12-12-1994 City Council MinutesCNOV2894.WPS CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, AND STATE OF MINNESOTA ON DECEMBER 12, 1994 AT 7:30PM. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 12, 1994 - 7:30PM 1. MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WILL CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Floyd Roden, Council Member, called the meeting to order in Mayor Freskes absence. at 7:30PM. Doug Lindenfelser, Vice -Mayor took over when he arrived. ROLL CALL: FLOYD RODEN, ACTING VICE -MAYOR, RON BLACK AND LARRY FOURNIER, COUNCIL WERE PRESENT. MAYOR NORMAN F FRESKE WAS ABSENT, DOUG LINDENFELSER, VICE MAYOR, ARRIVED LATE. SUZANNE ACKERMAN AND VERN HEIDNER, NEW COUNCIL MEMBERS WERE ALSO PRESENT. RONALD BLACK MOTIONED TO APPOINT FLOYD RODEN DEPUTY MAYOR, LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. JAMES BARTHEL, TREASURER, ELAINE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLERK/ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AND JUDY HUDSON, SECRETARY WERE PRESENT FROM STAFF. PROFESSIONAL STAFF PRESENT WAS LARRY KOSHAK, AND KEVIN KIELB, ENGRS., BOB KIRMIS, ASSISTANT PLANNER AND ANDY MAC ARTHUR, ATTORNEY, ARRIVED LATE. 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: SPECIAL MEETING - EMPLOYEE NEGOTIATIONS OF NOVEMBER 10,1994 AT 4PM: LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE SPECIAL MEETING OF 11/10/94 4PM MINUTES, RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION , MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NOVEMBER 28,1994 REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES: RON BLACK MOTIONED ADOPTION, FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY WITH THE CORRECTION. CORRECTION: Page #4, near the bottom. Ron Black motioned and Seconded. Check the tape) LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE TRUTH IN TAXATION MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 30, 1994 AT 7PM. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DECEMBER 5 , 1994 MEETING EMERGENCY COUNCIL RE: TRUTH IN TAXATION AT 7:30PM LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED ADOPTION. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. U1 t ♦ 1 ► 1 1/1 t Y - •► Ih I 1/11 t 1 I. RON BLACK MOTIONED APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF NOV 28,1924 .1 MOTION BY RON BLACK, SECONDED BY LARRY FOURNIER TO APPROVE THE SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES, AT 6:30PM. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12, 1994 AT 7:30PM -PAGE2- 3. CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL - ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS: RON BLACK SUGGESTED MOVING 1'1'EM #10.2 UP AFTER 5.1. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. It was noted by Larry Fournier that the Council meeting of the 26th of December would be held on the 27th of December, due to the Christmas Holiday. MOTION WAS MADE BY LARRY FOURNIER TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE ONE CHANGE. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. 8PM: - SPECIAL, ASSESSMENT HEARING ON 88TH ST MSA RD (101 #39 ANT) #42) NEED TO SET INTEREST PERCENTAGE AND LENGTH OF SIE: Doug Lindenfelser, vice Mayor opened the Hearing for 88th Street MSA RD. Larry Koshak said it is A Public Hearing for 88TH ST. Elaine Beatty noted the notices have been mailed, posted and published. The hearing is to fix the assessment for the benefiting properties. 434 lineal feet of road, with concrete curb and gutter with a bituminous surface with drainage and turn lanes. Total project cost was $63,983.50. The assessed portion was according to the policy adopted by the City Council. Abutting properties in a commercial zone would pay the normal city street costs and the remaining costs would be picked up through MSA Funding. The estimated cost for the actual city street would be $51.15 per lineal foot. There are three benefiting properties, Bank of Elk River, Otsego, MRD Commercial Plat,( Mary Rose Dare Baulfield) and Christ Lutheran Church. The amount of the Bank's assessment is $15,345.00. The amount for Mary Rose Dare Baufield is $15,345.00. Christ Lutheran Church's assessment is $3,070.00. (approximately 400 lineal feet.) Total assessment is $33, 760.00. This will be a 5 year period at 9% to be assessed against the property from a period of the 1996 tax statement and run to the year 2000. (it will not be on the 1995 taxes) Benefited properties can choose to pay within 30 days with no interest. Assessed interest will begin after 30 days. Elaine Beatty noted that Andy MacArthur cannot be here, but wanted the agreement with the three property owners entered into the record. The agreement is not to appeal the assessment. There are three separate documents. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED AND FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION TO CLOSE THE HEARING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Koshak recommended they pass on the interest rate and terms of the assessment. They will wait for Andy MacArthur Legal advice. 5. TOM OSBORNE - HOME EXTENDED BUSINESS DISCUSSION: Mr Osborne appeared before the Council. He said last time he was here Council stated that they needed more information and time to look at his situation. Ron Black said he looked over the items and it appears to be an ordinance enforcement issue. Mr Osborne said it is an ordinance issue but there is exceptions for a few people. Floyd Roden said it is not his opinion to force any home extended business out of the neighborhood. Bob Kirmis read the information from the ordinance. Two years from an extension date can be made by the City Council CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12, 1994 AT 7:30 PM -PAGE 3 - Larry Fournier asked Mr Osborne if he attended the EDAAC Meeting. It seems the problem is outside storage. What did EDAAC say? Mr Osborne said they were very encouraging. He has two pieces of equipment that do not fit in a garage. If he could build another garage he would have more storage. It will be June or July before EDAAC has information on Home Extended Businesses. I need to do something by January 1st, 1995. Larry Fournier asked Bob Kirmis if Mr Osborne would be allowed more buildings to store his accessories. Bob Kirmis said one of the conditions is that it cannot be used for Home extended Business. It is City policy. If the Council does not like it, they can change the ordinance. Mr Osborne asked if he could get a permit. Bob Kirmis said if he could provide previously approved business information from the Co. he could get a Home Extended Business Permit. Mr Osborne said he asked to build a larger garage and then it was allowed without a special CUP. He said he wants to do what is right and live in this community. He also said he is being referred to as an illegal business. Larry Fournier asked if storage is a problem, could he store his equipment someplace else? Mr Osborne said it is a possibility, but not what he wants to do. It is no different than someone who owns a tractor and trailer. He has considered the possibility of eliminating a piece of equipment. Ron Black said according to a Note he received on Nov 10th, that Mr Osborne was encouraged to work out something by the staff. If the position is to waive the ordinance, we can't do that. Mr Osborne should be referred to staff. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO REFER THE OSBORNE ISSUE TO OUR PLANNERS AND REQUEST MR OSBORNE TO MEET WITH MR KIRMIS OR MR LICHT, OTHERWISE THE CITY ATTORNEY HAS TO TAKE IT. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (THIS WILL BE A COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM WHEN IT IS RESOLVED) Mr Osborne asked what he has to do to do the things that Gordy's Repair Shop does. He was issued a lifetime permit to continue to do what he was doing. Ron Black said he did not get the permit from us. Ron suggested that NAC help him solve the problem. Larry Fournier suggested that the Planner keep in mind the EDAAC is working on this matter and should be considered in his findings. Larry Fournier said they are discussing licensing these businesses. Floyd Roden said we could license and monitor until we can get them into the 3RD Ind. Site. 10.2 (5.1) CURFEW Sheriff Don Hozempa appeared before the Council to discuss curfew regulations. Stating that any type of ordinance that is done will be used properly. Is Council ready to enact one? Ron Black said we had a couple examples and will be getting information on the frequency of complaints. Is it a big problem? Don Hozempa said there have been 30 juvenile complaints in 1994. You have a lot more from a City like Monticello. We don't see a tremendous problem now, but if a problem develops, we would be able to react and do something. It is important to look at it. We have no recourse without it. Public nuisance really doesn't cover it. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12, 1994 AT 7:30 PM -PAGE 4 - Ron Black questioned the curfew, how would that concept fit in here. Don said if you are going from a function to your home, no problem. It is when they are congregating in restaurants or bus areas, you have to act on it. It is a tool. We would certainly ask before we pick someone up. Once we take a juvenile into custody, we are responsible. Larry Fournier asked if we had 30 complaints over the last year, how many of those instances would the ordinance have helped? Don mentioned the DARE Program, Gang Resistance, etc. and being pro -active. He recommends doing an ordinance and keeping it simple. He liked Monticello's ordinance. You have to consider age and time. It was agreed to have a workshop on the issue. 6. OPEN FORUM: None 7. BOB KIRMIS, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER - NAC: Bob Kirmis explained the two alternatives of the transportation plan for MRD Plat, and Dist #4. Developablility along Hwy101 was the question and if a large amount of fill needed to be brought in. Larry Koshak put together a map. We have recommended that the transportation plan be considered at a Special Workshop Meeting prior to final cons. of the plan. Ron Black said he would like the opportunity with the City Planner and Engineer to discuss the developability of that area and specifically the number of accesses needed. He would be strongly in favor of continuing the plan to the second meeting in January. 7.1. CONSIDER PLANNING DISTRICT #4 TRANSPORTATION PLAN (MAY CONTINUE): FLOYD RODEN MOT, RON BLACK SEC. TO CONTINUE TYE MEETING ON THE TRANS PLAN #4. mot carried unanimously.(CONT. TO TUE SECOND MEETING IN JANUARY COUNCIL) Larry Koshak said they did meet on Staff basis and he is preparing a report that will answer questions on developability and access the storm drainage. A full report will be had for the council. The information will be given to NAC to review by Mr Wilson. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO SET A WORKSHOP MEETING FOR JANUARY 11, 1995 AT 730PM. FOR DIST 4 TANSP PLAN. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7.2. ANY OTHER PLANNING BUSINESS: Bob Kirmis and the City Attorney met with Sandy Fecht at DNR Friday regarding the Wild & Scenic status. We asked her to draft the text of the ordinance in a manner the DNR will certify. She indicated she will get the comments to us by the end of the week. Public Hearing at the P.0 will be on December 21, 1994. 1► :-....h. Ii I) t •► Larry Koshak appeared before the Council 8.1. CONSIDER REVISED SCHEDULE FOR MRD PLAT: Larry asked for any comments regarding revisions. It is a plan and can be changed. Larry Fournier asked to hold the hearing for moratorium amendment on December 21, 1994. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12, 1994 AT 7:30 PM -PAGE 5 - RON BLACK MOTIONED THAT WE HOLD A HEARING (SET) TO AMEND THE LEFEBVRE WATERSHED MORATORIUM TO ALLOW THE RECEIPTS OF PRELIMINARY PLATS. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DEC. 21, 1994 AT THE P.C. 8PM 8.2. CONSIDERATION OF STORMWATER STUDY AND PLANS A. CONSIDER PUBLIC HEARING DATE: Larry Koshak provided a plan document. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO RECEIVE THE DRAINAGE PLAN DATED DECEMBER, 1994. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO SET JAN 16TH, 1995 AT 8PM FOR A HEARING ON STORMWATER DRAINAGE PLAN AND POLICY. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (Council Hearing). (NOTE: THE 16TH IS MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY SO SET THE HEARING FOR 1-17-94 AT 7:30PM eb) Larry Koshak said there are a couple proposals for policy that should be reviewed, the rest is the documentation. Larry suggested that at the workshop on the llth Larry K could familiarize them with the document. Council agreed. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO ALSO DISCUSS THE STORMWATER DRAINAGE REPORT ON JAN 11TH WORKSHOP. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8.3. SEE 7.1. ABOVE: 8.4. DISCUSSION OF MUNICIPAL, WET,I, #11 CONTINUOUS POWER SOURCE ETRE PROTECTION) Larry Koshak explained the different items that need to be OK'd. A. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PARTIAL PAY ESTIMATES Approval of change order #2 to extend till the spring of 1995 to Traut Welling Drilling. Extention of time at no cost. RON BLACK MOTIONED, FLOYD RODEN SECONDED TO APPROVE THE TIME EXTENTION CHANGE ORDER #2. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Rec Cond. and approval of partial payment request for $3,639.00 for Traut Well. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED, FLOYD RODEN SECONDED REC. PARTIAL PAYMENT . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RON BLACK MOTION. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED TO APPROVE REC CHANGE ORDER #2 TO EXTEND PROJECT TO SPRING 1995 FOR R. L. LARSON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. R. Consider B-2 Rec Cons. of #3 for R. I,. Larson $13,906.20. RON BLACK MOTIONED, FLOYD RODEN SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Fournier asked are we retaining $1,400.00. Larry answered yes. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12, 1994 AT 7:30 PM - PAGE 6 - C. Rec. Cons. final payment for contractor Elec. $7,320.00 Custom Elec. one payment: LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED TO APPROVE FINAL PAYMENT $7,320.00 TO CUSTOM ELECTRIC. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. D. Elk River Fire Chief, Bruce West concerning City Well power source Bruce West is concerned about an outage, would there be adequate time to provide water to the system. Those in connection with the school have 2,000 gal of water to do some sprinkling. We have the ability to get a Generator from Elk River Wastewater Treatment Plant. Bruce says it is a Council decision. He referred to the National Fire Protection Agency. Doug Lindenfelser asked if it is a common procedure in other municipalities? Larry Koshak explained the situation. They have a generator in the school building to accommodate school outages. Larry Fournier would like to hear the City Attorney comment on this. 2. CONSIDER ACTION TO PROVIDE ADDITIONOL_POWER SOURCE FOR WELL: 8.5. REPORT ON MEETING AT WRIGHT CO COURTHOUSE BE: TRANSPORTATION PLAN: Larry Koshak Review of Co.39 upgrading in future from Co.42 back to Nashua Avenue. The other is the intersection at CSAH 19 and I-94. There is a copy of the plan in the Council Packet. It was presented to the Co. Engineer and Co. Commissioner. It fits the Counties plan well. Taking the burden off other roads and developing near parallel road. Crossing appears to fit very well into Counties ultimate plans. They took time to go thru and look at wetlands, etc. The RR tracks and the two lane divided Hwy are the biggest problems. Doug Lindenfelser agreed. Direct traffic from St Michael to the freeway. Larry Koshak showed how it would work. A copy was sent to Frankfort and Albertville. The Council agreed to send a copy to St Michael. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO SEND A COPY OF THE MAP TO ST. MICHAEL AND SHOW WRIGHT CO 35 TIED IN AND SEND IT TO WRIGHT CO. AND MN/DOT AN ALTERNATIVE MAP. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (SEND TO ALL PARTIES INVOLVED) 8.6. CONSIDER QUOTES ON TESTING SERVICE FOR MONITORING WELLS: Larry Koshak took quotes, decision needs to be made. Costs appear better then first thought. MOTION BY FLOYD RODEN, SECONDED BY RON BLACK TO APPROVE $19,497.34 TO BITUMINOUS CONSULTING PARTIAL PAYMENT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CHANGE ORDER #1: MOTION BY RON BLACK, FLOYD RODEN SECONDED TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER #1 ITEM A -7B, TO BITUMINOUS CONSULTING FOR EXTENDING THE TIME PERIOD TO SPRING OF 1995. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8.7. ANY OTHER ENGINEERING ITEMS: Larry Koshak brought up the tabulation of the purchase of the gravel for Otsego. There was a summary for Bauerly Bros. Item A material for gravel streets and surface upgrades $38,131.06. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12, 1994 AT 7:30 PM -PAGE 7 - He is not sure if that is the budget number. He thought the amount was $40,000.00. Jerry Perrault has paid it. Larry explained the other report was wrong because of tax being wrong. Another transposition was made. B. Summary of FINNRA - Larry Explained the report. City Share 1670 Ton at $1.79 at $2,989.30. State Share 4200 Ton $1.79 for $7,518.00. Total upgrade for subbase on Jalgar Ave. $10,507.30. Dave Chase said it was for tonnage for dig outs on the road, etc also included $1.79 a ton was the material price. Frankfort paid $1,400.00. The State promised to take care of the road in a three year agreement. We received $1,901.50 from Frankfort Twp. for gravel. MOTIONED BY FLOYD RODEN. SECONDED BY RON BLACK TO TAKE A FIVE MINUTE BREAK. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO CALL MEETING TO ORDER. 9. ANDY MAC ARTHUR, CITY ATTORNEY - RADZWILL LAW OFFICE: Andy MacArthur arrived at 9:08PM 9.1. CONSIDER RESOLUTION RE: JEROME PERRAULT: RON BLACK MOTIONED TO APPROVE, DOUG LINDENFELSER MOTION TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION TO WINE AND DINE JERRY PERRAULT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9.2. CONSIDER RESOLUTION RE: MN/DOT RELEASE OF $36,000.00 PAID: Andy explained that Mn/DOT got a copy of the release which we agreed on previously. Andy has a copy of the resolution. LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO EXECUTE THE RESOLUTION. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9.3. CONSIDER RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR 88TH ST PROJECT: Hearing of 88th Street. Parties have waived ability to appeal. Adopting of assessment percentage rate and number of years need to be added. Larry Koshak said 5 years time and 9% is being proposed, which is 2 - 2 1/2 % above the prime rate. Council would have to agree to the terms put into resolution. FLOYD RODEN MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE ASSESSMENT ROLL ON 88TH ST. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ron Black asked, if for Commercial properties, could an incentive could be built in setting the rate higher? There should be a differentiation for Commercial and Residential. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION FOR 88TH ST. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9.4. CONSIDER EXAMPLE OF PROPOSED WATER ORDINANCE: To be put on next Council Agenda. 9.5. ANY OTHER LEGAL BUSINESS: Larry Fournier asked Andy MacArthur to comment on 8.4. concerning the possible liability for the power source of the Municipal Well. Andy could find no authority that the Fire Marshall can mandate that we do that. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12,1994 AT 7:30 PM -PAGE8- LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO SEND THE FIRE CHIEF A LETTER INFORMING HIM THAT THE CITY IS COMFORTABLE WITH ONE SOURCE OF PERMANENT POWER FROM WRIGHT HENNEPIN ELECTRIC FOR THE MUNICIPAL WELL. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. CITY COUNCIL ITEMS: 10.1. BOARDS AND CQjVIVIISSIONS: A. EDAAC: Larry Fournier said EDAAC is working on a policy for home extended businesses. Larry Fournier would like to accept Verns resignation letter as of Jan I, 1995. MOTION BY LARRY FOURNIER TO ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION LETTER FROM VERN HEIDNER. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. R. P.C. NONE PARK AND RECS BOARD JANUARY CHRISTMAS TREE DROP OFF: Ron Black was there for part of the meeting. He said what was presented for Parks to consider capital improvement for five or ten years. Proposed needs list as the City grows. Commission did not have a chance to discuss it. They were surprised how much money is involved in improving parks. They started looking at alternate sources of financing park construction. The report is excellent. Floyd Roden said it is quite costly. If you watch the L.M.C. magazine, there are a lot of ideas to follow-up on. Costs are there, paying for them is tough. Vern Heidner referred to the 'Wright Henn newsletter. They had the roundup program. I suggest our Parks and Recs board contact them. They had $23,000.00 still in the budget. Larry Fournier reminded Floyd Roden of the openings on Parks and Recs. Board. D. #728 PARKS AND RECS JOINT POWERS: NONE F. PUBLIC WORKS SUB -COMMITTEE: No meeting. Residents have asked Larry Fournier about the backhoe. Dave Chase said they use it everyday. F. OTSEGO CREEK AUTHORITY: Floyd Roden called Dan Lais and said the study on the Creek is not ready yet. He has nothing now. This Wednesday is the Otsego Creek Auth. Meeting. Larry Fournier requested reschedule. Thursday Dec 15, 1994 - 7:30PM as the rescheduling date at Albertville. G. ADM. SUB -COMMITTEE: none 10.2. DISCUSSION OF CURFEW: See above CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12, 1994 AT 7:30 PM - PAGE 9 - 10.3. ODEAN AVE MAINT AGREEMENT W/WRIGHT CO. Formal agreement to extend the maintenance period to May of 1995. It was a handshake agreement and we wanted to carry it on. Larry Fournier asked why would we want a date on that. Why not add that until the intersection is completed. Dave chase explained. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO AMEND THE DRAFT AGREEMENT SAYING THE CO. WAYNE FINGALSON WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINT ON ODEAN AVE. UNTIL 5/1/95 OR UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF THE INTERSECTION ON CSAH 37 AND ODEAN AVE. WHICHEVER COMES LATER. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10.4. RESOLUTION FROM MAP - CURT UREKKE: Agenda item for next Council Meeting. 10.5. ANY OTHER COUNCIL BUSINESS - DISCUSSION OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MEMBERSHIPS: Larry Fournier suggested putting the Boards and Commissions on Agenda for the next meeting. RON BLACK MOTIONED TO HAVE ALL THE ADVISORY COMMITTEES BE NOTIFIED THAT ALL TERMS SCHEDULED TO EXPIRE THIS YEAR DO EXPIRE AND THE CITY IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENTS. PUT AN ADD IN THE PAPER THAT CITY IS ACCEPTING APPOINTMENTS. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Judy Hudson contacted Don Heinzman regarding residents in Otsego not receiving the Star News. Don will be at our next meeting. Ron Black said they should provide us with the area they deliver to in Otsego. Otherwise we are just guessing at who receives it. 10.6. PAY ANY BILLS: CLAIM NO'S. 1438 THRU 1520 WERE PAID INCLUSIVELY. THE TREASURERS REPORT WAS REVIEWED AND LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO ACCEPT IT. RON BLACK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Vern Heidner said Wally Odell called him and was in the hospital. He wanted to have some time away from the EDAAC Meetings. 10.7. ADJOURN BY 11PM: RON BLACK MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. FLOYD RODEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. J LARR VICE -MAYOR R, COUNCIL T ST: ELAINE BEATTY, DEPUTY CLE NALD:LACK, CIUN ONING ADM. (CITY SEAL)