Item 3.1 - NorhartTPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 12 August 2021 RE: Otsego — Norhart (Richard Lefebvre property); PUD Concept Plan TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Norhart has submitted a PUD Concept Plan for a 254 unit multiple family building as the first phase of a mixed-use development located between TH 101 and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) north of 90th Street (CSAH 39). The subject site consists of three parcels having an area of 33.69 acres. PUD Concept Plan applications are processed in accordance with Section 11-36-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance to provide comment to the developer as to the acceptability of the land use. The City requires that PUD Concept Plan reviews include a public hearing before the Planning Commission so that surrounding property owners have an opportunity to be informed about the project and ask questions or provide comment. A public hearing to consider the PUD Concept Plan application has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 15 August 2022 at 7:OOPM. Exhibits: Site Location Map Multiple Family Housing Study site recommendations PUD Concept Plan (13 sheets) ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan establishes the following goals and policies related to development of housing in the community. Goals are defined as outcomes that will ultimately result in achieving the kinds of living, working, and recreational environment that is desired in Otsego and policies are courses of action that lead to achievement of stated goals. Together the goals and policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan serve as to inform and guide land use decision making related to housing. Goal: The City shall provide housing opportunities for persons of all ages and income levels that allow them the ability to maintain residence within Otsego throughout the various stages of their lives. Policies: ■ Maintain a balance in the availability of quality housing choices throughout the City based on benchmarks established by the City's Land Use Plan and Housing Plan; the City shall periodically define the type and amount of new housing that is to be built to maintain consistency with established benchmarks. ■ Recognize the need to develop of a variety of twin homes, townhouses, and multiple family dwellings to supplement conventional single family homes giving due consideration to local market demands and desired community character. ■ Guide areas for medium and high density residential land use so as not to be concentrated in any one area of the community or over such acreages at any one location as to create potential land use compatibility, transportation, utility or service delivery issues. Development of multiple family uses in Otsego is important from a housing and also economic development perspective. Multiple family uses provide housing opportunities for those persons just entering the work force that either do not desire, need, or have resources for a single family dwelling; for those in the labor force whose income levels do not allow for acquisition of a single family dwelling; and those empty nest or senior households transitioning away from single family dwellings due to preference, income, or reasons to do with physical limitations. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial land uses. In response to increasing demand and inquiries for multiple family housing development, the City initiated a Multiple Family Housing Study, which was approved by the City Council on 14 September 2020. The Multiple Family Housing Study recommends amending the Future Land Use Plan as part of the current Comprehensive Plan update to guide the subject site for mixed-use development including residential and commercial land uses. The PUD Concept Plan proposes construction of 254 multiple family dwelling units south of an extension of 941h Street east of Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and west of an extension of Quaday Avenue. The area east of the Quaday Avenue extension would remain planned for commercial land uses. The area north of the 94th Street and west of Quaday Avenue could be developed with either commercial, residential, or mixed residential/commercial land uses. Inclusion of multiple family dwellings as part of the overall development of the subject site is consistent with the recommendations of the Multiple Family Housing Study. 2 One element of the Multiple Family Housing Study that also must be considered relative to the PUD Concept Plan is the intent to limit the number of multiple family dwelling units within the City to not more than 10 percent of the total housing stock. There are three multiple family buildings within the City (not including Guardian Angels Riverview Landing) having a total of 429 dwelling units. There is also a development application in process for the first phase of a potential mixed use development located east of TH 101 at 90th Street (CSAH 39) that would include up to 400 multiple family dwelling units. City staff estimates that an additional 440 multiple family dwelling units can be developed within the 10 percent limit relative to the current number of total dwellings within the City. The Comprehensive Plan emphasizes that the Future Land Use Plan is intended to develop over time. The Multiple Family Housing Study recommended locations for High Density Residential and Mixed Use land uses within both the East Sewer District along the TH 101 corridor and the West Sewer District adjacent to 1-94. The Planning Commission should consider that all of the existing multiple family dwellings are located within the East Sewer District and if the current pattern of development for multiple family dwellings is appropriately balanced at locations within the City. Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan guides that A-1 District zoning is to be maintained for properties until such time as development plans consistent with the land uses guided by the Future Land Use Plan are approved. The Multiple Family Housing Study recommends amendment of the Zoning Ordinance to address the study recommendations related to mixed use development, development density, lot area requirements, and setbacks. It is expected that the Zoning Ordinance will be amended after completion of the current Comprehensive Plan update process to incorporate the Multiple Family Housing Study recommendations along with other changes necessary to implement the Comprehensive Plan. Until that process is complete, development of the subject site may be pursued as a PUD, Planned Unit Development District. Section 11-91-2 of the Zoning Ordinance makes any use allowed within the zoning districts established by the Zoning Ordinance as potentially allowed uses within a PUD District. Development standards required within a PUD District are to be based upon the most closely related conventional zoning district, but may be modified to address certain building or site design objectives provided that the result is consistent with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. Wild and Scenic District. The subject site is within Subdistrict B of the WSRR, Wild Scenic Recreational River District adopted as Chapter 92 of the Zoning Ordinance in accordance with Minnesota Rules. Development of the property as shown on the PUD Concept Plan must comply with the additional of the WSRR District subject to DNR review and City Council approval, including: Structures must be setback 75 feet from the Ordinary High Water Level and 30 feet from the bluff line. Impervious surfaces are limited to 25 percent except as allowed by Section 11-95-7.D.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. ■ Vegetative cutting within 100 feet of the OHWL and 20 feet of the bluff line is restricted to selective removal of trees larger than four inches in diameter at four feet above grade to maintain a continuous canopy Surrounding Uses. The subject site is between TH 101 and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 39). To the south is existing and future commercial development along Quaday Avenue that would continue into the subject site. To the west of Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) are established neighborhoods with single family dwellings on minimum one acre lots. The property to the north is a large rural parcel that includes a single family dwelling and accessory buildings surrounded by cultivated fields that is planned for future residential development. Direction Land Use Zoning Existing Use North Med-High Density Residential A-1 District Cultivated field Single family dwellings East -- -- Mississippi River TH 101 South Commercial C-3 District Lefebvre Carpet PUD District Undeveloped Farmstead Otsego Waterfront West Low Density Residential R-3 District Single family dwellings The Multiple Family Housing Study recommended mixed use development of the subject site between Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and Quaday Avenue to provide a more desirable land use transition than would occur if the property developed entirely with more intense commercial uses. In order to provide for the desired transition, the density of the development and bulk (floor area, height, massing) of the multiple family building are relevant factors that must be considered in reviewing the PUD Concept Plan. Density. Multiple family uses within the R-7, Residential High Density District are currently required to provide a minimum of 2,500 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit, with potential reductions of up to 500 square feet for buildings constructed adjacent to commercial areas and with underground parking. Floor Area Ratio (floor area/lot area) is limited to 70 percent. The 2020 Multiple Family Housing study recommended allowance development of apartments within mixed-use areas with a requirement of 2,000 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit, which is a density of 21 dwelling units per acre. The three existing apartment buildings within the City are developed at a density of 21 dwelling units per acre or less. 0 The lot for the multiple family building shown on the PUD Concept Plan is approximately five acres in area. The development density of the proposed 254 dwelling unis is 50 dwelling units per acre or 870 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit and the Floor Area Ratio is 1.08. The Planning Commission is asked to comment on the acceptability of the proposed density for the multiple family use generally and in relation to the existing and planned surrounding land uses. Setbacks. The setback requirements of the C-3, General Commercial District would be most applicable to the PUD Concept Plan based on the intended mixed use character east of Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42), as well as the limited developable area of the subject site between the rights-of-way for Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42), 941h Street, and Quaday Avenue and the electric transmission power line easement that crosses the subject site east/west between TH 101 and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42). Section 11-77-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance requires the principal building to be setback 30 feet from the public rights-of-way abutting the west, north, and east lot lines and 10 feet from the south lot line. The principal building location shown on the PUD Concept Plan complies with the setback requirements of the C-3 District. Streets. The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) estimates that mid -rise multiple family land uses generate 5.44 vehicle trips per day per dwelling unit compared to 9.54 trips per day for single family uses. Commercial development generates higher traffic volumes than residential uses. City staff and Wright County will require as part of a preliminary plat and PUD Development Stage Plan applications for the developer to prepare a traffic study to evaluate existing and future traffic volumes for Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and Quaday Avenue based on the proposed multiple family and planned commercial or mixed land uses guided for the subject site. The traffic study, which is subject to review by both the City and Wright County, will aid in evaluating the capacity of existing roadways accessing the subject site to accommodate traffic generated by the development or necessary improvements that must be completed to expand capacity and maintain functionality. The subject site abuts Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) on its west property line. The Wright County Long Range Transportation Plan designates Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) as a minor arterial roadway to provide connectivity between activity centers for medium -distance travel with limited access for local street intersections and no direct lot access. Wright County anticipates long-term traffic volume of up to 15,000 cars per day. Full access intersections to Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) will be limited to existing Park Avenue, 94th Street, and 96th Street. Development of the property will be required to dedicate 65 feet of right-of-way for the east half of Parrish Avenue and additional right-of-way for the east half of a future roundabout at 94th Street. A trail will be required to be constructed on the east side of Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) from its current terminus adjacent to the Otsego Waterfront plat to 94th Street. Dedication of right-of-way and improvements to Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) are to be subject to review by the City Engineer and approval of Wright County. Quaday Avenue terminates to the south of the subject site at the north line of the Otsego Waterfront Plat. It is necessary to disperse traffic within the area for Quaday Avenue to be 5 extended from its current terminus to the north line of the subject site and for 94th Street to be constructed between Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and Quaday Avenue. Quaday Avenue and 94th Street are local commercial streets with an 80 foot right-of-way, a divided two-lane street with turn lanes and sidewalks on both sides. This section will be the required design to be constructed by the developer for Quaday Avenue and 94th Street. There is an undeveloped parcel between the subject site and the existing terminus of Quaday Avenue, which will require that the developer acquire a right-of-way easement from that property owner in order to extend the street. Off -Street Parking. Section 11-21-8 of the Zoning Ordinance requires 2.0 off-street parking stalls per multiple family dwelling unit to accommodate both residents and guest parking, whereas the concept plan proposes a total of 400 parking stalls for the 254 dwelling units or 1.6 stalls per dwelling unit. The Zoning Ordinance requirement is based on an ITE Parking Generation Study for suburban multiple family land uses. The ITE Study provides additional information that the parking demand for multiple family uses can be less based on the number of bedrooms per apartment. Consideration could be given to the number of required parking stalls for the development based a more detailed analysis using ITE studies to ensure provision of adequate parking based on the functional demands of this specific development. The Multiple Family Housing Study recommends adoption of a requirement for one enclosed parking stall per dwelling unit based on land use efficiency and as a desirable amenity for multiple family housing in the City. The PUD Concept Plan provides 134 garage stalls below the building for the 254 dwelling units or 0.53 stalls per dwelling unit. The other three multiple family buildings in the City have each provided one garage stall per dwelling unit, although River's Edge uses a combination of attached and detached garages. We recommend that the number of garage stalls be increased to 1.0 per dwelling unit consistent with recommendations of the Multiple Family Housing Study. Building. The following considerations apply to the architecture of the prinicpal building, which has two five story sections connected by shared first floor common areas and amenities. ■ Exterior Finish. The submitted PUD Concept Plan indicates use of brick and EIFS exterior finish materials for the building. The requirements for multiple family buildings are specified by Section 11-17-4.C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. These standards include a requirement for 50 percent of the exterior finish of the building to be brick or stone finish. The intent of allowing mixed use development is to provide opportunity for commercial areas with integrated housing. To this end, the City required the exterior finish of The Village apartments within the Great River Centre plat to comply with the requirements for commercial buildings specified by Section 11-17-4.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance, which require a minimum of 65 percent brick or stone materials. The percentages of the materials comprising the exterior finish of the building will need to be specified with application for PUD Development Stage Plan approvals. 0 ■ Height. Multiple family buildings within the R-7 District are allowed to be up to three stories or 35 feet in height. The building is a five -story structure that is 58 feet in height to the roof line of the flat roof. For comparison, the hotel building to the south is a four- story building that is 63 feet in height to the peak of the pitched roof. The Village and Parkview Grand apartment buildings are three-story buildings built above partially below grade garages measuring 41 and 48 feet in height, respectively. The River's Edge apartment is a four-story building measuring 51 feet in height. The height of the building is appropriate for a commercial area. However, the Planning Commission should comment on the location of the development as a transition between the commercial uses adjacent to TH 101 and one -acre single family neighborhood to the west in evaluating the proposed height of the building. ■ Floor Area. Section 11-17-6 of the Zoning Ordinance requires the following minimum floor area for each multiple family dwelling unit to ensure an adequate living area. The submitted PUD Concept Plan does not detail floor area per unit, which will need to comply with the following requirements: Multiple Family Dwelling Unit Minimum Floor Area Requirements # of Bedrooms Min. Floor Area Efficiency 500sf. 1 Bedroom 700sf. Each bedroom more than 1 +80sf. Studio Apartments. Section 11-17-7 of the Zoning Ordinance limits studio apartments to 10 percent of the total number of dwelling units, but senior housing may have up to 30 percent studio apartments within the dwelling unit mix. The PUD Concept Plan proposes 52 studio apartments or 20 percent of the 254 dwelling units. In our experience, a limitation of 10 percent efficiency units is restrictive and that 20 percent studio apartments of the 254 dwelling units within the building is consistent within current construction practices. Park Dedication. The City has established requirements for land to be dedicated to the City for public park purposes within Section 10-8-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The area required to be dedicated to the City ranges from 12 percent to 20 percent of the net buildable area of the property depending on land use and development density. The City may also elect to receive a cash fee in lieu of land dedication or a combination of land and cash fees to satisfy park dedication requirements. The subject site abuts the Mississippi River at its northeast corner, which is just west of the TH 101 bridge. The City will likely want to acquire land along the Mississippi River and a connection to Quaday Avenue as part of the subdivision of the property. The land to be acquired by the City would need to be defined by the City as part of the preliminary plat application. 7 Utilities. The subject site is within the East Sewer District established by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. City sewer and water facilities are stubbed at the terminus of Quaday Avenue at the north line of the Otsego Waterfront plat for extension north to serve upstream properties. The developer will be required to extend the sewer and water utilities at their cost with credits for the construction cost of any extra depth or pipe oversizing required to be able to serve areas north of the subject site. The developer is required to pay Utility Availability Charges for any platted lots at the time of final plat approval calculated on an area basis and Utility Connection Charges at the time of building permit issuance for the estimated usage of the development. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading. The subject site is within the North Mississippi Watershed District that has regional facilities for stormwater management. A Stormwater Impact Fee is required to be paid at the time of final plat approval for any platted lots and rights-of-way. The developer is also required to provide additional on-site infiltration as required by Minnesota Pollution Control Agency rules established after the North Mississippi regional stormwater facilities were developed. All grading, drainage, and stormwater management issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. RECOMMENDATION The PUD Concept Plan for development of a multiple family building within the Richard Lefebvre property planned for Mixed Use provides an opportunity for the Planning Commission to provide the developer a feedback as to the proposed land use and elements of the building and site design. The basis of the Planning Commission's evaluation is to be the Comprehensive Plan, the recommendations of the Multiple Family Housing Study approved by the City Council, and the intent of the performance standards established by the Zoning Ordinance. The comments provided by the Planning Commission in review of the PUD Concept Plan is intended to advise the developer as to whether the City has sufficient interest in the development to warrant the investment in time and expenses necessary to submit PUD Development Stage Plan and subdivision applications. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend support for the PUD Concept Plan for Norhart (Richard Lefebvre property) subject to the following comments: The development shall require the following applications to be processed in accordance with the provisions of the City Code: a. Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to PUD District. b. PUD Development Stage Plan. C. Preliminary plat. d. Final plat. 2. Development of the subject site shall comply with the provisions of the WSRR District. 3. The density of development for the multiple family land use shall not exceed one dwelling unit per 2,000 square feet unless approved by the City Council as a PUD Development Stage Plan. 4. The principal building shall comply with the setback requirements of Section 11- 77-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance 5. The developer shall submit a traffic study evaluating the capacity of Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and City streets to accommodate traffic generated by the development of the PUD Development Stage Plan and preliminary plat, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and Wright County. 6. Right-of-way dedication and required improvements for Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) shall be subject to review by the City Engineer and approval of Wright County. The developer shall acquire at their cost right-of-way easement for extension of Quaday Avenue from the Otsego Waterfront plat to the subject site, subject to review and approval of City staff. 8. Right-of-way dedication, section design, and construction plans for Quaday Avenue and 94th Street shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. The PUD Development Stage Plan shall provide 2.0 off-street parking stalls per dwelling unit, including 1.0 attached garage parking stall per dwelling unit, unless a reduction in required parking is approved by the City Council as a PUD Development Stage Plan. 10. The exterior finish requirements for principal buildings shall be determined by the PUD Development Stage Plan based upon the provisions of Section 11-17- 4.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 11. The maximum height for the principal building shall not exceed three stories unless approved by the City Council as a PUD Development Stage Plan. 12. The floor area of individual dwelling units shall comply with the provisions of Section 11-17-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. 13. The number of studio apartments shall not exceed 20 percent of the total number of dwelling units. 0 14. The preliminary plat shall provide for dedication of land abutting the Mississippi River as determined by the City in accordance with the provisions Section 10-8- 15 of the Subdivision Ordinance. 15. All utility issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 16. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. B. Motion to not support the concept plan based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and recommendations of the Multiple Family Housing Study. C. Motion to table. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorneyp 10 Site Location Map Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL a-- MUNICL --, PRIVATECL ® TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits c of U Parcels Future Land Use Plan - Site #8 Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy US Hwy City/township Limits nc F] t lel Parcels L NWI(DNR) OTSEGO PARRISH AVE NE, OSTEGO, MN PROJECT TEAM Civil Enqineer: Owner: Stantech Norhart 7500 Olson Memorial HWY 1081 4th St. SW, #400 Suite 300 Golden Valley, MN 55427. Forest Lake, MN. 55025 T:762-252-6800 T: 651.353.0914 F: 952-831-1268 Contact: Mike Kaeding Contact: Patrick Sveum Construction Manager: Architect: Norhart Norhart Architecture 1081 4th St. SW, #400 1081 4th St. SW, #400 Forest Lake, MN. 55025 Forest Lake, MN. 55025 T: 651.529.7481 T: 248.497.9641 Contact: Marie Dickover Contact: Michael Salt, AIA PRE -SITE PLAN APPROVAL a LOCATION MAP rnorhart 290 9TH AVE SW Suite #311 Forest Lake, MN., 55025 (651)464-5908 No. Oe dpWn Dale Rml PRELItt REVEYI 012&AZ2 OTSEGO OTSEGO PARRISH AVE NE, OSTEGO, MN Rjw wK, 2022-04 COVER SHEET G000 coft o �r=RENDERING VIEW 01 ra norhart 290 9TH AVE SW Suite #311 Forest Lake, MN., 55025 (651)464-5908 Location Plan Schematic Section A 2 3 4 A B C B � C KKEEY PLAN T�D v¢ ne+ei SHEET ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLY PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION oeunWon mfa Rx ent1 PRECIIYPEY�YI OId63022 Rgect Name: OTSEGO Rae.t Adfress'. 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REQ'D 500 SF 1 BEDROOM UNITS: MIN. REQ'D 700 SF 2-423 t2' J„ Z-0' VARIANCE 1I' NEEDED 5 9F17NITS NITS .,UNITS 2 BEDROOM UNITS: MIN. REQ'D 780 SF $ _ 9 1010 NITS UNITS 3 BEDROOM UNITS: MIN. REQ'D 860 SF �> UNIT TYPES G305 tlis=l'-0' 11 UNIT TYPES OVERALL UNIT COUNTS FOURTH FLOOR FIFTH FLOOR TOTAL UNITS: 254 FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR THIRD FLOOR CENTER TOTAL UNITS: 54 BUILDINGI BUILDING TOTAL UNITS: 46 BUILDING BUILDING TOTAL UNITS: 46 BUILDING BUILDING CENTER TOTAL UNITS: 54 STUDIOS:6 STUDIOS:4 STUDIOS: 10 STUDIOS:6 STUDIOS:4 STUDIOS: 10 STUDIOS:6 STUDIOS:4 STUDIOSA STUDIOS: 11 1023:7 1023:8 1023: 15 1823:7 1823:8 1B23: 15 1823:7 1823:8 STUDIOS 15C:2 STUDIO ISC:2 IB 25:2 IB 25:2 1B 25:4 1925:2 1B 25:2 IB 25:4 16 25: 2 IS 25:2 1B 11 C: 2 1B 23: 15 2832:4 28 32: 6 2B 32: 10 28324 2832:6 2032:10 2032:4 2832:6 2B 28:1 1811 C:2 2034:2 2834:1 2834:3 2B 34:2 2834:1 2B 34:3 2034:2 2834:1 2B 28 C:2 IB25:4 3B 39:2 3B 31A:2 3B 39:2 3B 39:2 3B 31N.2 3B 39:2 3B 39:2 3B 31A.'2 2B 32: 10 3B 31A: 2 20 28: 1 2B 28 C: 6 3B 31A: 2 2B28:1 2B 28 C: 2 28 34:15 2B 28 C: 2 2B 34: 3 28 34:3 3B 39: 10 3B 39: 2 3B 31A: 2 FOURTH FLOOR FIFTH FLOOR TOTAL UNITS: 254 TOTAL UNITS: 254 BUILDING 1 BUILDING 2 CENTER TOTAL UNITS: 54 BUILDING 1 BUILDING 2 CENTER TOTAL UNITS: 54 STUDIOS: 53 STUDIOS: 59 STUDIOS:6 STUDIOS:4 STUDIOSA STUDIOS: 11 STUDIOS:6 STUDIOS:4 STUDIOSA STUDIOS: 11 STUDIO 150:6 I BEDROOMS: 101 11323: 7 IB23: 8 STUDIOS 15C:2 STUDIO 15C:2 1B 23: 7 IS 23: 8 STUDIOS 150:2 STUDIO 1SC:2 1623:75 2BEDROOMS: 74 1B 25:2 1825:2 1B 11 C:2 1823: 15 IB25:2 1825:2 1811 C:2 11323:15 1811c: 6 3 BEDROOMS: 20 2B 32: 4 2B 32: 6 2828:1 16 11 C: 2 2B 32:4 2B 32: 6 2B 28: 1 1B 11 C: 2 1825:20 2834:2 2834:1 2B 28 C:2 1025:4 2B34:2 2034:1 2B28C:2 1825:4 283250 3B 39:2 36310.2 2832:10 3B 39:2 3B 310.:2 2B 32: 10 2B28.'3 28 28: 1 20 28: 1 2B 28 C: 6 2B 28 C: 2 2B 28 C: 2 28 34:15 2B 34: 3 28 34:3 3B 39: 10 3039:2 3B39:2 3B 31A 10 3B 31A: 2 3B 31A.' 2 norhart 290 9TH AVE SW Suite #311 Forest Lake, MN., 55025 (651) 464-5906 Location Plan Schematic Section SHEET ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLY PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION R -i PREpiY REt'&W 01-26.1043 ReIM Name' OTSEGO RgMR6Yezz: PARRISH AVE NE, OSTEGO, MN Ro7tttlNnCer: 2022-04 —1— UNIT MIX & BUILDING LEGEND sneer N,rt4n G205 LM L9` � olk CP -0112 CAMERA P05mONO2' CP�11 1 CAMERA POSITION 01 I �+ IFlRST FLOOR - CAMERA POSITION AS103 1'=6077' norhart 290 9TH AVE SW Suite #311 Forest Lake, MN., 55025 (651)464-5908 Location Plan Schematic Section SHEET ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLY PRELIMINARY NOT FOR cONST rnON Nos Rs ptl- Dale R..1 FRELNYREYFW oTis:=- RyM Itame: OTSEGO RgMAtl4ess: PARRISH AVE NE, OSTEGO, MN Ro➢M NurM: 2022-04 Sneel Name: SITE RESIDENTIAL VIEWS 61iM NKK AS -103 SECOND FLOOR PLAN BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN'S norhart 290 9TH AVE SW Suite #311 Forest Lake, MN., 55025 (651)464-5908 Location Plan SHEET ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLY PRELIMINARY NOT FORCONSTIII ION N. m pme we R-1 RRecmRev�v o�-z�son Roj.M N.me: OTSEGO Ryect M4ess: PARRISH AVE NE, OSTEGO, MN Ryect NVMtt: 2022-04 SMel Nvre'. SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANS - FLOORS G-2 s� SK100 ROOF PLAN FIFTH FLOOR PLAN FOURTH FLOOR PLAN THIRD FLOOR PLAN 1 ALL FLOORS -MASTER GRAPHIC COORDINATION 3-5 sxtot ata•= tu• norhart 290 9TH AVE SW Suite #311 Forest Lake, MN., 55025 (651) 464-5908 Location Plan SHEET ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLY PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION N. oa dpn wie R-1 PRELIfYFEYkW 0)%AYt Pajeal Nviw OTSEGO PARRISH AVE NE, OSTEGO, MN 2022-04 SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANS FLOORS 3-5 S K101 TOP OF ROOF Location Plan Schematic Section - ROOF LEV "L F,JFTH_FLOOR I� TOWER n 169'--V ROOFLEVE_L _ _ _ RCOFLEVEL 157' - 6' _ _ _ _ 1STST-6' W OOR I� FIFTH FLTT 146'—D' -V _ _ IFTH _FOURTH FLOOR _ 134'-6" — _Er I 1 I II THIRD FLOO. R j _ I' I FOURTH FLOOR' _ n 123'' 1 �1 FLOOR I� �- _SECOND 111'6' 1 - �:Fl THIRD FLOOR 'rjI IrII U SIeel Name: . EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS- ShelNuroe�. A201. ...:... 10 MAIN ENTRANCE ELEVATION Location Plan Schematic Section - ROOF LEV "L F,JFTH_FLOOR I� A2J1 1116=,'-0' _ _ _ RCOFLEVEL I _ _ _ _ 1STST-6' W _ IFTH 146 I�ILJ��IL 11 F1 F1 j _ I' I FOURTH FLOOR' I _ THIRD FLOOR A\. THIRD FLOOR Rapcl Name: OTSEGO PARRISH AVE NE, . OSTEGO, MN....... _ 123'-0" SIeel Name: . EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS- ShelNuroe�. A201. ...:... n SECONDFLOORF1 _ _ 123'-r. 11 FIRST FLOO R _ 10 _ ROOF LEVEL 157'7' _ RFTH FL_ 011 146'-0" v _FOURTNFLOOR _ THIRD FLO�OR� 123'-0 v _SECONOFL 111'1'-OO6R n ' FIRST FLOOR 100'_0"- __` o ' BUILDING 2 END WALL ELEVATION f'- 1 II, D COURT YARD POOL BACK WALL ELEVATION N]Of v16=1 ------------- Al DII�IrL�:.11l 1111 a IIIY.I_ 11 � (.,I!I' I I IUI1Ul1 li U NtN .. f I I� U I- ■ ®i II1 Ii`I,i I Il®:: y�1�; .�e . �I. SECOND FLOOR-� 111'-6' v- — - FIR STFLOOR _ 100' vCOURTYARD ELEVATOIN • TOP OF ROOF TOW Tr 1 IIII Rt l■I ..._....... . 1 itM1Iii �� II II In$���� I� II eu.•I I Il�q���f 11 Ii I I;i��I II III IdI 1®U I,1 �■ _. _ ! j■ll; _ _. 111 . imp 111I•Cdl,�°_� i%®n l, LI- 111it1!I�I�� 1 ��� III I I�L' I 1 ■ _a 1118' 1'UI' 11U1 I l■1 _ ■I a ll��l�_, _ I I j►l II �® �� II II 11 �il;.�� �;� _ Ii Ii II I I 1 �C � _. n,_ �!._ II II �I�'ll III! 1; UI I� IU I_ II �� 11 ®� u II 11 �il��•�. ��_ �I I(III MCI! Ilj� I I1 Lim 1311111.11 I e ' OVERALL NORTH BUILDING ELEVATION nzm v1a=ra• F4] OVERALL SOUTH BUILDING ELEVATION r ~ aro+ ma=ra TOP OF ROOF Q TOWER � 169 -(r �1 norhart 290 9TH AVE SW Suite #311 Forest Lake, MN., 55025 - (651)464-5908 Location Plan Schematic Section - ROOF LEV "L F,JFTH_FLOOR I� SHEET ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLY I No. oeacnpbn .. p.h.. Rer., PAELITYREYEIY 01-1&1DY2 FOURTHFL_ t1 134'-�1 I 1.1.71D1 A-- THIRD FLOOR Rapcl Name: OTSEGO PARRISH AVE NE, . OSTEGO, MN....... RMec1 NlaNe,: 2022-04 SIeel Name: . EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS- ShelNuroe�. A201. ...:... _ _ 123'-r. SECONDFL1'OOR FIRSTFLOOR -0' S COU RT YARD SIDE WALL ELEVATION TOP OF ROOF 0 _ _ _ ____ _ _ _—___— ----- TOWER n 169'-0' V i ROOFLEVEL ll1CT7 I ROOFLEVEL�� V — 1ST -G i 6 FIFTHFLO I I I� I I I I I III ii FI FTH FLOOR/1 DOR ' 146'146'-0' �1 it III I ( I FOURTH FLOOR 134' SII I Ili I FOURTH FLOOR t3•P-. R V THIRDU 16 FLOOR n _ 123'3'_0' 1 _ _ II 1 _ _THIRDFL "R 123'-9 SECOND FLOOR t1 _ _ _ _ _ _ SECOND "OOR I� — V _...1 111'--6•-V _ _ - _ __ _ - __ _ FIRSTFLOOR 100' — _ 1 FIRSTFLOOR [l _ 100'-0' f 4 1 COURT YARD POOL SIDE ENTRANCE /.m1 1116=,'d ROOF LEVEL r -i _ _ _ _ _ ROOFLEVEL & 1ST -6_ FIFTH FLOOR - _ „ _FIFTH FLOOR 146'_ I T '! ' 146'-� !- FOURTH FLOOR 134'-6' 0- — - I I;-- I _ I I 1 _ - -i FOURTH FLOOR 134' THIRD FLOOR 123'_ - ! _ L(. _ -. , I�j��I� 1 ( _ -1 I. _ I� ._ , r _THIRD FLOO —C, 123'-0' V SECOND FLOOR-� 111'-6' v- — - FIR STFLOOR _ 100' vCOURTYARD ELEVATOIN • TOP OF ROOF TOW Tr 1 IIII Rt l■I ..._....... . 1 itM1Iii �� II II In$���� I� II eu.•I I Il�q���f 11 Ii I I;i��I II III IdI 1®U I,1 �■ _. _ ! j■ll; _ _. 111 . imp 111I•Cdl,�°_� i%®n l, LI- 111it1!I�I�� 1 ��� III I I�L' I 1 ■ _a 1118' 1'UI' 11U1 I l■1 _ ■I a ll��l�_, _ I I j►l II �® �� II II 11 �il;.�� �;� _ Ii Ii II I I 1 �C � _. n,_ �!._ II II �I�'ll III! 1; UI I� IU I_ II �� 11 ®� u II 11 �il��•�. ��_ �I I(III MCI! Ilj� I I1 Lim 1311111.11 I e ' OVERALL NORTH BUILDING ELEVATION nzm v1a=ra• F4] OVERALL SOUTH BUILDING ELEVATION r ~ aro+ ma=ra TOP OF ROOF Q TOWER � 169 -(r �1 norhart 290 9TH AVE SW Suite #311 Forest Lake, MN., 55025 - (651)464-5908 Location Plan Schematic Section - SHEET ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLY PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION No. oeacnpbn .. p.h.. Rer., PAELITYREYEIY 01-1&1DY2 Rapcl Name: OTSEGO PARRISH AVE NE, . OSTEGO, MN....... RMec1 NlaNe,: 2022-04 SIeel Name: . EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATIONS- ShelNuroe�. A201. ...:...