02-27-1995 City Council MinutesCITY OT OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS OTSEGO CITY HALL FEBRUARY 27, 1995 1. Mayor Norman F. Freske will call meeting order. Mayor Freske called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Norman F. Freske, Councilmembers: Larry Fournier, Ron Black, Vern Heidner, Suzanne M. Strong -Ackerman. Professional Staff: Engineer Larry Koshak, Attorney Andy MacArthur City Staff: Elaine Beatty, Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk, Carol Olson, Secretary. 2. Consider Agenda approval (Deletions or Additions) Mayor Freske: Add under Public Works - Overlay for Mississippi Shores Add under Administration - MN Association of Cable TV CM Fournier: Add 8.4.a - Discussion of Dog Complaints Add 8.6 - Adjourn by 10 PM CM Black: Add - Workers Compensation - Accident Policy CM Black motioned to adopt agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consideration of Minutes. The City Council requested the following corrections in Minutes of February 13, 1995: Page 2. Item 5., last paragraph - Koshak stated that this was going to be striped last year Page 5. Item 7.5 motion - Councilmember Black seconded Page 7. Item H -CM Heidner motion, the Mayor appointed Page 8. Item 8.6 - Councilmember Black motioned CM Fournier noticed that the minutes haven't been as detailed in discussions as in the past. Judy Hudson stated that she follows the Minute Taking Guideline from the Municipal Clerks & Finance Officers Association. CM Heidner suggested for minutes, using the initials CM for Councilmember. CM Black motioned to approve minutes of February 13, 1995, as amended. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in Favor. Motion carried. 4 Bob Minton - Elk River Area Citizens League Discussion of "The Effect of Year Round School on the Family." Mayor Freske welcomed Mr. Minton. Mr. Minton briefly went over the report the Elk River Area Citizens League prepared titled The Effect of Year -Round School on the Family, dated October 10, 1994. The study was done as an aid in decision making only. The Council thanked Mr. Minton for the report and his time. 5. Open Forum None Otsego City Council Meeting of February 27, 1995, cont'd. Page 2. 6. Andy MacArthur, City Attorney: 6.1 Consider Contract with Big Ed Re: Trailer Sales CM Black motioned to table this item until March 13, 1995. Voting for: Mayor Freske, CM Black, CM Ackerman, CM Heidner, Voting against: CM Fournier. Motion carried four to one. 6.2 Discussion of Curfew Attorney referred to the City of Bloomington's Ordinance as a model Ordinance. He stated that setting the time would be very important. Mr. MacArthur pointed out that having a Curfew Ordinance gives the law enforcement the ability to control the congregating groups. He also suggested to send a copy of Ordinance to the Sheriffs Department prior to adoption for him to review and comment if Ordinance is consistent with neighboring communities. The Council was concerned with too much government control and if a Curfew Ordinance would benefit our businesses or be a determent to them. Mayor Freske appointed CMs Heidner and Ackerman to a sub-committee to check with Otsego's businesses, Sheriffs Department, and the County Attorney's Office to look proposed curfew over and bring back to the City Council. Mayor Freske stated that if the City adopts a Curfew Ordinance he would like in place no later than June 1, 1995. 6.3 Discussion of Mn/Road Contract The Attorney reviewed this contract and suggests to include that once the $30,000. is paid out, no extra work should be done. Motion by CM Black to enter into the contract with MnDOT with the agreement that once the $30,000 is paid out, no further work is done. Seconded by CM Fournier. All in Favor. Motion carried. 6.4 Discussion of Drainage Policy a. Set Public Hearing Dates CM Fournier motioned to set the Public Hearings Regarding Amendments to Fee Sections of Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance at the March 15, 1995, 8 PM at the Planning Commission Meeting. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Black motioned to set the following Hearings and times before the City Council on March 20, 1995. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 7:00 PM - Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Amendment to Assessment Ordinance pertaining to Stormwater Drainage Assessment Policy. 7:05 PM - Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Amendment to Utility Ordinance Establishing the Stormwater Drainage System as a Public Utility. 7:10 PM - Public Hearing Regarding a Proposed Resolution Establishing City Policy for Establishing Storm Water Drainage Fee for New Developments including Plats, Minor Subdivisions, and Lot Splits. 7:15 PM - Public Hearing for a Proposed Resolution Establishing City Policy for Establishing a Storm Water Drainage User Fee Throughout the City. Otsego City Council Meeting of February 27, 1995, cont'd. Page 3 7:20 PM - Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Resolution Establishing City Policy for Collection of a Fee for Storm Water Impact upon Subdivision or Increase of Impervious Surface of Property with the City and Establishing City Policy for Responsibility for Construction of Drainage Improvements within New Subdivisions. CM Black motioned to set Public Hearing to Establish Separate Storm Water Tax District as follows for April 3, 1995. Seconded by CM Fournier. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 7:00 PM - North Mississippi Watershed 7:05 PM - South Mississippi Watershed 7:10 PM - Lefebvre Watershed 7:15 PM - Halls Pond Watershed 7:20 PM - Rice -Foster Lake Watershed 7:25 PM - Amendment to Otsego Creek Watershed CM Fournier motioned to have City Attorney, Andy MacArthur, draft Ordinance Establishing Districts. CM Black seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. 6.5 Lefebvres Watershed Moratorium: a. Consider Resolution b. Consider Ordinance Amendment Attorney went over amendment to the Lefebvres Watershed Moratorium. CM Fournier didn't feel there was a need to extend the Moratorium and asked the Attorney what would happen if we do nothing on the Moratorium. Mr. MacArthur stated that the City doesn't have an adopted policy and therefore no policy during the interim period, as far as the developers paying impact fees. If amendment isn't approved, the moratorium is over February 28, 1995. Mayor Freske expressed his concerned about this delay and pointed out that there are several residents who want to build garages. Mayor Freske asked if we would have a policy by May 1, 1995? Mr. MacArthur said yes, if time schedule is followed. CM Fournier motioned to not extend the Moratorium on the Lefebvre Watershed, that any issues that need addressing during that time, should be addressed in the Developers Agreement. Mayor Freske seconded. Discussion: CM Black questioned what issues are being referred to. CM Fournier mentioned, water shed, impact fees, water management, stormwater etc. The Council and Staff discussed Developers Agreements. CM Fournier asked Mr. Koshak why extend the Moratorium for 60 days? Mr. Koshak said that garages can't be constructed until the frost leaves the ground and concrete can't be hauled on the weight restricted roads but the developer is the main issue. CM Black stated that the date set was a target date and a lot of time and money has been spent by staff to try and accomplish this. He said he will not support this motion. CM Fournier withdrew the portion of the motion that contained the Developers Agreement. The motion should read - CM Fournier motioned not to approve the extension of the Moratorium on the Lefebvre Watershed. Seconded by Mayor Freske. Voting for: Mayor Freske, CM Fournier, CM Heidner, Abstained: CM Black, CM Ackerman. Motioned carried. Otsego City Council Meeting of February 27, 1995, cont'd. Page 4. 6.6 Any other Legal Business Point of Sale Ordinance - Mr. MacArthur said he informed the County Attorney that Otsego is not in favor of this and that they should expect to hear from the City of Otsego regarding this Ordinance. The City Council is concerned with the current systems that are in good operating condition and that there is a jurisdiction problem. This Ordinance will be considered at the February 28, 1995 County Commissioners Meeting. Motion by CM Fournier to have the City Attorney draft a letter to the County and attend the meeting of February 28, 1995. CM Heidner seconded. Discussion: City Council wants Attorney to stress our concern with the Point of Sale Ordinance. All in favor. Motion carried. Petitioned to Vacate Lots in Proposed PUD for Buelow Acres. The intent to establish the Public Hearing on March 27, 1995 for vacation of streets. Vacating just what is in the plat. CM Black stated we should do it all now. The Attorney said the City can proceed on its own to vacate. Mr. Koshak suggested that the remaining lots around this area be reviewed on how the rest of the area should be developed to see what streets should be saved. We may not need to abandoned all of them. Try to come with a reasonable sketch plan. CM Black said we should look at the whole thing. It would be more cost effective to look into this now. CM Heidner was concerned with the cost.. CM Fournier agrees that all of this should be looked at now. CM Black pointed out that the next developer would have to dedicate his streets at his cost. Larry Koshak said we have to protect the accesses on Nashua. Mayor Freske suggested to wait until the hearing at the Planning Commission, March 15, and let them discuss these issues. The Council agreed. 7. Larry Koshak, City Engineer: 7.1 Discuss CS AH #37 and Odean Ave Project CM Fournier motioned to approve the Plans and Specifications for the 94-2 Project. CM Black seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.1b Resolution regarding Parking Restriction at Odean Ave, CSAH 37 and 70th Street. CM Black motioned to approve Resolution. CM Ackerman seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.lc Right -of -Way Issue Agreement CM Black motioned to accept the County's Compromise to pay $12,025.32. Mayor Freske seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.2 Discuss Highway 101 and CSAH #37 Intersection (East) Larry Koshak said the State is waiting for the City's comments. On access for the area by the old Plude Bus Place and Flag Lot, Mr. Koshak suggested to have the State put in a Cul -du -sac. The Council's concerns were with the long, deep dividers. These long dividers may not benefit future commercial developments. Their other concern was with the North-South Conceptual Road. They would like to see this road straightened out and more to the east. Mr. Koshak will follow up to the State. Otsego City Council Meeting of February 27, 1995, cont'd Page 5. 7.3 Discuss traffic Control of ODean Avenue Larry Koshak handed out speed and signage information we received from the State. Mr. Koshak said that ODean doesn't qualify for a lower speed limit Regarding the 4 Way Stop at 85th and ODean, Mr. Koshak doesn't recommend it unless there is a technical reason. The Council can put in a 4 Way Stop. CM Black said there is a visibility problems there and would that qualify for a technical reason. The Council decided to wait until the construction is done at CSAH 37 and ODean and then bring this issue back. 7.4 Discuss Monitoring Well test results Mr. Koshak went over the report. The water is good. He recommended testing it every year. A copy of the report was sent to Tom Salkowski, Wright County Planning and Zoning.. Mr. Koshak reported that the City does not need a Class B Operator for the Municipal Well at this time since there is only one customer hooked up. The State will do our testing for us. 7.5 Any other Engineering Business There is a meeting on the MnRoad regarding the Finn Road on Friday, March 3, 1995 from 9 to Noon. CM Fournier motioned to have Larry Koshak attend the above meeting. CM Black seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Freske asked if the Engineer received a response to our letter to Albertville. Mr. Koshak said no. Mr. Koshak would like to have a meeting in March to review the MSA Program. Mayor Freske requested staff to send to all Council Members copies of the Minnesota Association of Cable Television report from the League of Minnesota Cities dated February 22, 1995. Mississippi Shores Overlay: Mr.Koshak reviewed what the Public Works Sub -committee had discussed regarding this project. They were looking at a 1 1/2" overlay for all of Mississippi Shores except the Commercial Area and to assess the cost back to the residents. The approximate assessment would be $700 per parcel, spread out over 10 years. The mailbox situation needs to be addressed. CM Black motioned to approve Resolution Ordering Preparation of Report on Improvement with the understanding it is for all of Mississippi Shores Addition 1 through 7. CM Fournier seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. 8. City Council Items. 8.1 Boards and Commissions. a. EDAAC CM Fournier said the next meeting is March 6, 1995. Mayor Freske brought up Brochure DTED - providing financial assistance for sewer and water. b.PC CM Fournier had nothing to report since the Council attended the last meeting. Otsego City Council Meeting of February 27, 1995, cont'd. Page 6. c. Parks and Rec. Board CM Ackerman reported that the Parks and Rec. are looking at putting up a sign for the Otsego Prairie Park. Merlin Otto did a study regarding Park and Rec. Fees. CM Heidner had a concern with the large amount of expenditures and money spent on the study. Mayor Freske was concerned with raising the Park & Rec. Fees. CM Fournier asked if the Grant was considered into these amounts.. CM Black suggested to let the Parks & Rec. address and justify these issues. CM Fournier suggested that all commissions take part in future budget meetings. CM Ackerman said the Parks & Rec. are considering appointing a Treasurer to keep track of the budget. Mayor Freske stated that the Business and Finance Officer will be able to work with them on budgeting. d. #728 Parks and Rees Joint Powers (Community Recreation Board)- Discuss Memo from Jeff Asfahl.(attached). The Community Rec. Board would like direction from Otsego as to future planning. CM Fournier asked that as the population growth continues what type of planning is being done to accommodate the changing interest. Mayor Freske inquired about the scheduling of our ball fields and if we have enough people and money for new parks. CM Black said what is being proposed is that scheduling will be done through the Comm Rec. Board and that Jeff will be meeting with the School District regarding summer scheduling. ♦ •• .i- •uu - Mayor Freske reviewed with the Council: Re: Well & Fence: The school responded that the Contractor hasn't turned everything back over to School. Street Sweeping will be done this Spring. Five miles of gravel road to be graveled. Dave Chase will get quotes. Dave will check with the County regarding weight restriction signs. Regarding the culverts on Ochoa, half of the residents want them, half don't. Dave doesn't feel we will have too much of a problem this Spring because of the lack of snow. Regarding the third person for the Maintenance Department: Mayor Freske stated that Dave Chase would like to review in a month. f. Otsego Creek Authority CM Fournier said the next meeting is April 12, 1995 at Albertville. :•u 1 •1•u -- - 11-- �S •. -lb •1 for interview of Business and Finance Director Committee hasn't met. CM Black reminded the Council of interviews for March 16 at 5 PM. Also to get your questions for the interviews to Judy Hudson within two weeks. 8.2 Discuss Maintenance of City Hall Mayor Freske said they are getting two quotes for cleaning of the Hall and will be reviewing this issue. CM Fournier said he will also have another quote for them. 8.3 Discuss PERA back pay for Bill Schultz, former Town Board Member The Council decided this claim will be considered as a regular bill. 8.4 Any other Council Business PERA: Elaine Beatty will contact the PERA Office and let everyone know the procedure. Workers Compensation: Elaine Beatty will check this out for elected officers for the next council meeting. Gateway Chamber of Commerce: CM Black motioned to join association for 1995 on the condition that the newsletters are mailed directly to all Council Members. CM Fournier seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Otsego City Council Meeting of February 27, 1995, cont'd. Page 7. Dog Complaints: The council discussed the issue of the dog complaints City Staff receives. Legislative Conference, March 30, 1995, 8 AM to 3 PM: Mayor Freske, CM Ackerman and CM Heidner will attend. Sunday Liquor: Riverwood would have to do the request. Long Haul trucking: Elaine Beatty said more information has been sent. 8.5 Pay any Bills Claim 235 through 302 were paid inclusively. 8.6 Adjourn by 10 PM CM Fournier motioned to adjourn. CM Black seconded. Altinfavor. Motion carried. Meeti ,g adjourned at 10:12 PM Mayor Norman F. Freske Ronald G. Black, Council Member Suzanne M. Strong Ackerman, Council Member Attest: Judy` Hudson, Deputy Clerk (City Seal) Larry Fo r, 'er, Council Member Vern Heidner, Council Member CITY OF OTSEGO ENGINEER'S AGENDA ITEMS CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2/27/95 Item 7.1 - CSAH37 and Odean Ave., Imp. Proj. 94-2 A. Consideration for passing resolution to approve plans and specifications (see attached). We will provide another resolution ordering advertisement for bids when all the easements and damages have been agreed to by the land owners and agreement is signed. B. Consideration for passing a resolution to restriction parking on the project. This is a normal requirement of the MSA for areas that parking on street is not desirable. The 44' wide MSA street allows for a 8' strip for parking on each side, however, near intersection we use the parking lane for turn lanes. This is the case along Odean Avenue and CSAH37. C. In a meeting I had with Wayne Fingleson and Richard Marquette we agreed on a possible solution to the ROW cost issue. If accepted by the Council, we can proceed with the project without going to the County Board for a variance in the County policy. Wayne agreed to have the County pick up the compensation to be paid to the Kolles farm on the loss of the feed lot. The ROW acquisition cost of two other parcels that were added on the west end of the project would also be the County's responsibility. The amount the County would pick up is about $12,025.32. Kolles farm feed lot relocation compensation is $10,200. The other property belongs to Fred Kasper and Donald Praught (see attached list of landowners). The total estimate cost of ROW and damages to be paid to land owners is $33,431 .63. The County's policy for working in joint projects with City's over 5,000 population is that if the City initiates the project, 100% of ROW costs are the city's responsibility. We don't agree with the policy in this matter. However, we are not assured that going to the County Board without strong support from Buffalo and Monticello will change the policy at this time. I recommend accepting the compromise and consider approving the agreement for signatures by the Mayor and Clerk after the city attorney reviews the agreement. Item 7.2 - Highway 101 and CSAH37 Intersection (East) The city has received a request from Mn/DOT to review the design for access onto CSAH37 east of TH101. This is in conjunction with the TH101 project to be let in 1996. Enclosed is a letter to NAC from our firm asking that they consider what we have proposed coordinates with the planning goals in the area. We are presenting this matter to the Council for comments and consideration of approval. Also shown is a proposed location of a future access road between Frankfort's Queen Avenue, CSAH37 and CSAH42. Comments on this location are requested. Item 7.3 - Traffic Control Find enclosed a letter that reviews the speed zone issue in the City. I believe the information makes it difficult to change speeds on Odean Avenue unless a bike lane is installed or an MSA street is constructed that has a lower design speed. Also, the city could have a study done by Mn/DOT on the speed issue. This is for your information and the contents applies to all city streets. Item 7.4 - Monitoring Well Test Results Find enclosed a letter reviewing the results of the monitoring well tests. This letter is for your information. Item 7.5 - Miscellaneous Engineering Items 7.la RESOLUTION NO. FOR APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 94-2 WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council received a report from Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. AND WHEREAS, said report detailed the feasibility of a proposed street improvement for CSAH37 (NE 70th Street) and NE Odean Avenue in Otsego, Minnesota. AND WHEREAS, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. determined that the aforementioned improvement was feasible. AND WHEREAS, the City Council accepted said report by resolution at regular session. AND WHEREAS, the City Council ordered plans and specifications to be prepared for the project by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. AND WHEREAS, said plans and specifications have been completed. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL THAT IT: 1. Approves the aforementioned plans and specifications. ADOPTED: Otsego City Council, Otsego, Minnesota ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 7. lb RELATING TO PARKING RESTRICTION ON NE 70th Street (CSAH37) from the proposed intersection with Odean Avenue to 216 feet west and 617 feet east as shown on the plans prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. THIS RESOLUTION, passed this day of , 1995 by the City of Otsego in Wright County, Minnesota. The municipal corporation shall hereinafter be called the "City", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the "City" has planned the improvement of the NE 70th Street (CSAH37) and NE Odean Avenue intersection, and WHEREAS, said improvement is known as public Improvement Project No. 94-2, and WHEREAS, the "City" will be expending Municipal Street Aid Funds on the improvement of this project, and County State Aid Highways Funds will also be expended, and WHEREAS, this improvement does not provide adequate width for parking on both sides of the street, and approval of the proposed construction as a County State Aid Highway project must therefore be conditioned upon certain parking restrictions. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS THEREBY RESOLVED: That the "City" shall ban the parking of motor vehicles on NE 70th Street from the intersection of NE Odean Avenue to 216 feet west and 617 feet east as shown on the plans prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. at all times. Dated this day of , 1995. ATTEST: Clerk Mayor 7, lc CSAH37 & ODEAN AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 94-2 PROPOSED R.O.W. AND DAMAGE COMPENSATION Parcel City County A - Fred R. Kasper *$1,480.92 B - Jerome Kolies (south) $3,565.55 $10,200 B - Jerome Kolies (north) $2,319.00 C - Robert Culiinen $6,208.90 D - Cable T.V. 14-A Ltd. *$1,402.24 E - Wilfred Lindenfelser $601.44 F - Bryce Northrup $1,954.56 G - Eugene Yahnke $3,040.00 H - Donald Praught $ 344.40 I - Jon Pouti $2,314.62 $21,406.31 $12,025.32 Total: $33,431.63 *The above amounts could change somewhat in the final closure process. Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. February 22, 1995 7.2 222 Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 Bob Kirmis Northwest Assoc. Consultants, Inc. 5775 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 555 St Louis Park, MN 55416 RE: Highway 101 & CSAH37 Intersection Reconstruction Dear Bob: Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. has reviewed a preliminary plan prepared by Mn/DOT for the above referenced project. Our initial comments are as follows: * The preliminary plan depicts a proposed driveway off of CSAH37 which appears to be designed to serve three properties. PIN numbers 263408, 263403 and 263404 would receive access from this driveway. We feel the proposed driveway should also be designed to provide future access to property #263409. Based on aerial topographic maps, property #263409 currently receives access via a driveway through property #263408. A strip of land along the eastern edge of property #263408 presently provides for future access to property #263409. The proposed Mn/DOT driveway would be constructed partially on this strip of land, and should, therefore, be designed to provide access to property #263409. (see attached map) * The driveway should be constructed to City of Otsego requirements for a local roadway. The roadway should have a cul-de-sac and be designed to allow for future extension. This roadway could then function to provide internal access and circulation in this area. * CSAH37 is expected to develop into a collector street. The shared access proposed should be consistent with the limited access policy for collector roadways. * Wetlands located directly southof the proposed drivewayo seuah are prohibitive to locatingmajor roadway in the location of the proposed driveway. The proposed driveway would most likely serve as a local street for the ultimate development. * If constructed as a local street, this roadway could ultimately connect to a major north -south roadway located to the east of the driveway. Bob Kirmis February 22, 1995 page 2 * The City of Otsego should consider performing a frontage road study similar to that. as performed for Planning District No. 4. Due to the limited internal roadways, individual lots are accessing CSAH37 and CSAH42. Future upgrades to these roadways will lead to a limited access criteria being established. * When Highway 101 is constructed as a 4 -lane expressway, 65th Street will be converted to a cul-de-sac. This will add to the potential congestion in this area. With sewer and water service potentially becoming available to this corridor in the future, a higher rate of development can be expected. Transportation issues should be more closely examined at this time. * The attached sketch summarizes our findings with respect to a future north -south roadway in this area and how this local roadway could develop with respect to the north - south roadway alignment. The alignment of the north - south roadway conforms substantially to that as shown in the Comprehensive Plan. The conceptual roadway alignment appears to avoid wetlands and connects to a cul-de-sac roadway in Frankfort Township. We would appreciate any comments or concerns your office may have related to this project. In particular, comments on development issues as they pertain to zoning requirements for this area and the enclosed roadway sketch would be appreciated. Also, comments related to any Wild and Scenic Ordinance issues would be appreciated. Please review the enclosed documents and do not hesitate to call if there are any questions or concerns. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Kevin P. Kielb, P.E. KPK:cg File/OT3:11-13 cc:V Lawrence G. Koshak, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Elaine Beatty, City of Otsego cam' _ i b o 7 8871 /1 1 -1)/)'),\\\\ (1 11 ks„ \ \ L x 912.9 -== „AI AA STATE HIc ((3w soNnsva) RFI 'r7 IMH Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. February 23, 1995 7.3 222 Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 Honorable Mayor & Council Members City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Otsego, MN 55330 Re: Proposed Speed Limit Change - Odean Avenue Dear Mayor & Council Members: Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. has reviewed the requirements involving a speed limit change for Odean Avenue in Otsego, Minnesota. Speed limits established by statute are as follows: 1. 30 mph in an urban district. 2. 65 mph in other areas during the day time. 3. 55 mph in such other areas during the night time. 4. 10 mph in alleys. Governors Order No. 78 and Mn/DOT Order No. 54539 were subsequently signed designating 55 mph as the maximum speed during all hours of the day and night. To be classified as an urban district roadway, a roadway must be built up with structures devoted to business, industry ° dwelling milehouses or moresituated The dwelling intervals of less than 100 feet for a distance of a quarter ofa houses must not only be contiguous to the roadway, but also must receive access from the roadway. Based upon aerial topographic maps and the above stated criteria, Odean Avenue does not qualify as an urban district roadway. There are five exceptions to the Commissioner of Transportation's authority to establish regulatory speed limits. These are stated briefly below: 1. School zones 2. Work zones 3. Mobile home parks 4. Roadways with designated bike lanes 5. All highways in the state may have speed restrictions placed upon them by the Commissioner, with approval from the Governor, to conserve fuel. Page 2 February 23, 1995 Exception #4 may apply to Odean Avenue from NE 78th Street to CSAH39 in the future. This segment of roadway is depicted as a FY98 improvement on the ISTEA project exhibit. Roadways with designated bike lanes can have speed limits established by local authorities. The bike lane roadway speed limit cannot be lower than 25 mph. Exclusive of constructing a bike lane on this roadway, the speed limit could only be adjusted after an engineering and traffic investigation is performed for speed limit determination. The Mn/DOT would perform this study and make a recommendation based primarily on prevailing speeds, physical features, accident experience and traffic characteristics of the roadway. The most important factor considered would be 85th percof the safe tispeedPor thestudy roadway as perceived by Mn/DOT. This is a representation by the majority of motorists. Once Mn/DOT makes their recommendation of the maximum speed limit for a roadway, the local authority must then post signs to regulate the speed limit. Once Mn/DOT's recommendation it final t,eitherlon based on h higher or lower, unless sent conditions and the local authority can not change a change in traffic conditions is experienced. The procedure to initiate a study rests with the local authority. The procedure is for the local authority to draw up a formal resolution requesting an investigation. The resolution would, in this case, be passed by the City Council and forwarded to the Mn/DOT District Traffic Engineer (DTE)Brainerd. Recommendat Recommendations for the safeneering and traffic investigation would be performed by Mn/DOT speed limit, as well as suggestions for installing warning signs and other traffic control devices would be made by the DTE and disscus be prepared h the City.by Formal authorization for establishing a new speed limit Assistant Director of the Mn/DOT Office of Traffic Engineering and forwarded to the City. Page 3 February 23, 1995 The decision to authorize preparation of the above mentioned resolution should come from the City Council. Please review the above. If you have any questions, please call. Respectfully submitted, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Kevin P. Kielb, PE /mlc cc: Elaine Beatty, Clerk Andy MacArthur, Radzwill Law Office Bob Kirmis, NAC Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson File: OT9:1 1-1 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. February 20, 1995 Honorable Mayor & Council Members City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Otsego, MN 55330 / 6o 7,4 222 Monroe Street Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427-3401 Re: Ground Water Monitoring Well Dear Mayor & Council Members: The results of the monitoring well tests show that the water meets or exceeds the standards from potable water as set by Minnesota Department of Health. 85th St. & Ohland Ave. Country Ridge Antelope Park Otsego Park MW1 MW2 MW3 Fecal coliform mF (CFO/100m1) test <1 <1 <1 std presence presence presence Nitrate: N test <1.0 < 1.0 3.0 (mg/I) std 10 10 10 Chloride (mg/I) test 25.1 10.7 55.1 std 250 250 250 Total Kjeldahl test <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 (mg/l) std 10 10 10 The parameters above as used as indicators when looking for pollutants in ground water due to failure septic tank drainfield systems. Page 2 February 20, 1995 Wells 1 and 2 waters appear to be in excellent condition. However, well #3 has slightly higher parameter level in nitrates and chloride than do MW 1 and 2. The position of this well is down gradient of all the developed area in Otsego. The City should monitor these wells at least once a year and then compare parameters each year to determine if changes are occurring. Should the parameters increase significantly, the City can take the appropriate action by intensifying the monitoring program to pin point the problem area and retain professional service to interpret the results. The groundwater levels are shown below: MW1 MW2 MW3 Ground surface level 872.8 Ground water level 862.3 877.6 862.0 If you have questions on this matter, please contact me. Yours truly, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Law -nce ' . Koshak, PE Ci Engi eer /mlc cc: Jerry Olson, Building Inspector Bob Kirmis, NACC Andy MacArthur, Radzwill Law Office Elaine Beatty, Clerk Wright County Park & Rec. Dept. File: OT606 860.94 853.4