02-13-1995 City Council MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS OTSEGO CITY HALL FEBRUARY 13, 1995 6:15 PM - Council will meet to discuss the appointments to the Boards and Commissions. Mayor Freske called the meeting to order. Mayor and City Council briefly discussed the terms of the different commissions. Councilmember Ron Black motioned to adjourn. Councilmember Heidner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. 6:30 PM - Regular Council Meeting. 1. Mayor Norman F. Freske will call meeting to order. Mayor Freske called the meeting together at 6:40 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Norman F. Freske, Councilmembers: Suzanne Ackerman, Ronald Black, Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner. Professional Staff: Larry Koshak, City Engineer, Andy MacArthur, City Attorney City Staff: Clerk/Zoning Administrator Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk Judy Hudson 2. Consider Agenda approval (Deletions or Additions) Councilmember Black had the following additions: Engineering: Discuss Point of Sale Hearing at Wright County City Council: Response to Dean Johnson letter Response to City of ER on Comp Land Use plan Consideration of Employee Contracts Mayor Freske had the following additions: Special meeting with Dayton on Feb. 28 Special Councilmember Heidner had the following additi ng for City Hall maintenance Fire Awns Commission Councilmember Black motioned to set agenda as detailed with the above additions. Councilmember Heidner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consideration of minutes. Councilmember Fournier motioned to approve minutes of January 17, 1995. Councilmember Black seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Councilmember Black motioned to approve minutes of January 23, 1995. Councilmember Heidner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Councilmember Fourniermotioned to approve minutes of February 2, 1995. Councilmember Black seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Otsego City Council Meeting of February 13, 1995, cont'd. Page 2. 4. Dan Greene - First National Insurance Agency. Mr. Greene explained the All Systems Go coverage.. This type of coverage includes electrical equipment and includes Fax Machines, Alarm Systems, Telephone Systems, Mail Systems as well as Boilers, Vessels, Air Conditioning Piping, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration Equipment and Machinery (any type of machine or equipment that gives support for the operation of the City). If there is a breakdown of equipment, they will either come in and repair or replace it. Discussion: Councilmember Heidner asked if computers are covered and one breaks down, you will replace it. Mr. Greene stated that computers are covered and will be replaced if necessary. He said there is unlimited coverage with a $500 deductible, per occurrence. Councilmember Black asked if there is a computer break down will it be replaced with a upgraded system. Mr. Greene said yes. Councilmember Heidner asked to see a copy of the contract. City Attorney MacArthur asked about hazardous substance leakage. Mr. Greene said yes it is covered with a limit. Discussion of limits on Dishonesty Bond (From Berkley Risk Incorp.) Mr. Greene said a reasonable limit must be set. He had a proposal for a limit of $75,000 for annual additional of $241, and $100,000 for annual additional of $305. Right now we are covered at $25,000. LMCIT Life and Disability Coverage's -League to trying to offer a limited program - a life insurance program and short term disability.(see attached) Mayor Freske stated that the quotes are good for 45 days. Mr. Greene said he will have K.C. Foster contact Clerk Beatty. 5 Open Foram. Paul Levenson, 6129 Highway 101. Lot Split: Mr. Levenson appeared before the Mayor and Council requesting a lot split of his property to build another house. Clerk Beatty explained that according to our Ordinance it's zoned for a one split per forty. Councilmember Heidner wondered if Mr. Levenson could wait until the new road comes through. Mr. Levenson would like to start now and put in a temporary road. Engineer Koshak said the road won't be done until 1996. Councilmember Fournier asked the Clerk what the Land Use Plan is for that area. Beatty said its for residential. Councilmember Black said that this area was in question for future residential and would like the council to take a look at this. Councilmember Heidner thought maybe this would be better for commercial. Mr. Levenson would like to utilize his land better right now. Engineer Koshak said the Werner property bought by the State will probably go into commercial. Council member Black suggested to Mr. Levenson is to run this by the Planning Commission. Scott Reichandt 14525 89th Street. Here today to commend the Council on lowing the speed limits on Parrish. His concern tonight is the speed on ODean Avenue. He is a student in St. Cloud studying regional planning. Mayor Freske explained that ODean was a County Road and that the intersection down at 37 will be changed and should help out on the speeding. Engineer Koshak hopes that with the intersection change at 37, it will help divert some traffic out to 101. Traffic count is about 2,000. It will be a collector street someday. He explained about the MSA money. Black asked about reduced speed possibilities. Larry Koshak said that the City has authority to set the speeds. Koshak stated that this was going to be stripped last year with no passing lines but ran into problems. The City should be able to do it this year. Otsego City Council Meeting of February 13, 1995, cont'd. Page 3. Councilmember Black asked the City Engineer to look into speed modifications and control on this road now. Motion by Councilmember Black to have the Wright County Sheriff'sd a Department patrol ODean. Seconded by Councilmember Fournier. All in favor. Mob Discussion: Councilmember Heidner wanted to see a stop sign put in to discourage the heavy truck usage. on 85th (four way stop). Scott also brought up recycling of plastic. Mayor Freske said we 't like hauling en't ng plastic because of plastic and this issue will financial reasons. Councilmember Black said that the haulersdon be brought up later this year. • •s1 U . los •1 1- - A • • 1.1 G ••-••il-• a. Amendment to the Solid Waste Ordinance (defining those street sweepings •-• •11 •- 1 •1 • 11 . • 11 1 •. • • .. - Attorney MacArthur briefly went over the amendment. Councilmember Black motioned to amend City Ord to define od geidner.dAlllid Wastas set in fa ore Motionocarried. by the Planning Commissions. Seconded by Councilmember h. An amendmentt to the Zoning Ordinance addressing conditions of Land Filling Qpe a lonS- Councilmember Fournier motioned to amend the Zoning Ordinance addressing conditions of Land Filling Operations. Councilmember Black seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. At this time Mayor Freske left and Vice Mayor Fournier took over • • • • • • . , went over past discussions with developers and City T� melon� Agreement. The City Attorney Clerk Beatty received the $3,000 check from County Ridge Partnership. Attorney MacEngineer. ur went over the Release of Developers contract. Councilmember Black motioned to accept to approve Resolution regarding Country Ridge Development. Councilmember Heidner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. ,- - ••,,-, Attorney said we have never had a release signed before by Antelope Park. Councilmember Black motioned to direct the MayorCityClerk Motion carried. Discussion: Antelope Park. Councilmember Ackerman seconded. All in Councilmember Heidner questioned this release on sold property. Andy said this is on all the plat. • •• • U• . •• a •• • £ . Andy MacArthur stated that if moratorium is to be extended it will have be done at the next City e and establishing an interim policy Meeting. He also went over some of the concerned areas of drainage of fees. City Engineer, Larry Koshak, stated concerns with District Wand 5. r subject to the proposed said if City accepts a plat before adoption of Stormwater Drainage Policy, y wouldn't be Motioned by Councilmember Black to direct City Attorney to extend the Lefebvre Watershed fees. Moratorium until May 1, 1995. Seconded by Councilmember Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Al • Otsego City Council Meeting of February 13, 1995, cont'd. Page 4. • . C'. •' 1 Attorney MacArthur stated that apparently Mr. Dauphnais has inquired about trailer sales on his property. The City Planner had recommend an PUD be applied for. A condition of the first Mining Permit was that sales ceased as of June 1, 1994. Now we have a second mining permit on his property. Mr. MacArthur had suggested that maybe Mr. Dauphanais come in front of the council before making application . Mr. Dauphnais was present and stated he would like to have some sales going on. Councilmember Black suggested to go with something like we did with the Darkenwalds. This would only be for a year. Mr. MacArthur wanted direction from the City Council on this issue. The Council agreed they would like to see this done without all the costs. The City Attorney drew up the contract with the Darkenwalds. Mr. MacArthur told Mr. Dauphnais to make the request to the City for the Agreement and if he did so ASAP, attorney thought it would take two weeks to get done. (next council meeting of February 27) 6.6 Discussion of Policy for Drainage The City Attorney submitted to the City Council a packet regarding the Stormwater Drainage Policy and Implementation (see attached). The City Attorney went over the following: 1. Outline and Time Table for Implementation 2. Proposed Amendment to Ordinance 12-1 Establishing Municipal Utilities, Rules and Regulations Regarding Utilities, Rates and Charges and Collection of Utility Payments 3. Proposed Resolution Establishing A Surface Water Management Impact Fee 4. Proposed Resolution Establishing City Policy for Collection of A Fee for Storm Water Impact upon Subdivision or Increase of Impervious Surface of Property within the City and establishing City Policy for Responsibility for Construction of Drainage Improvements within New Subdivisions. Council agreed to follow the time table 6.7 Any other Legal Business Mr. MacArthur said we received certification from DNR regarding the Wild and Scenic Ordinance. The City Attorney also stated he had an inquiry about Sunday liquor sales and that this issue would be decided through election. Regarding the Curfew Ordinance, the Attorney showed a sample ordinance from the City of Bloomington Mr. MacArthur briefly went over the IRS Ruling that will exclude a lot of tax free bonds. Basically they are saying that IRS doesn't want the Cities to be banks for developers (putting in public improvements) There is a seminar coming up on this. Councilmember Black suggested that Mr. MacArthur attend this seminar 7. Larry Koshak, City Engineer. (see attached Engineer Agenda Items) 7.1 Discussion of Wright County Banking Wetland in Otsego Mr. Koshak went over the wetland located at 92nd Street and Kadler Avenue.(see report) Discussion: Councilmember Black asked if this could happen again. Mr. Koshak said no. Councilmember Heidner asked if we have banked wetlands and the Engineer said no. 7.2 Mn/Road Maintenance Agreement Mr. Koshak went over the contract. Councilmember Black motioned to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into this agreement contingent upon City Attorney's review. Seconded by Councilmember Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: None. - 11 1 Otsego City Council Meeting of February 13, 1995, cont'd. Page 5. 7.3 Discussion of Otsego Prairie park Compost issue Mr. Koshak went over his report. The Council discussed this issue and came to the conclusion that just because the "Wright Stuff" is free doesn't mean its a good deal and they want to know what the Park and Rec. Commission are thinking of doing, the costs, the game plan. They were concerned that once the compost is put down that there will be metals filtering out of it, the cost of removal if necessary and no indemnification from the County. Councilmember Ackerman will go to the Parks and Rec. Commission with these concerns, that they are to get permission for any filling and direct them that the Council doesn't want the "Wright Stuff" and to keep in mind that typically a Public Body is held at a higher standard. 7.4 CSAH #37 & ODean Avenue Project Agreement with Wright Co Mr. Koshak went over the report (see attached).. Mr. Koshak recommends that the agreement is appropriate except in the area of the ROW. Councilmember Heidner motioned to authorize City Engineer Larry Koshak to get on the Wright County Board of Commissions Agenda and present our case to them. Councilmember Black seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: Mr. Koshak will talk to Pat Sawatzke regarding this issue. 7.4 1 - Point of Sale Certification Ordinance for On -Site Septic Systems. Engineer went over the notice of Public Hearing Wright County is holding. (see attached) Councilmember Black motioned to have City Engineer draft a letter to Wright County Board of Commissioners outlining the Council's objections. Councilmember Heidner seconded. All in favor. Motion Carried. Discussion: Councilmember Heidner suggested that Pat Sawatzke be contacted. Councilmember Black stated that all this Ordinance would do is to drive up the cost of the home. At this time, Mayor Freske arrived back at the meeting. 7.5 Any other Engineering Business Mr. Koshak said the Otsego Creek Authority approved expenditure of $1,794 for the cross sections and engineering report for DNR review of proposed improvement at their February 8, 1995 meeting. Councilmember Fournier informed the Council that the Albertville members are going to ask their Council to form a subcommittee to review development run off problems. Councilmember Fournier motioned for approval of $1,794 for Otsego Creek Authority. Councilmember Black seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Proposed Park Bldg: Larry Koshak summarized Merlin Otto's report. (see attached #B) It is the opinion of Mr. Koshak's Office that this would be a major project and perhaps not cost effective nor achievable with volunteer labor and equipment. Councilmember Black suggested Jerry Olson write a memo on this and together with Merlin Otto's report refer this to Parks and Rec. Councilmember Black motioned to refer this matter to the Park & Rec. for comment and reaction and to let them know that the Council is skeptical regarding this project. Councilmember Heidner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Water testing results: According to Larry Koshak, the two wells up in the developments have excellent water quality. Next year another sample will be taken. Otsego City Council Meeting of February 13, 1995, cont'd. Page 6. Comments on development on East Side of 101 for MnDot How to service the old bus garage and flag lot. This would be creating a service road and requiring easements. What we need to do is to get comments on this. MnDot is anxious to get at this. Councilmember Fournier motioned to have City Engineer prepare an official response to MnDOT on CSAH 37 and 101. Seconded by Councilmember Black. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: The location of where MnDOT is looking seems like where we would want it per Engineer. This item should be on the February 27, 1995 City Council Agenda. Water Service' Larry Koshak stated we have had no response from the School District on Water Service and no response on fence. Councilmember Black motioned to direct Jerry Olson to attend the Wright County Hearing. on Feb. 22, 1995. Point of Sale Ordinance. Councilmember Fournier seconded. All in favor Motion carried. 8. City Council Ttems. 8.1 Boards and Commissions a EDAAC - All council members attended the last meeting and nothing new to report. h. PC. - Councilmember Fournier wants to address the role of alternate. He feels that the alternate should sit up at table and take part in all discussions and only votes when their is someone absent. He asked the Council how they felt about this. Councilmember Black thought that this is a good idea and another thought that if the alternate shows up first and a member is late, the alternate is the one that stays for the meeting and if the alternate participates in all discussions that alternate should vote on the issue especially if member hasn't been involved in all the discussions. Councilmember Fournier will bring this up and also bring up that site inspections are a useful tool. c Parks and Recs. Board - Councilmember Ackerman will bring up the bill from the hay ride to Parks & Rec. d. #728 Parks and Recs. Joint Powers Councilmember Black reported that the Board met this noon and there has been approval of hiring a part time Recreation Assistant. This position will assist in scheduling of events. This position will not impact the assessment. Name changed to the Community Recreation Board. A Memo has been sent out to everyone on January 30, 1995, and the Park Board is looking for direction of respective Councils and Commissions on what they would like to see in the area of planning for the future and where they like to see the Joint Powers going. Could everyone give some thought to this. Councilmember Black request this item be on the next City Council Agenda. Mayor Freske commended the 728 Parks Board for the impressive packet. e. Public Works Sub -Committee Meeting set for February 23, Thursday at 2:30 PM. f. Otsego Creek Authority Previously reported under the Engineer's Agenda items. Otsego City Council Meeting of February 13, 1995, cont'd. Page 7. g Administration Sub -Committee 1. Director of Business and Finance - Discussion Councilmember Black asked about the proposed time line and City Council liked it. He also stated that the three council members who aren't on the sub -committee need to give some thoughts to the interview questions. Mayor Freske appointed Larry Fournier and Ron Black on sub committee for the hiring of the Finance Director including Elaine Beatty and Judy Hudson. Councilmember Heidner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. h. Firearms Committee. Councilmember Heidner reported that this committe met January 24, 1995. The committee elected: Greg Lefebvre, Chair John B olduc, Vice Chair, Richard Nichols, Secretary. The Firearms Committee will meet the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7 PM Councilmember Heidner motioned to have the Mayor appoint members to the Firearms Committee. Councilmember Black seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Freske appointed the following to the Firearms Committee: Firearms Committee Greg LeFebvre, Chair John Bolduc, Vice Chair Richard Nichols, Secretary I G Roskaft Steve Ackerman Mary Valerius LaDonna Harpster Randy Carron Diane Constant Tom Niebler JohnKline Ken Fry Tom Guimont George Melby Greg Knott 8 2 Consider Boards and Commissions Appointments & Discuss Oaths (where/when) Councilmember Black motioned to appoint to the various commissions as set forth in the Mayor list. Seconded by Councilmember Fournier. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: Councilmember Fournier requested that letters be sent to all applicants. Parks and Rec. Members Roche Martin, 4 Year Term Tom Constant, 4 Year Term Bill Olson, 4 Year Term Terry Kohler, 3 Year Term John Buldoc, 1st alternate Jeff Barthel, 2nd alternate Otsego City Council Meeting of February 13,199FDAA ont'd. Page 8. Richard Nichols, remain a member Rudy Thibodeau, 4 Year Term Liz Wilder, 4 Year Term Dave Sederberg, 2 Year Term LeRoy Lindenfelser, 4 Year Term Darlyn Koefed, alternate Planning Commission Bruce Rask, 4 Year Term Arleen Nagel, alternate The Council requested that Clerk Beatty write a letter to Joan Nichols asking her to consider joining the Historical Committee. 8.3 Consideration of purchase of more Recycling Bins Councilmember Fournier motioned to purchase 500 recycling bins at the rate of $6.86 and take advantage of Wright Country's reimbursement grant. Seconded by Councilmember Black. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: NONE 8.4 Consider a date for Workshop to discuss Development Councilmember Black stated that basically the reason he asked for this is that the City Council and the City Planner, David Licht, and others should have a brainstorm session on how the City should be approaching development along 101. What trigger n the devis eloper to ed is toMing to the City. A specifiake sure that we all on c same track as for timing of development and what concern is where we going with the MRD Plat. Councilmember Fournier motioned to set a Council Workshop Meeting of Thursday, March 2, at 6:30 PM to discuss development along the whole corridor of 101 and to have the City Engineer Larry Koshak and Planner David Licht attend. Councilmember Black seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: Councilmember Fournier agreed and would like to include the entire corridor. Councilmember Heidner asked if the Planning Commission and EDAAC should attend. The Council agreed to have just the Council and the Professional Staff. If this date is a conflict, the Council will reset at the next City Council Meeting. 6,at 6:30 PM for the Councilmember Black set a special workshop meeting on Thursday, April purpose of discussion of Conflicts of Interest. Seconded by Councilmember Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 8.5 Consider date for Board of Review Councilmember Fournier motioned to set April 20 at 7 PM for the Board of Review. Councilmember Heidner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Councilmember Black asked to have assessors specially address the reclassification issue. 8.6 Consider Elaine Beatty and Judy Hudson attending two Planning Sessions Councilmember Black motioned to have Elaine Beatty and Judy Hudson attend the two Planning Sessions on February 23 and April 6. Councilmember Heidner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Otsego City Council Meeting of February 13, 1995, cont'd. Page 9. 8.7 Discussion of the payroll being on the 1st and the 15th of the Month instead of Weekly Councilmember Black motioned adopt a bi-weekly payroll starting no later than July 1. Councilmember Heidner seconded. Voting favor: Councilmembers: Ackerman, Black, Heidner and Mayor Freske. Opposed: Councilmember Fournier. Motion carried with a four to one vote. Discussion: The Council discussed bi-weekly and 1st and 15th payroll. Councilmember Fournier questioned the need for a motion at this time and suggested to wait until Finance Director gets on Board. It was decided that to be fair to the employees and to give them time to adjust their finance, the payroll would not change immediately. 8.8 Any other Council Business Dean Johnson's letter. Councilmember Black moved to communicate to Dean Johnson indicating that we want him to stay involved until the detachment annexation issue is resolved. Second by Councilmember Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. Councilmember Black motioned to set meeting with Dayton at Dayton City Hall at 7 PM February 28, Tuesday. Seconded by Mayor Freske. All in favor. Motion carried. Maintenance for City Hall: Mayor Freske stated his concern with maintenance staff cleaning hall because of their work load and the costs. Councilmember Fournier suggested to have this an agenda item at next Council Meeting and Councilmember Black requested a recommendation from the Public Works Committee. Minnesota Mayors Association: Councilmember Black motioned to pay the dues. Councilmember Fournier seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Tom Osborne Property: City Clerk Elaine Beatty stated that everything has been stored inside. Mayor Freske went over Senator Ourada's letter regarding naming the bridge after Betty Adkins. Clerk Beatty stated that there will be a Planning Seminar at Otsego City Hall on May 16, 1995. Dinner will be at 6:30 PM and Dean Johnson will be the speaker. Councilmember Fournier motioned to accept Treasures Report of January 1995. Councilmember Black seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Councilmember Black motioned to not contribute to the St. Michael /Albertville High School Graduation Party. Councilmember Heidner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. On March 3, 1995. MN Extension is sponsoring a session on: Current population and growth at the Holiday Inn in St. Cloud. There is a $15.charge. Councilmembers Fournier and Ackerman, Mayor Freske and Clerk Beatty will attend. 0 IS •• The Council asked Clerk Beatty to have Bob Kirmis respond as to what kind of input they are looking for. FILE No. 211 02/06 '95 13:05 ID:BERKLEY 612 376 4297 BERKLEY RISK SERVICES, INC. 920 Second Ave. So. -Ste. 700 Minneapolis, Mn. 55402-4023 Telephone #: (612)376-4200 Fax #: (612)376-4297 TOS Sandy Greene COMPANY: First National Insurance Agency FROM: Steve Hansen DATE: Feb. 6, 1995 SUBJECT: City of Otsego FAX #: 441-3921 TOTAL PAGES (INCLUDING THIS PAGE): 1 Sandy, in response to your request dated 1-17-95, I can offer the following quotes to increase the current bond for the captioned city: A. Now limit of $ 75,000 --annual additional $241 B. New limit of $100,000 --annual additional $305 C, Cuo,eIuT'L;rr rJF �0 oov ANNvAL CbS If you have any questions, Sandy, let me know. PAGE 1 Otsego City Council Meeting of February 13, 1995, cont'd. Page 10. Employee contracts: Councilmember Black motioned to approve contracts with Elaine Beatty, David Chase, Judy Hudson, Duane Fiedler and Carol Olson. Councilmember Heidner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. 8.9 Pay any Bills Claims 115 through 234 were paid inclusively. R.10 Adjourn by 10 PM Councilmember Fournier motioned to adjourn. Councilmember Heidner seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 11 PM MayorNornian F. Freske Ronald G. Black, Council Member Suzanne M. Strong Ackerman, Council Member A Hudson, Deputy Clerk 7 Larry `gafiirnier, Council Member r4A, Vern Heidner, Council Member League of Minnesota Cities May 19, 1993 3490 Lexington Avenue North St. Paul, MN 55126 (612) 490-5600 TO: LMCIT Member Cities FROM: LMCIT Board of Trustees SUBJECT: LMCIT Life and Disability Coverages RECEIVED N.:Ar( .) 1994 APSCI ....., Rates for both the employee term life coverage and the employee short-term disability coverage offered through LMCIT will remain unchanged for 1993/94. Life Insurance Current rates for employee term life insurance are $1.70/month for $5000 or $3.40/month for $10,000 coverage. Additional employee and dependent term life coverage options are also available, subject to underwriting guidelines. The LMCIT life coverage is provided by Minnesota Mutual. Short-term Disability Short-term disability coverage for employees is available to LMCIT member cities from Fortis Benefits. This coverage pays weekly benefits beginning on the first day of disability caused by an injury or the eighth day of disability resulting from sickness, for up to 26 weeks. The benefit equals two-thirds of the employee's weekly wage, up to a maximum of $100, $200, $30U. Nionthiy premiums are: Monthly Premium $ 4.50 per employee $ 9.00 per employee $13.50 per employee Benefit Level $100/week maximum $200/week maximum $300/week maximum 30 frs 12/08/94 Minneapolis Office Tho Hartford Steam Roller Inapedlen and 1nsuranso Company 701 Fourth Avenue, South, Suito 610 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 Telephone: (612) 340.9955 Facsimile: (612) 340 7563 FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE AGCY 729 MAIN STREET ELK RIVER, MN 66330- Attn: BANDY GREENE INSURED: CITY OF OSTEGO 8899 NASHUA AVE. NE OSTEGO, MN 55330 - Location of Risk: Ostego, MN 13474 NE 96th Street, 8899 Nashua AVe. NE, Ostego, MN Type of Coverage: All Systems Go Covered equipment includes Electrical Equipment including Fax Machines, Alarm Systems, Telephone Systems and Mail Systems as well as Boilers, Vassals, Boiler and Alr Conditioning Piping, Air Condltloning and Refrigeration Equipment and Machinery. Limit per ACCident: Unlimited includes: Property Damage, Business Interruption, Extra Expense, Spoilage, Water Damage,c Ammonia Contamination and Expediting Eipenses. Business Interruption/Extra Expense Limit of Liability will be twelve (12) consecutive months of actual loss. Hazardous Substance Sublimit: $25,000. Repair or Replacement: Included Combined Single Deductible: $500 /Annual Premium: 31,120 THIS QUOTATION IS VALID FOR 46 DAYS FROM THE ABOVE DATE. NOTES: Special R.markat The above named account is quoted with the underotanding that the following equipment is not present at the insured location' YnrQScanners, vt�'t� Scanner, MRI, NMR, Gamma Cameras, Digital Radiography, p r Acceleratortl, Attyicytaphy Systems, NeuroraaiolgSystems, Angioofthidiography is Systems, Mammography Systeme or Ultraeound Equipment. present, this quote io not valid. ticaoo call for another option. ORDINANCE NO. 95 - CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA DEFINING AN AMENDMENT TO THE SOLID WAARE EOgLUDEDEFROMCTHECDEFINITION OF THOSE BTREET BWEEPINGB WHICH MIXED MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE. Section 1. Section 2.18 of the Otsego eg follows: Ordinance is hereby amended to r 2.18 Mixed Municipal Solid Waste: Garbage, refuse, and other solid waste from residential, commercial, industrial and community activities which is generated and collected in aggregate, but does not include auto hulks, ash, construction debris, mining waste, sludge, tree and agricultural wastes, tires, lead acid batteries, used oil, and other material collected, process Street and disposed isposweeedgs of areas separate waste streams. excluded from the definition of Mixed Municipal Solid Waste only if they are properly screened, meet applicable MPCA standards for heavy metal content, and are free of any pollutants or material determined to be solid waste or hazardous eo wmateaste pursuant to this ordinance, or any al determined by the City Engineer to be a public health or safety hazard. Minn. Stat. 115A03, Subd. 21. Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 13TH day of F brie r , 1995. OPPOSED • Nc� OnP IN FAVOR: Norman - - y Fournier, Ron Black, Vern Heidner CITY OF OTSEGO and Suzanne Ackerman aine Beatty, City C1 Norman F. Freske, Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 95- 2 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE. OF MINNESOTA AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ADDRESSING CONDITIONS OF LAND FILLING OPERATIONS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20-24-5 of the Otsego City Code (Conditions of Land Filling Operations) is herehereby amended to read as follows: 20-24-5: CONDITIONS OF OPERATION: such landfill operation be conducted or A. Under no circumstances shall any part thereof shall consist of permitted if the contents of the landfill oisons, contaminants, chemicals, decayed garbage, animal or vegetable refuse, p dangerous material, street material, filth, sewage or similar exsclusion ffromtic or biologically i theedfinition of "mixed municipal sweepings not qualifying f solid waste" under the City Solid Waste Ordinance, or any other material deemed to be unsuitable by the City. B. Unless expressly extended by permit, the hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Se_sth_A-1 2. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. APPROVED in the Otsego City Council this 13th day of February 1995.. CITY OF OTSEGO ATTEST: By: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk By: ae_d_ lam'- Norman F. Freske, Mayor CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 95-8 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING ROADS WITHIN THE PLAT OF COUNTRY RIDGE, AGREEING TO ACCEPTANCE OF CASH AMOUNT, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A RELEASE OF THE DEVELOPER'S CONTRACT WHEREAS, construction of all streets within the plat of Country Ridge is complete, and said streets have been in use for a period exceeding the period of warranty under the Developer's Contract; and WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has never formally accepted said streets, partially due to outstanding issues between the City and the Developers; and WHEREAS, the Developers have offered, and the City has accepted upon recommendation of the City Engineer, the amount of three thousand dollars and 00/100 cents ($3,000.00) as payment for correction of previously identified deficiencies in road construction; and WHEREAS, the Developers have completed all other conditions of the Developer's Contract and, pursuant to that contract, have requested release from that agreement. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego: 1. The City accepts those roadways within the plat of Country Ridge, contingent upon payment of the above mentioned $3,000.00 by the Developers. 2. Upon receipt of the $3,000.00 payment, the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute the attached Release of Developer's Contract on behalf of the City and deliver the same to the Developers for recording. Passed this 13THday of February, 1995 by the Otsego City Council. OPPOSED: No One IN FAVOR: Larry Fournier, Vice -Mayor, Suzanne M S Ackerman Elaine Beatty, City Clerk Black, Vern .,eid�,e� or t -F. Freske, Mayor RELEASE OF DEVELOPER'S CONTRACT PLAT OF COUNTRY RIDGE CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA All requirements having been satisfied as that forth in documententitled ILLTINF�YRIDGE SUBDIVISION CITY OF OTSEGO FOR INSTALLATION OIMPROVEMENTS BY THE DEVELOPER, r County Recorder as Document Nocorded at the uneOffice of 1992; Wrightsaiddocument affecting property No. 507554 on June 18, legally described as: Plat of COUNTRY RIDGE as of file and duly recordidnaaded tothe Office of the County Recorder, Wright County , the Developers, Country Ridge Partnership, Steven Scharber, and Tony Emmerich are hereby ioned Developer's Contract.irements as set forth in the above me DRAFTED BY: RADZWILL LAW OFFICE 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376 CITY OF OTSEGO an F. Freske Mayor ,/ Cit C1 ='k laine Beattl , Y 1. Documents and proposed February 13, CITY OF OTSEGO OUTLINE AND TIMETABLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF CITY DRAINAGE PLAN FEBRUARY, 1995 presented to Council setting forth proposed timetable Resolutions and Ordinance Amendments. 1995. 2. City Council Workshop to Discuss Drainage Plan and Implementation. February 22, 1995. 3. Revised documents presented to Council for review, timetable considered for approval by Council, and Public Hearings scheduled for the following; A. Public Hearing Regarding Amendment To Assessment Ordinance set for March 20, 1995. B. Public Hearing Regarding Amendment To Utility Ordinance set for March 20, 1995. C. Public HearingsRegaring 5ubd vision Ordi Hance ents To setFee forSections Planning Zoning Ordinance and Commission on March 15, 1995. D. Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Resolution Establishing Storm Water Drainage Fee For New Developments Including Plats, Minor Subdivisions, and Lot Splits set for March 20, 1995. E. Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Resolution Establishing A Storm Water Drainage User Fee Throughout The City set for March 20, 1995. Council To Consider Directing Engineer To Establish The Political Boundaries Of Storm Water Tax Districts and Direct City Attorney To Draft Ordinances Establishing The Same. (Council should consider whether they wish to establish a uniform drainage fee throughout the city or do they want to establish different fees in each separate district.) February 27, 1995 4. Council to review proposed political boundaries of Storm Water Districts and proposed establishment ordinances and set Public Hearing to establish districts for April 3, 1995. March 13, 1995 5. Public hearings for held at Posed lanning Commissents to on Zoning meOreting. and Subdivision Ordinance March 15, 1995 6. Public hearings for Assessment Ordinance Amendment, Utility Ordinance Amendment, Resolution to EsOverallblish Fees City Fee. Subdivision etc., and Resolution To Esta blish March 20, 1995 7. City Council to consider acting on Assessment rtance AOrdinance Amendment, Utility Ordinance Amendment, Zoning and Resolution To, Resolution To Establish Fee On Subdivision, Establish Overall City Fee. March 27, 1995 8. Public Hearing to establish separate Storm Water Tax Districts. April 3, 1995 9. Council to consider Ordinances to establish separate Storm Sewer Tax Districts. April 10, 1995 10. Council to consider oring Feasibility Studies for specific projects within the districts. When petitioned for or initiated by Council. DRAFT PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CITY OF OTSEGO ORDINANCE 12-1 ESTABLISHING MUNICIPAL UTILITIES, RULES AND REGULATIONS RE- GARDING UTILITIES, RATES AND CHARGES AND COLLECTION OF UTILITY PAYMENTS Delete existing Section 12-1-1 which reads as follows: Section 1. 12-1-1: Purpose and Establishment of Utilities: There is hereby established a Utilities Department. The water and sewer systems as they are now constituted or shall e under hereafter the provisions f enlarged or ethis shall be operated maintainedand Chapter subject to the authority of the City Council at any time to amend, alter, change and repeal the same. The City Clerk shall have charge and management of the water and sewer systems subject to the direction of the City Council. The City Clerk may designate other City employees to carry out duties and responsibilities under this Chapter. Add new section 12-1-1, as follows: Section 1. 12-1-1: Purpose and Establishment of Utilities: There is hereby established a Utilities Department. The water, nowt sanitary seer, and d storm sewer and drainage systems as they are shall be hereafter enlarged or extended shall be operated and maintained under the provisions of this Chapter subject to h e authority of the City Council at any time to amend, alter, change and repeal the same. The City Clerk shall have charge and management of the water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer and drainage systems subject to the direction of e City i yr Council. out Thee City Clerk may designate other City employ Y and responsibilities under this Chapter. Delete section 12-1-2, 2 which reads as follows: 2. "Municipal Utility" means any City owned utility system, including, but not by way of limitation, water and sewer service. Add new section 12-1-2, 2, as follows: 2. "Municipal Utility" means any City owned utility system, including, but not by way of limitation, water service, sanitary sewer service, and storm water sewer and/or drainage service. Delete section 12-1-3 which reads as follows: Public Systems: It shall be or hook up to a private water water for human consumption or 12-1-3: Mandatory Connection To unlawful for any person to install system which is intended to provide to install or hook up to a private sewer system in the City, except in cases where the public water or sewer systems homk are t accessible sible to the premises requesting installation o of The City ybClerk shall refer to the City Engineer all questionspublic which may arise. The City Engineer shall determine if the water or sewer systems are accessible to the premises requesting installation or hook up. Add new section 12-1-3 as follows: 12-1-3: Mandatory Connection To Public Systems: It shall be unlawful for any person to install or hook up to a private water system which is intended to provide water for human consumption, install or hook up to a private sanitary sewer system, or to hook up to private storm water sewer and /or drainage system in the City, except in cases where the public water, sanitary sewer, or storm water sewer and/or drainage systems are not accessible to the premises requesting installation or hook up. The City Clerk shall refer to the City Engineer all questions of accessibility which may arise. The City Engineer shall determine if the public water, sanitary sewer, or storm water sewer and/or drainage systems are accessible to the premises requesting installation or hook up. Delete section 12-1-4 which reads as follows: 12-1-4: Fixing Rates and Charges For Municipal Utilities. All rates and charges for municipal utilities, including, but not by way of limitation, rates for service, permit fees, deposit, hook up,ter testing fees, disconnection fees, reconnection fees, and penalty fees for delinquency, shall be fixed, determined and amended by the Council and adopted by resolution. Such resolution, containing the effective date thereof, shall be kept on file and open to public inspection in the office of the City Clerk and shall be uniformly enforced. For the purpose of fixing such rates and charges, the Council may categorize and classify under the various types service, provided that such categorization and classification shall be included in the resolution authorized by this Section. Add new section 12-1-4 as follows: 12-1-4: Fixing Rates and Charges For Municipal Utilities. All rates and charges for municipal utilities, including, but not by way of limitation, rates for service, rates for contribution to the system, permit fees, deposit, hook up, meter testing fees, disconnection fees, reconnection fees, and penalty fees for delinquency, shall be fixed, determined and amended by the Council and adopted by resolution. Such resolution, containing the effective date thereof, shall be kept on file and open to public inspection in the office of the City Clerk and shall be uniformly enforced. For the purpose of fixing rates and charges, the Council may categorize and classify under various types of services, or by contribution to the system, provided that such categorization and classification is just and equitable and is included in the resolution authorized by this Section. DRAFT CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO.____ RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT IMPACT FEE WITHIN THE CITY OF OTSEGO WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has dirt for thee City; andhe City ineer to undertake a Storm Water Drainage Report WHEREAS, the City Engineer has completed such a report, the preliminary draft, dated December, 1994, has been presented to the Council for their review and a public hearing was held on January 13, 1995 to present the results of said report to all interested members of the public; and WHEREAS, said report indicates that there are extensive drainage problems throughout the City, and divides the City into several distinct watersheds; and WHEREAS, the report recommends that specific funding mechanisms be established to construct needed drainage improvements, repair and maintain existing facilities, and insure that those adding to potential drainage problems pay a fair and equitable share of the expenses attributable to their activities; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has specifically recommended that a fee system be established throughout the City to pay for ongoing operation and maintenance of drainage improvements, such system being based upon anaqui on leachforindiv dual ula 1property to the within amount the of impervious surface ea City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that such a fee would most fairly be implemen n the attached formula s a yearly charge lnst drafted propertiesbythe within City the City based upo Engineer and approved by the City Council. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota: 1. That there is hereby established a fee for every lot within the City which contributes to City drainage roblems sr due lotto tthe impervious surface area of the property owners 2. That said fee is established upon the City Engineer's determination of a Standard Residential Equivalency Parcel (REP) and multiples of the same as set forth on the attached Exhibit A, which is herein incorporated into this resolution. within the is hereby 3. That the annual fee for pREPerThesd termination ofCity the number established as perby application of REPs for each property owner shall be determined app E the formulas set forth shall be established on a yearly basis by further resolution of REP the City Council. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Otsego this day of , 1995. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: Norman F. Freske, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk DRAFT CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING CITY POLICY FOR COLLECTION OF A FEE FOR STORM WATER IMPACT UPON SUBDIVISION OR INCREASE OF IMPERVIOUS SURFACERESPONSIBILITY OF PROPERTY WITHIN CONSTRUCTION OF DRAINAGELISHING CITY POLICY IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN FOR RESPONSIBILITY FO NEW SUBDIVISIONS WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has directed the City ort for the City; andineer to undertake a Storm Water Drainage Rep WHEREAS, the City Engineer has completed such a report, and the preliminary draft, dated December 1994, has been presented to the Council for their tnt the �resultsand a poflsai ic ereport toaring was all oneld interested 13, 1995 to pre members of the public; and WHEREAS, said report indicates ndadthere extensive drainage problems throughout theCitY, s the City into several distinct watersheds; and WHEREAS, the report recommendsdra age improvements mechanisms and established to construct needed maintain existing facilities,d insufairre andhat those equitableashare of the dding to the potential drainage problemspay Y expenses attributable to their activities; and the City Engineer has specifically recommended that a WHEREAS,persons increasing the system be established wherein thoset be assessed a specified impervious surface area of their fee at the time that City approval for such increased impervious surface area is obtained,fee imperviousfairly surface area upon represent the affect of such increased the City storm water system; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has further recommended that tha City establish a specific policy regarding P construction of necessary drainage improvements when land is redivided within the required condition of granting a or in cases where drainage improvements are conditional use a necessary or permit or a Planned Unit Development, wherein the Developer of such land would be responsible for construction of all necessary drainage improvements as required by the City Engineer within the subdivision or within an and would alsobe b threSponsibleof for the a separate fee, as set forth above, improvements and increased em• and impervious surface area on the City's overall storm water system; WHEREAS, Exhibit A,attached hereto and herein incorporated, sets forth specific criteria for imposition of the above stated policy. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota: 1. That it is the policy of the City of Otsego that prior to approval of any minor subdivision, plat, conditional use permit, or planned unit development within the city which requires drainage improvementsthat: A. A determination be made by the City Engineer as to what drainage improvements are necessary within the proposed subdivision. B. That the Developer or property owner provide proper plans setting forth the location, capacity and other necessary information regarding said drainage improvements. C. That the Developer enter into a Developer's Agreement, or other agreement with the City, as a condition of approval, in which the Developer agrees to construct the aforementioned drainage improvements to the satisfaction of the City and further agrees to post, along with other necessary financial guarantees, an amount of security sufficient to insure proper installation of said improvements upon terms and in form acceptable to the City. D. As part of said Developer's Agreement, or other agreement, a fee amount is determined for impact of development on overall city drainage. Said fee shall be either paid up front at the time of approval or contained as a condition of the Developer's Agreement, recoverable from any security required to be posted by the agreement. 2. That it is the policy of the City of Otsego that prior to approving any conditional use permit, lot split, minor subdivision, or building permit, the granting of which is for the purpose of construction which will increase the impervious surface area of the property in question, the City will require, as a condition of approval, that the property owner pay to the City a fee, in accordance with Exhibit A, to cover the impact of additional storm water from said property into the city system. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Otsego this day of , 1995. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: Norman F. Freske, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO ENGINEERS AGENDA ITEMS CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/13/95 Item 7.1 Wright County Highway Department Wetlands Banking in Otsego An Otsego landowner petitioned the County to create a wetland on their property. The County Engineer had the wetland constructed and took credit for the wetland acres in the wetland banking program. Should the County Highway Department encounter a wetland mitigation issue, they can use this banked wetland to replace losthetci etreceid ves a plan of the consue to road truction asking for approval. After the work was donecity Since this was a time when implementation of the Wetland Conservation Act was just getting started the City did not have R.G.U. status (Responsible unit of government) for wetland matters in the city. We have discussed this issue with the County and asked that they share in the banked acreage with the City. After discussion with the S.W.D. or other agencies, the Wright County Highway Dept has complete banking claims on this wetland. However, since the construction of the pond the rules require the County report to the R.G.U. and other agencies on the status of the wetland. The site must develop wetland characteristic to remain in the banking program and be protected as a wetland for five years. The City as the R.G.U. must review the reports and sign off on them. If we don't sign off and participate in the review process we would not be preforming the necessary duties of the R.G.U. Since I was designated as the R.G.U. official for the City by the council, I intend to sign and submit the review to the authorities unless there is direction not to sign. Item 7.2 MN/ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Find attached a new maintenance agreement with a longer term (3 1/2 years). There was an agreement for one year in 1994 which expired in December 31, 1994. Mn/Road suggested we made it longer to eliminate renewals. In article 5 paragraph 2 the hourly rates can be adjusted each year dependent on the City's cost. I recommend the Council authorize the Mayor and clerks sign the agreement. If approved we will have Mn/Road furnish the City with the final and anyor other equipmentsuch as backhoe. elieve the Cities current rates is $100/hour for grader and operatorY Item 7.3 WRIGHT COUNTIES RIGHT STUFF (COMPOST) Neither the MPCA nor the Composting Council have problems with placing Class II Compost on the Otsego Prairie Park Site, if it is incorporated into the soils within six months. We attached a copy of a letter furnished us by the operators of the Compact facilities from the MnPCA authorizing the placement of the class 2 compost on the site. The Mn/PCA tells us that they would not issue a permit to Wright County Compost Facilities unless the Facilities met the conditions of the Class II Compact as described in the Mn Rule 7035 solid waste regulations. We believe both the Compact facilities and Mn/PGA has been adequately addressed to pollution issue. PCB's are not a concern if they are less than l Oppm.Te average of the PCB's in the Wright Stuff is 3. Lead is also a concern in any solid waste. Wright County compost Facilities claims to meet the pollution standards in all cases. We would recommend using Class II compost in a correct volume and incorporating it into the soil for grass areas in the Park. However, if the Council feels that PCB and lead tests need to be run on the compact, it would be at the City's cost approximately $400 - 600. Class I compost is the better material but is not available free. We can only recommend using 5300 C.Y. for the nine acre area of the park being improved. ITEM 7.4 CSAW 37 & ODEAN AVENUE PROJECT The plans for the project are completed and approved by the County Engineer. The County has delivered the plans to theDistrict 3 State Aid Engineer in Baxter. When approved and signed by the State Aid Engineer the plans will be sent to St. Paul at the State Aid Central Office for final approval. We also met with Dick Marquette of Wright County Highway Dept. and Howard Ellis Appraiser to complete the offers we will be making to the landowners that we are obtaining easements from and whom have damages due them due to the construction. The County will prepare the documents and we will jointly present them to the landowners. The majority of the damage and easement cost has been verbally approved by the landowners. We will hope to bid the project in the first part of April. Find enclosed a copy of the agreement prepared by Wright County for the City to consider. We have followed the present County policy in preparing the plans and quantities. The cost of construction is about a one third city and two third county split. This split is reasonable in our opinion. However, we do have a problem with the ROW costs being born entirely by the City. This issue is the only part of the agreement that I find unacceptable. The County Engineer will not deviate from the Policy and to do so the County Board would need to so direct. Therefore, I am asking for permission to appear before the County Board to present this issue in the City's favor. If authorized to attend the Board meeting, I would request that the Mayor and/or Council person(s) accompany me. ITEM 7.5 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS A). Otsero Creek Authority Approved expenditure of $1794 for the cross sections and engineering report for DNR review of proposed improvement. This matter was approved by the Otsego Creek Authority on February 8, 1995. Attached is our letter explaining the issue. B). Proposed Park Building Merlend Otto, whom accompanied Tom Baillargeion and Jerry Olson to the City of Landfall to inspect the Garden Center Structure prepared a hand written report on the findings. I will summarize the report here and not produce the longer report at this time. Dismantling this structure is a major undertaking. It would require cranes to lift beams and other salvageable materials. There would be a need for trucks and other equipment. The labor force would need to be skilled and semi -skilled individuals in carpentry, equipment operation and structural salvage. The length of time could be up to eight weeks to complete the salvage operation assuming 2-3 day work schedule each week. Volunteers would need to travel a long distance to get to the site from Otsego. It would take a considerable amount of dedication from volunteers. The liability issue alone appears to be considerable. Dismantling the structure takes time and skill with a great deal of safety awareness. Each piece of the structure if it is to be replicated at the park would need to be marked and recorded to place it in the location it was taken from at the site. A number of questions are unanswered about how much of the structure can be salvaged and how much needs to be demolition waste. Landfill demolition waste disposal is costly. The existing cupola is approximately forty feet by forty feet. Once the dismantled pieces are brought to the site they need to be reassembled.built at a foundation oost of $35/SF oting ors to epoured and an estimated a floor slab constructed. A new Park Structure could be $56,000 and it may be more cost effective to build a new one. It is our opinion that this is a major project and perhaps not cost effective nor achievable with volunteer labor and equipment. C.) Other miscellaneous items Halcan son Anderson Assoc., Inc. January 27, 1995 Mr. Mark McNamara Resource Conservationist Wright SWCD 306C Brighton Avenue Buffalo, MN 55313 Re: Monitoring Report - Wetland Banking Hedlund Site (SE1 /4, SE1 /4, S15,T121N,R24W) Item 7.1 222 Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 Dear Mr. McNamara: We have reviewed the information on behalf of the City of Otsego which you submitted for the above project. Morwetlandlarea.e These eepohtslare forthe and 1994 monitoring reports of the restored first two years of the required five years. It appears that the site is indeed exhibiting wetland characteristics and the easements provide protection for its inclusion in the permanent wetland bank. We look forward to receiving future monitoring reports. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. enc: G oshak, PE /mlc cc: Elaine Beatty, Clerk/Zoning Admin. Dave Montebello, Asst. Wright Co. Hwy. Eng. w/Enc. John Jasckke, BWSR w/Enc. Franklin Svoboda & Assoc. w/Enc. Dan Dobbert, Metro Mosq. Control Dist w/Enc. File: OT411 Si irvevors Summary LGU Technical Panel Meeting Tuesday August 2, 1994 Members Present: Keith Grow, Mark McNamara, Dave Montebello Others Present: Paul Dedrich Area Supervisor, DNR Fisheries The Wright County Highway Department requested the Technical Panel to review Wetland Banking plan application. The County restored the sites under the WCA interim program and are now requesting that the acres be rolled over into the permanent wetland bank. Because theacres were restored under the interim program an on site review isv`by a representative of the Board of Soil and Water the DNR and the members of the Technical panel. There were 3 sites which were submittedand revieweed, all three being restorations. The Stelzer site Located SWa of . 9 T.118N.-R.26W., the Hedlund site Located SE4 of SE4 Sec. 15 T.121N.-R24W., and the third site the Yeager Park site Located NE4 of NW4 Sec 13 T.118N.-R27W. The panel made on-site inspections of the 3 sites and reviewed the existing conditions and delineations. The Panel also reviewed the application packets which were submitted. The panel and DNR representative had no qualms with the delineation of the existing sites and generally felt the 3 sites had successfully established all three of the criteria to eclassifieas edeasitn ef3-4 wetlands. The County submitted proof of pe three sites in the form of easement which have been recorded at the recorders office. The panel members had reviewed the applications packets submitted. The application calculated the total new Wetland credits which be certified would be 10.3 acres and PVC credit would be 3.2 acres. This acreage calculation also took into consideration acres ihave been used by the County for replacement for other Highway projects. Following the discussion the panel made the following recommendation. On a 3 to nothing vote the panel recommends certifying the acres submitted per the application packet after the required notification process is completed. TEL: TEL: Feb 06 95 Feb 03 95 11:02 PIo.013 P.02 12t142 No•.U12 Item 7.2 Mn/DOT Agreement No.: 73172 Amotmt: $30,000.00 JOINI' POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF QTEGLi And STATE OF MINNESOTA) DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION This Agreement is entered into by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, hereinafter Mn/DOT, enda City of Otsego, hereinafter the City. under Minnesota Statuteoe 47 59, , Subd. 10, two governmental units may enter into an agreement to cooperatively common to the contracting parties and one 4xerclae any power of the participating governmental units may exercise one of its powers on behalf of the other governmental unit, and WVIIEitIE AS, Mn/DOT desires the City to perform regular maintenance of the aggregate sutf?aced teat section' within the low volume road at the Minnesota Road Research project, hereinafter Mn/ROAD; and WILEREAS, the City is willing to perform auch maintenance on a reimbursement basis, NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by the parties u follows: 1, The City w111 maintain, during the Spring, g, Summer wum trot and in effect, seasons, those portions Idaroh 1 and November 30th of each Y of the Mn/ROAD low volume loop arx thewn in the abashed drawings and described as follows; A, Aggregate test t tions 33 and 35, looted from project station 63+50 to 69+00 and from project gallon 74+70 to 80+12, The aggregate surfaced cabinet aocoss drive at the west end of the Low Valetta Read. 2. The maintenance to be performed by the City on the aforesaid test sections shall consist of the following; A. Keep the described portions of the Mn/ROAI) low volume a roroad gaEngineer. ed at the slope and cross section, as determined by �g��� ioadwR su ace for teat aki work includes machine grading to pt y motor vehicles. The City shall perform grading operations necessary within the research work plan outline and in cooperation with the Site Operations Engineer. i3. The City will coordinate the regular maintenance of the described areas with its normal maintenance schedule ibr the nearby city streets to minimize driving time chargeable to the Stats- C. If it becomes necessary for the Site Operations Engineer to request a speer maintenance visit, the City will dispatch equipment and personnel as soon as poeatble and reasonable considering the City's maintenance and scheduling E. TEL: TEL: Feb 06U 95 11:03:No.013o.U1r UO3 Mn/1XYT Agreement No.: 73172 priorities. P.eimhurseanwtt for such special visits shall bo from portal to portal. Equipment and personnel shall operate at best possible speed In transit to the Mn/ROAD facility end back to the City's assigned duty. 3. Tho City shall furnish all equipment with operator(s) to perform and accomplish the described maintenance work. The test sections shall be jointly inspected periodically by the Sito Operations Engineer and by the City representative to review the adequacy of the maintenance work which hat been performed. The City shall make all efforts to maintain the sections in the manner directed by the Site operations Angineer to facilitate the ongoing experiment. 4. The State shall provide and place any additional aggregate material or other necessary materials for malnteeance of the described test sections. The City ahait assist in placement by shaping and grading tho naw material. 5. The State shall reimburse the City for actual oostt; incurred batted on the following schedule for the performance of work during the contract period. Payment for work performed under this agreement shall be made within 30 days upon submission by the City to tho Mn/ROAD Project Manager or her/his designee of the proper state documents, itemizing the dates, equipment and hours involved and location of work, approved by the Site Operations Englnosr, codifying that alt work was done during the which pust bmdbtearepagreement, Alt documents r�ive, certified and full prior to pnicessihis payment. Payment shall be made In acs rdance with prices listed on the informal bid for services attached hereto u Exhibit A, which is incorporated by ref ronco and made a part of agreement. deSartibdei and cevi to reflect any 'normal:,ocrease in shall be torovimatenanservices as described In Paragraph 1. The time required for these services has been estimated at a muxlmum of two (2) hours spent in one (1) visit per week. If this time estimate proves to be inaccurate for the work deacrlbed herein, the agreement will be modified through mutual consent atui the now estimate of time and contract amount will ho made part of this agreement by addendum. The total obligation of the State for all eompensation to the City shall not =wed Thirty Thousand and no/100 Dollars (530,000,00). 6, The books, records, doournenta and accounting procedures of the City relevant to this agreement shall he subject to examination by Mn/DOT and the Legislative Auditor. 7. Any and all persons engaged in the maintenance work to be performed by the City shall not be considered employees of the State, Any and all claims made by any third patty as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of City employees while engaged in or as a result of any of the work contemplated heroin shall be be the obligation and responsibility of the State. 2 TEL: TEL: 95 11'03 No 013 P.04 Feb 06 1,1:45 No.U1.L Id .U4 Heb U US y5 Nina= At meet No.: 73172 the on March 1, 1995 or upon such date as it is 8. This ted to en shall be oy tht Connnissltmor of Ainance, whichever occurs later, a d she encumbrance by l ram�;n in effect until November 30, 1998, Whi�evlara�� b flret� Thio rth and shat at to this agreement have been satirfa changing condidgns or research needs agreement may be supplemented to meettrent of both the City and the any time during its effective term by muty� agreement State. 9,Tha ag�► netzt may micelle(' ncelled by either party at any time with or without cause upon be duly IN 'WITNESST'WITNESS� g1,OF► the parties have caused this agreement m ox.c.outcd, intending to be bound thereby. 30 days written notice to the other pay. APPROVED: .CITY Op OTSBG0 Title: UAte: . sy: Till Data: STATE AGENCY OR DEPARTMENT By: Title: Date: 1 As to form and exeoution by the Attorney General: Data, _....--------- DE1'ARTMBNi' OF ADMINIVIRATION )dy: Date: DEPARTMENT OP FINANCE JHfI rzu 1U1Sor 4 lbla5Wbdl2 1 ro„,. Item 7.3 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ...•:,,.r .• ••• ...,......a•.......• ,141.MYM.cm nn..w+y.-I.O%.....w.....-..rw.-.w.• '.U.Yflfl MI Mw►n..11..4/R7/nu./r...+Me7fl Mr. Brim Kopff Compost Specialist Wright County Compost Facility 505 Northeast County ttnty Read 37 Buffalo, 1` iitutese:rit 33113 January 31, .1995 RE: Wright Compost Facility, SW -361 Approval n.n' Land Application of Compost Dear Mr, 1(opff, The Mir rtesola Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has reviewed the following requests for the land application of mix( r1 municipal solid waste compost produced at the facility referenced above, Request chted December 15, 1994, for a 60 acre site owned by the city of Otsego located in Wright County, 2, Request Haled January 4, 1995, fora 30 acre site owned by the Schluendcr Brothers of Monticello. In general. the requests are for the storage and application of mixed municipal solid waste compost to agricultural land, forest, a public contact site, or a reclamation site. In accordance with solid waste permit SW -361. Minn. Rules pt. 7035.2335, and the management practices for mixed municipal solid waste compost landspreading facilities, the MPCA hereby approves the requests listed above, Enclosed please find the table titled ` Cue iultttivti Polltttattt Loading Rates." The cumulative pollutant loading rate for each pollutant must not exceed the pollutant loading rate in the table, This approval appt s only to the locations and to the extent provided above and for the limited purposes of that described in Clic aforementioned requests. Any significant project revisions, deletions or additions must receive prior approval by the MPCA. Sincerely, aures L Warner. P.E. Division Manager Ground Water and Solid Waste Division JLW/gs Enclosure cc: Chuck \Vtit;ht County Solid Waste Officer 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; St, Paul, MN 55155.4194: (612) 296.6300 (voice); (612) 282.5332 (TTY) Regional Offices: Duluth • Brainerd 6 Detroit Lakes , Marshall • Rochester Ilhara Irom oaoer recycled by consumers. DEC 23 '94 14:97 PSG WRIGHT CO. 16129633784 TO: 612 427 3491 P9: PROFESSIONAL L SERVICES WRIGHT STUFF What Is the Wright Stuff? The Wright Stuff is compost produced at the Wright County Compost Facility, near Buffalo, Minnesotan The compost is made from the organic fraction derived from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) or normal household trash. Row can the Wright Stuff benefit me? The Wright Stun' will add organic materials to the Soil that will enhance plant growth. It improves the water holding capacity of sandy soils and the permeability of heavy, clay type soils. It retains nutrients in the soil making them more available to plants. Many studies have shown that compost can reduce disease in various types of plants. Phytophthora, a disease found in vegetables and soybeans has diminished in areas where compost was applied. The Wright Stuff contains approximately 20 lbs/ton of nitrogen, 10 lbs/ton of Phosphorus, and 10 lbs/ton of Potassium. Beef and Dairy manure contain 21,18,26 and 9,4,10 respectively. Is the Wright Stuff safe to use? The Wright Stuff is safe to use when applied correctly to the soil. Beneficial results have come when the compost and soil are blended to a 30:1 ratio. The compost docs contain some heavy metals, however, various phosphate fertilizers contain higher concentrations of heavy metals than the Wright Stuff. The University of a Minnesota Soil Science Department has shown that compost will tie up heavy metals, therefore, lessening the chance for movement of them into vegetation and ground water. The following standards are shown in parts per million (ppm). CWA 503's Wright Stuff Class f Standards PCB 1 Not a concern -v 3 Cadmium 10 39 9 Chromium 1000 1200 48 Copper 500 1500 313 Lead 500 300 264 Mercury 5 17 4 Nickel 100 420 68 Zinc 1000 2800 1277 Food and Drug Administration Standard PCB levels shown in parts per .million Milk/Dairy Products 1.5 Fish/Shellfish 5.0 Poultry 3.0 Infant Foods .20 Red Meat 3.0 Animal Foods 2.0 Eggs ,30 Paper Packaging 10.0 FEB— 6,-9 MON 1E. :23 I4F?.IGHT CTY PNB ********************************** FAX TA ANSMITTAL MEMO To'n C DEP1 FAX co Pouat'brand lax transtrtittal morn() 7671 P_ 0 1 Item 7 . 4 coopngotQueso AGREEMENT NO, 94-1 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FUNDING PARTICIPATION AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT and THE CITY OF OTSEGO For CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR: SAP 86-637-22 CSAH 37 - GRADING, AGG, BASE, SURFACING, AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS 6-9.5 MOF 1 pS:2Z3 WRIGHT C T Y PNB COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT P - 02 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Wright, Minnesota, acting by and through its County Board of Commissioners hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the City of Otsego, Minnesota, acting by and through ics City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City" WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, plans and specifications have been prepared for the improvement of County Highway, hereinafter referred to as CSAH 37, and said construction plans are designated as Project No. 94-2 with specific projects shown for CSAH 37(SAP 86-637-22) & ODean Avenuc(MSAP 217-020-02), The project includes, but is not limited to, street reconstruction, curb and gutter, drainage improvements, and other intersection improvements within the corporate limits of Otsego, and WHEREAS, a Cooperative Agreement between the County and the City outlines the responsibilities and financial commitments for the proposed project. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT: Article 1 31 The City shall construct or cause to be constructed a project of street improvements i chiding, roadway, drainage, and other miscellaneous intersection improvements upon or along CSAH within the City limits in accordance with the approved plans and specifications on file in the Office of the County Engineer, Wright County Minnesota. Article 2 It is agreed that upon completion of and acceptance of the work as to quantity and quality by the County, the Engineer shall determine the actual amount due from the County in accordance with the following funding participation schedule: 2 6-95 MOH 1 6 - 24 WP I GHT CT ''r PWB P _ S 1. CSAR 37 & O'DEAN AVE CONSTRUCTION URBAN SECTTON:(Sta 11+84 to 18+73) This area is to be reconstructed to an urban section (curb and gutter) with drainage improvements. This participation is consistent with Wright County's existing funding policies. Funding Participation Count City Grading Items 80% 20% • Common Excavation, Tile, Borrow, Agg. Base • Turf Establishment • Removal Items Bituminous Surfacing (Wear/Non-Wear) 80 % 20 % Curb & Gutter, Sidewalks, Entrance Pour -Backs 0% 100% Storm Sewer (*A) (*A) Signing/Striping 100% 0% . Utility Relocation 0% 100% Retaining Walls 50% 50% R/W Acquistion 0% 0% 2. CSAR 37 CONSTRUCTION RURAL SECTtON:(Sta 0+40 to 11+84 & 18+73 to 22+00) This area is to be reconstructed to an rural section (shoulders and ditches). This participation is consistent with Wright County's existing funding policies. Funding participation County City Grading Items 100% 0% • Common Excavation, Tile, Borrow, Agg. Base • Turf Establishment • Removal Items Bituminous Surfacing (Wear/Non-Wear) 100% 0% Signing/Striping 1Q0% 0% Utility Relocation 0% 100% Retaining Walls 50% 50% 3 - 9 5 2.(Cont.) MGN 1 6.: 2 4 W R I CHT C T Y P W 13 Curb & Gutter R/W Acquistion NOTES: ARTICLE 2: P 0'4 Funding Participation County City, 0% 100% 0% 100% A. The County will participate on storm sewer related items based on the (%) of contributing flow as determined by the State Aid Hydraulics Engineer. B. County will participate in the engineering costs (design and construction) based on the sliding fee schedule as follows: The maximum allowed for engineering services will be based on the size and complexity of the project. The following maximum percentage amounts will be paid to the cities and townships who have a plan approved by all required agencies and an agreement with the County for which payment will be based on final total contract amount upon completion and acceptance of the project. The final reimbursement shall be computed using the appropriate % below times the County's portion only of the contract costs. From $ 0 thru $ 50,000 up to 18% of Contract Amount Over 50,000 thru 100,000 up to 16% of Contract Amount Over 100,000 thru 250,000 up to 13% of Contract Amount Over 250,000 thru 500,000 up to 11% of Contract Amount Over 500,000 thru Indefinite up to 10% of Contract Amount Contributions to cover engineering costs shall be based on the above rates and shall cover all Preliminary and Construction engineering costs. Preliminary engineering includes feasibility studies, plan and specification development and hearings. Construction engineering includes inspection, testing, engineering supervision, etc. The County will charge for overhead and unallocated expenses on work performed by the County unless an agreement specifically prohibits charging for this work, C. • Mobilization and Traffic Control costs are to be split based on the ratio of County costs versus the entire project costs. D. All right-of-way costs and other acquisition costs are the responsibility of the City. The City agrees to supply the County with a right-of-way plat to the specifications of the Wright County Highway Department. E. The County would provide the initial striping and pavement markings for CSAH 3, as outlined on the plan, Maintenance of the crosswalks upon completion of the project will be the responsibility of the City, 4 FEB- 6-9MON 16 : 25 WRIGHT CTY P W B P. 0 5 It is int':nded that the work outlined above in Article Two is to be done by a contractor on a unit price basis through a contract duly let by the City. At such time as the City awards a contract and the County concurs in such an award the City will prepare a new estimate of the County's share of the construction cost based on the unit prices bid by the City's contractor, A copy of such revised cost estimate will be forwarded to the County. Article 3 The City shall be responsible for all field inspection of materials, quantities, and contractor performance for the road improvement project. The County will reimburse the City for Engineering fees per the County's funding policy. This policy provides for a graduated reimbursement scale based on the total bid cost. The County will reimburse the City at the appropriate percentage times the County's share of the final project costs as outlined in Article Two, unless the County requests inspection services beyond the standard requirements and testing procedures for normal State funded projects. The City Engineer will also be required to provide the proper oversight to comply with the Little Davis Bacon Act, TGB, EEO and MPCA requirements. The City Engineer shall check contractor payrolls and resolve any problems with regard to discrepancies in paying the proper wage rates. The City Engineer must certify to the County that they have monitored the wage rates. and the contractor and subcontractors have complied with the wages as specified. Article 4 Upon completion of the work the City Engineer shall submit a certificate of performance which indicates that he inspected the work and it complies with the plans and specifications. The City Engineer will notify the County of the final amount of the County share based on the actual quantities used and the funding participation amounts shown in Article Two. The County Engineer shall review this amount and approve it prior to processing any final payment to the City. The County shall be responsible for reimbursing this amount to the City within 30 days of approving the final payment amount. The City Engineer shall prepare for the County a reproducible as -built plan of the roadway improvements. This reproducible plan shall be submitted to the County within six months of the final completion of the project. 5 6-95 MON 16 : 26 WR I GHT CTY PWB Article 5 The City has been contracting with the County for maintenance work on ODean Avenue since the roadway was turned over to the City. Once this intersection improvement project is completed the City agrees to take aver full maintenance responsiblities for O'Dean Avenue, Article 6 A traffic detour is provided for in the plans and specifications. A portion of this detour uses 60th Street N. E.. The City of Otsego shall obtain approval from Frankfort Township to use this roadway as a detour route. There are provisions in the plans and specfications for the the maintenance of this roadway. This may require the additional gravel base material to be added to the roadway prior to or during the detouring of traffic. Prior to material being added to the roadway the City shall notify the County of the need to add more material to the existing roadway in order to adequately carry traffic. There shall be mutual agreement between the City and the County with respect to the quantity of material that is added. The cost split for this material shall be based on the ratio of cost of the CSAH project in relation to the entire project cost and the MSAS project cost in relation to the entire project cost. Article '7 The City shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be perjforrncd by the City. The County shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the City and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution of performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the County, it is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the City shall be considered employees of the City only and not of the County and that any and all claims that may or might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees which so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. P Article $ The County indemnifies, saves, and holds harmless the City and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the County and further agrees to defend at its own sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising hereunder and within the corporate limits of the City of Otsego. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged inthe performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City and that any and all claims that may or might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County, 6-95 MON 16:27 WRIGHT C T Y P W B Article 9 P _ S 7 Before this agreement shall become binding and effective it shall be approved by the City Council of Otsego and it shall also be approved by the County Board and such other officers as law may provide. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this agreement by their duly authorized officers and caused their respective seals to be hereunto affixed, COUNTY OF WRIGHT Recommended for Approval: CITY OF OTSEGO Recommended for Approval: County Engineer Date City Engineer, Otsego Date Chairman, County Board Date Mayor, City of Otsego Date County Coordinator Date City Attorney, City of Otsego Date County Attorney Date Administrator, City of Otsego Date Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. January 17, 1995 Otsego Creek Watershed Authority City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. Otsego, MN 55330 City of Albertville PO Box 131 Albertville, MN 55301 Re: Proposed Ditch Work North of 83rd Street Dear Authority Members: Item 7.5A 222 Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 As requested by the Authority at your 12/20/94 meeting, John Harwood of our office and myself met with Dan Lais, Area Hydrologist of the Mn/DNR at our office on Friday, January 13, 1995. We reviewed with Dan the data and profiles we have available in our office. We also discussed the merits of reditching the creek between 83rd Street and 87th Street. It was Dan's opinion that the first length of this segment from 83rd Street to the next property line (approx. 1320') would not benefit from reconstruction and/or realignment. However, he would consider accepting proposals for the rest of that segment to 87th Street. We also discussed reshaping the creek from 83rd Street south to the Section 30 wetland. In this discussion, Dan was recommending a permanent level control device be installed at the Section 30 wetland outlet. To provide the necessary documentation to get approvals for this work, we would need to perform the necessary surveying and engineering services. The DNR will require cross sections of the existing ditch area taken in the field. We anticipate obtaining at least six to eight sets of cross sections along with some additional topo around the outlet of Section 30 wetland. Page 2 January 17, 1995 We also discussed the removal of a 30" pipe at station 91 + 50 which is too small for the flows projected in the creek. We must then evaluate the hydrology to determine the existing and proposed channel capacity after the cross sections are taken along with the flows in this section of the creek, and then submit the finding to Dan at St. Cloud. Although we surveyed the culvert pipe for the last report, we did not take cross sections. We estimate the work as follows: Survey crew 12 hrs. @ $72/hr. $864 CADD draftsperson 4 hrs. @ $45/hr. 180 Registered engineer 12 hrs. @ $62.50/hr. 750 Total Estimate Cost Not to Exceed: $1,794 Should this work take Tess time, we will invoice only for the time spent. Should the time exceed the cost above, you will be invoiced the not to exceed amount. If you have any questions, I will be available to meet with you to explain the meeting with the Mn/DNR and the proposal. Yours truly, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. /mlc cc: Elaine Beatty, Otsego Clerk/Zoning Admin. Linda Houghton, Albertville Clerk File: OT4:1 1-9 w. s lassame ellmiammas PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Wright County Board of Commissioners NOTI&--IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Wright County Board of Commissionerswill hold a public hearing on Tuesday February 21, 1995tt 10:.00 a.m. in, the Commissioner's Boardroom of the Wright Coun,y.,Government Center, in Buffalo to consider the adoption of a POINT-OF-SALE'CERTIFICATION ORDINANCE FOR ON-SITE SEPTIC SYSTEMS. The purpose of this ordinance will be to require that, for any property in Wright County which is served by an on-site sewage treatment system, such system must be certified to comply with current state standards for sewage treatment before the property may be sold or transferred. Such certification may be completed by the Wright County Environmental Health Division, or by any person licensed or certified by the State of Minnesota as an on-site sewage system inspector. This ordinance has been recommended to the County Board of Commissioners by the Wright County Water Management Task Force for adoption pursuant to the authority in the Minnesota Comprehensive Local Water Management Act. If you cannot attend the hearing, written comments may be submitted to: Office of Planning and Zoning Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N.W., Room 140 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1185 PLEASE NOTE: -Copies of the full ordinance are available from the Wright County Office of Planning and Zoning for reproduction cost. - This ordinance will apply to all cities and townships in Wright County, and requires that all on-site sewers must meet state standards at the time of sale. - Every property sale must include a sewer certification, which will be filed like a Certificate of Real Estate Value. If there are no buildings on the property, or it is connected to municipal sewer, then the sewer certification will require minimal information and no fee. - No filing fee is currently proposed for the certificate, but the County and private inspectors will establish fees for actual inspection and certification of on-site sewers. -When an on-site sewage treatment system exists or is required for a property, the compliance certificate must be completed by a sewage treatment inspector certified by the State of Minnesota, Pollution Control Agency. - An effective date for the ordinance has not yet been established. If it is adopted by the County Board, it is likely that there will be some time lag for the printing of forms and training and education for real estate professionals.