09-08-1994 Special Workshop MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING SEPTEMBER S, 1994 - 7:30PM CC9894.WPS. MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WILL CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER: Doug Lindenfelser, Vice Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:35PM. ROLL CALL: Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier, Ron Black, Council were present Norman F Freske, Mayor arrived late. Jerome Perrault, Clerk and Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk were also present. 1. DISCUSSION OF THE THIRD INDUSTRIAL SITE BY COUNCIL• Larry Fournier started the discussion, he feels another site needs to be looked at. We lost our other site, but the need is still there. We still get requests and we need a broader tax base. The I-94 area is still questionable, even if Albertville gets what they want, we are not sure we want to develop that. I feel there is support in the community. I have talked to the Chair of the P.C. and the EDAAC. I think we learned from the process we went thru, if we pursue it this time we can do a better job and come up with some results. On agreement that the need is there, we should appoint the P.C. or the EDAAC or both and a Council Member to check out the selected spot. Ron Black felt Larry Fournier was right. He came with some ideas. Ron agreed with Larry Fournier. There is a need, a want and an agreement on businesses as a whole. I thought we were to come with some spots in mind. My first choice is the general area where the discussions were before. Another area is East of Hwy 101. The rational that there are existing Co. roads, and some brief discussions of the possibility of sewer and water East of Hwy 101, is why I've looked at that. Topography is gently rolling and some of it is developed quite well already. I am not thoroughly convinced as yet. I did not look at anything West of Nashua Ave. because we are committed to preserving Ag. Land. If we would appoint a committee, there should be clear instructions and a time line, so everyone understands what role is being played. Everybody did a fine job last time and the efforts were not wasted. Doug Lindenfelser agreed. He has high hopes of getting something over by Albertville, but doesn't think we should talk about it with what is going on with Albertville. Vern Heidner said North of Frankfort Twp. and East of Hwy 101, there does not appear to be a lot of residential land. There are high hills and it is poor farmland. Ing Roskaft said what about North of McAlpines Well Drillers or Nellie Bobenbriers farm. Depending if Nellie would sell. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1994 7:30 PM Page 2 Frankfort is willing to talk about sewer. Ron Black said we have to identify a large enough area so it does not home in on one particular land owner. That is why he showed a couple of quarter sections. Floyd Roden said on Hwy 101, if you get off behind a ways, would be a good place. Larry Fournier said he and Ing Roskaft drove around looking for a site and came up with the same two that Ron Black did and one on Packard Ave. Ing Roskaft said another area he has thought of is by Willie Duerr or his neighbor Ray Slavick. Floyd Roden said you have to have someone that is willing to sell. Ron Black stated that we should not get into that. You have to get a general area. If the price is right, everything is for sale. Discussion on the area off 70th Street. Larry Fournier said he agrees if we appoint a committee we should have definite parameters. If we don't want them in an Ag. area we'll say so. Ing Roskaft said the extended Home Businesses were scheduled for the Ag. Area to begin with, not in the Urban Residential areas. Ron Black said at one time, this was all Ag. land. Larry Fournier said he does not believe the Home Extended Businesses should be part of this Industrial Area. Ing Roskaft wanted to know how many Home Extended Business we have. Elaine Beatty said possibly 50 or so. Larry Fournier agreed. Floyd Roden said we are better off taking an area, define it in our Comp Plan and let the committee take care of it. Doug Lindenfelser asked who should we have on the committee? Ron Black said two people from the P.C., two from the EDAAC and the Chair of the EDA. Lets not make it a $30,000.00 project. Just defining an area, have a hearing and go on from there. Floyd Roden felt there should be three sites with listed priority. Who would run the hearing? Answered the Professional Staff. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1994 AT 7:30 PM Page 3 Ron Black felt the City Council would do the Hearing. City Council will write the criteria. Floyd Roden asked Vern Heidner to define what you want us to do. More discussion on the selection for the last Industrial Site and how it was handled. He also felt is was a good idea to have the P.C. involved. Ron Black felt we should have the Mayor outline what we want done and let the committee sit down with the planners and make a decision. Vern Heidner asked how do you deal with spot zoning? Ron said our Comp Plan shows the areas that would be zoned differently. Ing Roskaft said they wanted to zone the area into one acre lots, where they could change the zoning for a business or commercial use where it would not be spot zoning. Vern Heidner said we need to resolve that issue. Larry Fournier liked Ron's suggestion" free to go", but if any member of the Council has an issue it should be identified right away. Floyd Roden said he doesn't feel we have any other choice, Ag. land is what they would find. Sewer and water is one of the issues. RON BLACK MOTIONED THAT AT OUR COUNCIL MEETING OF 9-12-94 THE MAYOR APPOINT A 5 MEMBER COMMITTEE CONSISTING OF 2 MEMBERS O1 P.C., 2 MEMBERS OF EDAAC AND PRESIDENT OF THE EDA TO LOOK AT A THIRD INDUSTRIAL SITE AREA. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. DISCUSSION OF DETACHMENT/ANNEXATION BY THE SUB- COMMITTEE AND COUNCIL. Larry handed out a copy of information regarding Albertville and read the information. The committee has not been able to get Albertville to budge. Otsego will support the Interchange. Albertville said they did not want our help. Otsego offered to buy sewer and water from Albertville for the area to the West, but they did not want any part of that. Albertville has a joint powers agreement for water and sewer so they do not need us. Another proposal was a legal contract in which Albertville would not endorse or support any Otsego information.(see information) CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1994 AT 7:30 Page 4 There was discussion on the Legal aspects. Ron Black said it does not bind them, it is murky. Legal Council would not advise entering into an agreement. Albertville originally offered not to annex anymore, if they get what they are asking for now.(South of 70th St. and East of Kadler) Elaine sent Albertville information concerning 315 acres. Otsego wants Industrial sewer hook up. There was discussion of Aydts and Beckers property. The facilitator said he will come to one more meeting and that is all, because they are not getting anywhere. Ing Roskaft asked about the boundaries. Would it be the right of way, middle of the road, or what? Norman F Freske and Larry Fournier want to meet with the rest of the council to get their ideas before the last mediated meeting. Ron Black asked how that would benefit the City of Otsego. He couldn't see anything that would help Otsego. Floyd Roden said he hates to see any tax base leave Otsego. When the land is gone, it's gone. Doug Lindenfelser said tell them it will end up in a legal battle and costing pile of money. Albertville will come to the next meeting with sewer hook up feasibility. Things to discuss with Albertville: 1. Legal battles are costly 2. Check with property owners in proposed annexation area as to their wishes. 3. Check with property owners land by is being crossed over to get to annexation land if they want sewer thru their land. Next step if nothing is resolved. Proceed with the Municipal Board Hearing. 3. DISCUSSION OF BUDGET FOR 1995 Discussion of a slight increase. Jerry Perrault said the increase should be shown to keep our amount of reserve so we don't deplete it. This is not our final levy, we can go thru each and every item and fine tune. Floyd Roden said could cut overlay work in Mississippi Shores and do half this year and half next year if needed. Larry Fournier suggested we set the levy high enough to cover our budget and adjust it when we get the figures back from the County. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 8,1994 AT 7:30 PM Page 5 Ron Black greed we have to be prepared to explain at the Truth in Taxation Hearing. Basically the City has been going backwards. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO SET THE BUDGET FIGURE AT $1,127,145.00 FOR THE 1995 BUDGET. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Floyd Roden felt we could still pick it apart if we have to. Ron Black is comfortable with that and is looking for the response from the public. 4. ANY OTHER COUNCIL BUSINESS: Doug Lindenfelser brought up the Pole Building issue. He told Norm that the P.C. agreed to review the pole building accessory area. 5. ADJOURN: FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (2 NORMA FRESKE, MAYOR DiUet6cip G LINDENFELSERCOUNCIL LARR 4 , RNIER, COUNCIL Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoni1 %Adm. CITY SEAL: - FLOYD RDEN, COUNCIL