time investment Rep. They do have a Muncipal Investment Department, and they deal with other Cities. One day in and out, no loads. That in combination with cash management they can sweep excess funds out and manage them. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 8, 1994 PAGE -2- If you choose a Voyager Fund, etc. we can have someone from Mpls. come out and meet with you. We offer generic checking, savings, etc. We have a special program for City Employees that would be a benefit, and they have more information. Kevin Doty encouraged the Council to stop in and look the business over. Mayor Norman F Freske thanked him for coming and wished him the best. 4. OPEN FORUM: Wally Odell - Darkeknwald Companies. Wally Odell had a couple matters to review with the Council. Early in May they were approached by a Rep. of the City about the possibility of working out something with the City and the sewer plant being used. We had a preliminary workshop with the City and general discussion. The plant was well operated, and capable of providing more sewer capacity. That lead to a second meeting. We got an Attorney who works with us and on June 20th, we had a discussion with the City regarding Sewer and Water. The suggestion was made that we look at a joint feasibility study. The concept of joint sewer and water was new to the City and new to us. We have done a lot of homework. I have supplied some information to the Council on privatization. We came away from the June 20, 1994 meeting feeling that we had things under way.(Joint sewer study and an Engineering study.) We and the City Attorney would look at some sort of plan. We feel that the thing has been stonewalled. We have looked at the Feasibility Study. It appears the City has started on the Municipal Water System. More talk about cities that have private systems. Wally said the City is in a unique position right now. Not many communities get the chance to do this. He would like to have the Council look at this. We feel private business can do it better than the City. He talked about the Muncipal Well and extending lines and the cost involved. If we are going to put these mains in the right of way, who will pay for it? I have seen other communities where the farmers have refused to waive their green acres and the City was stuck with it. We are asking to have the City get back on track. We ask that the City hold off on sewer and water while we study the issues. They would like a thorough study as soon as possible. The whole community should be able to respond. Mayor Norman F Freske agreed, but said we have had a lot of meetings and we are working on mapping. Also, the water with regard to the school, they want it by Nov. 1st or forget it. He felt we should all sit down and discuss it. John Darkenwald asked if they have any comments or questions on the letter they got today from Wright Hennepin? They are willing to explore privatization. They are interested in consulting, management, building and joint ventures. Larry Koshak said he is for a feasibility study, but needs more information. How does Privatization work and how does a Muncipal system work? CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCJL MINUTES OF AUGUST 8,1994 PAGE -3 - Wally Odell said they did submit the Engineers proposal. We have had no response on a meeting. John Darkenwald said they could work on this if that is what the Council wants as a whole. Norman F Freske explained further. We are in the process, but have had a lot of meetings. John Darkenwald said we need direction from the Council. Ron Black said now we don't need anything? We are doing what we can do, getting a handle on the feasibility study and who will pay for what? I haven't seen any documentation as to what it would cost, etc. They will be moving on it tonight. No one else on open forum. 5. CONSIDERATION OF CIGARETTE_ LICENSES FOR THE FOLLOWING: a. Riverview Liquorette b. F & F Foods: c. Tom Thumb Foods: DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO APPROVE A, B, C, ABOVE. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. LARRY KOS13AK, CITY ENGINEER Larry Koshak appeared before the Council. 6.1. MUNICIPAL WELL INFORMATION: 94.3a. Well bid and issue with timetable, brought up by project managers. The school is concerned about the possibility of being charged additional costs for late startup for mech. and other facilities. Our initial approval on the agreement is to have water into schools working by January 1, 1995. We issued an Addendum and asked contractors to provide September 30, 1994 and December 2, 1994. Bids on August 2, 1994 at 10 A.M. Traut wells could do it cheaper earlier than later. They were the low bidder at $62,800.00 second bidder, Bergeson Caswell $68,630.00, Third E. H. Renner & Sons, Inc. at $76,312.50. He explained original bid. We recommend an award of contract to Traut Wells in the amount of $62,800.00. There was more discussion. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 8,1994 PAGE -4- LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO AWARD THE WELL CONSTRUCTION TO TRAUT WELL DRILLING INC FOR $62,800.00. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH FLOYD RODEN OPPOSING. Floyd Roden asked why was it a big deal before and not now? Larry Fournier explained that before they were talking about testing the lines with water and now with air. We recommend accepting bid so we can move along. Larry Fournier asked if this well could become a private well at another time. Larry Koshak said it could, but was not sure how it could be transferred back. Ron Black said that typically the easements are assignable. Floyd Roden said what we charged and what Elk River got, from the School for their well, the difference is quite a bit. The school district paid Elk River much more for the well. Larry Koshak gave a breakdown on the well. Construction cost is around $162,000.00. Engineering is around $25,000.00, including plans, staking, etc. Attorney fees are approximately $2,500.00. $205,250.00 was the estimate. Bonding would be somewhere around $160,000.00 or $170,000.00. Mayor Freske said we brought this up at every Council meeting lately, the last 6 or 7 meetings. We all looked at it. Larry Fournier asked how soon will they start construction? Larry Koshak said they have to get the bonds, etc and we can give them a notice to proceed. There is only staff time now. 6.2. 88TH ST RESOLUTION: Based on the Public Hearing we recommend that you pass the resolution in front of you. Larry Koshak read the resolution. (see enclosed resolution). RON BLACK MOTION ADOPTION FOR ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS FOR 8811I ST. DOUG LINDENFESLER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6.3. FIN/ROAD UPDATE: CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 8,1994 PAGE - 5 - Larry Koshak - FIN/ROAD - We are looking at preparing Jalger for the bituminous surface. Larry Koshak explained, 6" of gravel and material that Finland and the Finnish Co. will manufacture. One major problem with Jalger is the width. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29-1/2 ft wide. We need 28'. We need to widen some of the spots, pealing topsoil off and add gravel to those sections to get that width. It means adding more than 1' in some areas. Larry further explained that that would work with putting additional material on. We will meet with the State on the strength on Wednesday or Thursday. Rather than dig out the bad spots, they will add material to it. Dave Chase explained that Jalger will be retested. That will be the primary one. Kadler is wide enough said Mr Koshak and it is more uniform in strength. There is about 6" of gravel on Jalger. More discussion. Mayor Freske asked what the difference would be to get them up to standard? Larry Koshak said 4 days of blade time to roll top soil down and push it out and haul gravel in 2" to 3" $1.79 it is $1,000.00 roughly. We put in 6", and the additional 6" is paid for by the state. Floyd Roden asked if the Co. would bring trucks also? Larry Koshak said this would probably be the City's job. The additional, the County can provide trucks, blade, rollers, etc. The paver will be brought in by Sterns Co. The Finns will bring in the machine to make the mixture. We would like Council approval to proceed. To prepare Jalger to 28' width. Norman F Freske explained that Jalger was more important, traffic wise. Doug Lindenfelser agreed. Larry Koshak said it made more sense to finish off Jalger. Doug Lindenfelser asked about maintaining driveways. The State will supply the gravel said Larry Koshak. The State will buy the gravel from the City's stockpile. Doug Lindenfelser asked if Larry Koshak has an idea of the City's cost? CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 8, 1994 PAGE - 6 - Larry said we have to figure material. More discussion was had on how it would be built and who would pay for it. Mayor Freske brought up that if this road is done there is a good possibility of having another one done in a year or so. Floyd Roden asked how the tests came out? Larry Koshak had an Engineering graph. Dave Chase explained, he dug out the frost boils. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO GO AHEAD WITH JALGER. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black asked if the Maintenance Dept. would keep separate time logs so we know what it is costing this year? Larry Koshak said what will benefit, is keeping track of the costs. The Finns will be looking at that.. Merlin Otto, Engineer for Parks and Recs. was not present. 6.4. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR BITUMINOUS PATH: Larry Koshak read Merlin's Otto's information. Ohman's bid was received but did not reference, specification sheet or quantities. It could be determined as not legal bid (disqualified). Larry explained we have had problems with Omann Blacktopping. The bid was $10, 768.00, no quantities or specifications were referenced. G & N Blacktopping is the low bidder, from Hopkins. $11,960.00 with 3 year warranty. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO AWARD THE PROJECT TO G & N BLACKTOPPING FOR $11,960.00. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. OHMANN BLACKTOPPING WAS DISQUALIFIED BECAUSE NO SPECIFICATION OR QUANTITIES WERE PROVIDED IN THEIR BID. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Koshak will include this in the Resolution. Darlene Solberg brought up that they wanted no shale in the mix. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 8,1994 PAGE -7- Tom Baillargeon brought a plan and showed the trail. It is where Dave Chase has piled their dirt. Dave will have to remove the dirt and a few trees. Dave Chase said he can do that. They can use the dirt in the ball fields. Larry Koshak suggested getting an agreement or contract with the blacktopping co. and no work proceed until we get it, with the guarantee. Equipment items necessary for play and picnic areas as follows: (see information) amount of $2,045.00. Tom Baillargeon explained they will not have any problem in meeting these prices. Council advised, make sure the tables are sturdy. Ron Black asked about the recycled plastic type picnic tables, etc. Tom said he has looked into it and explained further. Darlene Solberg has talked to Phil Hals about how Elk River put their tables together. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO APPROVE EXPENDITURES FOR $1,590.00 FOR PICNIC TABLES, ETC. (PRICE MAY HAVE TO BE REVISED). DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Floyd Roden asked if they could be stored in the City Shed in the Winter. Council said yes. Dave Chase agreed, said there is room. 6.5. EQUIPMENT PURCHASE SUPPLIES LIST FOR OTSEGO PRAIRIE PARK: ISTFA GRANT Otsego's Grant Request will be funded July 1, 1995 for bike and pedestrian supplies $61,525.00. Park trust amount $7,500.00 and General Fund $54,025.00. Land acquisition for ISTEA $21,500.00. $247,000.00 is the Amount of the grant. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO RECONSIDER THE PREVIOUS MOTION. DOUG SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 8,1994 PAGE -8- RON BLACK MOTIONED TO AMEND THE MOTION TO ALLOW THE EXPENDITURE OF $2,045.00 FOR THE ITEMS LISTED ABOVE UNDER PARAGRAPH 5, FOR THE PARK & RECS. MINUTES OF AUGUST 1,1994. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MAKING SURE TO GET DECENT TABLES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6 6. ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS: Ron Black asked Larry Koshak where are we on the Feasibility Study on sewer and water? What would be included at what costs and how shared? Larry Koshak said he knows there was a letter received but doesn't recall the contents, as he read it, it did not require a response at that time. Ron Black said he thought Larry Koshak and Darkenwalds were to look at these items. More discussion was had. Darkenwalds were to put together a proposal. John Darkenwald said they have done that. This will be brought up at the next meeting. There is a workshop August 15, 1994. Put this on the Reg. Council of August 22, 1994 (8/22/94). 7. CITY COUNCIL ITEMS: 7.1. CITY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS; A. EDAAC: The EDAAC met last week, they plan on hiring an intern during the month of December at $5.00 an hr. They were wondering if EDAAC will be doing the interviewing. Council said yes. They are writing a job description, Political science major, business data base and business retention program. When the job description is complete, it will be run by the Council. September 13, 1994 at 7 PM is the next meeting. That will be Primary Election day. Meeting needs to be rescheduled. Ron Black said after polls close they can hold a meeting.(after 8 PM) B. P.C.. Ron Black said the P.0 passed a Resolution opposing annexation at their last meeting. Council has a copy.(see attached) All the Commission Members spoke in favor of the Resolution. They are wondering what their role is in terms of planning and enforcing the Ordinances and Comp. Land Use Plan. They are strong in their position on this. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 8,1994 PAGE -9- Floyd Roden talked about legislation regarding annexation as of August 1, 1994. He explained. More discussion on Annexation and we got Incorporated so we wouldn't be annexed. Larry Fournier said some annexations are put to a Public Vote. Maybe we can have the Residents of our City vote. Roger Williams of the State will be here as mediator. Ron Black said as long as we have a sub -committee, he is comfortable in leaving that with the sub -committee. Any feedback on combining all of these petitions? RON BLACK MOTIONED TO ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE RESOLUTION FROM THE P.C. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. C. PARKS AND RECS BD: Floyd Roden brought up the operating budget and capital improvement program. Back page of minutes of Parks and Recs minutes. (see minutes). No membership fees needed as they chose not to join the State Parks and Recs. $250.00 cut. There will be a Seminar in Mpls. this fall. The cost of the Seminar is $400.00. Supplies $100.00, Mileage $150.00, Misc. $200.00. Publications 0, Merlin Otto $6,500.00 (for Consulting Services/Grant Applications and Activities (see breakdown attached) $5,423.00. Floyd Roden felt it is high. It might be higher with ISTEA Grant. Breakdown on activities was passed out. They wanted it all lumped together with Jeff Asfahl's figures. Tom Baillargeon had the breakdown of capitol improvements. Floyd Roden asked that we bring this up at the next meeting. August 22, 1994. Bring this up at the Budget Meeting.(August 29,1994) Tom Baillargeon brought up that we need a land acquisition for Otsego Elelmentary School Link. New trail from Old City Hall to New City Hall and easements needed. Grant for land acquisition breakdown to $21,000.00 total. We need to start looking into that. Safety Camp is coming up on 23,24 and 25th of August. He explained what they will have. He invited the Council to come and join them. The hours are 9 AM to 11 AM. They would like to continue that again next year. On October 29th there will be a hayride. Elk River will merge with us, and we are looking for help. Our next meeting will be September 13, 1994, after 8 PM. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 8,1994 PAGE - 10 - Insurance for the hayride? Elaine Beatty will check with Dan Greene to check if they are covered. D. #728 PARKS AND RECS BD: No meeting. E. P BLIC WORKS: Public Works will be having a meeting this week on August 11, 1994, at 2:30 PM. Bids for truck are $1,250. Metro Truck, Rum River Contracting $1,720.00 etc. Lindenfelser Bros. $1,300.00. MOTION BY FLOYD RODEN. SECONDED BY LARRY FOURNIER TO ACCEPT THE DARKENWALD RIVERBEND CO. BID FOR TRUCK FOR $5,050.00. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Norman F Freske talked to "Roger Kirscht. He can match brick to the building, but would like to know where they were bought. Don Meinhardt will find out where. He can do it. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC SUBCOMMITTEE ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH ROGER KIRSCHT TO BUILD A BULLETIN BOARD WITH THE BLOCK. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. TRASH ENCLOSURE: Norman F Freske talked to Roger Kirscht. He suggested putting a slab on the curb. He will put enclosure up. LaPlant Sanitation said a incline is needed. CONSIDER DUMP TRUCK BIDS: DARKENWALDS (SEE ABOVE) THEY ARE GRAVELING SAID DAIVD CHASE. F. OTSEGO CREEK AUTHORITY: A meeting will be held Wednesday Night at 7 PM at Albertville. Floyd Roden had the agenda. Our Insurance does cover the Sentence to Serve. Work was done to the pond and he would like to proceed on the lower creek. Larry Fournier said he thought they were going to do more. He got more easements signed for this end. They may have to schedule more dates. Carl Swenson said we need to walk the creek with the foreman a couple weeks ahead. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 8,1994 PAGE -11- LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO DO THE LOWER END OF THE CREEK AS FAR AS THEY CAN. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. G. ADM. SUB -COMMITTEE Ron Black said we met and there is a Resolution on Election Judges. FLECTIONS: FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED. DOUG LINDENFESLER SECONDED TO ACCEPT THE RES. 94-92 FOR ELECTION JUDGES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY WITH ADDITION OF DARLYN KOFOED. Larry Fournier brought up the video equipment we need for election judge training. Darlyn Kofoed has a VCR she can donate. She wants the City to write up something on that. Judy Hudson has prices for VCR, Stand and TV's: Audio Communications had a very good price. Half the price of Fred's Service. Bids on 20",27" and 31" TV's. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO BUY A 31" TV. QUOTE FROM AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS. LARGE STAND AND 4 HEAD VCR. LARRY F. SECONDED THE MOTION. TOTAL OF $1,394.00. WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT IT IS COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Fournier said it was not in the budget for this year. December 31, fund balance surplus is $164,270.00, for the City Hall Account. Election Supplies: Judy Hudson brought up having poles and ropes for the Election. She had costs on the poles. The number of poles was cut down to 20. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE JUDY AUTHORIZE. TO SECURE WHATEVER ELECTION SUPPLIES ARE NECESSARY. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 8,1994 PAGE - 12 - RON BLACK MOTIONED TO PAY $5.50 PER HOUR FOR ELECTION JUDGES AND TWO MEALS. MOTION DEFEATED 3 TO 2 WITH FLOYD RODEN AND RON BLACK IN FAVOR, DOUG LINDENFELSER, NORMAN F FRESKE AND LARRY FOURNIER OPPOSED. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO TAKE THE ALTERNATIVE WHERE ELAINE, JUDY AND CAROL SERVE THE MEAL . ALT #2 FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH DOUG LINDENFELSER OPPOSING. ASSESSMENT POLICY WORKSHOP MEETING CHANGE: Meeting changed to August 29, 1994 - 7:30PM FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING CHANGED FROM 8/15/94 TO 8/29/94 AT 7:30 PM. PLANT MAINTENANCE FOR CITY HALL: Ron Black explained costs at $380.00 for replanting and pesticide. Plants plus will come out once a Month for $20.00 a Month. PUT ON NEXT COUNCIL AGENDA (COPY TO COUNCIL) CAROL OLSON WORK REVIEW: LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO INCREASE CAROL OSLON'S WAGE FROM $7.00 TO $8.00 PER HR. RETRO -ACTIVE TO JULY 1,1994. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Fournier brought up that Curt Otterness is quitting August 26, 1994. Discussion was had. This will be discussed at Public Works Meeting on August 11, 1994. Files will be pulled on applications for meeting. Ken Shierts can work part time. Curt is on vacation now, but will be leaving in 3 weeks. REVIEW ADMINISTRATIVE POSITION: DISCUSS ADMINISTRATOR - VS - FINANCE OFFICER: Consider after roll call on 8/22/94 agenda. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 8,1994 PAGE -13- 7.2 DISCUSS THIRD INDUSTRIAL SITE: Larry Fournier. asked to have this on Agenda. Each Council Member should pick a site. He is requesting to pick a date to check this concern. I-94 site is questionable, we should be ready to react. Larry Fournier is asking for Council to relook at this issue and calling for special meeting as of this date. Suggesting September 8th, 1994 for a meeting. Norman F Freske said maybe by September 8th,1994, they may know what direction they are heading. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO HAVE A MEETING WITH COUNCIL ON SEPT 8, 1994 AT 7:30 PM TO REVIEW THE 3RD INDUSTRIAL SITE. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7.3. CONSIDER RESOLUTION FOR ELECTION JUDGES: OK'd See above. 7.4. ANY OTHER COUNCIL BUSINESS: Poles are up and lights are going in on 96th. 7.5. UPDATE ON THE SUB -COMMITTEE MEETING RE. ANNEX A TIONIDETA C.HMENT: See above. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO ACCEPT TREASURERS REPORT, AS ONE OF THE BEST YET. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Norman F Freske brought up the J -Craft Bill. They had to move the muffler back. It was not in the Specs said Dave Chase, but the bill is here tonight. Norman F Freske brought up that he may not be able to attend the Budget Meeting on August 11, 1994, at 7:30 PM. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO RESET THE BUDGET MEETING FROM AUGUST 11TH TO 18TH AT 7:30 PM. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FLOYD CAN'T MAKE THIS ONE. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO RESET THE MEETING FROM AUG 18, AT 7:30 TO AUG 25TH AT 7:30 FOR THE BUDGET MEETING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 8,1994 PAGE - 14 - 7.6. PAY ANY BILLS: CLAIM NUMBERS 864 THRU 935 WERE PAID INCLUSIVELY. Norman F Freske brought up obtaining used oil storage tanks. Judy Hudson will check it out. 8/10/94-7 to 9 representative town meeting with Stephanie Klinzing, at City Hall. Headstart fence was put in today. Dave Chase agreed on location. Elaine Beatty brought up the liquor license being requested with Hwy 101 access. Larry Fournier brought up the Bank of Elk River and what happened? Larry Fournier said the City Attorney is bailing out on the Albertville Annexation. The Council needs to look at this and say we need this for every issue or not at all. Bill Radzwill said if there is ever a problem we will back out of Albertville. Personally I would feel really comfortable if he were representing us. More discussion. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO TAKE RON BLACKS SUGGESTION AND DRAFT A LETTER TO SAY IT IS EITHER OTSEGO OR ALBERTVILLE. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ELAINE WILL DRAFT A LETTER AND MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WILL SIGN. 7.7. ADJOURN: LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FLOYD ' DEN, COUNCIL ELAINE BEATTY DEPTY, CLERK/ZONING 'ADM. City Seal: DOUG INDENFELS ZIER COUNCIL , Ig1 BLACK, COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 94-92 APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES FOR 1994 CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT WHJ REAS the Primary Elections are to be held on September 13, 1994, and, WHEREAS the General Elections are to be held on November 8, 1994, and, WHEREAS Election Judges are required to perform the election duties for these elections, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the following persons be appointed as Election Judges and attend the necessary training provided by the City of Otsego in order to hold the position of Election Judge: Dawn Barthel Rose Cassidy Germaine Beaudry Julie Berning Marion Alexander Arlene Lindenfelser Elaine Beatty Kelly Perrault Melroy Martin Lorene Hennick Sandy Lindenfelser Judy Silverness Lori Dehn Elizabeth Vetsch Gabe Davis Celene Greeninger Nancy Duerr Joann Martin La Ray O'Quist Kelly Bistodeau Maxine Davis Diane Pearson Joy Swenson Carol Weidenbach Carol Olson, Alternate Appointed by the City of Otsego Council this 8TH day of August, 1994. Judy Roden Judy Hudson Lillian Schultz Dave Cecka Bill Vanysseldyk Della Anderson Judy Blesi Judy Ruch ELAINE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLERKI ZONING ADMINISTRATOR �� (CITY SEAL) Resolution No.94-93 Resolution for Accepting Quotes and Awarding a Contract WHEREAS, pursuant to a request for quotes for improvements to Otsego Prairie Park for construction of bituminous trails and pads, eight quotes were received and tabulated with the following quotes being considered: Contractor Quotes G&N Blacktopping $11,960.00 Blacktop Services $12,888.00 L&L Asphalt $13,800.00 C&S Blacktopping $15,857.00 Alber Construction $16,387.00 Elk River Bituminous $16,920.00 Allied Blacktop $17,900.00 Aero Asphalt $19,900.00 AND WHEREAS, it appears that G & N Blacktopping of Excelsior, Minnesota is the lowest responsible party presenting a quote, WHEREAS, quotes were received from Rum River Construction Co. and Bauerly Bros., Inc. based on a lower quantity which didn't conform with the specifications and, WHEREAS, a quote was received from Omann Bros. which didn't reference either the specified quantity or the spec sheet, and also is ambiguous regarding the use of the specified 2341 mix vs their "regular" mix as indicated on their proposal and, WHEREAS, the quotes received from the three aforementioned contractors are non -conforming, their quotes are rejected from consideration on this project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with G & N Blacktopping of Excelsior, Minnesota in the name of the City of Otsego for construction of bituminous trails and pads in Otsego Prairie Park according to Mn/DOT specifications. 2. That Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. or its agents are authorized to inspect the work and materials for conformance to specifications. Ado by the Otsego City Council this day o 19 Mayo Clerk 8.1 RESOLUTION NO. 94-95 RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 94-36 WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for Public Improvement Project No. 94-3b, Otsego Elementary School Site Water Line and Water Well Appurtenances, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Bidder R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. Bonine Excavating, Inc. Metropolitan Dirtworks, Inc. LaTour Construction, Inc. Amount $78,881.50 $80,356.50 $80,596.00 $87,857.00 AND WHEREAS, it appears that R.L. Larson Excavating of St. Cloud, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. of St. Cloud, Minnesota for the improvements as stated above according to plans and specifications therefore approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City Clerk, but contingent on the following: a. An agreement between the City of Otsego and Independent School District No. 728 related to the construction of a municipal well on Independent School District No. 728 property being executed by both parties. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the Otsego City Council this - z x kgkmkX - Elaine Beate%y, Deputy Clerk/Zoning `dm. 8TH day of August , 19 94. ae-aszo Mayor Norman F Freske