10-24-1994 City Council MinutesCC9894.wps CITY OF OTSEGO, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA ON OCTOBER 24, 1994 AT 7:30PM REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 24, 1994 - 7:30PM 1. MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WILL CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Mayor Norman F Freske called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. ROLL CALL: Norman F Freske, Mayor, Doug Lindenfelser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier, Council were present. Ron Black arrived late. Elaine Beatty Deputy Clerk/Zoning Adm., Jim Barthel, Treasurer, Judy Hudson, Secretary, were also present. Also present were John Harwood and Kevin Kielb City Engineers, David Licht, City Planner, and Andy MacArthur, City Attorney. 2. CONSIDER MINUTES: Pg 3 -1/2 way down - Andy MacArthur said (strike from minutes the sentence doesn't make sense) LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF 10/10/94 WITH THE AMENDMENT. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: LARY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO CONSIDER THE MEMO FROM THE CITY OF ELK RIVER REGARDING CONPLAINTS, AND ADD INFORMATION FROM THE LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES, CONSIDERING OPEN MEETING LAW REIMBURSEMENT COVERAGE AND ADD THE MOTION REGARDING THE ANNEXATION ISSUE THAT WAS PASSED IN THE EMERGENCY MEETING. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR: A. JOHN C AND CYNTHIA L POLLARI - 8440 PACKARD AVE NE, OTSEGO Re: $167.08 PLUS INTEREST (CUP MOVE IN MOBILE HOME FEES DUE THE CITY) The Hearing was opened by Mayor Freske. Elaine Beatty stated that Hearing notices were mailed and posted. Andy MacArthur explained that by motion, the council can pass the resolution and have it certified to taxes. No one wished to comment on this. DOUG LINDENIELSER MOTIONED TO CLOSE THE HEARING. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO CERTIFY THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR JOHN C & CYNTHIA POLLARI FOR $167.08 PLUS INTEREST OF 12% PER YEAR. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. ERNEST J AND JANE DAVIS 14299 87TH ST NE, OTSEGO $149.88 FOR CUP (THIS AMOUNT WAS PAID 10/17/94 THEREFORE NOT AN ISSUE) CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 24,1994 PAGE 2 5. MIKE LU CONIC - DISCUSSION OF THE IMMEDIATE SERVICE AREA LINE AND POSSIBLY MOVING IT OUT: Dave Licht explained Item # 7.1 is also on this. A memo was provided to the Council on 14th of October. Two properties have expressed interest, John Anderson property to the West of the current Urban Service Area. From the professionial prospective, they have a major concern due to lack of sewer. The City is infilling what the County has started. A number of considerations have been identified. Dayton and Frankfort sewer is being discussed. The smaller the parcel, the more difficult it is to develop. The John Anderson property is part of the Old Town Plat which is subdivided. There is a petition to further subdivide that. Currently 4 per 40 exists. The property owners were asked to come and discuss the matter. Mike LuConic spoke - his interest is in the property across the street from City Hall. He asked if anyone had questions. Larry Fournier asked what he has in mind for that area. Mike LuConic said they are in preliminary study. They have wetland deliniation and his intention is for single family dwellings with individual septic systems. Norman F Freske asked how many lots, 40 lots in 100 acre parcel? Property bonds the current Urban Service area to the East and half of the North boundary. It was asked if that would help the water problem? John Harwood said it could help or it could be a problem. Immediately down stream there is a problem with ground water. It could be rerouted to Otsego Creek. Down the street from this is a significant groundwater problem to the East. Mike LuConic said without solving the drainage problem there is no purpose in developing. He talked about the flooding this last spring. There is additional drainage going into that location that was not there prior. A development would have to be incorporated with solving the drainage problem. He talked about an open drainage ditch or an extension of the creek. The drainage is a major concern, proposing an upstream development without a downstream solution is a problem. Doug Lindenfelser brought up controlling the level of the pond with a storm sewer or whatever. Mike LuConic said one has to happen in conjunction with the other. He would be happy to see the Council move the Urban Service area out. (Immediate Service Area) Larry Fournier said to move the Urban Service boundary would be premature until we know what problems we are creating. There are a lot of quesitons that need answering. It is premature now. If we would address the other issues like flooding it may help. Dave Licht said what is being discussed is your general information to the applicant as well as the Staff. Formal process is if you wish this pursued, the information would need to be gathered and then we go thru a formal Comp Plan Amendment. You are on the verge of influencing dollars are going to be spent. Mike said his understanding is the City has to approve or disapprove moving the Urban Service line. Dave Licht said the city has two options on that. They can have staff look at it or await the applicaiton of the property owners who are concerned. The City can say no tonight or you can file an application and you will be held responsible for processing the application for moving the Urban Service line. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 24, 1994 PAGE 3 Mike LuConic said he is asking for considerations. Mayor Freske asked for the wish of the Council. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO CONSIDER THE URBAN SERVICE LINE CHANGE FOR TWO REASONS, ONE OF THEM IS THE WATER ISSUE. DOUG LINDENFELSER SEOCNDED THE MOTION. MOTION AND SECOND WAS WITHDRAWN. DISCUSSION; Larry Fournier asked Mr Licht if he is expecting Mr LuConic to pay for the line change? Dave Licht explained that if there is a problem that is worthy of pursuit for the benefit of others, which does not require more development to implement, you can say that it is not a city concern. He explained if it is only one individuals concern, that party will pay for that. More discussion of possibly being premature. An estimate of cost could be made and there are three other property owners that would like to see the line change. Our direction at this time is not to expand the Urban Service area. You may want to look at it. Andy MacArthur said if you look at it as a general overall benefit to a group of property owers, until the time they sign the professional fee statement the City would incur the costs. Mike LuConic said there is a problem with the water situation. It has to be delt with. He felt it is a perfect opportunity to tie the two together. Dave Licht explained that 4 per 40 Zoning is the concept for establishing the line change. Extent of the problems and cost to solve them, needs to be looked at. He felt we should go thru the November 3rd meeting first. Mike LuConic asked if John would have the information for the November 3 meeting? John Harwood said they have not done much more than the Halls Watershed. He explained further. General policies of cost allocation. Floyd Roden withdrew his motion. Doug Lindenfelser withdrew his motion. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO TABLE THE ISSUE UNTIL AFTER THE NOV 3, 1994 MEETING. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. NOV 14, 1994 COUNCIL MEETING . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CHRIS BULOW appeared before the Council. He said if the line does not get moved they have a different problem with the Anderson property being platted already. This is also for the Nov 14, 1994 meeting. 6. OPEN FORUM: STEVE WILTERMUTH 8937 NE O'BRIAN. They had a petition before the council that was deemed illegal because they did not deliniate the project, we are not engineers and it is very general. I am disappointed because I was told at the last meeting that Mr Harwood would give an overview of the Halls Pond Watershed Area, but we are discussing LeFebvres Watershed. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 24, 1994 PAGE 4 PASTOR GREG PAGH would like the Council to consider the revised proposal for expanded parking for Christ Lutheran Church. On September 16th Christ Lutheran Church had a meeting with City Staff. Jack Holmes was unable to be here tonight, but this is what was discussed and proposed at that meeting.(showing his plan) Mayor Freske said he read it and thought it looked great. Andy MacArthur said it is a deferment. They would meet Ordinance requirements in the time frame put forth. Dec 31, 1997 was suggested by Pastor Pagh as a reasonable date for completion of parking. Andy McArthur said the other issue would be security. VFW had their security waived. He said as long as it is in recordable form, he did not have a problem recommending it. Dave Licht said you have the ability to tie it to the Certificate of Occupancy. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO HAVE THE ATTORNEY DRAFT THE AGREEMENT FOR PARKING LOT DEFERMENT FOR CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH AND HAVE AGREEMENT SIGNED AND RECORDED. SECONDED BY FLOYD RODEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. BOB KIRMIS, ASST. CITY PLANNER: Dave Licht, City Planner was present 7.1. DISCUSSION OF IMMEDIATE SERVICE AREA (SEE #5 ABOVE): (see above) 7.2. ANY OTHER PLANNING BUSINESS: Dave Licht brought up the fire arms complaints and the memo from NAC. He read the information on complaints from the Sheriffs Department. The Elk River police chief has requested the prohibiton of hunting from the East line of the Wright Co. Park - East on the Mississippi River. Mayor Freske said a hearing should be held. Larry Fournier said at our last Council Meeting, I suggested we get some public involvement and get more input and come up with some hunting regulations for firearms within our City. Mayor Freske agreed. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO FORM A COMMITTEE TO LOOK AT FIREARMS DISCHARGE IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO AND POSSIBLY HELP DESIGN AN ORDINANCE. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Elaine Beatty will run a notice in the Star News for citizens to sign up to be on the Ordinance Commity. ANNEXATION ISSUE: Larry Fournier explained that we motioned at the Emergency Meeting to have our City Attorney draft an agreement for a contract with Albertville and Otsego. Andy MacArthur would have to talk it over at the office. The basic problem is the attorneys representing the two communities. He would have to talk it over with Bill Radzwill and Mike Corey, Attorneys. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 24,1994 PAGE 5 LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO HAVE OUR CITY ATTY CHECK WITH HIS OFFICE ON THIS ISSUE AND DRAW UP A BINDING CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF ALBERTVILLE TO PROCEED WITH THE ANNEXATION AGREEMENT CONTRACT, USING OUR PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT WITH THEM, AS A BASIS OF THE CONTRACT. SECONDED BY DOUG LINDENFELSER. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8 ANDY MAC ARTHUR, CITY ATTORNEY: Andy MacArthur, City Attorney appeared before the Council. 8.1. CONTINUATION QF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARING OF 10/10/94: Andy MacArthur said hopefully the Special Assessment Ordinance would be the final draft. It would allow the City to assess property. He explained the Ordinance further. The other issue that came up is under the Old Township Ordinance, it allows the deferment for Special Assessments and hardship. If you wish to not have that deferrment, you would have to repeal it. The council wanted it in. Andy MacArthur said if you want it in, it is already there. Mayor Freske said this is a continuation of a public hearing and asked if there are any coments from the public on the Assessment Hearing? There were none. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED TO CLOSE THE HEARING FOR THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. LARRY FOURNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY LARRY FOURNIER TO ADOPT THE ORD #24-1 ORDINANCE RELATING TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT POLICIES. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Fournier asked when would we get an Ordinance Manual. Andy MacArthur said you would have to direct the Staff to start working on the manual. 8.2. INFORMATION AND RESOLUTION REGARDING THE LEAP PROJECT: Mayor Freske explained the LEAP Project. The project along TH 101 regarding Industrial and Commercial and the Humphery Institute would be a pilot project. Andy MacArthur said the gist of it is, this offers the U of M extension and U of M to establish a pilot inter -jurisdictional project. It has to be in by November 14, 1994. Andy has filled out an application and needs general approval. He has transmitted the resolution and information to Dayton and Frankfort. He talked to Sherry Berning of Frankfort and the City Administrator from Dayton. We met with Frankfort Sewer Committee a week ago and they are willing to go along with the project. Andy explained the resolutions, he had two separate ones. Cooperation of the three communities , etc. Any comments would be appreciated by Andy. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO HAVE THE RESOLUTION. TO SUBMIT THE APPLICATION FOR THE LEAP PROJECT. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO PASS THE JOINT RESOLUTION FOR THE CITIES OF DAYTON, FRANKFORT AND OTSEGO. DOUG LINDENFELSER SEDONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8.3. ANY OTHER LEGAL BUSINESS: Andy MacArthur said he gave Elaine Beatty the information on small rural cities for wastewater facilities assistance. We might want to look over it. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 24, 1994 PAGE 6 Norman F Freske wanted to stress that the sewer is just for Industrial, Commercial and any new Residential. 9. JOHN HARWOOD, ENGINEER: John Harwood, Engineer appeared before the Council in Larry Koshak's absence. 9.1. STORM WATER DRAINAGE STUDY: John Harwood explained. We have been working on several major watersheds, LeFebvre, Halls Pond, Rice/Foster Lake watershed and the Otsego Creek taxing district also identified. Review is necessary of the Otsego Creek District. The Halls pond, previously we had identified a storm drainage system on O'brian and 88th Street. Since that time we have done some work on the upstream area of the Halls Pond. He explained further. Date is not complete, but will be available for the November 3rd Workshop Meeting. The problem downstream from the Halls Pond are with us today. The problem is, who will pay for it. Costs involve trunk, lateral drainage. Funding policies will be recommended. We have to develop some of those policies. We are doing additional number crunching as far as flow rates. The petiton we have tonight is for part of the Halls Watershed area. He asked if there were any questions on the Halls Pond? More discussion of the November 3rd Workshop Meeting. Mrs Harwood said It will cost a lot of money to solve all the drainage problems. Norman F Freske asked Andy MacArthur if there is any funding for wastewater? Andy MacArthur said it is an inter -jurisdictional funding. It is hard to fund an existing development for stonnwater drainage. City policy and proceedure is what we will be discussing regarding some of these things. Mike LuConic asked if he had a ballpark figure for the other drainage area. paying for John Harwood gave a figure, but said he was not sure. More discussion. He will review the costs in the middle section. There are some less expensive things that can be done. Norm asked if LuConics develop, can it change some of the drainage figures in the Halls area? John Harwood said no He explained further and briefly went over the rest of the watershed. LeFebvre Watershed - Trunk system. Major goal is to preserve and enhance the watersheds and ponding areas with wetlands. More explination. Watershed #2 self-contained, but they add groundwater impact. He explained the other areas. The key is the very strong trunk drainage system. Rice/Foster Lake is just identified for future. There were no questions. Meeting at 7:30PM Nov 3, 1994 was stated. Larry Fournier asked Andy MacArthur if he will be checking the petition to see if it qualifies? Answered Yes. 9.2. IMPROVEMENT PROJECT #94-3A A. CHANGE ORDER #1 TO WELL CONSTRUCTION Kevin Kielb explained the change order. We just need to extend some time for Larson. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO ADOPT ORDER #1 FOR PUBLIC IMP. PROJ 94-3A. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 24, 1994 PAGE 7 Mr Kielb said there is a performance standard built in. In well drilling there is a higher potential then any other Engineering standard. Floyd Roden said that is why he questions shale. More discussion. Kevin said there is extra work involved, above and beyond what they could have reasonably expected. Doug said it is so easy to go with a change order. He feels they should have the responsibility to fulfill their work. John Harwood said no public improvement projects are total turn key operations. There is always a sharing of risk. He explained further. DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED. RON BLACK SECONDED TO APPROVE A CHANGE ORDER FOR R L LARSON FROM OCT 14TH TO NOV 4TH. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOULSY. Kevin said Stahl Construction and the School are willing to work with the change. B. STATUS REPORT: Well has been test pumped for two hours and they already have as much water as they had in 36 hrs. It has to be done slowly. He explained further. Doug Lindenfelser asked how much material they took out of there? Answered 25 to 30 yards Kevin said the pitless unit is done. The well pump controller is done. 9.3. DAVID SCHMID WETLAND ISSUE UPDATE: Kevin Kielb explained that David Schmid is required to remove some soil from a wetland he had placed soil in. He will look at his financing and get back to us on it. DNR is willing to go with a six month extension. The neighbors were in today. There is a neighborhood dispute. 1,500 sq ft needs to be removed. They could not get a soil boring because of concrete being in there.( 8 to 10 truckloads) Ron Black questioned the citation from the DNR who prosecutes this if the landowner will not do anything. Because the city took responsibility for being the LGU, it would be the City's responsibility to discuss the prosecution. If the city declined, someone next in line could prosecute. The DNR will have the final say. They issued the cease and desist order. Kevin will do more research on this as to who will prosecute. Ron Black is concerned about any state agency addressing concerns and not being able to prosecute. Who has the final say? John Harwood thought the DNR could put on a fine. 9.4. MINING PERMITS #3 AND #4 UPDATE: Doug Moen from R L Larson was present. Kevin explained that the conditions have been met as far as closure and payment of fees. Mining Permit #3 closed out and Permit #4 can be opened. A $40,000.00 Letter of credit from Mr Dauphinias has been received. Mayor Freske thanked Mr Larson and Mr. Dauphinias. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 24, 1994 PAGE 8 RON BLACK MOTIONED TO LEAVE IN THE HEARING OF TERMINATION OF PERMIT #3. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9.5. IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 94-2 ODEAN AND CSAH 37: A. PLAN COMPLETE AND SUBMITTED TO COUNTY FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT: The plans were sent to Dave Montibello and he turned the plans around in a day, with minor corrections. Plans are here for review. 9.6. IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 94-4 - 88TH STREET - STATUS REPORT: Kevin Kielb explained the topsoil stripped, sand brought back,Braun Intertect tested today and paving is planned towards the end of next week. The culvert went in today. They are working with neighbors. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO SET THE HEARING DATE FOR 11/14/94 AT 7:30PM. FOR THE ASSESSMENT HEARING 94-4. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9.7. MSA SEMI-ANNUAL DISTRICT #3 MEETING REPORT: Larry Koshak met with them and the information is in the packet. Ron Black asked about the Fin/Road. Kevin was not to familar with it. Dave Chase said we have 2% grade on the roads. It was a good hot -mix road. The day berfore they were to pave they wanted 4% on the road. They did not have a good pack job. No water sets on it. It is a 3 year test. Larry Koshak is at school in Madision, Wisconsin and John Harwood explained. Larry Fournier asked John Harwood if he knew about the MSA rule changes? John said vaguely. They have been proposed, but not adopted yet. The advance funding is very important. 9.8. MEYER ADDITION - STREET ACCEPTANCE: John Harwood had a letter of recommendation for acceptance with the warranty period. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE STREET IN THE MEYER ADDITION (LANNON AVENUE) ONE YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black asked if that included the condition of a letter of credit? John said yes, as laid out. 9.9. SET HEARING DATE FOR 88TH STREET MSA ROAD PROJECT #94-4 FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARING (CONSIDER POSSIBLE DATE 11-14-94): (see above) 9.10. ANY OTHER ENGINEERING Certified Mayor Freske met with the Levee committee and explained that he felt there would be some changes. I-1,MA thought it was certified. If it is, they will write and let us know. BUSINESS: No other engineering CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 24, 1994 PAGE 9 * ADDENDUM: DISCUSS CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH PARKING LOT: see above 10. CITY COUNCIL ITEMS: 10.1. CONSIDER NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR SIGN FROM WRIGHT COUNTY: Larry Fournier would like to run this by the City Planner. Ron Black would like Planner to comment and would like a reference point as to where you can see a 40' sign. RON BLACK MOTOIONED. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED TO TABLE THIS HEM UNTIL NOV 14, 1994 FOR A COMMENT FROM DAVE LICHT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10.2 DISCUSS VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION EVENING AND SET DATE (12/3/94) SATURDAY: RON BLACK MOTIONED TO SET RECOGNITION EVENING FOR 12/3/1994 AT 6PM. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10.3. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS: A. EDAAC: Larry Fournier said they had no meeting. B. P.C.: Ron Black had nothing to report. C. PARKS AND RECS BD: Floyd Roden explained that the ice rink and edge of trail will be done Thursday. D. #728 PARKS AND RECS JOINT POWERS: Ron Black had nothing to report. E. PUBLIC WORKS SUB -COMMITTEE: Roger Kirscht built the trash container and is builidng a billboard now for the front of City Hall. Dave Chase explained what they are doing as far as Public Works. A Meeting date was set for November 10, 1994 - 2:30PM. F. OTSEGO CREEK AUTHORITY: Floyd Roden said they had their annual meeting with the regular meeting following. (Those farming came late.) Dan Lais, DNR came down for the special meeting. Cleaning out below 83rd Street(Randy Pouliots property) was discussed. As far as digging, a permit is needed. The Sentence to Serve did another day's work from 83rd Street and up. G. ADM. SUB -COMMITTEE: Ron Black would like an informal meeting with the entire Council to meet with the candidate to be Finance Director. A couple of evening dates are needed for an hour or so.(Thursday 11/10/94 4PM or Wednessday 11/2//94 7PM was agreed on. 10.4. ANY OTHER COUNCIL BUSINESS: Elaine Beatty stated that Dale Powers asked to be an Economic Development Director for the City of Otsego. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 24,1994 PAGE 10 Larry Fournier said we should write him a letter and tell him we have no openings. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED TO SEND MR POWERS A LETTER STATING WE DO NOT HAVE ANY OPENINGS. Mr Freske brought up the information from Abdo, Abdo and Eick regarding a three year contract. Put on the next council meeting for approval. Doug Lindenfelser brought up a Roberts Rules of Order video $45.50. Ron felt we should hold the line on spending. Ron Black brought up the Hunting Ordinance. He had talked to the Elk River Cheif of Police. Norman F Freske explained that we had a motion to form a committee regarding a Hunting Ordinance. 10.5. PAY ANY BILLS: CLAIM NUMBERS 1,225 THRU 1,269 WERE PAID INCLUSIVELY. 10.6. ADJOURN BY 11PM DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTIONED. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NO U SKE, MAYOR ,/(--,:o--ed--"P - FLOYD ' N, COUMCIL v -LARRY >@'O' JRIV7ER, COUNCIL DOUG LtNDENFELSER, COUNCIL ?sire N BLACK, COU CIL CITY SEAL: CELAINE BEATTY, CLERI/0er ZONING ADMINISTRATOR