08-25-1994 Budget Meeting MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING FOR THE CITY OF OTSEGO IN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA, AUGUST 25, 1994 AT 7:30PM SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING 8/25/94 - 7:30PM 1/: 1 t ►1 thA h. Mayor Freske was not present due to a family emergency and Vice Mayor Doug Lindenfelser called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. ROLL CALL: Doug Lindenfelser, Vice Mayor, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier and Ron Black, Council Members were present. Also present was Jerome Perrault, Clerk, Jim Barthel, Treasurer and Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Administrator. 2. COUNCIL WILL LOOK OVER BUDGET FIGURES AND DETERMINE 1995 '1 I. ►1 U TO CERTIFY LEVY TO CO): Discussion of the budget was had. MSA money was discussed and the 25% for Maintenance was addressed and 4% of that used for Administration. The Lease on the new truck is $20,435.00 per year. Discussion of the computer figures and the Fire Fund should be broken down further by individual contracts. Discussion of the heating and $9,000.00 cost. Fuel bill for the maintenance is high. Discussion of costs for Engineering is high, but the City has had a number of special projects this year that were not budgeted for, such as the 3RD Industrial Site, Water Drainage issues and Watersheds. Discussion of street lights and a breakdown of costs for the future. Discussion of the Municipal Well. Discussion of the match for ISTEA Grant for the Park and Recs. Discussion of #728 budget. The Council and Staff went over all the figures and the first half of 1994 actual figures to start the budget process. A Budget Meeting was set for August 31, 1994 at 7:30PM at Otsego City Hall. 3. ANY OTHER COUNCIL BUSINESS: The Council set the Truth in Taxation meeting for November 30, 1994 at 7PM for the first meeting and the alternate date of December 14, 1994 at 7PM if needed. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING OF AUGUST 25, 1994 AT 7:30PM - PAGE 2 - 4. ADJOURN: RON BLACK MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NCIL LA'RY FO ` ' N R, COUNCIL Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zonii Adm. (CITY SEAL)