12-05-1994 Truth in Taxation MinutesCC-SPME T . WPS CITY OF OTSEGO EMERGENCY COUNCIL MT ET1NG REGARDING LLI F ORMA T ION ON BUDGET AND ACTUAL FIGURES FOR TRUTH UN TAXATION MEETING, IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA. CITY OF OTSEGO EMERGENC Y COUNCIL MEETING REGARDING TRUTH IN TAXATION DECEMBER 5, 1994 - 7:3OPM 1, MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WILL CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Norman F Freske called the meeting to order at 8:3OPM. ROLL CALL: Mayor Norman F Freske, Doug Lindenfe]ser, Floyd Roden, Larry Fournier, Ron Black, Council Members and New Council Members, Vern Heidner and Suzanne Ackerman were present. Also present were Jerome Perrault, Clerk and Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk/Zoning Adm, 2. DISCUSSION OF INFORMATION FOR THE TRUTH IN TAIXATION MEETING AND DECISION ON SAME: Discussion of budget and figures was had. We don't have final figures for 1994 as yet, Only through September. Vern Heidner explained. Jerry Perrault also wrote up some comparisons. Discussion of how to handle the figures for the Truth in Taxation Meeting. Mill Rate and Tax Capacity was discussed and the possibility of getting those figures. Ron felt we need to have a comparison.. If Jerry Perrault can show '93 actual and '94 to date through the end of September and 1995 proposed budget that would help. Ron would like to ask the people what you feel is incorrect. We can then show the people where the figures are. Jerry Perrault felt there are a lot of constant expenses that would not be able to be changed. Larry Fournier would like to see the total budget and the total levy for each year. Discussion of cutting out overlays was had regarding the Mississippi Shores Area. Talk of assessing the overlays back. Talk of leaving the $68,000.00 in for Attorney and sewer study. $20,000.00 for Annexation, $20,000.00 for Extra Engineering, and $28,000.00 for sewer study. Discussion of maintaining the budget as close as possible. Discussion of classification and being changed from Ag to Residential. Doug brought up street lights and are we going to continue paying for street lights. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO TAKE OUT THE 568,000.00 FOR MISSISSIPPI SHORES OVERLAYING FROM THE BUDGET, DOUG LiN DE%,ELSER. SECONDED THE MOTION. NORMAN F FRESKE AND RON BLACK OPPOSED, LARRY FOURNIER, DOUG LINDENFELSER AND FLOYD R'D 1`4 Ai'i i%v`.."ZD T`Y O TO T HRF.,E `IO T IO N CARRIED. CITY OF OTSEGO EMERGENCY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF 12/5/94 PAGE 2 LARRY FOURNER MOTIONED TO INCLUDE $20,000.00 FOR THE ALBERTVI LE ANNEXATION IN THE BUDGET. DOUG LINDENFELSER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED FOUR TO ONE WITH RON BLACK OPPOSING. NORMAN F FRESKE MOTIONED TO PUT IN $40,000.00 IN THE BUDGET FOR ADM 4ISTiiiTIYE WHICH WOULD iNCLUHE SEWER STUDY AND DRQ► NAGE PROBLEMS EMERGENCIES. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED THREE TO TWO WITH DOUG LINDENFELSER AND FLOYD RODEN OPPOSING RON BLACK MOTIONED TO PUT $$,000.00 INTO THE PUBLIC WORKS EIV ERGENCY CONTINGENCY FUND. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED TUE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Discussion was had on what amounts should go where. Jerry Perrault was very reluctant to do much cutting because we may be running in the hole and we have very little reserves left. Ron black said instead of playing games just put the money back in. More discussion on where the honey should go. Ron Black was concerned with a small number of people coming and complaining without offering any solutions. What will you do when all of Mississippi Shores come in and complain about an assessment, he asked? Larry Fournier wanted to define the $68,000.00 if used for something other than Mississippi shores Overlay. 3. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Discussion of the members needed for the commissions and put it on the 12/12/94 agenda Doug Lindenfelser brought up the Peavey House and if we should sell it. 4. ADJOURN: Meet 'g adjourned on motion and second. NORMAN F FRESKE, MAYOR FLOYD RODEN, C CjUNCIL CO It 1 lALU BLACK, COUNCIL f I,IG/ >IND NFET ' R, COUNCIL LARRY FOURNWR, E AINE BEA T TY, DEPUTY CLI' ZONING ADMINISTRATOR (CITY SEAL)