04-20-1995 Board of Review MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO BOARD OF REVIEW APRIL 20, 1995 7PM OTSEGO CITY HALL Roll Call: Mayor, Norman F. Freske, Council Members: Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner, Suzanne Ackerman and Ron Black. City Assessor, Pete Merges, Assistant County Assessor Randy DesMarais. Staff: Elaine Beatty, Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk Mayor Freske opened the Board of Revenue Meeting at 7 PM. Mr. DesMarais stated that we are here to talk about the 1995 valuation and classification. Any decisions and changes made tonight will be done by the City Council. Pete Merges went over the attached Report, Changes made in 1994. He stated that residential homes received a 5% increase on their homes and farms received a 10% increase on their land. This increase was done throughout the county. 1 Richard and MichelleNietfeld,118 500-221205, 8891 Parrish Avenue NE Mrs. Nietfled said they are being taxed for same improvement two years in a row. Pete said new construction started in 1993, 50% went on for 1994 and 50% went on for 1995. Total market value = $126,300. Walls, light fixtures, fans, need to be installed. Pete went over what is exactly completed. Per Pete 82% is completed. Pete added $11,700 last year and added $10,400 this year. The increase this year should have been $4,800. Completion amounts to $16,571 instead of $20,136.00 as of now. Pete recommends to decease by $5,600. CM Black motioned to reduce valuation of Parcel 118-500-221205 by $5,600. Seconded by CM Fournier. All in favor. Motioned carried. Discussion: Council stated that Pete Merges should review this. 2. Bill Olson, 118-500-202101, 8789 NashuaAvenue. Mr. Olson passed out information sheets (attached) showing his taxes increased 134% in two years and market value increased 155% in two years. Pete said value is at $59,000 and should be $56,200 a difference of $2,800.00. Went up 5% before it was reduced. CM Fournier motioned to reduce value from $59,000 to $56,200 a difference of $2,800. on Parcel 118-500-202101. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. Board of Review, April 20, 1995, cont'd. Page 2. i , • :-I, :-1 1 1 1 Value increased from $110,000 to $130,000 per Pete. Mr. Bethke said that based upon evaluation by Ce it is 21,1,4 $130,000 is too high. Per Pete, square footage is 1,329. Per Mr. 9. No landscaping has been done. Pete recommended to lower to $116,900. The $130,000. is incorrect. on Parcel CM Black approved Pete Merge's recommendation to lower value to $116,900 118-048-002070. Seconded by CM Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. ��• I • ,•so• :-1 -II $ ' IL •a •I • Ms. Hoppe said the value went from $72,400 to $74,300. She saidIIhe value of ths is a HUD iHome, she is a first time home owner, home needs more repair than she thought t what she thought it was. Pete said he reviewed r Pete MeMerges review 8 and she paid 2this0 parOcel. Seconded CM Black motioned to have the City Assessor, b Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: Review date of April 25, 1995, 9:15 Y AM was set and Michelle Hoppe will be there. Value went from $102,400. to $130,300. pool house of 20 X 24. Mr. Cailler said his home is 4 levels, in ground swimming pool, Pete was there November 15, 1994. 20 X 20 deck = $1,800.00 Central Air = $1,200.00 Basement finish, 600 sq. ft. = $9,456.00t Per Randy DesMarais there were $16,800.00 worth of increase that o a en't pg area sly assessed. This was in the review area this year. The Garage was converted which went on CM Fournier motioned to have assessors review this parcel.for the first time this year. Secondedoe ab y CM9 45 M. l ck. Al in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: Review date of April25, t. .. e, :-14 -1 I 1 1 l000. IL. II Pete was there on November 28, 1994 and lowered value from , e00 o $20,00. This house needs siding and windows. Pete also mentioned that the lot value wu CM Fournier motioned to have the assessors do a review o a a s Kolbparcel. is sc M Heule fordneseveral r seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: medical exams . She will call for appointment. Board of Review, April 20, 1995, cont'd. Page 3. • :-1 -I I 111 4 : ► : 1 appraised this property sement, d at $10 in 1990. 0 l88 squalower re City's. for house and Mr. Valerius said Mel Beaudry Pete said this is a double e 1 Land isde on a valued at $20,000 for 1 acre. 880 square feet for garage. CM Heidner motioned for assessors to review this parcel. Seconded b AM Bas lack.seAll in Pete was there in 1992.y CM favor. Motion carried. Discussion: Review of April 25, 19 : U • •. 1 r 1.' Valuation went from $91,100 to $95,100. Mrs. Chrisinger said this is a one level rambler with no basement, 1,160 square feet. Pete had 1,200 square feet. Pete figures the difference of 40 square feet. The land is valued at $21,500. Wood fireplace = $1,200.00 Garage = $8,064.00 House = $51,678.00 TOTAL = $82,442.00 CM Fournier motioned to lower valuation from $95,100 to $82,442.00 82,tion carried. do Parcele 118-037-001090. Seconded by CM Black. All in 1 11 i _ 1 1 :- -11 1 1 'is •11• osto is appealing the property value Value went from $86,000 to $88,300. He hada Mr. Ag market value anyalis and top price would be $80,000. There is a full basement but unfinished, total electric home, basement water control system, clay soil, very few ramblers in Island Estates, 1 bath, 1 acre. Per Pete, he has $3,300 worth of basement f sec n CM Black motioned to have the assessors review this parcel. CM Ackerman 1995 o d AM I d. All April in ffavor. Motion carried. Discussion. A review date was set for p i 1 ► 11 Value went up from $149,800. to $154,900. Pete review in 1993. have been inc. ries Kohler said he was down for 2 fireplaces and there is only onee. t There h Scott had several in increases in two years, other houses out there haven't gone up t pictures of different houses throughout the city which he feels are comparable to his but are valued lower. has been done, no pave roads and no No basement finish, no deck, yard is in but no landscaping park in Island View. Pete explained that he goes by mostly feet built in 993es in atHe adjustedthebasic quality of the home by Pete had down for 1,182 square one-half of a grade. Board of Review, April 20, 1995, cont'd. Page 4. Pete lowered the one fireplace by $2,500., and lowered valuation of $145.700. CM Fournier motioned to lowervaluation of Parcel by Black All in favor. Motion ra rried. the concrete driveway by $500. for a new 118-121-005100 to $145,700. Seconded i" : I 1 :-1 '-11 1 1 •.' : II 11" Mr. Birosh's trailer house burned down in August of 1993 Pete said he will take off the value of $5,000 for house, $291. for the skirting and the addition of $1,200.00. The garage is left, valued at $3,300. and roii $25,900 to $19,300.s valued at ) Seconded by CM Heidner. CM Black motioned to lower value All in favor. Motion carried. ►��• ,• 1 �., :-:11- ' u. �� Mr. Brown said his valuation went up $5,000.00 Per Pete, the house received a 5% increase for 1995, land stayed the same, 5 acres. Mr. Brown said he psvalued 0 0. for $97 200 this. Per Pete this parcel iNO CHANGE II 1' ' :' ' '.raised at Ms. Thell said her valuation has gone up from $81,500 to $90,700. She hadapp $75,000. CM25, Black motioned to have the assessors review this parcel. is ero Seconded by y5 at Ackerman. rman. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion. Date of RevsApril Valuation went up $7,000. up to $167,900. Per Glen Posusta, there is 1,735 square fet feet,air reducingl1/3 of basement is finished. the square footage and basement finish, Pete had a difference of 660 square could reduce value to $160,900.00, a $7,600. difference. CM Heidner motioned to lower value of Parcel 118-121-001060 to $116,300.00 Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. :.1 -'-II 1 1 '. 1 ► •' •, 1 : • ' � � • Value went up to $106,300. started at $100,700. His value was adjusted last year from $111,000. 5 County assessors were out there in June 1993. Pete raised it up tof ,70m,the $13 on thea little bit re than the 5%. Garage went up to $1,600, all garages went up to $15. sq. ones. It has now been reduced to $12. Board of Review, April 20, 1995, cont'd. Page 5. Square footage of house = 1,072 no basement finish garage = $11,880. house = $62,800. total = $75,600. land = $30,700. Total = $106,300.00 Pete recommends no change. NO CHANGE :-:II 0'11 1::1► I I House built in 1994. 6.5 Class rating. House 30x50 (1,780 sq. ft), = $89,178.00, 1994, 50% complete, 1995 its complete Garage = $15,120.00 Air = $1,200. Bath in basement = $1,200. Deck = $2,250.00 Pole Shed = $8,500. for the 30 X 50 heated part Pole Shed = $15,450. for the 50 X75 remaining area, 14 ft. sides. Land, 1 acre for home = $12,000. Land, 22 acres, Grade B, tillable, green acres = $19,800. Market value on 22 acres would be $45,760 plus $12,000 for $57,760.00 on the land. Total $165,600 estimate market value green acres Roger thinks land should be valued as what the government paid him for the land at $1,05$194,600. TOTAL . an acre for the MnRoad Project (70th Street). Roger's concern was the land value. NO CHANGE •I It ., l• -I I -I I I' 1 • 416. ::04 � Mr. Regnier said his value went up to $132,400 from $127,000. The basement is 75% finished. He built it for $81,000 in 1992. Land = $22,000. Basement finish = $6,532.00 Extra fixtures in basement = $1,200. Other garage = $11,056.00 Pete figured there has been a total of $19,588 increased of improvement since he built the house. Appraised at $119,500. in 1994. CM Fournier motioned to have the assessors review �RReview date set for April 25, 1995 at s parcel. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion: Noon. Board of Review, April 20, 1995, cont'd. Page 6. „ 1. I : -I' -II 1 I :III e1 •I : •, • $78,100. Mr. Chouinard asked about the $41. Solid Waste Valuation went from $75,700 to g ested that Mr. Assessment. Mayor Freske explained about theCompost mpr. LSFacility. �M B1acel aSc su increased by the 5% Chouinard talk to Pat Sawatzke, his County Co per Pete. NO CHANGE Ms. Berg was concerned with property class. rezoned her property. The Tax rate is the same. County looks at the use and not the The Count y zoning. NO CHANGE ;.1' 1-11 1 1' s 1 h '' , Value went up from $114,100. to $133,100. we didn't have it on as a two story until he visited in October story. 4 He has missed the modified two story. This made a $19, Pete said 600 difference adding on secondry with roof, 1 fireplace, 1 deck, no air, No basement finish, 22x22 garage, 8x20 entry way 1792 sq. feet of finish area built in 1991 House = $99,600, garage NO CHANGE, he just wanted to check out. I• :-I' -1I 11 :i1 •1 •� Mr. Archer can't use his basement because of water problems and he wants the valuation lowered. He lives by Hall's Pond and the house was built in 1981. Pete said this house is a Grade 6. His land was increased by $5,000 last year. Valuation increased broom $65,700 to $69,000. by CM Fournier. All in CM Black motioned to the Assessors reviewd is tenet for May 3 arcel. s, at AM. favor. Motion carried. Discussion: Review :-1 -1 1 1 ' $ ' , o : so t.• 6,I� . � • � • _ • purchased Mr. Gloege said he has lived there for 2.5years. He place for $77,600. in 1992. the Valuation has gone up from $83,500 to $86,700. Pete said the increase is due to the 5%. This is graded a 6.5. NO CHANGE Board of Review, April 20, 1995, cont'd. Page 7. 14 . , A . . :-1' -I I 1 1 Mr. Wallace said his valuation has gone up to $96,300, 9, 0, tar drive was omitted in 1992 and went Per Pete, the land value went up this year by $2,500, on for 1995 at $500. and the deck is now gone. Per Mark, the deck went back on, a 14 X 24. Pete said this would add $1,500. Addition put on in 1988, 24 X 14 = $14,657.00 Garage = $4,256.00 Basement finish = $1,365 (140 sq. ft.) 12 X 20 Shed = $1,200.00 NO CHANGE 11- x..11 :$ . :• ► : For the last 3 years, valuation has gone up 24%. From$149,400. and (40 acres 8or more)ost the 0. no new buildi5%ngs. Pete explained that the State put a 10% increase on fa depreciation on the house this year. House, garage and 1 acre = $62,600. The land last year had $113,600. for market value. New value is $124,960. This year the land is $126,300. NO CHANGE • • . .1 :-1 -11 1 1 I 1 ► 11 ' '"' She wrote saying she doesn't think her home is worth more than $50,000. It is a double wide. Pete has a total value of $59.000. to $57 400. In April of 1994, brought it down from $63,400. CM Black motioned no change, to leave valuation at $5e�,000a Thwas due to general economic s property was reviewed last year and an adjustment was made. This year's increased impact. Seconded by CM Heidne�� ll in favor. looked at last yyear and adjusotion • tment were made. to leave at 59,000, this property Pete looked at this parcel in December 1991, the house was not done. Pete was there again now. House, 1,3808 square feet = $42.80 sq. ft, Pete has $45.40. House = $59,064.00 Garage = $9,360.00 6. there is a gas fireplace and extra bath. Pete dropped grade todown reead with the building site is $15,000. The 3 acres is $8,475, should drop to $5,400( depreciation economics because the land is poor). Pete suggested to lower from $97,500 to $83,100. CM Heidner motioned to accept lowering the valuation from 97,an00 .S tgo $83,100 drop.on Parcel 118-800-144401 for reasons of the 10% economic depreciation Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. Board of Review, April 20, 1995, cont'd. Page 8. 27. Alvin Beaudry,118-500-301100.24Lcres, tillable Wants this land adjusted according to the SCS Office Maps. There are 6.3 acres that he wants classified as Waste B Land. CM Black motioned to have Alvin Beaudry's land adjusted according to the SCS Maps, from 24 acres to 17.7 acres tillable, a change of 6.3 acres to be classified as Waste B Land, Seconded by CM Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 28. Ken Shierts, 118-010-085050. (not present) Value is at $101,600.00 Land increased from $18,000 to $21,000. Basement finish, currently at $8.24 sq. ft, Pete suggested changing to $5. sq. ft. The house is old, built in 1965. $101,600.00. for CM Fournier motioned to accept loweringValuation CM Black ssecondedfrom All in favor. reasons of lower basement valuation and and value. Motion carried. 29. Todd Huss, 118-049-004080, Letter written, he says his basement isn't finished. PerPete, 50% finished at $9.695.00. CM Fournier motioned to lower value from $135,800 to$126,100.00 onParcel 118-049-004080. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Fournier motioned to RECESS BOARD OF REVVIE d until May 8,1995, at 6 PM. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion, cry - Mayor or an F. Freske Ronald G. Black, Councilmember Suzanne M. S. Ackerman, Councilmember Att Hudson, Deputy Clerk CITY SEAL ouncilmember Vern Heidner, Councilmember Farms - Changes made in 1994 The State put a 10% increase on farm land,this was done pretty much county wide The increase was put on the market value, so it will not have a big effect on the tax dollar The green acre value changed a little also, A land went from $1,030060 per acre to $1 $i,, B land went from $890 per acre to $ acre to $ 900 600 C land went from $630 per In the past the farm house and garage weres given a 15% reduction in value for tax pure os The out buildings also got a 15% reduction in value. Now the house and garage no longer get the 15% reduction, the out buildings still get the reduction. This is on farms that have 40 acres or more. As you can see this can make a big increase in value. There is oam 5%h increase on the house, this is pretty county wide. Sample--- house- $75000 Garage- $5000 Total- $80000 X85% $68000 value for 1994 assessment House- $75000 X5% increase for 1995 assessment $78750 Garage- $5000 Total- $83750 Value for 1995 assessment,tThe is a $15750 increase over last years reason this 15% increase was put on all at one time and not phased in is that it was not phased in when it was taken off. By doing this it will get our estimated market value closer to the selling price, and hopefully the state will not give us another increase for some time. Vassuer 4th - The lot values went from $20,000 to $21,000 except for a few with water problem, they were not changed. Walesh est. Lot values went from $20,000 to $21,500 Halls 2nd- Lot values went from $20,000 to $22,000 Beaudrys add- Lot values went from $20,000 to $21,500 Miss shores 4th- Lot values went from $20,000 to $22,000 2 Deerfield acres- Lot values went from $20,000 to $22,000 Miss shores 5th- Lot values went from $20,000 to $22,000 The market value went to $15,000 on each Meyer add- As long lot, they were at $1,400.g as Jerry keeps farming the lots he will get the green acre value and only pay taxes on the green acre value.As the lots are sold they will go on at the market value. Billstroms add- The lots on the river are valued at $32,500 for the first 100 feet and $100 per foot after 100 feet.The lots not on the river arevalued at $20,000. There was one sale this ye is why there was some changes made. The sale was for $220,000 and I had it valued at $137,900, or 63%of what it sold for.We do not usually like to work with only one sale, but this sale showed us that something had to be done. this area will be watched for further changes New houses - Pole sheds - Other Schools -- Total -- BUILDING PERMITS 43 6 75 1 125 There were 132 sales in 1994,this includes bare land sales,improved lot sales,and farm sales. This pretty much covers what was done in 199,5. It takes a lot of time to go over the sales and data that is collected in order to come up with a fair dollar amount to arrive at a fair estimated market value. The county assessors office does a lot of this work for us, but we do help with and work with them and try to keep the values fair through out the county. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Otsego city council for their support in the past and now. It makes my job a lot easier knowing that we can sit down and talk in order to come up with a solution to a problem, should one come up. THANK YOU Pete Merges City assessor SJJV3A Z NI 3SV3210NI %V£I- • saxel po°1, SUV3A Z NI 3SVaIONI °/0g9 I. • anigAllIAlls3 0 CD CD 40 CD 42k 0 0 c")0 0 0 (0 Ul 4tb, 0 0 Irs 11 118-500-202101 OLSON, WILLIAM 0 E VICKI L 8789 NASHUA AV NE ELK RIVER MN 55330 1ST HALF TAX PENALTY TOTAL H 514.36 F NAME AMR ADDRESS AS SHOWN ARE NOT CORRECT,CHECK BOX AND MAKE CORRECTION BELOW. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT THIS STUB MUST ACCOMPANY SECOND HALF PAYMENTND HALF 995 PAY TO WRIGHT COUNTY TREASURER ON OR BEFORE 2 PAY STUB OCTOBER 15, 1995 TO AVOID PENALTY. REAL ESTATE TAXES PLEASE READ BACK OF FORM FOR PAYMENT PROCEDURE. 118-500-202101 OLSON, WILLIAM 0 E VICKI.L 8789 NASHUA AV NE ELK RIVER MN 55330 REAL ESTATE TAXES PAYABLE IN 1995 WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA OpWNERHA".Ei! Sp NI a �j PROPERTY CLASS* r: PROPERTY 1 r gial01 5.59 PEACRES to ' .CITY OF OTSEGO SECT -20 TWP-121 RANG -23 (; UNPLATTED LAND S AT AGL AT R TOENOF N1/20F/4 L TLLSNO9NW/T ASMSD NEW IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL TAX 1,028.72 2ND HALF TAX 514.36 PENALTY H TOTAL F NAME AND/OR ADDRESS AS SHOWN ARE NOT CORRECT, CHECK BOX AND MAKE CORRECTION BELOW. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. 0 TAX.PAYE-?S COPY r 0 N 3 FORMS 8062-3690 w i f ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE O. TAXPAYERS 23994 TAXABLE MARKET VALUE ► OLSON. WILLIAM D E VICKI L 8789 NASHUA AV NE ELK RIVER MN 55330 44,900 38,900 54:700 44 200 TAX CAPACITY 1. Use this amount on Form M-1 PR to see if you're eligible for a property tax refund. _._-.... File by August 15. If box is checked, you owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible 2. Use this amount for the special property tax refund on schedule 1 on Form M-1PR. _ Your Property Tax And How It Is Reduced By The State 3. Your property tax before reduction by state -paid aids and credits ..._..._............_........... 4. Aid paid by the state of Minnesota to reduce your property tax ......__..._........._._....._ .....__ 5. Credits paid by the state of Minnesota to reduce your property tax: A. Homestead and agricultural credit....._._..............._......__........__.._...._...............____._......._. B. Other credits 6. Your property tax after reduction by state -paid aids and credits ._.....__.._.._._ ............... _._..___..._......__... Where Your Property Tax Dollars Go 7. County .._._....................._.__._._.........._.........__.....__................_..__....._........._ 6. City or town ...... 9. School district _T+ _$ A. Excess levy referenda tax ax 10. Special taxing district: A. R41513`/9 MI I tL DISTRICT -- B. I STW ICTB. 11. Non -school voter approved referenda levies _....._.._.......... 12. Total property tax before special assessments _._.._._......__._.._.._.._.._____.._......._. 13. Sp c' a ssments to th ro t bi I: _..._....._......_.._..._._.....__...... A.3U U WASTE SEf�1��GE HG B. NE NASHUA AVE C.OTHER SPECIALS 14. Your total property tax and speclal assessments ... _..._._..._..___ PAY THIS AMOUNT NO LATER THAN MAY 15, 1995 510.50 1,809.20 725.49 573.21 .00 572.04 1677.57 642.98 .00 510.50 124.34 109.58 20.43 245.48 10.67 510.50 375.68 40.00 926.18 572.04 136.20 152.31 22.40 249.71 11.42 572.04 41.00 375.68 40.00 1,028.72 PAY THIS AMOUNT NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 15, 1995 You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce your property tax. Read the back of this statement to find out how to apply. ESCROW AGENT NO. 514.36 514.36 JN -r v o, O I Z. t5 m d O .7 dy 7856 Bill & Vicki Olson 8789 Nashua Ave. N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 N.W. 2nd Street Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1193 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 Metro: (612) 339-6881 FAX: (612) 682-6178 May 11, 1994 Re: PID #118-500-202101 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Olson: Per the local Board of Review, your 1994 estimated market value was reduced from $57,800 to $54,700. Thank you for taking the time to show us your property on Apr i I 28, 1994. Sincerely, Ded Randal L. DesMarais Assistant Wright County Assessor cc: Jerome Perrault, Otsego City Clerk RLD/ga Wright County Assessors Office 10 2nd St. NW Rm 240 Buffalo, MN 55313-1183 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT YEAR 1995 PAYABLE YEAR 1996 PID 118-500-202101 5.59AC PROPERTY CLASS RES/FULL HSTD PRESORTED FIRST CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PAID 1 OZ. BUFFALO, MN 55313 PERMIT NO. 000005 OLSON. WILLIAM 8789 NASHUA AV ELK RIVER MN SECT -20 TWP-121 RANG -23 UNPLATTED LAND S350FT MSD AT R AGL TO S LN,OF E696.03FT 1, ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE 2. UMITED MARKET VALUE 3. VALUE EXEMPTION FOR CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS 4. TAXABLE MARKET VALUE S 49. 1 0 0 CITY OR TOWN BOARD OF REVIEW MEETING: APRIL 20TH AT 7:00 P.M. L 49,100 0 t:. VICKI L NE 55330 59,000