05-08-1995 Board of Review MinutesCITY OF OTSEGO BOARD OF REVIEW CONTINUED FROM APRIL 20, 1995 MAY 8, 1995 6PM 1. Mayor Norman F. Freske «sill call the continued Board of Review Meeting to order. Mayor Freske called Board of Review to order at 6 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Norman F. Freske, CM Larry Fournier, CM Vern Heidner. Absence: CM Suzanne Ackerman, CM Ron Black. Mayor Freske introduced Pete Merges, City Assessor. A. Discussion and decisions of the properties reviewed. Pete Merges reviewed all site inspections. Attached are letters written by Randal L. DesMarais, Assistant Wright County Assessor, regarding each of the following properties the assessors inspected. U s- - .se.- : 1'it • ►1 :-1 -11 CM Heidner motioned to reduced the 1995 estimated market value to $70,700 from $74,300, a reduction of $3,600. Mayor Freske seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Marian P Caillier, 9854 JalgerAvenue NE, 118-113-001050. CM Fournier motioned to reduce the 1995 by estimated Heidner. All in favorvalue to .Motioncarried.,600 from $130,300, a reduction of $2,700. Seconded Allen J. Valerius, 14328 87th Street NE, 118-031-002060. Mayor Freske motioned to reduce the1995 estimated market went from 6 to a SalSe Secue to onded d by CM 5,300 from $94,900, a reduction of $9,600. The grade Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. James Agnsto, 9661 Kalenda Avenue NE, 118-121-002050. CM Fournier motioned to lower the 1995 estimated market value to $75,000 from $88,300. a reduction of $13,300. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. Theresa Thell, 14186 62nd Street NE, 118-500-3'3209. CM Fournier motioned to lower the 1995 estimated 1995 market value to $78,900 from $90,700, a reduction of $11,800. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. City of Otsego Board of Review, May 8, 1995, cont'd. Page 2. CM Ron Black arrived at 6:16 PM. -, I\_� • 1 ►I .. 1 om CM Heidner motioned to lower the 1995 estimated market alum to $109,1100 fro carried.$132,400, a reduction of $23,300. Seconded by CM Black. ,- :.1 •. -e -e .- ►I :-1A -11 11 CM Black motioned to reduce the 1995 estimated market valueto $50,900 n carried. a reduction of $18,100. Seconded by CM Fournier. All in favor. . • 1 1A • • 11 -- 1.1 :-1 -11 o CM Fournier r motioned to reduce the 1995 estimated market value ion $52,700 from $70,000, a reduction of $17,300. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. • - : • • • •Seconded by CM Heidner. CM Fournier motioned to adjourn Board of Review Meeting. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM. Mayor Norman F. Freske Larry Fournier, Council Vern Heidner, Council Attest: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk CITY SEAL Ron Black, Council Suzanne Ackerman, Council 0 VT c34 00001 v '2 z m 0 10,4bia,dY 7950 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N.W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (F�682-7367 1 682(61 78 612) 682-7368 May 4, 1995 TO OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL: support once again I want to thank the l Council boalrlfor d of reviewr . As rong As always, values again continuednt year ato the that have sold. We have to that rise based on properties real roperties mwarket r whore nber buyers and se I I ars of Some of the create the marke h which the aedesspeared or has ttoo fhave wsome very major problems which were reviewed appeared unless they can be gotten into and viewed would not be recognized from the outside by anyone. I feel Mr. Merges is a very good and fair assessor and continues to do a good job. Pete is always good to work with. Again, thank you for your strong support. Sincerely, //) 1)/ )/// / r/C;, Randal L. DesMarais Assessor Assistant Wright County RLD/ga Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer OJsTYoth:o. v2 Im \p) 7es DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N.W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / FAX.' (612) 6821 6612) 82-7368 6178 April 27, 1995 Michelle Hoppe 8334 Ogren MNe5. N.E. 5330 Elk River, Re: PID #118-032-002230 Pete and I reviewed the above property at 9:15 A.M. on April 25th, Hoppe. We recommend lowering the house to an Average 1 gg5 witheb1s • Hoppdone. By making this 6 House based on work value needed u be would from the same• adjustment, the building value would be reduced from $54,000 to $6, $5f0, 400 for a reduction of $3,600. Theland The 1995 estimated market value recommended is $70,700 reduced from $74,300• �J. Pete Merges, Otsego ✓71 el ') Randal L. DesMara'is, Assessor Assistant Wright County City Assessor Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer Marian P. Caillier 9854 Jaiger Ave. N.E. Monticello, MN 55362 Re: PID #118-113-001050 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N.W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 April 27, 1995 Pete and I reviewed the above property at 10 A.M. on April 25th, 1995 with Mrs. Caillier. After reviewing and remeasuring, we found the house to be slightly larger than we were actually assessing, main house is 1,296 sq . ft . , converted garage to be 576 sq. ft. We made adjustment picking up the 64 sq. ft. which had not been assessed and reducing the value of the converted ur dcggarage eatiimilar to r to what we are doing throughout the County. reduce the building value from $110,300 to $107,600. The new 1995 estimated market recommended would be $127,600 from $130,300, a reduction of $2,700. Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor 1 Randal L. DesMara i s, Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer ‘, Y O, 0rpfor:•i 2 = m t.50 10,24W 0 ,dY 7e5' DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N.W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 April 27, 1995 Allen J. Valerius 14328 87th St. N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 Re: PID #118-031-002060 il Pete and I reviewed the above e found the home tto 5be modu I arprmovedthn 1995 with Mr. Valerius. on a basement. The home is currently classed a 6 Grade. Others in the area are Graded 5. We feel Mr. Valerius' is similarthith h the exception of the basement and is newer on i d r i g sq. ft. factors and adjusting the Grade to a 5 and picking finished in the basement , usant i ngdthe bui I d i ngth va which ue to $65, 300 from we recommend � $74,900. The recommended 1995 estimated market value to be $85,300 from $94,900, a reduction of, yet Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor 1 f/' Randal L. DesMarais, Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity / Affirmative .Action Employer orl; v 2 I. m 0 ict. II Add4Y0 7950 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N.W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612X: 1 23 682-6178 612) 682-7368 FA April 28, 1995 James P. & Jill L. Agosto P.O. Box 896 9661 Kalenda Ave. N.E. Monticello, MN 55362 Re: PID #118-121-002060 Pete and I reviewed the above property at 11:25 A.M. l on Apri1 1995. After reviewing the property with Mr. Agosto there is no basement finish 25th, There is a definite water problem in . the basement and the garage floor is heaved and all bro e u problem. Our recommendation is to remove the p ba because of the water basement finish which is not there, the ' depreciate I house to average condition, adjust the basement to avaIue similar to acrawspac until water problem hcf� corrected adjust the garage from average to fair because ofteoorpobIem i stto red ce the adjustments mentioned above, our recommendation to reduce the building value to $55,000 from $68,300. The new is from $88,300 for a This property would be on an annual review 1995 estimated mark0et value would be X75,00 problem has been reduction of $13,30 to regain some of this value when the water pr recorded. Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor Randal L. DesMarais, Assessor Assistant Wright County Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer „cry C# i poir:,_ = m d� YO 7E356 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N.W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 April 28, 1995 Wayne & Theresa Thell 14186 62nd St. N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 Re: PID #118-500-333209 Pete and I reviewed the above propertys ate i12 P.M. on s in need Aopril 25,clea5 with Theresa and her mother. on up and repair. Our recommendation reduceo i home average to fair condition and Just the garageto far condition also. By making the above adjustments, the building value would be reduced to $53,900 from $65,700. The recommended 1995 estimated market value to be $78,900 from $90,700, reduction of $11,800. Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor Randal L. DesMarais, Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity / Affirmative .fiction Employer toTY Q4c 0FOrl_ %Aid-0o 7e56 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N.W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 April 28, 1995 Glen T. & Janice M. Regnier 14395 88th St. N . E . Elk River, MN 55330 Re: PID #118-026-003040 Pete and I reviewed the abovproper is at spl12:45it P.M. onotApril 2 25th,o ry 1995 with Mr. Regnier. Thisinsulated, sheet rocked as calculated and the 2nd garage is totally and has a furnace. We have recalculated the above the house as a adjustment, nour which has a sizeable diff value to $87,100 from recommendation is to reduce the building $110,400. The new recommended 1995 estimatedmarketvalue would be $109,100 from $132,400, a reduction of $23,300. Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor Randal L. DesMara i s, Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity l Affirmative .Action Employer YT Y orc 0 l'otbigif"d 7e5S DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N.W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 May 4, 1995 Patrick D. Archer 8601 Ogren Ave. N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 Re: PID #118-042-002100 Pete and I reviewed the above property at 9:30 A.M. on May 3rd, 1995 with Mr. Archer. We founda� atfse vonly use vere ri in thelem basementwith ths home, the basement is heaving with the sump pumps. The water damage in the house is very noticeable and needs some major work. We have recalculated the house taking the above items into consideration. Our recommendation is to reduce the 1995 estimated market value from $69,000 to $50,900. Mr. Archer had an appraisal stating the property had a value of appraisal was done for the $35,000, however we believe this app on because of the arbitration which is a4-. present going C We did not cons i dee misrepresentation which supposedly happ qr the appraisal in our recalculation. Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor Randal L. DesMarais, Assistant Wright County Assessor Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer JNT Y or01111/1c 1 4y 7856 B.J. Kolb 15046 92nd St. N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 Re: PID #118-031-003210 DOUGLAS M. GRUBER Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street N.W. • Room 240 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1183 Phone: (612) 682-7367 / (612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 May 4, 1995 Pete and I reviewed the above property at 10:15 A.M. on May 3rd, 1995 with Mrs. Kolb. The house is in need of a lot on maintenance, clean up and attention. We recalculated the house in fair to poor condition and value from $70, 000to $52,700 for areduction o as poorer 0 c1 • Nnef reducing th $17,300. J2 1 Pete Merges, Otsego City Assessor � .L.,. It Randal L. DesMarais, Assistant Wright County Assessor