08-22-1994 City Council MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 22, 1994 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING IN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 7:30PM 1 MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WILL CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Mayor Norman F Freske called Meeting to order at 7:30PM ROLL CALL: MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE, DOUG LINDENFELSER, FLOYD RODEN, LARRY FOURNIER, AND RON BLACK, COUNCIL. ALSO PRESENT WERE JEROME PERRAULT, CLERK, JIM BARTHEL, TREASURER, ELAINE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLERK, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, AND JUDY HUDSON, SECRETARY. PROFESSIONAL STAFF PRESENT WERE LARRY KOSHAK, ENGINEER AND ANDY MAC ARTHUR, ATTORNEY. 2. MINUTES CONSIDERATION: Minutes of 8-8-94 : Hearing on 88th ST: DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF 88TH ST. HEARING. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF 8/8/94: Pg. 4 top of pg. Larry Fournier said under Floyd Roden should be (Larry Koshak) LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED ADOPTION. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. PASTOR GREG POGHBE: CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH'S FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PLANS: Pastor Pagh appeared before the Council. He shared information in regard to Christ Lutheran Church. He explained at Co 39 and 101 the church was constructed in 1990. It is the only Church in Otsego. They feel that a healthy and growing Christian organization is a component of a healthy and growing community. He talked about exciting new opportunities. Membership has grown from 200 to 850 members, 1,000 by the end of this year. 2,000 by the year 2000 is predicted. He talked about the new homes being built and the age of the residents is young. The County is projected to be fastest growing in Minnesota. They have attempted to meet the needs of this growing community. They strongly believe in being a partner with businesses, schools, etc. Facilities used to provide a State Licensed (not for profit) day care. He explained more the different groups they provide space for. We have a Friendly, caring, positive congregation. He talked about safe neighborhoods, good schools, honest government and good churches (quality of life). CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1994 Page - 2 - Pastor Greg Pagh stated that he realized the City's goals but the church is rapidly outgrowing their facilities and needs to expand their property and facilities. They have been involved with Mary Dare's Reps. in regard to the property to the east of the Church. They have a Purchase agreement signed. They will be working with the City to receive rezoning, etc. Jack Holmes showed the land and talked about the property and how they plan to use it. He showed the existing building. They have purchased land in the floodplain. They have done a master plan or site plan showing the possibilities for developing the piece of property. They are proposing the area for construction on the area that is high and out of the flood plain and the area in the flood plain for parking. They also showed ballfields. They have done a plan just to get an idea of a site plan. They have not gotten into an actual design program. It is too early. They are just looking at space and square footage. They showed how they would put it on the Site. Two major entrances to the church, etc. Pastor Greg Pagh said they believe having an attractive and active congregation at the front door of the City gives a positive image. More discussion of activities for youth, counseling center and a variety of support services, etc. They believe that these kinds of programs can have a direct contribution to the City of Otsego. He thanked the Council for the opportunity to show their plans. They will be happy to answer any general questions. Doug Lindenfelser said it looks good. He asked about the expansion of the road. Pastor said they are pleased at 88th Street giving them the access to the church. Mayor Freske said it looks like a nice facility but they will have to look at the tax base, . and consider what is best for the City, etc. He also thanked Pastor Greg Pagh. 4. REVIEW OF ADM. POSITION BY CITY COUNCIL (ADMINISTRATOR VS FINANCE OFFICER): Doug Lindenfelser asked Ron Black if he had come up with any candidates? Ron Black said he had a couple of candidates. Doug Lindenfelser asked if we need personnel for Finance and Administration. The reason why is the growth in the near future. Larry Fournier said he would like to ask Jerry Perrault what he would like to see. Jerry Perrault said that he felt we need people to do the work, not supervise the work. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1994 Page - 3 - Mayor Freske agreed, we need someone who can do the bonding. Jerry Perrault agreed. He has not been involved in it, but he felt the person coming in should do that. Norm Freske said some Cities have tried Administrators and they wished they hadn't. Jerry Perrault said a Finance Officer and take Jim's position too, is what he would recommend.By having two sets of books you would not need an audit every year. With the computer eliminating the need. Doug Lindenfelser asked Jerry Perrault if that would be a full time position? Jerry Perrault said it depends, certain times of the year are busier. Weekly deposits for taxes, PERA twice a month, weekly reports, and grants would be more work. The claim forms are computerized, but someone has to enter it. Ron Black said he was here one day last week when the Auditor was here. I asked her, in the Cities that their firm audits, what is the relationship. Do they see City Administrators, City Clerks, Finance people, etc. and they audit a wide variety of Cities of different sizes. Big or small, her comment was generally speaking their experience is that when the Administrator gets involved in finances the Auditor will spend a couple of Months straightening the mess out. She felt it is not a good idea to be mixing finances and Administion. He also talked to the Finance Director for the City of Elk River. The Finance Officer reports to the Administrator, but she reports to the Council, because the Administrator doesn't know about the finances. He has drawn a conclusion that water and oil is what it is like, they don't mix very well. Mayor Freske said he appreciates what Jerry Perrault has done. He also felt that Elaine's title should remain as is but put Clerk instead of Deputy Clerk. That is his opinion. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED THAT WE REPLACE JERRY PERRAULT'S JOB WITH A FINANCIAL OFFICER, THAT WE WRITE A JOB DISCRIPTION AND ADVERTISE FOR THAT POSITION, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black said he doesn't feel anyone could pick Jerry Perraults mind in 5 minutes. It will take awhile to get the information from Jerry Perrault and Jim Barthel. Larry Fournier said part time or full time could be written in the job description. Ron Black said it would suprise me if we need a full-time person. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1994 Page - 4 - Jerry Perrault said with the laptop it eliminates a lot of work for taking minutes. Larry Fournier said we would be streamlining the job. It is not that Jerry Perrault didn't work. Floyd Roden asked if this would be a salaried job? It can be looked at. Ron Black felt the major decision is if we need a Finance Officer or an Administrator. We can sit down and look at it from there. Doug Lindenfelser asked if it would be a contracted or city hired position? It can be reviewed and talked about. 5. OPEN FORUM: Janet Walchek-5294 NE 89th Street. We would like to get a Street light on the corner of 89th Street and Page Ave. We have been there two years, have little kids and it is hard to see at night. The first one on the left coming from Co.39 and possibly on Co.39 and Parell Ave. We have a sign saying caution, watch for children, and a 30 MPH speed limit sign, but nobody slows down. We have a gravel /dirt road,30 MPH is fast on it. She also talked about Parrish Ave. being 30 MPH and changing it to 40 MPH. Norm Freske said we did look at some of the roads. We can't go less than 30 MPH unless it's in a School or Hospital zone. We could have the Sheriffs Dept. check it out. The road sign says NE 89th Avenue - Not Street. (this needs to be changed) Street Lighting will be brought up at next Public Works Meeting. Mayor Freske thanked her. Mark Thiltgen came down with the Church group, his comment was concerning speeding on Parrish Ave.(Morell Trucks going 60 to 65 MPH). We have called the Wright Co. Sheriffs Dept. a lot! If anything more could be done, it would be appreciated. 6. ANDY MAC ARTHUR - CITY ATTORNEY: Mr. MacArthur appeared before the Council. 6.1. DISCUSS BONDING FOR MUNICIPAL WELL: Andy MacArthur referred to a letter from Dave Kennedy re: Bonding. He talked to Pat Dwyer and the Bank of Elk River is interested in purchasing the Bond. The Marquette Bank will also be checked with. RON BLACK MOTIONED. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED, TO HAVE ANDY MAC ARTHUR CHECK WITH MARQUETTE BANK AND THE BANK OF ELK RIVER REGARDING BONDING FOR THE MUNICIPAL WELL. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 22,1994 Page - 5 - Larry Koshak said the bondsman suggests that we bond for the full amount and use the $35,000.00 from the school to make the first bond payments. There is very little income the first year. Andy MacArthur said there will be General Obligation Bonds. When we get money into the system we can call them in and make them State Revenue Bonds. The interest rate is possibly 5% to 6% for 10 years. More discussion. Jerry Perrault asked when we anticipate the sale will be completed? Andy MacArthur said by the next Council Meeting. 6.2. RESOLUTION FOR DETACHMENT/ANNEXATION: Andy has two resolutions for the Detachment/Annexation. They are based on the same resolution as before. It is a procedure we need to pass it. DIAGLE: RON BLACK MOTIONED ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION # 94-96 REGARDING ANNEXATION. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION # 94-97 OPPOSING ANNEXATION FOR THE RODEN PROPERTY. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Andy MacArthur said Radzwill Law Firm can't bill the City for the detachment/ annexation because they can't represent us. The City will be refunded. 6.3. PETITION FOR DRAINAGE PROTECT (IN HALLS WATERSHED) JISCIISSION: Mr. MacArthur said the City is in receipt of the petition and the City must make a determination as to the legality. It is not a legal petition because it does not establish the boundaries of the area or adequately establish the petition. He suggests we give the petitioners time to get an adequate petition together. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO SEND THE PETITIONERS A LETTER, GIVE THEM 60 DAYS AND DESCRIBE TO THEM WHAT WE NEED. SECONDED BY RON BLACK TO HAVE ANDY MAC ARTHUR SEND A LETTER TO TELL THEM EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED ON THE PETITION. ELAINE BEATTY WILL SEND THE LETTER, DRAFTED BY ANDY MAC ARTHUR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 22,1994 Page - 6 - Mr.Wiltermuth asked if a petition is necessary with a 4/5 vote from the Council. No, but a petition has been submitted already. Larry Koshak said we will have to identify the area. Ron Black said this is a citizen initiated petition they can define it however they like. Andy MacArthur agreed. Doug Lindenfelser said the importance of this is the assessment of the project. Andy agreed. Larry Fournier asked if the City starts the project, would the Council have to define those boundaries? Andy said yes. 6.4. ANY OTHER LEGAL BUSINESS: Andy MacArthur said the boundaries of the watershed for Lefebvre's are apparently changing. The law regarding the moratorium is vague, so I recommend we have a Public Hearing. It is in the best interest of the City to have a Public Hearing. Mayor Freske asked if this should be at the P.C. or the City Council? Andy said it didn't matter. Larry Fournier said it bothers me, because we put the moritorium on to solve the issues. and we haven't solved the problem. Larry Koshak said hopefully the first of October, the study will be completed and we will identify in the watersheds, what we have to do, Then we can proceed. Andy said the hearing is for a development, asking to be within the boundaries of the LeFebvres Watershed. Council agreed, when it comes in we can set a Public Hearing. Hearings can be set at the same time as the item comes in for the split. Ron Black asked if we had any information from the DNR? Andy has finished reviewing the Ordinance a meeting is needed regarding Wild & Scienic Ordinance. Ron asked about Ordinance Codification. Bob Kirmis and Andy MacArthur have discussed and may have more information soon. Andy MacArthur will have the Snowmobile Ordinance for the end of this week. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1994 Page - 7 - Lany Fournier asked if Andy MacArthur will be at the assessment policy meeting next Monday. Andy said he will. 7. LARRY KOSHAK, CITY ENGINEER: Larry Koshak appeared before the Council 7.1. 88TH ST (MSA PROJECT): a. APPROVE PLANS AND SPECS FOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #94-4: b. SET BID DATE: Larry Koshak explained that they took out the Cul -du -Sac. They ran curb and gutter all the way down to the Church. It will match to the south. It is 44' wide and the Public Works can turn around. The project will cost a little more, because of extended curb and gutter. Bank and church property will stay the same, the bottom property will be more. They also had to put the turn lane in. The County said they had no funds. Mayor Freske said we need to talk to the County about this. They will talk to Pat Sawatzke about it. (Council). Larry Koshak will give them the figure on this cost. Larry Koshak said they will have excess material. They can haul it to City projects, or give to contractor or developer. Floyd Roden said we can use black dirt for the ballfields in the park. They talked about saving the dirt. Larry Koshak said a ditch has to be dug to get the water to the east 3,000 yards. Floyd Roden asked if it gets lower to the South? Larry Koshak said yes and they can pile it on site and save it. Mayor Freske agreed. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED AND DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED TO APPROVE PLANS AND ORDER THE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WITH BID DATE FOR SEPT. 21, 1994 AT 10AM MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (Resolution #94-98 approving plans & specifications and ordering bids, improvement project #94-4 88th St. MSA RD) Several directions could be taken: a. Order a feasibility study for all or a portion of the project. b. Review additional alternatives to the drainage solution on west area of Hall's Pond and report back to the Council. c. Not pursue the project for West Hall's Pond at this time and continue with the Urban Service Area Storm Water Drainage Study. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1994 Page - 8 - Floyd Roden said it is easier to go with the DNR. Ron Black said his preference would be to complete the water drainage study so there is an overall solution that can be presented for the whole area. He is concerned that items A and B would be moving the problem around. To get DNR's support we need the long range picture ready to go so we can convince them why or why not. Doing the study is the only way to have that. Short range solutions could bring more problems. He does not want to see anybody flooded out, especially because we put some pipes in the ground. Mayor Freske and Floyd Roden agreed. Larry Koshak said we could have the information in October. Agenda # 6.3. should be followed before A or B would be done. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO DIRECT THE CITY ENGINEER TO COMPLETE THE URBAN SERVICE AREA STORMWATER DRAINAGE STUDY BEFORE ANY PROPOSALS DEALING WITH LOCALIZED AREAS OF CONCERN. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Fournier said the way he sees it, it should not hold up anything. Ron Black said we have another watershed that is a concern in the area. 7.3. UPDATE ON FINNRA: Larry Koshak said Dave Chase and the State have put in a lot of time on this road. The County will let us use 4 tandem dump trucks. Larry Koshak said 13 to 15 trucks could be out there hauling gravel tomorrow. It is a community project. They will not be using the City Streets or ruining Them. They moved mailboxes. Larry Koshak commented that Randy Reznick has done a good job. Ron Black said it may be appropriate to have the reporter from the Otsego View there. Possibly Charmaine can cover it. 7.4. APPROVAL OF FINAL PAYMENT FOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #94-1 ( 80TH/KADLER & 85TH ST): In the pack there is a final payment form for the above project Amount is $110,271.86 They were very pleased with the project. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO MAKE THE FINAL PAYMENT ON 94-1 80TH/KADLER AND 85TH. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION TO PAY $110,271.86. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1994 Page - 9 - Larry Fournier said it says pending receipt. Larry Koshak explained that Jerry Perrault won't pay until he has the lien waiver. They need a warranty bond also. 7.5. UPDATE COUNCIL ON WELL AND WATERMAIN CONSTRUCTION: 74 - 3 Improvement Project Watermain has been installed. Contractor will come back when well is completed. The Well contractor has dumped off some piping and everything is heading in the right direction. Dave Chase dropped off the culvert, permit from the County has been obtained, and appropriate permits for the Well. An eletrical engineer has been hired. They offered it to the school engineer, but they did not respond. They hired one. They will go out for quotes. 7.6. REPORT ON DARKENWALD FAMILY PROPOSAL: Larry Koshak asked if everyone had a packet? There are two items: 1. Letter from George Yankoupe on his proposal. Larry explained, Defining the area, Engr. fees. the legal aspects of model. potential guideplan models. Of the five they felt the presentation should be made with items three and four first. The outline covers the Engr. aspects of the project. Larry Koshak felt it would be much more flow with demonstrating a model of this type of operation and discussing the financial aspects of it before they commit to the feasability study. There should be an example presented to you. How can it work? The Council needs that information to make a decision. Norman F Freske said he received a call from the Mayor of Dayton and they are interested in sewer and water. (Old City of Dayton and Otsego) Last Wed. or Thurs. Norm met with them. They would like to meet on regional sewer and fire. Old City of Dayton does not have water and sewer now. Larry Fournier said he felt it was a good idea to have that meeting and he would like to see them set up a meeting. Ron Black said that the City of Dayton is also a member of the Joint Powers Rec. Bd. They look for areas where they can save their taxpayers money and provide the same quality of service. Larry Fournier said exactly what Larry Koshak suggested is what he was thinking we need. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 22,1994 Page - 10 - Larry Koshak said we can prepare a letter to the Darkenwalds if you agree with this approach. COUNCIL SHOULD REVIEW THE FACTS. RON BLACK MOTIONED. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED TO HAVE THE CITY ENGR. SEND A RESPONSE LETTER TO THE DARKENWALDS REGARDING SEWER AND WATER. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black said he felt the City should be willing to participate financially. What we are talking about is of vital interest to the residents. It should not be a private persons responsibility to do this. He believes the City should be willing to participate. Wally Odell said he has some understanding of some of the problems. He said Riverbend's system could help the City with the sewer and water. He explained further. It is a long, long process. He felt the City will have to put some money on the line on a joint study. Floyd Roden asked if the Council would get a copy of the letter? Larry Koshak will leave it in the Council's box. 7 7 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS: Larry Koshak said 74-2 improvement proj. He had the hard-shells and final plat for the project for Co.37 and Odean. RON BLACK MOTIONED. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED TO SIGN THE HARD-SHELLS OF THE ROAD PROJ ON 37 AND ODEAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Koshak brought up the approval to Co Park monitoring well: LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED. RON BLACK SECONDED TO APPROVE THE CO PARK MONITORING WELL. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY., They wrote a letter to Co. Engr For information for the Council. The item is related to wetlands. The Co. had put into banking on Kadler Ave. and 92nd Street. The watershed district informed us that the LGU had to sign off on that wetlands. They wrote them a letter that we could sign off on it if we are all mutually benefited. Norm Freske said it has kept the road wetter. Larry Koshak explained further. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED. RON BLACK SECONDED TO SEND A LETTER (COPY TO PAT SAWATZKE, CO COMM.) THE ONE WRITTEN TO WAYNE FINGALSON ON WETLAND BANKING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1994 Page - 11 - Larry Koshak said we now have all the maps from the aerial photography. They had to send 1/2 dozen back for corrections. Larry Koshak felt they are excellent maps. Larry Koshak said we are ready to receive requests for topos. We need a request letter. They are pretty close to that. Fee's have been set. Larry Fournier said we have had a request for trial use of plastic culverts. Would it be possible to set up a pilot program for some contractors to try these one? It could be set up so if it didn't work we could have a letter of credit, etc. Larry Koshak said it was approved by Mn/DOT and was pulled off, then was approved again. He does not recommend it for under roads and explained that the plastic cuverts are susceptible to cracking in cold weather and traffic, and it has to have at least a foot of cover. We have tried in the past to provide the City with the best product available. If development puts it in, it will insure me that the city can use it for 100 years. It is important to get the best product we can possibly get. He explained further. In some situations there is that potential. He felt the Public Works Committee should take some time and discuss this in the future. Doug Lindenfelser said why not experiment with it for awhile. As long as he has been on the board they have continuously pulled out concrete and galvenized pipe. He is willing to experiment. Larry Koshak said they are willing to take a look at it, but at the present time he does not see any opportunity where it can be used. This will be put on the Public Works Agenda to be reviewed. Ron Black asked why the south bound lane on the new 101 is so much higher then the north. Larry Koshak said they are changing the elevation on that. Ron Black said we recently had a resident come in that was in the floodplain. That person was required to do a certain thing. Will the change of that elevation have any change in the property? He felt it difficult to know why that area is low land, if 101 is a dam, why is that property taken out of the floodplain? Larry Koshak explained the FEMA Map was used. They will put in large size culverts. There shouldn't be any change in the floodplain. Larry believes them. 861 which dominates is the level. More discussion was had. Ron Black felt people are being ripped off by that. More discussion. Darlene Solberg said the water is water seepage, not flooding. Flood Insurance does not cover that. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1994 Page - 12 - Ron Black wanted the Engineer look at it. 8. CITY COUNCIL ITEMS: 8.1. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS: a EDAAC: Larry Fournier said they have not met. A meeting is scheduled for the same night as primary. We have a Resolution establishing City policy for home extended businesses (non- conforming). EDAAC will look at it. b. P.C.: Ron Black encouraged the Council to attend the September 7, 1994 P.C. as a number of Hearings are coming up. Mayor Freske wants to be at the P.C. meeting, but he may have to be in Warroard, Mn. c. PARKS AND RECS: Darlene Solberg gave the Council a letter on the Safety Camp. Michelle Berg is putting it together. The trail is in. Norman F Freske said the trail looks beautiful. Darlene said Tom Baillargeon did a lot of work. Floyd Roden said we have our first hard surface court now. Dave Chase dug out some little trees. Larry Fournier asked if the grant is official? Floyd Roden said it looks 98% now, but not official. Doug Lindenfelser asked if the plans are to seed the entire area? Floyd and Darlene didn't know. Possibly part of it for now. d. #728 PARKS AND RECS BD: Ron Black said as a matter for the Budget Meeting. The Rec. Board adopted a budget for next year, a slight increase for the assessment. Details available for the Budget Meeting. Ron said activities is part of rec. responsibility. They have established a budget for that. CITY OF OTSEGO MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1994 Page - 13 - Municipalities pay for people to work as a supervisor, etc. Jeff Asfahl has suggested that the person we hire, be hired as an independent contractor to run the safety camp. A The wage rate to be worked out with the Rec. Coordinator. Rogers, Zimmerman and Elk River uses this. Ron Black suggested we adopt the proposed form. It is paid for from Otsego's Park and Rec. funds. MOTIONED BY FLOYD RODEN. RON BLACK SECONDED TO GO WITH THE SAFETY PROGRAM PROPOSED FORM. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. e. PUBLIC WORKS: Dave Chase said they have been working with FINNRA. The Roofing for Peavey House is being done this week. Regarding the new maintenance man, it was kicked around. Dave went over the list of employees. (applicants) Norman F Freske said he talked to the City Attorney and we are legally covered, but we should set up a policy. We could run into a problem with a minority group. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE SELECT A GROUP AND RECOMMEND TO THE COUNCIL FOR HIRE. THE FINAL SIX OR EIGHT AND ANY NEW APPLICANTS. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Fournier was concerned that we may have a lot of good candidates that may not want the job. Ron Black said using that pool, he has confidence in the committee. He said he did not limit the number. Make a recommendation to the Council. Dave Chase said the State has a salt and sand shed that we can look at. A Pole Shed, they can move it. The State approached Dave about trading hours for hours on equipment. It has been working out well with Princeton, Milaca, Elk River, etc. They have road sweepers, etc. More discussion. Ron suggested we refer this to the Street Commission. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO HAVE THE CITY PARTICIPATE WITH THE STATE REGARDING HOURS FOR HOURS FOR EQUIPMENT EXCHANGE. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1994 Page - 14 - On September 29, 1994 the State of Mn. wants our new truck at the State Rodeo. They want one of our plows in St Cloud. They are holding off on graveling. Culvert - Dave Chase talked to Larry Koshak and will talk to Gene Kreuser and R. L Larson on this. On 80th/Kadler and 85th, they have the black dirt started, and they want it seeded. Dave would like to stockpile some of that. Larry Fournier asked if they put a culvert in at School Entrance? Dave Chase said at the Well they did. L OTSEGO CREEK AUTHORITY: Floyd Roden sais they had a Regular meeting and solved a lot of problems. The meeting in the second week in October they will have a report, with a budget done then. Carl Swenson will check on the lower part of the creek. IU :- I►I►I Did not meet. Cancelled - no issues 8.2. PLANTS PLUS QUOTE FOR CITY HALL PLANTS: Ron Black felt we spend money to maintain other parts of the City, why wouldn't we spend money to maintain plants. Doug Lindenfelser asked do we want to be in the greenhouse business. I don't think we need all these plants. Give them to someone. Why clutter the things with plants. Larry Fournier felt the plants look good and would like to see them replanted and have wheels. The City could water them, etc. Ron Black said they were given to the City in Good faith. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH PLANTS PLUS TO GO WITH QUOTE. MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF SECOND. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED THAT WE HAVE THE 10 LARGE PLANTS TRANSPLANTED AND WHEELS PUT ON THEM. NORMAN F FRESKE SECONDED THE MOTION. ( $200.00 PRICE) MOTION CARRIED 3 TO 1 WITH DOUG LINDENFELSER OPPOSING AND RON BLACK ABSTAINING. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1994 Page - 15 - 8.3. DISCUSS USED OIL STORAGE TANKS (GRANT): Mayor Freske called about the grant, Elaine already had. Our names are on the list. Next spring they will get back to us. We do qualify for $5,000.00 grant. ($2,500.00 per tank for storage). 8.4. ANY OTHER COUNCIL BUSINESS. DTED - Norm brought up Environmental Assistance brochure City Week - Schools involved w/poster contest. 14TH annual Star Conf. program Otsego View brought up - The news is old - Call her and tell her to update or pull it. (Park at Otsego Hall is a bigger issue.) LEI I'ER TO RADZWILL's OFFICE: Larry Fournier talked to Bill Radzwill and reminded him that he did say he would go with Otsego. He said he would choose Otsego. They decided to wait for awhile until the negotiations with Albertville are continued. Larry Fournier said while they are in negotiations with Albertville it would be helpful if we did not comment on it. Norm Freske and Larry Fournier got raked over the coals because of an article in the Elk River paper. The mediator read it and didn't have a problem with it. Nothing has been accomplished. They decided they would not discuss it. Doug Lindenfelser is wondering if Albertville wants to go thru the annexation. More discussion. (Next meeting is a week from Wed.) Fireboard meeting next Monday at 6 PM at Albertville.(Ron Blak & Larry Fournier) Judy Hudson called Jacquie and she will pull the view and send one out next month. CLAIM NOS: 936 THRU 989 PAID INCLUSIVELY CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 22, 1994 Page - 16 - 8.5. ADJOURN BY 11PM: MOTION BY RON BLACK, SECONDED BY DOUG LINDENFELSER TO ADJQURN MEETING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. N 1 A(1F FRESKE, MAYOR FLOYD R6DEN, COUNCIL INDENFELSER, COUNCIL RAIN BLA ATTEST laine Beatty, Depty. Clerk/Zonin CITY SEAL: RNIER, COUNCIL