07-25-22 City Council MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, JULY 25, 2022 7:00 PM OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Call to Order. Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Tom Darkenwald, Tina Goede, Brittany Moores, and Jeff Dahl. City Staff: Human Resources/Assistant City Administrator Sabrina Hille; City Attorney Dave Kendall; City Engineer Ron Wagner; City Planner Daniel Licht; and City Clerk Audra Etzel. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum: Mayor Stockamp opened the Open Forum at 7201 PM. No one from the public spoke. Mayor Stockamp closed the Open Forum at 7:01 PM. 2. Consider Agenda Approval. Human Resources/Assistant City Administrator Hille handed out supporting documents and is requesting to add agenda Item 4.1 Broadband Grant Letter of Support. CM Moores motioned to approve the agenda as amended adding 4.1 Broadband Grant Letter of Support, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. July 11, 2022 Meeting. B. July 15, 2022 Special Meeting, 3.3 Accept Resignation of Otsego Heritage Preservation Advisory Commission Member. 3.4 Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Quote Process — Left Hand Turn Signals. 3.5 Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Bid Process — Well #10. 3.6 Accept Quotes and Award the 2022 Trail Maintenance Project to Metro Paving, Inc. 3.7 Adopt Resolution 2022-64 Authorizing a Point Source Implementation Grant Application. 3.8 Approve Pay Estimate #11 for the Water Tower #4 Project. 3.9 Approve Pay Application #3 (Final) for the 2021 Street Renewal Project. 3.10 Approve Polling Place Agreements with Riverview Landing and ISD 728. CM Moores motioned to approve the consent agenda as written, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 4. City Council Reports and Updates: 4.1 Approve Letter of Support for the Charter Application for a Grant to Expand Broadband Services. Human Resources/Assistant City Administrator Hille said Wright County administration staff contacted City staff regarding a proposed Charter/Spectrum Communications project that would expand broadband service within central and west Otsego. The deadline to submit a letter of support is August 4th. Mayor Stockamp asked if this was for Wright County funds? Human Resources/Assistant City Administrator Hille said this grant is to apply for Charter/Spectrum for funds from DEED. CM Goede asked what the Page 1 of 2 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 27, 2022 amount was? Human Resources/Assistant City Administrator Hille is unaware at this time on the amount and noted St. Michael and Monticello are also reviewing at their upcoming meetings. CM Darkenwald asked if the grant was coming from City of Otsego? Human Resources/Assistant City Administrator Hille said Charter/Spectrum is applying for the grant from DEED and they are only asking for support from the City of Otsego to further support their application materials. CM Dahl motioned to approve a letter of support for the Charter application fora grant to expand broadband service within the City and authorize the Mayor to sign on the City Council's behalf, seconded by CM Moores. All in favor. Motion carried 5=0. 4.2 Commission Liaison Updates. A. Heritage Preservation Commission - Liaison CM Moores had no update. B. Parks and Recreation Commission - Liaison CM Moores said they reviewed Wayfinding signage and the Friends of Mississippi River are working with staff and the Commission to help preserve the natural land along the river. C. Planning Commission — Liaison CM Darkenwald had no update. D. Public Safety Commission — Liaison CM Goede had no update. 5. Staff Reports and Updates. Human Resources/Assistant City Administrator Hille said the Parks and Recreation Director job posting closed today at 5pm and 30 applications have been received, staff will begin the review process. City Clerk Etzel said starting August 2nd direct balloting and candidate filing for City offices will be available at City Hall. Absentee voting and direct balloting in person will be available Saturday, August 6th from 10am-3pm and continue until Monday August 8th. The Primary Election is Tuesday, August 911 from 7am-8pm at the four polling locations. City Engineer Wagner said Water Tower #4 has been painted, there is some electrical and SCADA items; overall the project is ahead of schedule and should be on line in a couple months to supply the west side. Walesch Estates project is getting a final lift this week and the project should be wrapping up soon. CM Darkenwald asked when Water Tower #4 would be on-line? City Engineer Wagner said the Water Tower #4 is about six months ahead of schedule and should be on line in 2022. Mayor Stockamp said the aprons on 87th on the east side of CSHA 42 have some poles sticking out of the gI ound and is concerned this is a safety hazard. City Engineer Wagner said those are for the poles for the pedestrian push the buttons; staff will look at placing a cone over the pipes until the push buttons are completed. 6. Adjournment. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn at 7:16 PM, seconded by CM Goede. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 91ca Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Audra Etzel, City Clerk Page 2 of 2