10-13-08 CCITEM 3_2 OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL OCTOBER 13, 2006 6:30 PM 1. Mayor Jessica Stockamg will call the meeting to order. Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Tom Darkenwald, Dan Scharber and Mark Thorsted. Staff. Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Gary Groen, Finance Director; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Dan Licht, City Planner; Brad Belair, Public Works Director and Tami Loff, Deputy Clerk. Council Candidates: Dave Thompson and Michael Ringdahl. Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Stockamp led with the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consider agenda a removal. Mike Robertson requested to move item 5.1 Scharber Invoice to 11.3, 9.1 Otsego Elementary Trail Agreement to 6.1 and 11.1 Request to assess SAC/WAC fees for Otsego Autocare to 6.2. CM Thorsted requested to add 11.4 Soccer Fields. CM Heidner modoned to approve agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Scharber. All In favor. Notion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes. 3.1. Seutember 22.2008 Public Hearing. CM Scharber motioned adoption of minutes as writban. Seconded by CM Darkenwaid. CM Thorsted abstained. Motion carried. 3.2. Se&tember 22.2008 Gtv Council Meeting. CM Heidner motioned adoption of minutes as written. Seconded by CM Sdharbw. All in favor. Motion canted. 4. QM Forum: (5 minute limit) 4.1. Certificates of aaoredation for Otsego Festival Committee. Mayor Stockamp presented certificates of appreciation to Otsego Festival Committee members Rose Cassidy, Lynne Kasper, Sheri Olson, Kathy Roberts, John Jesso, Lisa Jesso, Susan Kane and CM Mark Thorsted. John Jesso, Dayton, presented the City a plaque on behalf of Champlin Oil Street Toys for the use of park for auto show during the Festival and also thanked Rose Cassady for all her hard work with the Otsego Festival. 4.2. Mark Bezek-Elk River School District. Superintendent Mark Bezek spoke on the levy renewal question on the November ballot. This is requesting to renew the existing levy and he stated that this will not include new taxes. CM Darkenwald asked what will happen if this does not pass. Mr. Bezek said this will cause reductions in transportation, teachers and programs. CM Heidner asked how much of their budget comes from property taxes. Mr. Bezek said 11%. 4.3. gZ= Elementary Trail Agreement. Ron Wagner presented the quotes; the low bid is $55,000. It was planned that the City and School District would go 50/50 on the cost. Mr.Bezek said looking at the proposal he didn't think the path was needed on the west side of the property. Dan Licht said that staff does not see a City Council Meeting October 13, 2008. Page 2. problem with taking off the west section. CM Thorsted asked why the path is needed. Mr. Bezek said it is security and safety issues with the path going right thru the play area during recess. Mayor Stockamp thought that the Council should wait until spring for cheaper costs and Council agreed. Mike Robertson said that Ron will revise the estimate to reflect the shorter trail and bring it back to the Council and school in the spring. 5. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items). 5.1. Approve Claims List. 5.2. Approve Renal Pay Request #1 to Tree Top Service in the amount of $3,280.00 for 70Ph St tree removal. 5.3. Res. 08-63 rescheduling the Public Hearing for mowing fines/charges. 5.4. WH Electric off peak generator contract. CM Heidner motioned to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by CM Sdmrber. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Unfinished Business. 6.1. Request to assess SAC/WAC fees for Qgo Autocare. Mike Robertson went over request from Tom Brown to assess SAC/WAC fees for Otsego Autocare. Mr. Robertson said that council had done 5 to 7 year assessments for commercial properties in the past. CM Darkenwald asked at what percent. Gary Groen recommended 6%. CM Darkenwald motioned to approve a 7 year aa----ment at 6%. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 7. Public W 7.1. Consider HVAC Contract. Brad Belair went over the contract which included repair and maintenance for City Hall, Public Works and the sewage treatment facilities. He is recommending Northland Mechanical Contractors. CM Heidner nwtioned to approve four contracts in the amount of $2,182„ $2,278, $734 and $734. Seconded by CM Sdorber. All in favor. Motion carried. 8. Dan Udrt. City Planner. 8.1. Discussion of Commercial Ughtina Ordinance. Dan Ucht presented the planners report. CM Heidner asked about residential street lights. Ron Wagner said that the power company owns diem and does any maintenance or replacement. The commercial lights are the city's responsibility. Mayor Stoc tramp motioned to set a Public Hearing on November 24P6; 2008 at 6:30 PM to consider adoption of the proposed Street lighting Ordimmum . Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 8.2. Swimming Pool Ordinance 08-19. Dan Ucht presented the planners report. CM Heidner motioned adoption of Ordinance 08-19 amending the Otsego City Code related to swimming pools. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All In favor. Motion carried. City Council Meeting October 13, 2008. Page 3. CM Thorsted asked when the $50 fee is required. Dan said over a 30 inch depth pool. 8.3. Septic non-compliant at 1004195' St. Dan Licht updated the council. The property owner had requested 30 days. The 30 days is up and a letter will be sent out from the building department to replace the on-site septic system or connect to municipal sewer within 30 days or the dwelling will be posted as uninhabitable. 9. Ron Wagner. City Engineer. 9.1. Otsego Elementary Trail Agreement -MOVED 9.2. Pavina Treatment Plant Access. Ron presented the quote from Omann Brothers for paving. Ron said that they are looking at a November 21st completion date. CM Heidner motioned to approve Omann Brothers quote in the amount of $38,047.70. Seconded by CM Thorsted. CM Darkenwald asked what fund this will come out of. Council agreed it should come out of the sewer and water fund. All in favor. Motion carried. 10. Andrew MacArthur. City A orney. 10.1. Bonestroo/Gridor Reguest. Andy MacArthur and Mike Robertson went over the request from both Bonestroo Engineering and Gridor Construction. Andy said that he needs to see the security pledge and contract language to answer this question. Staff will bring this back in two weeks. PUBLIC HEARING: 10.2. Proposed assessment for unpaid devekwment fees and charges. Mike Robertson said that Landcor contacted him and said they were not aware of unpaid fees and are requesting council to delay assessment. He said that they have been sent bills and recommends that they still be assessed. Mayor Stodkamp opened the Public Hearing at 8:46 PM. Hearing no comments, Mayor Stodkamp dosed the Public Hearing 8:46 PM 10.3. Adgpt Resolution assessing unpaid Administrative Fines/Rental Charges. Council agreed to remove Outiot I fee and also the two $100 rental fees. CM Heidner motioned to approve Resolution 08-64 adopting assessment for unpaid administrative fines/rental housing violations at 6% interest. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 10.4. Adopt Resolution assessing unpaid Development Fees & Chargg5. CM Heldner motioned to approve Resolution 08-65 adopting a ----m nest for unpaid development fees and charges at 6% interest. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried. 11. Council Items. 11.1. Rtuest to assess SAC/WAC fees for Otsego Autocare-MOVED 11.2. Set Budget Workshop. Council set a workshop on the 2009 budget for November 17"' at 5:30 PM. 11.3. Scharber Invoice CM Heidrner motioned to approve the invoice in the amount of $9.10. Seconded by CM Darkenwakl. Motion carried. CM Scharber abstained. City Council Meeting October 13, 2008. Page 4. 11.4. Soccer Fields. Mayor Stockamp said that Steve Zoubek, of TRSA, is requesting the use of fields next to City Hall for the fall soccer program. CM Thorsted asked the size of the fields. Mayor Stockamp said 60 X 120. CM Darkenwald said his concern is that Public Works will have to maintain it and we should get reimbursed for that. Mike said that Brad Belair already had plans to purchase a traveling sprinkler and it could be used for this area. CM Scharber motioned for staff to draft an agreement with TRSA for Council and Park Commission to review. CM Darkenwald. All lin favor. Motion carried. 12. Mike Robertson, Cfy Administrator. 12.1. Emplg= r uest for leave of absence. CM Heidner motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 13. Judy Hudson, City Clerk. No items. 14. Adioum by 10 PM. CM Sc harber motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:22 PM. Mayor Jessica Stockamp ATTEST: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Admin. Written by: Tam! Loff, Deputy Clerk