04-10-1995 City Council MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS OTSEGO CITY HALL APRIL 10, 1995 1. Mayor Norman F. Freske will call meeting to order. Mayor Freske called meeting to order at 6:30 PM. 2. ROLL CALL: Mayor, Norman F. Freske, Councilmembers: Suzanne Ackerman, Ron Black, Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner. Staff: Attorney, Andy MacArthur, Assistant Planner, Bob Kirmis, Engineer, Larry Koshak. Clerk, Zoning Administrator, Elaine Beatty, Deputy Clerk, Judy Hudson, Secretary, Carol Olson, Building Official, Jerry Olson, Maintenance Supervisor, Dave Chase. •e '$- 3I. .11 , . - el • :so el ADDITIONS: CM Heidner requested: Item 5.3. Bonding requirements for EDA Treasurer. CM Fournier requested: Item 12.3. Set date for Council Workshop on Conflict of Interest and perimeters of Professional Staff. CM Fournier motioned to approve agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Consideration of Minutes. March 20, 1995 Stormwater Drainage Policy Special Council Meeting: CM Fournier motioned to adopt minutes of March 20, 1995. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. City Council Meeting Minutes of March 27. 1995: Corrections: CM Fournier noted that on Page 4, Item 8.1., first sentence, include the word acquisition in regards to the right-of-way. Mr. Koshak requested to add Kolles with Kasper and Praught in second sentence. CM Heidner noted that on Page 6, Item 9.1. d. that CM Heidner brought up additional staff member for Comm. Rec. Board. CM Black motioned to adopt Minutes of March 27, 1995 as amended. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 5. Andy MacArthur, City Attorney. Consider Establishing the following Watershed Storm Sewer Tax Improvement Districts: Need to have four-fifths vote of council to pass. SEE ATTACHED MAPS a. North Mississippi Watershed Storm Sewer Tax Improvement District. Mr. Koshak recommended to the Council that the lines remain the same as presented at the Public Hearing on April 3, 1995. CM Fournier did a site inspection. He felt thatthe flows hsoNouth o 89th Street seem higher than the North Side, looked like the ravine down by Ochoa Mr. Koshak said there is a pond on L8, possibly that pond could fill up and flow North, also could flow out to road ditch on 89th. They reviewed in 1985 , now again with contour maps, they feel that this area belongs in the Halls Watershed. Otsego City Council Meeting of April 10, 1995, cont'd. Page 2. Rod Bengtson, 89th Street. He requested to be put in the North Mississippi Watershed. CM Fournier motioned to have Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of Block 1, Otsego Acres, 1st Addition put into the North Mississippi Storm Sewer Tax Improvement ments would be easier by CM Black. Discussion: CM Fournier stated that future to calculate on the whole 1 acre lots, rather than splitting. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Black motioned to adopt the North Mississippi Watershed Storm Sewer Tax Improvement District as amended. Seconded CM Heidner. ere moved to tor. Motion carried. Discussion: The rational being that theparcels orth Mississippi Watershed Storm Sewer Tax Improvement District was done solely because they are single residential developments in the Urban Service Area. f can be reviewedwedl lots, with County Road 39 as the Northern Boundary, are subdivided, this . u• • 11'1 II CM Heidner motioned to set the South MississippiCM Fournier.t All in favor. Motion Sewer Tax Improvement District as presented. Seconded by carried. . •' • • 911 . 11 • • - •• • D He pril Engineer Koshak recommended leaving the lines as presented at the Public the Norah ring Minns ip it 3, 1995. At the hearing, land owner, Tim Neibling, requested to gointo The Council had concerns with splitting parcels into two different watersheds and splitting Watershed. fees. 202, and CM Black motioned that these three parcels, 118-500-221201, ershed Storm lSewerlDistrict. 118-500-221203 be set into the North Mississippi` Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: is ussio MacArthur said CM Fournier as sed the City Attorney how will this affect future requests th won't affect them. The City will take case by case. The Sewer Tax rational lmprogementhat �was done solely e parcels were moved to the North Mississippi Watershed Storm because they are single residential developments in the Urban Service Area. If these residential lots, with County Road 39 as the Northern Boundary, are subdivided, this can be reviewed. CM Fournier motioned to set the Lefebvre's Watershed Storm Sewer Tax Improvement District as amended (removing parcels 118-500-221201, 118-500-221202,118-500-221203). Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. . ••• • - u'• 0 Tax CM Black motioned to establish the Halls Watershed 1S�toa d � Sewer g thec change to the rovement District including the amendments to the other districts Otsego Creek Storm Sewer Tax District Boundary. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Otsego City Council Meeting of April 10, 1995, cont'd. Page 3. I-1 • u . uI • - u'$ R The City Engineer recommends no change in boundary lines as requested at the Public Hearing of April 3, 1995. CM Fournier did check these sights this afternoon and agrees with the Engineer. CM Heidner motioned to accept as presented, The Rice/Foster Lake Watershed Storm Sewer Tax Improvement District. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. Bounder _nes. Improvement District CM Black motioned to amend the Otsego Creek Storm Sewer Tax Imp Boundary as presented on the Map dated 3-3-95 carried. Discussion:the Public CM Black asked g of April 3, 1995. Seconded by CM Fournier. All in favor. Motion at the about the Eastern Boundary. Mr. Koshak said the Boundary is set as presented hearing. FDA Bonding: Andy MacArthur hasn't had time to review this. CM Heidner is questioning if this is necessary for him intoto be bnded as Treasurer of the this he thought that maybe theDonly A. CM Black suggested to have the City Attorney check person that needs to be bonded is the City Business and Finance Director. The Council agreed. $ ••u. '•i •o '. . .,• ono, •1 Mr. Baillargeon announced that construction processin-kind labor. What he needs now is Grant. Tom went over costs for equipment, excavation and Council approval to start accepting bids. Council concerns: 1. Amount the City has to pay out. 2. Time frame for reinbursement 3. Publicility for Volenteer Workers MOTION: CM Black motioned to direct the City Engineerork th prthe Park and ceed with theReproject as Project Manager and get quotes etc. Engineer is to her s. Commission and at the time when the Business andFinance na nDi Sector startsnded Mayor Freske. job with the City, she should coordinate this project with the gleer. All in favor. Motion carried. Tom went over the $19,000 in-kind labor amount. This will require help from the Maintenance Staff. 1. Three Rivers Soccer Association providing goals - $2,000.00 2. Otsego Lions - installing playground equipment, timbers and surface 3. Park and Rec. Commission has already started $100 worth ofcredits tpher is facilities and will finish up with that, giving Otsego City Council Meeting of April 10, 1995, cont'd. Page 4. 4. Tree clearing - maintenance to help with that. 5. Old barb wire fence needs to be removed. 6. Looked into hauling top soil, our black dirt temporarily dried up. Hoping to get 7,300 cubic years of black dirt. Would like to use the City's equipment to haul that black dirt over here and to spread it. 7. We can get some farm equipment to do the seed preparation, seeding and mulching. 8. The Ag Lime, put that out for quotes. 9. Looking at having the paving bidded out. There was considerable discussion with the Council on the costs nd how these costs were arrived at. The Council decided they need more clarification and a report. Tom said when they receive the quotes they will have specific numbers and should clear up any misunderstandings. The balance of Tom Baillargeon's comments and concerns were: A Bill from Wright County Parks Department for $89.53. This is for a si gn made to paid by Parks with the Grant. They charged only material cost. Bill has been approved to bCommission. Communication and Cooperation with Wright County Parks on sharing of activities - The Parks and Recs. Commission has not made any recommendations on this. Summer Fest - We reserved July 1 for this. Looking at a b has offered to do food and line up Antique Tractor, Engine and Car show, possibly a Dog and Pony Show. Nothing is final. Lions food vendors. Jeff Barthel is in charge of Antique Tractors etc. Concerns from the Council: Mayor Freske concerned with Park and Recs. getting into too many activities, concerned with the Lions participation, their past bill, problem with person getting into antique cars for his own agenda. Approval for use of City Property must come from the City Council. Mayor Freske stated the Parks and Recs. are doing a great job but is concerned with their involvement in fundraisers. He feels that these type of functions should be done by the Lions Club or a Jaycees Club. The Mayor would like to see the Parks and Recs. and City Council sit down together and work these issues out. CM Fournier is concerned with the Communications. Very concerned with the communications regarding the Grant. Otsego City Council Meeting of April 10, 1995, cont'd. Page 5. CM Black noted that the Parks and Recs. can support a Festival but questions whether the City should be sponsoring it. Community Festival is more appropriate for a service related group to sponsor it. CM Heidner supports a Community Festival. But is concerned with City Park being appropriate for camping. Mayor Freske commented that if the Park and Recs. have a fund raiser and if they don't recover their costs, the City ends up paying. CM Fournier supported a Community Celebration and thinks the Park and Recs. should help in coordinating it. Tom Baillargeon stated that the Parks and Recs. is just looking into this and nothing has been approved. CM Black feels they should continue their discussions. - •••- ' - • •.r- :-••r Jerry briefly went through his report. CM Fournier asked Jerry if he was to red flag any items, what would they be? Jerry said the Engineer and Attorney. CM Fournier motioned to accept the First Quarter Report prepared by Jerome Perrault. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. R O__ne_n_Fo 1111 NONE • :e, ► r•• .• ' .••- Mr. Bulow has requested a subdivision of his land. in their cons Staff et with Mr. Bulowof in an attempt Bulow empt to resolve various concerns cited by the City Council s rezoning and preliminary plat request. Mr. Kirmis has vellMr. d a report Kirmdated Awentpough the pril 4, 1995 report). providing a response to these concerns. (See attached report. • s • : • 1 • ' • 11 CM Fournier motioned to accept the Planning ento(PUD).Seconded by CM Black. Voting ions recommendation and to Rezone from Al to a Planned Unit Develop For: Mayor Norman F. Freske, CM Black, CM Ackerman,CM HeidnerFounier. rot ng Aweregainst: st: CM Heidner. Motion carried four to one. Discuss leap frog development, which is against our Comprehensivement rights from the Old Town he is concerned with this also, but he felt they have development some Site. CM Black wants the minutes to reflect whether legal righteir rights is a matter s of development here. The dispute. From the City's Point of View there are no g whole council agreed with this. Otsego City Council Meeting of April 10, 1995, cont'd. Page 6. b. Consider Var,ation of Streets (See Attached Legal) Andy MacArthur had one concern, on the final plat it was already noticed as a vacation of entirety of street, we can vacate up to any area within that. The actual legal description for the vacation of 5th 7 and 8th Street rather than indicating lying easterly of Nashua Avenue should state lying easterly of Otsego Road Plat #1. The actual westerly boundary of the plat is designated as of the road plat it self. CM Black motioned to vacate the Streets or portions in the plat of "Townsite of Otsego" as described in the attached legal description, Exhibit A. Seconded by Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Black asked what the Park Dedication Policy is and staff replied money. CM Black motioned to take Park Dedication Fees in the form of cash instead of property. Seconded by CM Fournier. All in favor. Motion recommendation.: CM Black said that this motion adopts the Park and Recs. Comma *1 � a 1.1 CM Black motioned to accept the Preliminary Plat of Bulow Estates based upon and to include the conditions of NAC's Report dated April 4, 1995. Seconded by CM Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: CM FourniermMr. Kirmis ber 8 of NAC's Report. It address the direction the garage faces, how about the ho se replied that the intent was to make the garage accessible either to the east or west whether its facing North or South, that still can be achieved. CM Fournier asked about the final plat. CM Black suggested that scheduling of meetings be done through the City Clerks Office after proper review by staff. 9.2 Consider the following Ordinance Amendments: a. Amendment to the Fee Sections of the Zoning Ordinance. CM Black motioned to adopt the Amendment to the Fee Sections of the Zoning Ordinance as recommended and approved by the Planning Commission. Seconded by Mayor Freske. All in favor. Motion carried. b. Amendment to the Fee Sections of the Subdivision Ordinance. CM Fournier motioned to adopt Amendment t the Subdivision Seconded by CM Ordinance as recommended and approvedby the Planning Commis Black. All in favor. Motion carried. . C None Otsego City Council Meeting of April 10, 1995, cont'd. Page 7. Sit SectLn.a CM Black motioned to accept Resolution to Revise Street hon cars, nincluding s n Industrial Street Section. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. CM Fournier asked to have the changes highlighted. Mr. Koshak said they have been, and this was submitted to the Council at the last Council Meeting. . .1 .Of • 'MI- -u .$ 1- 1111 Previously done. 1 .4 , •,. .-LI'I Mr. Koshak stated that the intention of this reportwas to prioritized rioritzethe MSA Projects as the Council requested. Mr. Koshak went over his report(see1 3.- I- - OS . 1 t .1. Oil Mr. Koshak informed the Council that MnDOT has requested that if the City wishes to put sewer or water pipes under TH 101 between CSAH 42 and Frankfort study is done, the C defy won t really he location by July 1995. Mr. Koshak stated that until the know this information. The City would have to pay for this project, but it is more feasible to install lines now than later. I- • Ole -I 11. • -11-1 1 :• .14 1111-.1 : - Motion by CM Black to pass Resolution 95-18 OrderingAvenue. Advertisement Seconded by CM the proposed street improvement for CSAH 37 and ODea n Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. Public Works Subcommittee set a Public Works sM etingooffer May 4, around the (Thursday) well. PM. CM Black requested to add to the agenda con CM Black motioned to direct City Engineer to have fence M Heidne .around Alin the City Well, and to investigates quotes, if necessary. Seconded by otion carried. Discussion: Mr. Koshak noted that permission has ee ben ,rec ived from the School to install fence. Council assumes cost to be around $1,700.00 0. CSAR 37 and Odean Mayor Freske asked when this project would start. Mr. Koshak said we should be able to do by June 15th, 1995. oard� Mr. Ashfal reported the following: The Annual Report should be ready shortly. The new name "Community Recreation Board" Long Range Planning starting in May Otsego City Council Meeting of April 10, 1995, cont'd. Page 8. Hiring a Recreation Program Specialist - this position will give more support in programming. Otsego's past activities Otsego's future activities Scheduling procedure of Otsego's activities Roving playground transportation issues CM Fournier thanked Jeff Ashfal for the new name. CM Heidner asked about the Rocket Class being scheduled. Jeff works for the City f Otsego, if the Parks and they ecreation wants to do this, and since the Community Recreation Board would do the scheduling and advertise the information in their brochure. CM Heidner wanted clarification should the Parks and Recsr. . get involved in the programming? Elaine Beatty asked how much Jeff noted that his responsibiliteis are: 1. To communicate with the Parks and Rec. and coordinate the activities and scheduling. 2. Establish a budget and to keep within that budget. 3. Develope and administrate their programs Jeff also explained that the money Otsego contributes basically pays for salaries. Mayor Freske noted that there is a balance due Otsego. Jeff said he is waiting for the Finance Director to start to set up a schedule and he will pay off present balance as of March 31, 1995. 12. City Council Items: 11 it it ei CM Fournier motioned to accept Letter of Resignation from EDAAC from Richard Nichols and send him a letter of appreciation. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion CM Black stated that the EDAAC would like clarification of Wally Odell's status. The EDAAC carried. would also like to receive copies of the Staff Meeting Minutes. CM Fournier motioned to appoint Darlyn Kofoed as a regular EDAAC member. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: CM Fournier questioned the need to appoint an alternate member. CM Black suggested to defer until we know Wally Odell's status. CM Fournier was contacted by one of the EDAAC members, they would like to have someone talk to the group as to how the City functions etc. The City suggested the EDAAC attend the May 16 Planning Session. Liz Wilder will send CM Fournier a letter regarding the posting for an intern. Elaine eaya B tt h d been asked by Carl Swenson to ask the Council if the Video, The Role and • II 111 $11111 Responsibility of a Planning Commissioner, a forty minute video could be purchased. Otsego City Council Meeting of April 10, 1995, cont'd. Page 9. CM Fournier motioned to purchase the video titled, The Role and Responsibility of a Planning Commissioner. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: It will be a requirement that all Planning Commission Members view the video. They will not be able to participate in Planning Commission Discussions until they view this Video. :- .11,1 •$ Previously discussed with Tom Baillargeon. CM Heidner stated his concern that a lot of committees do not understand how the City works. He would like to work on this for next year. He suggested budgets, attending other committee meetings, Chairs should attend the budget meeting etc. This affects the Planning Commission, Parks & Rec., EDAAC and Historical Commissions. ouu .I ; es :o. I -- o 011 Previously discussed with Jeff Ashfal. Dave Chase informed the Council that they are doing maintenance on the equipment, getting lawn mowers ready, shouldering, hauling red rock from Shakopee, putting belt sander on 1992 tandem for overlays, Dayton and Frankfort wants to use it. The State will be usinthe 4 loads of salg and sand left overack hoe and . grader. They are getting ready for Clean Up Day. We have Pond was cleaned out today. We have been lucky on the frost bubbles this year. Started Street Sweeping today. CM Fournier asked Dave if he plans on operating with 2 full time people and 1 part time for the rest of the year. Dave said yes. Mayor Freske informed the Council that they are signing the maintenance agreement with Corrow Lawn Care. The Council agreed. 1 111 ., The meeting is Wednesday night at Albertville. ¢ Adm_ Snh-Commits. Nothing to report. to ue the Plan CM Black motioned to re -negotiate the contract withOlson. Building Seconded bylMayorlFreske. All Review Fees are split 50/50 as proposed by Jerry in favor. Motion carried. CM Fournier discussed setting up a meeting regarding Conflict of Interest for our Professional Staff. CM Fournier stressed that he is not suggestg thisintemeeting to replace any one, but to set up a policy and perimeters when there is a conflictof est. CM Fournier motioned to set Wednesday, May 10, 199ke man. All favor. gMotion carried. oses of discussing Conflict of Interest. Seconded by CM Ac Discussion: No professional staff is to attend, just for the Council and Clerk/Zoning Administrator and Deputy Clerk. CM Black asked what perimeters are we talking about Otsego City Council Meeting of April 10, 1995, cont'd. Page 10. and what definition of conflict of interest are we using. CM Fournier said this is what the meeting is for, to discuss everything, and what happens when something comes up with an adjacent community and our professional staff can't represent us. CM Heidner agrees to have the meeting but wait until June. CM Black was concerned with all the meetings the City is having. 12.4 Pay any Bills Claims 418 through 497 were paid inclusive. 12.5 Adjourn by 10 PM CM Fournier motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: CM Black is concerned with the length of the Council meetings. Adjourned at 10:45 PM. Mayor No m Dnp-Gx-e F. Freske 77j Ronalfd G. Black, Councilmember Suzanne M. S. Ackerman, Councilmember I (-fa, st: J \ Hudson, Deputy Clerk CITY SEAL arry Four uncilmember Vern Heidner, Councilmember CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 95-13 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A STORM SEWER TAX IMPROVEMENT ENCOMPASSING PORTIONS THE GEOGRAPHICAL MPROOT NORTH MISSISSIPPI The City of Otsego ordains as follows: Section 1. Authority. The council is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter. 444 to establish by ordinance a storm sewer improvement tax district within which the council and otherwise y improvementacquiree construct, reconstruct, extend, maintain, storm sewer systems and related facilities within the district and within which the Council may levy a tax on all taxable property therein to finance the cost of such improvements, including principal and interest on maintenance and the payment of ch improvements. obligations issued in making Section 2. Establishment of District. There is hereby established a Storm Sewer Improvement Tax District encompassing thoseia or partially within the delineated properties either wholly i Watershed and geographical area designat�ibit Ae which as thNorthMsshereinpincorporated by outlined on the attached E reference. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage g and publication. 10TH da ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this y of April , 1995. Motion was made be Councilperson Ron Black Vern Heidner seconded by Councilprson Ma or, Ron Black, Larry Fournier, Vern HE IN FAVOR: Norman F Freske, Y and Suzanne M. S. Ackerman, Council Members OPPOSED: No One . and Blaine Beatty, City Clerk Norma �"` r = s e, ayor 111 ( IIA iI I11A AY( NI IE L r 111 4.4 II •"l''1.1" j N 4 .11". '1 rilisuicto Mr LS NW El [11 MI CI EI tll �I BIM BIM 1' uc ( a l HPaY1�.03• 11 I I ' .1 CYE i 1 /I NEI IgRIA114E� o�� yam O� �m Emzi -i•li. WAIN ill ••' E� jU�r�gDEAN NE cm , as©a Me � �gm • m�� a{il NE I Aal � CI, 41�gCb.4 SI pj7�0 '0 1; 1 .I .1 N r10ilAlq .AVE1 7 94,4,:vAi; �� �1�',• • � �I : I / le in el i tit. :i 4.1 �r "ly [TI j;IC.Y mgawint il RiiriGSPo. off, d 6 Amu att•ms � m���iiii-viait m 4,44 1+ 1 1 }I04-0210 Y�1'. ." gip' Y80S` `�I L3 MINN Ill OMAN AVEIIIIE i 1 •1 I&I .4 4. 1M I• • ., .11 14 1 1 .1 °.1 1 iP;rcraiLica .11 .1 .1 1 .4 .1 - .4 .1 Nr 1•+•1• .1.14 1 41 OTA STATE HIGHWAY 41 111.111110r� 1 1 1 1 COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT -Of Y PLAT 1 *4- - -00 I 0 v CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 95-12 AN ORDINANCE TAX IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT IONS OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL AREA OF THE SOUTH ESTABLISHING R LISHING A STORM SEWER ENCOMPASSING MISSISSIPPI WATERSHED. The City of Otsego ordains as follows: . The council is authorized by Minnesota Authority establish by sewer Section 1. ter 444 to ordinance a storm quire, Statutes, Chap improve maintain, and otherwise imp improvement tax district within which the council may district and co reconstruct, extend, csonstruct, sewer systems and related a facilities taxso within all taxable property ding within incl within which the Council mayostl of such improvements, therein to finance thepayment of principal and interest on maintenance and the such improvements. obligations issued in making established encompassing fishthoed Section 2 . Establishment of District. District is hereby within the S Sewer Improvement or partially w e a Storm either wholly i Watershed geographic properties incorporated andd geographical area designated as the South Mississippi outlined on the attached Exhibit A, which is herein outlin reference. This Ordinance shall take effect and be SncforCe3from and after ective tits passage and publication. in f this 10TH day ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego9 L of __April___, 1995. Vern Heidner and Motion was made by Councilperson seconded by Councilp arson Larr Fournier IN FAVOR: Norman F Freske, and Suzanne M.S. OPPOSED: No One Mayor, Ron Black, Larry Fournier, Vern Ackerman, Council Members Norma , a Elaine Beatty, City C 3N?Jne213H5 w SONnnwa) RIC HA MOH J. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO.95-11 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A STORM SEWER TAX MPRO HEN EDISTRICT ENCOMPASSING PORTIONS OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL S WATERSHED. The City of Otsego ordains as follows: il is authorized by Minnesota The council Section 1. Authority. a storm sewer Statutes, Chapter 444 to establish by ordinance im rovement tax district within which ithe maycouncil acquire, and otherwise improve P reconstruct, extend, maintain, construct, storm sewer systems and related facilities within the districtany d within which the Council may levy a tax on all taxable p Pe therein to finance the cost of such improvements, including principal and interest on maintenance and the payment of ch improvements. obligations issued in making District Section 2. Establishment of District. encompassing those There is hereby established a Storm Sewer Improvement Tax artially within the delineated properties either wholly or p geographical raphical area designated as thick is herein incorporated by LeFebvre's Watershed and outlined on the attached Exhibit A, w hreference. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall tioeeffect and be in force from and after its passagepublic. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 10TH day of April , 1995. Councilperson seconded bymade Larry Fournier and Motion was Counci byp rson Ron Black ' IN FAVOR: Norman F Freske/MaarBlack, Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner, and Suzanne M. S. Ackerman, Council Members Norman F. Freske, Mayor OPPOSED: acne Beatty, ity Cler 0 1, I1 11TiTiTTik . 3M'0900W N• ° 1 6111-14111iIIIINESI •; diATKIVE Ws rag )1171Ealiirtummtal is II•r nW~.1 I *R. z•I 113(10 t, 1° 1' 311N3AV NY300 '311 AW 1,000M) 43''BN CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 95-10 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A STORM SEWERTAX AREA �F NT HE STTRICT ENCOMPASSING PORTIONS OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL WATERSHED. The City of Otsego ordains as follows: Section 1. Authority. The council is authorized by Minnesota Chapter 444 to establish by ordinance a storm sewer Statutes, Pwire, improvement tax districts tend within maintain, e and otherwise improve and construct, reconstruct, c storm sewer systems and related facilities ac a taxsonlthin the all taxablepropetrty within which the Council may vY therein to finance . the cost ofsuchsuprincipal improveand t interestdlon umaintenance and the payment ch improvements. obligations issued in making Section 2. Establishment of District. There is hereby established those a Storm Sewer Improvement Tax District tin thes either wholly or partially geographic properties eo geographical area designated as theHalls incorporated byoutlined referencen g g which is h the attached Exhibit A, Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage g and publication. 10TH ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this _day of April 1995. Motion was made by Councilperson seconded by Councilperson .nne IN FAVOR: Norman F Freske, Mayor, Ron Black, Larry Fournier, Vern HE and Suzanne M.S. Ackerman, Council Members Ron Black and OPPOSED: No One Norman F. Freske, Mayor s Ge 2 Elaine Beatty, City Cl • #4• 411agaded .6.40U-ItIst 41,...*Atkitkrt3,,SewarejeL:EFlit non • 4,41;-.41' ing:1 Nara N worm Is 01,21Vt. Vd i3M" Oti"1014 Ito 'is • 2 1 ti si 1-44 as,A4v<is PN' 147 orannea rA0 LEP isti'AiiA gre 411 Ab Aletas_triam 4 Lafiten 1 4 I DV fi ISSU 1 3 • VCR e mans OM VI. WIPP ti'A 11300 e 30113AV 11\000 311 t • I • (0'9. tr.ivVi& • t It 0' 1' SU ER c 0 tva.0 3t tt HA ve,eiD rov BAVI01.10hOlCig IFNs z OENItIll 112.14--ri th1iD EN mous en Van= alto a 1 30171AV Vill-ISVN ') II ----- CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 95-9 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A STORM SEWER ICTAL IMPROVEMENT THE I STRICT ENCOMPASSING PORTIONS OF THE GE LAKE/FOSTER LAKE WATERSHED. The City of Otsego ordains as follows: il is authorized by Minnesota The council Section 1. Authority.er storm sew Statutes, Chapter 444 to establish by ordinance a sewer improvement tax district within which the council and otherwise y improvementacquiree construct, reconstruct, extend, maintain, storm sewer systems and related facilities within the district and within which the Council may levy a tax on all taxable property therein to finance the cost of such improvements, including maintenance and the payment of principal and interest on obligations issued in making such improvements. Section 2. Establishment of District. There is hereby established hed a Storm Sewer Improvement Tax District encompassing hin the either wholly or partially geographicted properties e geographical area designated ase e Exhibit eAFos which h keisatherein ershed and outlined on the attach incorporated by reference. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall tiontake effect and be in force from and after its passage and p ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 10TH day of A,= ris____., 1995. Motion was made by Councilperson erson Ron Council seconded by P Mayor, Ron Black, Larry Fournier, Vern H' IN FAVOR: Norman F Freske, y Council Members and Suzanne M.S. Ackerman, OPPOSED: No One Vern Heidner and "11 Norman F.-Freske, Mayor aine Beatty, City Cler 9 N.E. OAKWOOD AVENUE J O +u + 1,1 n < AVEN E 1 LII 111 NE PACKAR AVE ( 1 1 1 1.1 rl1 z i 1 1 1 1 1 Nf 1 \4/? SON ----1 T —�— I II� 1 I� 1 I 1 1 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO.95-8 ORDINANCE AMENDING OTSEGO ORDINANCE NO.9 _7 WHICHCBLISHE D THE OTSEGO CELODT IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT,BY D THE GEOGRAPHICAL HU SI SAIDDISTRICT. The City of Otsego ordains as follows: 1. Change of Boundaries. Section 2 of Ordinance No.94-7 is Section hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2. Establishmentof Tax Districtstrict. There is eby established a Storm SewerP properties either wholly or encompassing those delineated pro P partially within the geographical area designated as the Creek Watershed and outlined referencen the tached Exhibit Otsego by A-1 which is herein incorporated of the Exhibit A-1 replaces Exhibit A and contains a description the district based upon newly ewl amended boundaries which are herein changed to reflectmore accurately n y the actual boundary of collected and more accurate information. Section EffectivelAmendment shall take effectand be in force orefrom and after its passage and publication. day ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 10TH of April , 1995. Ron Black and Motion was made by Councilperson seconded by Eouncilperson -LLarry Fournier Ron Black, Larry Fournier,Vern H IN FAVOR: Norman F Freske, Mayor, Council Members and Suzanne M.S. Ackerman, OPPOSED: No One: Elaine Beatty, City Cler ?, '41446 Norman F. Freske, Mayor ge, Krlatig Irtli ME le 1 E �arl mg � 3�? OC v� 111 Iiii _n A IIEbE Aa9t3: /ffilfal � a v,ea a 3iS;�aaaa l I „,9:11:-MISIrg F?7?a33t'.?i?�2P 3 imill_hzil L a Till= U 111 i;l�o!t]Imh� 11 •31 4 11 NMI' ' iff` T1s 111111111151111111 :1111-- IliM Ulla Vali !WT NMMK. IIMI 11111111111111111111 IF 111111101111111111111111r oirmuti li wry ism .,1 OUTDOOR RECREATION GRANT S.► . 'i_ . The City executed the grant agreement with DNR aneli has sube ittedntt for processing. We will be able to begin incurring costsg reimbursement immediately (subject to DNR appovale ment We have been in the process of preparing bid docum O ts000r park i marded ts. With federal funds, all Co construction For the Otsegontracts rPark Improvements, we $1through competitive bidprocess. anticipate one bid package for: 18,000 CY $31,500 Grading/excavation 650 LF 1,300 Silt fence --�� 15" CMP w/aprons & trashguards* 25 LF $34,900 Estimate: *Possible City forces Less formal "Request for Quotes" can be taken for purchase of materials. Major purchases would include: Gametime 6221 Playground equipment (modified for HC) 135 CY 5,800 Playground surfacing 2 4, 500 Backstops 80 LF 800 Safety fence 600 T 12,000 Ag lime 20 T 4,600 Mulch 900 Fe Seedizer 2.5 T 2100 LB 4, 900 59/1 18 1,900 Timbers & rerods 172 T 4,300 2" bituminous (1580 LF) 432 T @ 6 __ 220. 4" Class V $57,400 *A roximately $4,450 of modifications are for handicapped accessibility. pp es ma The estimated cash expenditures for construction contract ser ice nandthe tgeants rialspurchases, chasehase s, thus, are anticipated to be in the range of 59 will amount is for $50,000, the minimuo. cash amount expended by the City exceed $42,000 since engineering costs (including staking and periodic inspection) will also be incurred. *$15,550 or In kind contributions through either force account volunteerlabb contemplated for or can make up the remaining portion of the City's 50% share. Tasks which volunteer efforts or donations are: $ 2,000 Soccer goals (Three Rivers) Install playground equipment, perimeter timbers 1,000 and surfacing (200 hours) 00 Install sign, volleyball, picnic facilities 5 500 Tree clearing 0.05 acres 20 hr. @ $ 5 40 Remove fence 560 LF 8 hr. @ $5 8,0 0 Haul and spread topsoil 7300 CY 200 hrs. @ $40 8,000 Haul and spread topsoil 7300 CY 200 hrs. @ $20 400 Seed bed preparation 10.5A @ 16 hrs. @ $30 1,280 Seed and mulch 32 hrs. @ $40 80 Spread ag lime 24 hrs. @ $40 2 920 Pave 1580' trail 8 hrs. @ $40 -12420 24 hrs. @ $5 $1 g,g00 Estimated Value of Volunteer & Force Accouting Work: " It appears, based on best "guesstimates", that volunteer and force account tasks would be valued around $19,000 as roughly outlined above. We need to determine: Scope of work in the bid package • Scope of overall project • Firm commitments to perform work by volunteers • Firm commitments to perform force account work and allocate equipment We obviously need to know who is doing what prior to putting together a final bid package. Appendix A EQUIPMENT RATE SCHEDULE rates should serve as guidelines for all forrce e accountlant ndddonated equipment time. Hourly these TheseWages or volunteer p rates. Pick-up Truck One -Ton Dump Truck Single -Axle Dump Truck Tandem -Axle Dump Truck Bobcat Tractor Backhoe/Loader Front-end Loader Road Grader Water Tank Truck Tree Transplanter Paver Roller Brushchipper Seeder Trencher .20 mile .30 mile .35 mile .40 mile $25.00/hr. 20.00/hr. 35.00/hr. 60.00/hr. 60.00/hr. 40.00/hr. 40.00/hr. 30.00/hr. 30.00/hr. 25.00/hr. 30.00/hr. 35.00/hr. 4' Qv i/o ( ? v? 3 7r ,/ /77!, 7`i e -v icr, /61 _/ Er 4.• ,••••••••.. ---- • ... • _ P -c, • .,n • /1 L. 0-6 ;.) - IL- Lo Northwest Associated Consultants, -Inc. URBAN PLANNI NG • DESIGN • MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Elaine Beatty FROM: Bob Kirmis DATE: 4 April 1995 RE: Otsego - Bulow Estates FILE NO: 176.02 - 95.03 Attached please find the following items applicable to the Bulow rezoning request: 1. Memorandum to City Council dated 4/4/95. 2. Revised Findings of Fact for Rezoning Approval (reflective of Planning Commission recommendation) . 3. Revised Zoning Map Amendment. 4. Revised Findings of Fact for Rezoning Denial. The aforementioned findings have been revised to incorporate the 4/4/95 memorandum to the City Council and specify a 10 April 1995 date of consideration. Please note that Exhibit A, the property legal description, will need to be attached. Mr. Bulow has indicated that he will be providing such legal prior to the Council meeting. Please distribute this material to the City Council for their consideration on 10 April. We have mailed copies to Andy and Larry. Please call if you have any questions. pc: Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-983; �AC Northwest Associated Consultants, A R cInc. URBAN P L A N N I N G • D E S I G N , MARKET RES MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Bob Kirmis/David Licht DATE: 4 April 1995 Otsego - Bulow Estates 176.02 - 95.03 RE: FILE NO: On 28 M arch City staff met with Mr. Chris Bulow in an attemptEto rezoning and various prconcerns minary cited by the City Council in their consideration of the Bulow era on of plat request. At its 27 March meeting, the Council continued its sidee ti ouofith request pending the resolution of a number of concerns. Of spec is issue t following: 1. A greater assurance is desired that future street access to the subdivision from the east will be provided. tion of as many unanswered questions (conditions) as possible prior to further 2. Resolu consideration of the preliminary plat. owinparagraphs are intended to provide a response to the aforementioned items: The foll g P suggestion of City staff, Mr. Bulow attempted unsuccessfully Easterly Street Access. At the sugg p that, as a persuade the adjacent easterly property owner enter an agreement stipulating to he would agree to provide improved street condition of future development of his property, access to Lot 2, Block 1 and Lot 3, Block 2 of the Bulow Estates Subdivision. signing of such an agreement (recordable against the property) would undoubtedly While the sig g place which will ensure easterly have been desirable, it is believedon for future easterlycbe street access to the plat can be assured lot access. Staff believes a provision through the following: 5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595-9636•Fax. 595-9E that applicable to the subdivision will include provisions upon suchvthea 1 The PUD development be ime Avenue access to Lot 2, Block 1 and Lot 3, Blockremen will be tied to the property in as the easterly property is develop question. for the easterly parcel, it has been 2. Via the submission of a subdivision concept plan demonstrated that future easterly street access can be provided either via. existing platted street rights-of-way or an alternative street design. agreement will also notify the purchasers of Lot 2, Block due t the 3 Lot PUD development Lot 3, Block 2 of the possibility of future assessmanedn�� ��Y them that due to these special need for easterly access to the property, circumstances, the benefit to their property from the constructionnunder of any restriction.ess may circ parcel be more than the benefit incurred on a similar uire the developer of the easterly 4. Through its subdivision review process, the City can req property to provide access to the lots in question. Particularly relevant nin this matter are the e Town to Plat) the existence of public rights -of --way within the property This condition provides the City leverage inquestion are via an unimproved street right-of-way andat the Bulow Estate lots in q currently capable of gaining easterly access or portions thereof. The City also can the City can deny vacation n of such eetshunless the provide proper access to the above refuse to establish y mentioned lots. the Cit Council raised concern over the Conditions of Approval. At its 27 March meeting, While we do not feel the number of number of conditions imposed upon the preliminary plat.applications), we conditions inappropriate (numerous conditions are onn s remaint are s lend on P13n pp1ic Council's co questions acknowledge that a number of unanswered q concerns, staff meeting with Mr. Bulow attempted to resolve as many unanswered questions as possible prior to Council reconsideration of the request on 10 April.A the staff meeting with Mr. Bulow, a number of the conditions modified.outlined in our office's 8 March 1995 f a result planning report were able to be deleted o osed if the City Council The following is a revised set of conditions staff feels shouPllbe se note that deletions and/or chooses to approve the Bulow Estates preliminary plat. A "clean" copy of the conditions additions from the previous conditions have been highligkited is attached as Exhibit A. tion of final plat approval, the City vacate portions of 5th, 7th, 8th, and C As a condi Streets which underlie the subject property. 1. meet- ndng-plaft7 2 2. P A temporary cul-de-sac is provided at the eastern terminus of 94th Street. 3. �•:;• ::::..:::..:.. l??:.::::::::......... 4. Access to Lot 3, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2 from Nashua Avenue shall be prohibited. Access to such lots shall be provided solely via 94th Street. to N hu Av 5. Lot 2, Block 1 and Lot 3, Block 2 are to be allowed direct lot access and s aaternnue lv only on an interim basis. At such to cess toe as sthe said lotsfrom Nashua Avenue shall be easterly street access is available, prohibited. rivewa access provided to Lot 2, Block 1 from Nashua Avenue be located 6. The interim d Y as far south as possible on the lot to ensure area safety. upon the 7. Sixty-fivep foot setbacks are imposed from Nashua Avenue and illustrated p • � plat. Such setback is reflective of the street's intended function as a minor prelim �'Y arterial. 8. Homes vto constructed upon Lot 2, Block 1 and Lot 3, Block 2 are oriented in a manner e future lot access from the east and prohibition of access from Nashua conu.......,.....�: t �Ct.li :.:::......... 9. The applicant demonstrate how future easterly street access could be provided to Lot 2, Block 1 and Lot 3, Block 2. .odified to illustrate proposed well'and drain field locations. 10. The preliminary Plat is m 3 provide comment/recommendation in regard to grading and drainage The City Engineer p issues. The applicant satisfy park dedication requirements as determined by the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee. �lliil�ltiti?!i::ya.::::;:"^':,%f:;:;.;:;.: yr•..:,+�:;.�ci:••�i>,,�+<:; ' n of final plat approval, the applicant enter into a development agreement 14. As a conditio with the City. 15. Comments from other City staff. n of staff that the aforementioned conditions supersede those outlined in It is the recommendatio our office's 8 March 1995 planning report. to discuss this matter in Staff will be on hand at the forthcoming 10 April Council meeting greater detail. pc; Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Chris Bulow 4 BULOW ESTATES CONDITIONS OF PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL ition of fmal plat approval, the City vacate portions of 5th, 7th, 8th, and C 1. As a Gond Streets which underlie the subject property. 2. A tempo' cul-de-sac is provided at the eastern terminus of 94th Street. 3. 94th Street is constructed in accordance with city street construction standards. 4. Access to Lot 3, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2 from Nashua Avenue shall be prohibited. Access to such lots shall be provided solely via 94th Street. a to N Av 5. Lot 2, Block 1 and Lot 3, Block 2 are to be allowed direct lot access and ah aaternnue lv only on an interim basis. At such timeaccess toas sterly the said lotsfrom Nashua Avenue shall be oureasterly street access is available, prohibited. 6. The interim driveway access provided to Lot 2, Block 1 from Nashua Avenue be located as far south as possible on the lot to ensure area safety. 7. Sixty-five foot setbacks are imposed from Nashua Avenue and illustrated upon the e�iinary plat. Such setback is reflective of the street's intended function as a minor pr arterial. 8. Homes constructed upon Lot 2, Block 1 and Lot 3, Block 2 are oriented in a manner of access conducive to future lot access from the east and prohibitioned either from the north Nashua Avenue. Specifically, garages shall be constructed to be enteor south. 9. The applicant demonstrate how future easterly street access could be provided to Lot 2, Block 1 and Lot 3, Block 2. 10. The preliminary plat is modified to illustrate proposed well and drain field locations. Cit En ineer provide comment/recommendation in regard to grading and drainage 11. The y g issues. 12. The applicant satisfy park dedication requirements as determined by the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee. EXHIBIT A street light is erected proximate to the Nashua Avenue/94th Street intersection. Such 13. A g specifications. street light shall comply with City street lighting sp 14. As a condition of final plat approval, the applicant enter into a development agreement with the City. 15. Comments from other City staff. ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MThNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OFE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLAS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The official zoning mapof the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the following described property. SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Section 2. The above described propertyhereby is rezoned from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District. Administrator is hereby directed to make appropriate change in Section 3. The Zoning classification as set the official zoning map of the City of Otsego to reflect the change in zoning forth above. tion 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and Sec publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 10th day of April 1995. ATTEST: By: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO B Norman F. Freske, Mayor INRE: REZONING APPROVAL CITY OF OTSEGO VVRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMNJ4ENDATION 'cation of the City of Otsego, on behalf of Chris Bulow to rezDevelopment. ne the men wing described land Agricultural Rural Service to PUD, Planned Unit P land from A-1, The subject property is legally described as: See Exhibit A On 27 March 1995, the Otsego City Council met at its regularly dscheduled eating toAgricuuconsider the application of Chris Bulow to rezoU�het Devove elopmentbelBaed upon the application, the from Service District to PUD, Planned recommendation of the Planning Commission and the evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The applicant is requesting a rezoning of the following described property from A-1, Agricultural Service District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District. 2. The subject property is legally described as: See Exhibit A 3. The subject property lies within the City's Long Range Urban Service Area. 4. The subject property overlays a portion of the Original Otsego Townsite Plat. e 5. The City Attorney has reviewed the matter and has indicated hasat he er City ant take doesl position that applicant has no development rights. Theapplicant have rights based upon the pre-existing plat. ca ns , as 6. Development of the Original Townsite Plat's lots and street loalio the area andnthe tly configured, is inconsistent with the City's development objectives replat improves such situation. 7. The application of a PUD zoning designation (as opposed to a standard R-3, Residential esdenti Immediate Urban Service zoning designation) has been recommended as procedural means whereby to address the request by City Staff in recognition of the following: A. The exclusion of the property from the City's immediate urban service area. protracted legal proceedings regarding alleged development B. The avoidance of rights attached to the pre-existing plat. conflict with the City's land use plan (the plan proposes four per 40 density C. A upon the subject property). The desire to make development upon the subject property consistent with the D. long term planning objectives of the area. g E. A standard residential zoning designation (i.e., R-3) would set a poor precedent in regard to future potential development proposals in the area. re -existing condition that can be best F. That the Otsego Townsite Plat is a unique, p g desi nation and the required dealt with through the imposition of a PUD zoning PUD Agreement. Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven (7) possible Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning ossible adverse effects of the requested rezoning. The them are: seven effects and the findings regarding proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of A. The Pro P the official City Comprehensive Plan. e urban service area in which The subject property lies within the City's long rangfortyacres of land is a residential density of four dwelling units per is time, r ,commended. While the proposed residential density current o eatizeislot and consistent with pution, rsued orrection o block configuration should be S ecific Comprehensive Plan policies which tend to support the subject request P are as follows: • Establish and maintain an advantageous property tax situation and pursue a strengthened and sound tax base. • All development proposals shall be analyzed on an ndividual bassthe smost om a physical, economic and social standpoint appropriate uses within the context of the community as a whole. • Once established, geographic land use designations and related zoning classifications shall be changed only when it is in the best interest of the community on a long term perspective and such changes will promote land use compatibility and pre-determined goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. • Immediate, short range market potential and demands for activities which are not suggested for a site or area by the Comprehensive Plan or allowed by the Zoning Ordinance shall not be the sole justification for a change in activity. B. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. The City's land use plan suggests long term low density residential use of the subject property. Thus, the proposed development is compatible with intended long term future land uses in the area. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (Le., parking, loading, noise, etc.). All lots within the proposed subdivision will be required to meet or exceed the standards imposed upon typical single family subdivisions. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Provided various conditions of subdivision approval are upheld (i.e., access restrictions, etc.), the proposed use will not adversely impact the area in which it is proposed. E. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Although a detailed study has not been done, similar situations would indicate the proposed use will not negatively impact area property values. F. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. While the seven additional dwelling units being aree being to earea will taken as partuof lt in an increase in traffic generation, specific measures the subdivision consideration to ensure area safety. D. 3 G. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, street, utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Recognizing the fact that applicant has asserted the argument that the subject property has potential development rights due to the underlying Otsego Townsite plat, a PUD zoning designation has been requested. The City specifically disputes the assertion that any development rights exist. But, in light of other factors as set forth in this report, and the opportunity the o correct the current undersized lot and block configuration presently existing, City will allow the applicant to develop the property only in a manner outlined within a PUD development agreement. p 8. The planning report dated 8 March 1995 and memorandum dated 4 April 1995, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. is incorporated herein. 9. On 15 March 1995, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed rezoning preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the rezoning application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended that the City Council approve the rezoning based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable othe plicant's request Service District ttoo rPUD, ezone the property as described in Exhibit A from A-1,Agricultural-Rural Planned Unit Development is approved in its present form. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 10th day of April 1995. ATTEST: B CITY OF OTSEGO By: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 4 Norman F. Freske, Mayor INRE: REZONING DENIAL CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT TION AND RECOMMENDATION Application of the Cityof Otsego, on behalf of Chris Bulow to rezone the following described land from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to PUD, Planned Unit Development. The subject property is legally described as: See Exhibit A 1995,the Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider On 27 March Agricultural -Rural the application of Chris Bulow to rezone the above described bed landfrom the application, the pp Service District to PUD, Planned Unit Development. on of the Planning Commission and the evidence received, the City Council now recommendati makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT 1 The applicant is requesting a rezoning of the following described property from A-1, Agricultural Service District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District. 2. The subject property is legally described as: See Exhibit A 3. The subject property lies within the City's Long Range Urban Service Area. 4. The subject property overlays a portion of the Original Otsego Townsite Plat. City Attorney has reviewed the matter and has indicated bass are gued can that he does 5.e the The C� y position that applicant has no development lat.ghts. The applicant have rights based upon the pre-existing p 6. Development of the Original Townsite � Plat's lots and street locations, as currently configured, is inconsistent with the City's development object es. g 7. The application of a PUD zoning designation (as opposed to a standard R-3, R sidential. Immediate Urban Service zoning designation) has been recommended as a p rocedur means whereby to address the request by City Staff in recognition of the following: A. The exclusion of the property from the City's immediate urban service area. B. The avoidance of protracted legal p roceedings regarding alleged development rights attached to the pre-existing plat. C. A conflict with the City's land use plan (the plan proposes four per 40 density upon the subject property). D. The desire to make development upon the subject property consistent with the long term planning objectives of the area. E. A standard residential zoning designation (i.e., R-3) would set a poor precedent in regard to future potential development proposals in the area. F. That the Otsego Townsite Plat is a unique, pre-existing ion and ththat a be est st dealt with through the imposition of a PUD zoning gn PUD Agreement. 8. Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven (7) possible adverse effects of the requested rezoning. The seven effects and the findings regarding them are: A. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. a The subject property lies within the City's long rangein which forty urban service area ofa land is a residential density of four dwelling units per recommended. The proposed residential development holds a density which is inconsistent with that suggested by the City's land use plan. The proposed development further constitutes a "leap frog" type development which is specifically discouraged by the Comprehensive Plan. B. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. While the City's land use plan suggests long term tow density residential use of considered compat ble with the subject property, such density is not, at present, surrounding land uses. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). All lots within the proposed subdivision will be required standards imposed upon typical single family subdivisions D. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is The proposed use holds a potential to adversely impact the area in which it is proposed by influencing the developability/future subdivision design of the adjacent easterly parcel of land. E. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Although a detailed study has not been done, similar situations would indicate the proposed use will not negatively impact area property values. F. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. The seven additional dwelling units being introduced to the area will result in an increase in traffic generation. While specific measures o Nashua are Aveng ue presentstkenlimit safety concerns, direct single family lot access n undesirable condition. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, street, utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Recognizing the fact that applicant has asserted the argument that the subject property has potential development rights due to the underlying Otsego Townsite plat, a PUD zoning designation has been requested. st. While the proposed City specifically disputes the assertion that any development right will not overburden the City's service capacity, its detachi nent servicem delivery. the City's contiguous urban development area will result in 8. The planning report dated 8 March 1995 and memorandum dated 4 April 1995, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. is incorporated herein. Commission conducted a public hearing to 9. On 15 March 1995, the Otsego Planning ublished and mailed notice. Upon review consider the proposed rezoning preceded by P g Commission of the rezoning application and evidence that the City , the OCtoun it approve the rezoning closed the public hearing and recommended based on the aforementioned findings. standards contained to meet or exceed the proposed. G. DECISION o Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable ord ancthe plicant's request Service District ttorPUD, ezone the property as described in Exhibit A from A-1, Agricultural-Rural Planned Unit Development is denied in its present form. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 10th day of April 1995. ATTEST: B CITY OF OTSEGO By: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk Norman F. Freske, Mayor EXHIBIT A LEGAL FOR STREETS TO BE VACATED The following streets or portions thereof in the.plat of "Townsite of Otsego", Wright County, Minnesota: H. a. TheWest Half tlying . No. 4, No. 39, and lying northerly ofthe south line of Block Townsite of Otsego, extended easterly. b. That part of Fifth Street lying easterly of Nashua Avenue and lying westerly of the centerline of "C" Street in the Townsite of Otsego. easterly of Nashua c. That part of Seventh Street lying Y Avenue and lying westerly of the centerline of "C" Street in the Townsite of Otsego. easterly of Nashua d. That part of Eighth Street lying Y Avenue and lying westerly of the centerline of "C" Street in the Townsite of Otsego. Nashua Avenue is defined as to location on Otsego Road Plat No. 1. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL VACATING STREET In the Matter of the Vacation of Those Streets Located in the Townsite of Otsego as More Fully Described on the Attached Exhibit A. The above entitled matter came on to be heard before the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota, upon the Petition of Bulow Inc., a Minnesota corporation, for the vacating of those streets located in the Townsite of Otsego as described on the attached Exhibit A, and the City Council having given due notice of said hearing by published and posted and mailed notice as provided. by law and said hearing having been held on the 3rd day of April , 1995, at 6:30 o'clock P M., at the City Hall in said City, an no one appeared in opposition thereto, and the said Council after hearing the evidence presented to it in favor of said Petition finds: that Petitioners are the owners of all the land abutting said portion of those streets; that said streets are not serving any public purpose, and that it would be in the best interest of the public to vacate said streets; Councilman Ramjalacia___ introduced the following resolution, to -wit: Those streets located in the Townsite of Otsego as described on the attached Exhibit A, be and the same hereby is vacated. Which resolution was seconded by Councilman _sarja_lieisinr---_ and being put to a vote a majority of said Council voted in favor of said resolution, whereupon said resolution was declared adopted by the Mayor of said City. Dated at the City of Otsego, Minnesota this 10th day of April CITY OF OTSEGO ATTEST: Clerk Elaine 11eatty , 1995. Mayo Norman FFreske STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS. COUNTY OF SHERBURNE ) , being first duly sworn says thats he is City Clerk of the City of the duly elected, qua ified and acting o Wright County, Minnesota, and as such is custodian ai true the eceg that the above resolution recordsd rcof said City; correct copy of said resolution takenCfrom for the regular meeting minutes of the City Council of said � 1995. thereof held on Ap.t Subscribed and sworn to beforeme 1995. this ___�_.1Lh �' g '-- ivwvook JUDY E. HUDC.'? NOTARY a WRIGHT COUi NTY Correbsloa Eicplres Jan, 31, 2000 x ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ZONING ORDINANCE ADDRESSING TRUNK STORM WATER THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS: AN AMENDMENT TO THE FACILITY COSTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF Section 1. Section 20-1-8 of the Otsego City Code (Schedules of Administrative Fees, Charges and Expenses) is hereby amended to read as 20-1-8: A. follows: SCHEDULES OF ADMINISTRATIVE FEES, CHARGES AND EXPENSES: enses incurred by the Fees and charges, as well as exp r othe attorney, and City for engineering, planning, of applications other services related to the processing be established by resolution of the Council and collected by the Zoning Administrator for deposit in the City's accounts. Fees shall be established foarn�entsg conditional use permits, zoning me permits, variances, planned unit developments, appeals, issuance als, rals, of a certificate of occupancy, building s, home occupations, day care nursery facilities, land filling operations, land excavation/grading, essential services, of wind energy systems, communication devices, review and such Tans, parking plans, loading plans, such /building P other land -use related p rocedures as the Council may The Council may also establishf rtm time to time establish. c hearings, special meetings, charges for p il or PlanninCommission actions as or other such Counapplications. are necessary to process Suc charges and estimated expenses (as well as a B. deposit, t, if so required by the Zoning Administrator) dhpoor to City action on any shalllibe collected pri or application. All such applications shall be accompanied by a written statement between the is Cityt and sthe e applicant/landowner (when the applicant both the landowner and person or entity as the land�heeragreement) whereby the the applicant must sig all applicable fees, applicant/landowner agrees to pay ouncil resolution as charges and expenses as set by provided above, and which allows the City to assess the above fees, charges and expenses against the landowner if 2 O. al'%1 o . aid within thirty (30) days after a such monies are not P bill is sent to the applicant/landowner. C. These fees shall be in addition to building permit fees, trunk storm water facility costs, subbddection iufees, ses and other such fees, ivision fees, charges, expen charges and expenses currently required by the City or which may be established in the future. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 10th day of April 1995. ATTEST: By: CITY OF OTSEGO B orman F Freske, Mayor laine Beatty, City Cler /Zoning Administrator Posted: 4/17/95 Published: 4/20/95 2 ORDINANCE NO. 95- 7____ CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA AN AMENDMENT TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE ADDRESSING TRUNK STORM WATER FACILITY COSTS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 21-10-7 E e Otsego thereby amendedy Code lto of Administrative Fees, Charges andExpenses) is read as follows: 21-10-7: SCHEDULES OF ADMINISTRATIVE FEES, CHARGES AND EXPENSES: A. Fees and charges, as well as exp the and expenses incurred by othr City for engineering, planning, attorney, processing services related to the p of applications underresolution of the this Chapter shall be estabhe stoning Administrator for hed by Council and collected by Fees shall be established in the City'saccounts. oftrequests for platting, established for the p review of plans, and such other subdivision -related p major and minor subdivisions, as the Council may also from time to time establish. The Council 1 ayl establish charges for public hearings, special ssion actions meetings, as or other such Counrocess applical or tions. are necessary to p B. Such fees, charges and estimated expenses (as well as a deposit, if so required by the Zoning Administrator) shall be collected prior to City action on any application. All such applications shall be accompanied by a written statement betweenthe he iCityst and same the applicant/landowner (when the appnd person or entity as the landowner, both the lwn owner and the applicant must sign the agreement) all applicable fees, applicant/landowner agrees to pay charges and expenses as set by Council resolution as provided above, and which allowsthe aga against e landowner if y to assess the above fees, charges and expenses such monies are not paid within thirty (30) days after a bill is sent to the applicant/landowner. 5 (.4,bat 19-mon— C. These fees shall be in addition to building permit fees, inspection fees, trunk storm water facility costs, zoning fees, charges, expenses and other such fees, charges and expenses currently required by the City or which may be established in the future. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 10th day of April 1995. ATTEST: By: CITY OF OTSEGO By: Norman F. Freske, Mayor E aine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoni Posted: 4/17/95 Published: Star News 4/26/95 Administrator CITY OF OTSEGO ENGINEER'S AGENDA ITEMS CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4/10/95 Item 10.1- Consideration of resolution Standards including new street sections for Industrial/Commercial streets. Find accompanying this item a resolution approving the revisions and addition to the street standards. Also find a copy for your use. Item 10.2 - Storm Sewer Taxing District Map (see City Attorney's item 5.1) We recommend the following for the watershed boundaries in question: reet) a.) 89th Street (west of Odean. ant he map remains north of 89th tas proposed. (See attached map) We recommend b.) Southwest Corners of CSAH 39 & 42 (See attached map) We recommend the map remains as proposed. c.) Southwest corners of CSAH 39 an recommend td north of Ohe mapth ere(also ain as CSAH37) (See attached map) proposed. Item 10.3 - Review of Municipal State Aid Projects for 1995-96. We will present five projects that in our opinion appear to be most likely candidates for reconstruction and improvement in the near future. Find enclosed a brief written discussion of each project. I will review these projects with the Council at the meeting. Item 10.4 - Sewer & Water Crossing under TH101 The MN/Dot has requested that betweenshould SAHthe 42City andwish Frankfo t Twpsewer they water pipes under TH101 95. The pipe should define the location and size and type by July installations can be put in the project to be bid on February 1996. The City would have to pay for the installation of the pipes. This can also be done by change order after the contract islet need nd work to beb gun.jThe first case is the most economical and if the pipes pe under at a later date, when the construction is complete, the cost will be much greater. It would be prudent to do this now and save future costs. However, until a consultant is selected and the sewer study completed, it would only be a guess at the at location,Msize o dt type of ppe. We need to respond to the design team matter. Item 10.5 - Any other Engineering Business. a.) We may have the easements signed on CSAH37 and Odean Avenue project by Monday (Council Meeting). I would then request consideration of a resolution to approve advertisement of bids for the project. Attached is a proposed resolution and bid date. b.) Other Issues RESOLUTION NO. 95-17 AMENDING THE CITY SPECIE CATIONS SEGO'S STREET CONSTRUCTION WHEREAS, the Cityhas utilized Standard Street Construction Specifications Board in 1989, adopted by the former Township AND WHEREAS, said Street Construction Specifications have been revised Cit 's Engineer to include Commercial/Industrial requirements, by the Y ecifications were further AND WHEREAS, said Street tMn DOT design manuals. ion Sp modified to incorporate by referenCe several NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO: of which is attached arch, 1995, are hereby approved and 1. The revised street construction specifications, a cop hereto and made a part of and dated M adopted. specifications shall be 2. Conformity to such street construction a orate limits made the requirement for all future street construction within the corp City. Adopted by the City Council of Otsego this 1 0TH day of April 19 95 • 0".. It Zutotaiu. Mayor Norman F Freske Adm. ne Beatty, Clerk/Z` ing Item 10.1 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET CONSTRUCTION FOR DEVELOPERS CITY OF OTSEGO Prepared by: HAKANSON ANDERSON SSSOC IATES, INC. 222 Monroe Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Telephone: 612/427-5860 Revised: March, 1995 Fe,BsL 1.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND COVENANTS 1 3 2.00 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 5 3.00 MATERIALS 7 4.00 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 5.00 STANDARD PLATES 9 1 .00 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET CONSTRUCTION FOR DEVELOPERS CITY OF OTSEGO ENERAL 'E• IREMENT 1 .01 Specification Reference: All work and materials shall conform to the provisions of Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) "Standard Specifications for Construction", 1988 Edition as amended by the "Supplemental Specifications" dated May 2, 1994. All traffic control devices and signing1all 99conform to the MMUTCD, including Appendix B, dated November, 1.02 Definitions: Owner: Owner shall mean the person(s), company, corporation, etc. that enter into a "Developers Agreement" with Ity ofon laOdstsego for the nder the purpose of construction of public improvements ownership and control of said person(s), company, corporation, etc. Engineer: Engineer shall mean the Owner's engineer. City Engineer: City Engineer shall mean Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., Anoka, Minnesota. 1.03 Control of Work: A. Standard Drawings: The Ostner aplates ll cattaall ched o these ays to the section as shown on standadas specifications. B. Staking: Construction staking shall be performed by Owners Engineer/Surveyor. All plat corners freferenced rto ol points shall be installed. Street centerline shall be the established plat corners and vertical hubs shall belset points. tsa Street alignment, horizontal and er maximum interval of 50 feet and shall be required at intervals of 25 feet on curves. 1 s C. Construction Inspection: The City Engineer frand/ormi oto time repre- sentative shall inspect the construe tionto insure conformance to City standards and at least 24 hours ahead The Owner shall notify the City Engineer of time to schedule inspection. The Owner shall provide access to the site for the City Engineer or his representatives. The Owner shall notify the City Engineer to inspect at the following specific periods of construction activity: a. When clearing and grubbing is completed. b. When all necessary topsoil and unsuitable subgrade materials have been removed. Soil borings may be required to verify removal of unsuitable ' soils. ihe Te erOv cos Owner s ala l furnish such assurance through professional soil engineer. c. When subbase has been graded and compacted to ±.0.10 feet of the lines and grade establish in the approved plans. Compaction tests performed by a professional soils engineer may be required in embankments upon discretion of the City Engineer. d. When base course (Class V) has been plinesd, cond pgatted and graded to .±.0.10 feet of theestablished by the approved - plans. Compaction test performed by a professional soils engineer shall be required of the base course. e. When bituminous base/binder and wearing brcoui course isbeing placed. Compaction testing an approved soils testing service. D. Acceptance of Work: Upon notice from the ll make Engineer tn an pec workk t all has been completed, the City Engineer k is found unsatisfactory or of the entire project. If any incomplete, instructions for correction will beissut uedthendoanother iinspection will be made after receiving ve work has been completed. 2 a work has ee completed in When final inspection reveals that e contract, bhenCity Engineer accordance with the terms of th shall so notify the Owner in writing, on the date of final inspection. The materials and workmanship will then be accepted subject to warranty and maintenance provisions contained in the developers agreement. 1 .04 Control of Material: A. All material placed on the street shall be new and shall meet all requirements referred to herein. is B. The Owner shall provide the Cityo tl testingngineer lth f rmeve for Class V performed by an independent app and any other manufactured subbase or base materials. Minimum number of tests to be run shall be one per every 250 tons placed or a minimum of two per street. C. The City reserves the right to order rthe basetion materials f,sts kn the in both the embankments, subbase andears to be insufficient opinion of the City Engineer, there app compaction. Modified Proctor de 0 �ydensi y in therequired embankment upper two feet of the street and 9 below two feet of the surface. nloflmum test rate roadway in eachis one of the compaction test per 500 foot sectio subbase and base. The cost of compaction hallbe performed by tan responsibility of the Owner an approved testing service. D. The City reserves the right to order gr o on e bituminous matertion aal ll density tests and nuclear compaction placed on the street. Two sample cyTelinders are required from sts shall be performed by each batch mix or per day operation. an approved testing lab at the expense of the Owner. E. The City reserves the right to have tests on nt other mateeOwnsal placed on the street or in the right-of-way as expense. Those tests may include but not be limited to topsoil analysis, horizonation of soils and seed analysis. 3 2.00 ne 2.01 Grading: All earthmoving and subgrade shalbe 21041 2105,021 11n accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2101, 2112, 2120, 2130. All other work not covered by these applicable. specifications shall be referenced to Mn/DOT specifications where 2.02 Base Construction: Aggregate base construction shall be a minimum of 4" or as required per approved street sections in thickness compacted in place at maximum density in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2211. All other work not covered by the specification shall be referenced to Mn/DOT specifications where applicable. l be 2.03 Pavement Construction: Bituminous base/binder r course shall 1 1,/2" thickness compacted in place. Bituminous in thickness compacted in place. The depths so specified herein shall not deviate by more than 1/4". All bituminous op Mn/DOT 2331ru2341 ction shall be done in accordance with the provisions o and 2357. Bituminous berms shall be shoe formed integral with the bituminous pavement. Oil content shall conform to job mix design provided prior to construction. All other specrficationwork not covered syy where these specifications shall be referenced toMn/DOT applicable. D A 2.04 Miscellaneous Construction: A. -1,- Iv -r -w-r . All pipe culverts and pipe sewers shall be done in accordance with the provisions not covered by these 2502, 2503, 2506, 2511. All other specifications shall be referenced to Mn/DOT specifications where applicable. Pipe culverts shall be acedwitha centerline camber of at least 0.1 feet and apron endsec B. r._ fi i • n • D : Street oof Mn/DOT 2564.ns and markings 1 All be nstalled in accordance with the provisions traffic control devices and signing shall on1992 to the MMUTCD, including Appendix B, dated No C. T- .•r.r E • i•n • r• : All erosion control adjoining measures properties, and necessary for the protection of wetlands, ponds, lakes, rivers, 2573.Their �shall be done in removal and disposal ance with the provisions of Mn/DOT such time that they are not required as determined by the 4 City Engineer shall be required. Temporary erosion control shall be achieved in accordance with "Best Management Minnesota," dated October 1989 asprepared by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Division of Water Quality. D. T rf E .•li h -• All disturbed areas odded sand cfert I zed ed shall ben topsoiled, seeded and mulched or accordance with the provisions i ches / bOT 2575. These aras ackslopes, boulevards, include but not limited in -slopes, d temporary construction easements a permanet m minimum f 4"ti in- depth The depth of topsoil shall compacted in place. All areas shall be graded to drain to appropriate locations. tions shall be All other work not covered by these specificalicable. Turf referenced to Mn/DOT specifications enterosioncontrol measures shall h establishment and other perm be achieved in accordance with "Best Management y bythe for Minnesota", dated October 1989 asprepared Pollution Control Agency, Division of Water Quality. 3.00 MATERIALS Aggregate Subbase: Aggregate subbase course shall be Class III or IV 3.01 g in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 313 . 3.02 Aggregate Base: Aggregate base course shall be Class V in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3138. 3.03 Bituminous Mixtures: Graded aggregate for bituminous mixtures shall be BA -2 for bituminous base/binder coursprovisions d BA -1 of Mn/DOT 3139 for bituminous wear course all in accordance with the Bituminous material for the mixture shall be asphalt cement, penetration 120/150 in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3151 for both base/binder and wear courses. 5 3.04 Pipe Culverts and Pipe Sewers: Pipe culverts shall be be c26orruog force steel pipe in accordance with the provisions of Mn /DOT concrete pipe in accordance with the provisions valent. of Mn/ OT 3236. Minimum size shall be 15 diameter thickness and galvanized coated. metal pipe shall be a minimum 16 gageappropriate apron end sections, All pipe culverts shall be furnished with appro p trash guards, fasteners and hardware. 3.05 Metals and Metal Products: in A. Gray Iron Castings: Manhole and catch basin a tings Cass sall b e hall accordance with the provisions of approved equal in accordance with the be Neenah Foundry or app following schedule: Manhole: Catchbasin Manholes/Catchbasins R-1733 w/Type B Lid and "Storm Sewer" R-3067 w/DR/DL Grate R-3246 w/C or V Grate R -3250-A w/F Grate Off Street Catchbasin Manholes R -2561-A and Catchbasins R-4342 B. Signs and Markers: Street signs and markings shaS gll beh 11 in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3352attach to Flanged Channel Sign Posts in accordanceposts shall the e provisions of Mn/DOT 3401. Minimum weight of p 2.5 lbs/ft. 3.06 Stone and Brick: A. Riprap: Riprap shall be Class II randomly placed in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3601. V ote in stile fabric acs cordance wigh uiced beneath all riprap and shall be Type the provisions of Mn/DOT 3733. B. Sewer Brick (concrete): All concrete sewer brick used for construction of manholes and catchbasins shall conform to the provisions of Mn/DOT 3616. 6 3.07 Precast Concrete Units: All precast reinforceed s ncr tehall bel in catchbasin units usedMtion of pipn/DOT 3622. accordance with the provisions of 3.08 Turf Establishment: A. Seed mixture shall be Mn/DOT 3876 mixture number 700 or 800 applied at the rate of 50 lbs./ac. B. Topsoil borrow shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3877. C Sod shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3878. of D. Commercial fertilizer shall be in accordance with to fe provisions visio and Mn/DOT 3881 andfs500 bbs/ac,minimum ana y applied at a rate of Mulch material shall be in accordance with thate prof two ovisionsons of Mn/DOT 3882 and shall be Type I applied at theper acre and disc anchored. F. Silt fence used for erosion control shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 3886. 4.00 DE I N •N IDERATI•N Soil Conservation Service (SCS) 4.01 All drainage calculations shall be by appropriate. Culvert pipe TR55 method or the Rational Method where Handbook of Steel Drainage flow capacities shall be determined by and Highway Construction Products, current edv endo s orasimilar ustype r reference. A 10 year recurrence intervalstorm be e desi n. A 100 year recurrence interval stormfWished event shall witdes ed for upsed design. pip g The City Engineer shall be calculations prepared by a registered engineer for review prior to approval of plans. E. 7 4.02 AH right-of-way widths, roadway widths and shoulder widths shall conform to the following minimum standards. All design information shall be subject to review by the City Engineer. Additional widths of right-of-way, roadway or shoulder may be required by the City Engineer, if, in his opinion, conditions warrant. Local right-of-way and roadway requirements shall also pertain to marginal access roads, frontage roadway Iistedroads and cul-de-sac adCul-de-sac ds for each type (residential or commercial/industrial) of streets and turnarounds shall not be permitted in industrial districts. Streets designated as MSA routes shall be designed by the City Engineer in accordance with MSA standards. Classification Collector Local (residential) Local (commercial/industrial) Cul-de-sac turnaround (commercial/residential) Classification Collector Local (residential) Local (commercial/industrial) Cul-de-sac turnaround (commercial/residential) Urban Design Pavement R/W Width Width 80' 44' 60' 32' 80' 44' 60' radius 45'radius Paved Shoulder Width 10' 4' 10' Rural Design Pavement R/W Width Width 84 60' 84' 60' radius 40' 24' 40' 8' 45'radius Paved Shoulder Width 8' Shoulder widths associated with r oare not depicted the above ral stres saccrdance with the above table. If pavement shoulders table, aggregate base course shoulders shall be provided to the dimensions shown on the standard plates section of this specification. 8 Horizontal and vertical alignment shall provide for not Tess than 30 mph design speed on local streets, marginal access streets, frontage roads and cul-de-sac streets. A 55 mph t or greater design speed shall be utilized on collector streets. Design of streets shall be governed by this specification where applicable. Where specific design items are not detailed in this specification, the following reference materials shall be utilized to justify roadway design: 1) Mn/DOT Geotechnical and Pavement Manual 2) Mn/DOT Roadway Design Manual 3) Mn/DOT Traffic Manual 4) Mn/DOT State Aid Manual 5) Mn/DOT Standard Plates Manual Under no circumstances shall a roadway design, which is less restrictive than the specific parameters defined herein, be submitted for review. All centerline gradients shall be at least 0.5 percent and shall not exceed 6%. Vertical curves shall be utilized when the "m" distance is greater than 0.20'. Roadway pavement design shall be based upon a minimum 9 -ton design for all local roadways. A 10 -ton design shall be utilized for all arterials, collectors and commercial/industrial roadways. 5.00 STANDARD PLATES (TYPICAL SECTIONS) ATTACHED Standard Plates have been provided vrfo pa rt'on of articulaheoadway classifications. street theOwners Where standard plates are not shownp engineer shall insure the design meets the requirements of this specification. 66' / 60' w z J w a 0 c a DRIVEWAY CULVERT (15" MIN. 0 SHOULDER — 4' MIN DEPTH OF TOPSOIL A & B BITUMINOUS MAT C CLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE 26' WIDTH D APPROVED SUBGRADE 32' WIDTH R-70 S 90,000 R-20 S 90,000 R-15 S 90,000 R-10 S 90,000 (R-5 S 90,000) * SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER ** MINIMUM ALLOWABLE DESIGN THICKNESS NOTES: R VALUE IS A MEASURE A�FDEMERMINEDNBYT STHE OIL RESISTANCE STRENGTH HVEEM STABILOMETER METHOD. SIGMA N18 VALUE IS THE CUMULATIVE DURING THE DESIGN DAMAGE EFFECT OF VEHICLESLIFE OF A FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. LOCAL RESIDENTIAL RURAL STREET SECTION -9 TON CITY OF OTSEA O STANDARD D OT1 MARCH, 1995 NO SCALE 66' / 60' VARIES 5' 17' 17' VARIES O 4:A MAX SLOPE FILL BEHIND BERM W/ TOPSOIL MIN. DEPTH 4" 1 /3" PER FT. AASHTO SUBGRADE SOIL CLASS A-3 A-4 A-6 A-7 BITUMINOUS BERM THIS SHAPE OR EQUAL * R VALUE SIGMA N18 R-70 S 90,000 R-20 S 90,000 R-15 S 90,000 R-10 S 90,000 (R-5 S 90,000) 4:7 ?viz; - SLOPE — A & B BITUMINOUS MAT — C CLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE 35' WIDTH -- D APPROVED SUBGRADE 36' WIDTH LEGEND BITUMINOUS SURFACE WEAR 2341 A* ** 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" BASE/BINDER 2331 B* ** 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5/6 3136 C* ** 4" 4 4" 6" 6" CLASS 3/4 3136 D* * SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER ** MINIMUM ALLOWABLE DESIGN THICKNESS NOTES: R VALUE IS A MEASURE OF EMBANKMENT SOIL RESISTANCE METHOD. DETERMINED BY THE HVEEM STABILOMETER EC N VEH CLES DURING THE DESIGN DAMAGEMULAME EFFECT OFF FE OF A FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. 6" 7" 18" LOCAL RESIDENTIAL URBAN STREET SECTION -9 TON NO SCALE CITY OF OTSEGO STANDARD DETAIL OT2 MARCH, 1995 w z J a. 0 o: a. 16.5' 66' / 60' 33'B—B Q B618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER PLACED ON APPROVED SUBGRADE AASH TO * R VALUE SIGMA N18 SUBGRADE SOIL CLASS A-3 A-4 A-6 A-7 R-70 s 90,000 R-20 5 90,000 R-15 S 90,000 R-10 S 90,000 (R-5 S 90,000) 16.5' SLOPE 1/3" PER FT. — A & B BITUMINOUS MAT C CLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE 34' WIDTH D APPROVED SUBGRADE 35' WIDTH LEGEND BITUMINOUS SURFACE WEAR 2341 A* * * 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" BASE/BINDER 2331 B* ** 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5/6 3136 C* ** 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" CLASS 3/4 3136 D* * SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER ** MINIMUM ALLOWABLE DESIGN THICKNESS NOTES: R VALUE IS A MEASURE OF EMBANKMENT SOIL RESISTANCE STRENGTH AS DETERMINED BY THE HVEEM STABILOMETER METHOD. SIGMA N18 VALUE IS THE CUMULATIVE DAMAGE EFFECT OF VEHICLES DURING THE DESIGN LIFE OF A FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. 6" 7" 18' z J w 0 0 a LOCAL RESIDENTIAL URBAN STREET SECTION -9 TON NO SCALE CITY OF OTSEGO STANDARD DETAIL OT3 MARCH, 1995 U.1 w 84' ...7 ct 2' 8' 12' 12' 8' 2'� VARIES cc a 1' z a O -�.- r 0 aa. TAPER EDGE 3" MIN aa. 1 PER FT. N DRIVEWAY CULVERT (15" MIN. 0) SHOULDER 4' MIN DEPTH OF TOPSOIL 44 • —A Sc B BITUMINOUS MAT — C CLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE 45' WIDTH — D APPROVED SUBGRADE 46' WIDTH LEGEND AASH TO * R VALUE SIGMA N18 BITUMINOUS SURFACE SUBGRADE SOIL CLASS WEAR 2341 A* BASE/BINDER 2331 B* AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5/6 3136 C* CLASS 3/4 3136 D* A-3 A-4 A-6 A-7 R-70 S 90,000 R-20 S 90,000 R-15 S 90,000 R-10 S 90,000 (R-5 S 90,000) ** 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" ** 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" ** 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" 8" 7" 18" * SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER ** MINIMUM ALLOWABLE DESIGN THICKNESS NOTES: R VALUE IS A MEASURE OF EMBANKMENT SOIL RESISTANCE STRENGTH AS DETERMINED BY THE HVEEM STABILOMETER METHOD. SIGMA N18 VALUE IS THE CUMULATIVE DAMAGE EFFECT OF VEHICLES DURING THE DESIGN LIFE OF A FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. LOCAL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL RURAL STREET SECTION -1 O TON NO SCALE CITY OF OTSEGO STANDARD DETAIL OT4 MARCH, 1995 PROPERTY LINE VARIES 23' 80' 23' VARIES FILL BEHIND BERM W/ TOPSOIL MIN. DEPTH 4" 3" 6.5" BITUMINOUS BERM THIS SHAPE OR EQUAL - A & B BITUMINOUS MAT - C CLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE 47' WIDTH - D APPROVED SUBGRADE 48' WIDTH LEGEND AASH TO * R VALUE SIGMA N18 BITUMINOUS SURFACE SUBGRADE SOIL CLASS A-3 A-4 A-6 A-7 R-70 S 90,000 R-20 S 90,000 R-15 S 90,000 R-10 S 90,000 (R-5 S 90.000) WEAR 2341 A* ** 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" BASE/BINDER 2331 B* ** 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5/6 3136 C* * * 4" 4" 4" 6" 6" CLASS 3/4 3136 D* * SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER ** MINIMUM ALLOWABLE DESIGN THICKNESS NOTES: R VALUE IS A MEASURE OF EMBANKMENT SOIL RESISTANCE STRENGTH AS DETERMINED BY THE HVEEM STABILOMETER METHOD. SIGMA N18 VALUE IS THE CUMULATIVE DAMAGE EFFECT OF VEHICLES DURING THE DESIGN LIFE OF A FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. 6" 7" 18" LOCAL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL URBAN STREET SECTION -10 TON NO SCALE CITY OF OTSEGO STANDARD DETAIL. OT5 MARCH, 1995 w z J PROPERTY 80' 46'B- 23' 23' SLOPE 1/3" PER FT. 2% MIN• SLOPE B618 CONCRETE CURB & GU I I ER PLACED ON APPROVED SUBGRADE - A & B BITUMINOUS MAT C CLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE 47' WIDTH D APPROVED SUBGRADE 48' WIDTH LEGEND AASHTO * R VALUE SIGMA N18 BITUMINOUS SURFACE AGGREGATE BASE SUBGRADE WEAR BASE/BINDER CLASS 5/6 CLASS 3/4 SOIL CLASS 2341 A* 2331 B* 3136 C* 3136 D* A-3 R-70 S 90,000 ** 1 1/2 ** 2" ** 4" - A-4 R-20 S 90,000 1 1/2" 2" 4" - A-6 R-15 S 90,000 1 1/2" 2" 4" 6" A-7 R-10 S 90,000 1 1/2" 2" 6" 7" (R-5 S 90,000) 1 1/2" 2" 6" 18" * SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER ** MINIMUM ALLOWABLE DESIGN THICKNESS NOTES: R VALUE IS A MEASURE OF EMBANKMENT SOIL RESISTANCE STRENGTH AS DETERMINED BY THE HVEEM STABILOMETER METHOD. SIGMA N18 VALUE IS THE CUMULATIVE DAMAGE EFFECT OF VEHICLES DURING THE DESIGN LIFE OF A FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. LOCAL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL URBAN STREET SECTION -10 TON NO SCALE w z J PROPERTY CITY OF OTSEGO STANDARD DETAIL OT6 MARCH, 1995 Item 10..3 CITY OF OTSEGO CURRENT MSA FUNDING STATUS CONSTRUCTION FUND MARCH, 1995 MSA GROSS SYSTEM BALANCE Unincumbered balance as of 12/31/94 1995 MSA apportionment Total gross system balance 1995 PLANNED EXPENDITURES MSAP #217-107-01 (completion of 88th Street) MSAP #217-105-01 (Odean Avenue) MSAP #217-020-02 (70th Street) Total planned expenditures MSA NET SYSTEM BALANCE: Estimated 1996 Apportionment: $301,868.41 201,013.00 $505,881.41 8,700.00 103,050.00 60, 500.00 $172,250.00 $336.631.41 $200,000.00 Approximate MSA Funds Available for Additional Projects:$536,631.41 CONTENTS ON FUTURE PROJECTS 1. 85th Street (Odean Avenue to Nashua Avenue) Length approx. 0.87 miles Estimated cost of project = Type of street section is urban This section will require new surfacing in the near future. Corrections to the horizontal alignment are also required. Completion of the storm drainage study has allowed for conceptual storm sewer requirements along this roadway. Approximately 50%-60% of the storm drainage constructions costs could be funded by MSA. Assessments may be required to pay for the remainder of the storm sewer costs. $700,000 2. 85 Street (Odean Avenue to Page Avenue) Length approx. 0.76 miles Estimated cost of project = $500,000 Type of street section is urban There is storm sewer involved in this segment also. This portion of 85th Street lies downstream from the previously described section. Completion of the storm sewer study allows for consideration of this segment. Completion of this segment would allow for 85th Street to be fully constructed between CSAH42 and Odean Avenue. 3. Page Avenue (CSAH39 to 85th Street) Length approx. 0.5 miles Estimated cost of project Type of section is urban $330,000 The general storm sewer requirements for this segment are resolved. The right-of-way is in-place is approximately 90 feet wide. The street could be constructed with sidewalk to aid in pedestrian and bike traffic to the new school. The roadway exhibits minor problems and is not considered a high priority project. The west side of Page Avenue may potentially by assessed if this project is constructed. 4. Quaday Ave. (from church entrance to south property line of MRD plat). Length approx. 0.21 miles Estimated cost of project = $210,000 Type of street section is urban Comments: With the application of the proposed MRD 2nd Addition, the issue of constructing this roadway must be discussed. The requirement for constructing this roadway will not have significant value until the final plat is approved and construction is planned. Planned construction would have to be on a lot accessing this proposed roadway. Cost of constructing this roadway is relatively high for several reasons. The short length of roadway and the installation of storm sewer contribute to increased unit prices. For longer projects, a balance of cuts and fills can more readily be achieved with respect to subgrade materials. Construction of this shorter segment of roadway will require fill material to be imported to the site, further increasing the project cost. 5. Quaday Ave. (CSAH37 to SSAH42) Length approx. 1.0 mile Estimated cost of project = Type of street section is rural $610,000 Comments: This roadway contains two major segments. Segment 1 is from CSAH37 to Parson's Avenue. Segment 2 is from Parson's Avenue to CSAH42. Segment 1 crosses the Ed Dauphinais property for which mining permit #4 has been issued. Beneficial grading of the site will occur as a portion of the mining actively. This site is scheduled to be mined for several more years. Segment 2 overlays an existing roadway and would be relatively simple to construct. Highway 101 construction, parallel to this roadway, is anticipated to begin in 1996. Item 10.5a RESOLUTION NO. 95-18 RESOLUTION ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WHEREAS, the City passed Resolution 95-10 approving plans and specifications for the proposed street improvement for CSAH37 (NE 70th Street) and NE Odean Avenue in Otsego, Minnesota. AND WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has subsequently approved said plans, AND WHEREAS, all easements and Right -of -Ways required to construct the project have been obtained by the City, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL THAT IT: 1 Orders the City Clerk to prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specification. The advertisement shall be published for a minimum of three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that the bids will be received by the clerk until 10:00 am on Tuesday, May 16, 1995, at which time they will be publicly opened in the Council Chambers of the City Hall by the City Clerk and Engineer, will then be tabulated,, and will be considered by the Council at regular session on Monday, May 22, 1995 in the Council Chambers. Any bidder whose responsibility is questioned during consideration of the bid will be given an opportunity to address the council on the issue of responsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check equal to five percent of such bid. VA4Alta. Mayor Norman F Freske C.D. -----$ CHECKING—$ � 78, 00 F . / TOTAL----$ 1 7 Oi hi 2' . '7 / DATE: MacJi, 3/ 1195. INCOME : ----$ 3 S, 000. 00 R. T.51) 7,9Z $ 1,4' ) OCA Druce L.q L /- $ I ya>S, Z; 4er C�;1 f• $ r? 779 SO 'Toe'j ikia rt.51-• e$ $ e$ e$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,77/.71 IHL TOTAL: $ 47.357,Q9 EXPENSES: --$ 9 ;? 5 ,.3 iga, k 7 7&t!, , 7 lily, r: ht C-17 ,5hev,°1' / 9 7 3 7 Nl,IJ)flsso C,o3,1nes TOTAL:-----$ $ $ 5 /n: c)() / d(). 1.Pbcio iTtck 7 A19. )C) i; d?u,, // law O#;c_1 7 631: 70 M i5 C. SIGNED: 1 I P(,i..,. •