Item 3.3 - Clay Montgomery PropertiesTPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: REPORT DATE RE: TPC FILE: BACKGROUND 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com Otsego Planning Commission D. Daniel Licht, AICP 11 August 2022 ITEM 3_3 Otsego — Clayton Montgomery Properties; Sketch Plan 101.02 Clay Montgomery Properties LLC owns a 37.25 acre parcel located west of Labeaux Avenue (CSAH 19) and south of 80th Street at 77th Street. The property owner is seeking feedback as to potential development with an industrial use consisting of multiple principal buildings each having individual storage spaces owned or leased by separate businesses or individuals. The property owner cites the facility developed by Park Place Storage in Corcoran as representative. Information regarding this facility is available at www.parl<placestorage.net Review of a sketch plan does not convey land use entitlements and is non-binding upon the City. If the property owner elects to proceed with the project, they will need to submit application for additional zoning and subdivision approvals. These applications also include a requirement for a public hearing, so there is additional opportunity for public input regarding the development proposal. A public hearing to consider the proposed land use has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 15 August 2022 at 7:0013M. Exhibits: ■ Site Location Map ■ Park Place Storage aerial (Corcoran) ■ CSAH 19 Area Transportation Concept ■ Future Land Use Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for Commercial land uses to provide for establishment of retail, service, and office businesses to serve local and regional markets. The proposed storage use would potentially accommodate storage needs for small contractor businesses, personal storage, or personal recreational spaces. The proposed storage use is industrial in character that is more similar to self -storage than manufacturing, warehouse/distribution, or manufacturing and would require amendment of the Comprehensive Plan to guide the subject site for industrial uses. In terms of the City's economic development goals, the proposed use would provide for expansion of tax base, but not necessarily job creation. Consideration is to be given to the following policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan with respect to support for a change in the guided land use of the subject site to accommodate the storage use: ■ Expand Otsego's tax base through economic development promotion of commercial and industrial opportunities within the City to assist in paying for needed services and reduce tax impacts. (p. 18) ■ Encourage commercial and industrial development to create new job opportunities within Otsego. (p. 18) ■ Amend established, geographic land use designations and related zoning classifications only when it can be demonstrated by those making the request that the modifications are in the best long-term interest of the community and consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. (p. 19) ■ Justification to amend the Comprehensive Plan (or Zoning Ordinance) to allow uses or activities not guided for or allowed shall be consistent with long-term community goals and not solely short-term market demand or potential. (p. 20) ■ Analyze all development proposals on an individual basis from a physical, economic and social standpoint within the context of the entire community to determine appropriate uses. (p. 20) ■ Define commercial land areas adequate to meet expected long range development needs on the land use plan and a phasing program for utilization. (p. 25) ■ Limit industrial uses to areas designated for these activities by the land use plan. Such areas shall be in locations with high accessibility with Trunk Highway 101, Interstate 94, and the 70th Street corridor being promoted as the primary focus for industrial uses. (p. 26) 2 Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District in accordance with the Interim Land Use policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. A-1 District zoning is to be maintained until such time as a development plan consistent with the land uses guided by the Comprehensive Plan is presented and there is adequate infrastructure in place to serve the proposed development. The proposed development would require a rezoning of the subject site to 1-1, Limited Industrial District. The 1-1 District would allow for the proposed use as a conditional use. A conditional use permit would also be required to allow multiple principal buildings on one lot. Surrounding Uses. The subject site is guided for commercial land uses abutting the west side of Labeaux Avenue. The properties to the south to 70th Street and to the north to 80th Street are also guided for commercial uses. North of 80th Street, the Future Land Use Plan transitions to Office land uses that would be anticipated to consist of office, manufacturing, and assembly type uses. West of the subject site is guided for industrial land uses extending to Kadler Avenue. If the Future Land Use Plan is amended to guide the subject site for industrial uses, we recommend that consideration be given to changing the entire area from the subject site north to 80th Street to industrial land uses for compatibility. Transportation. Labeaux Avenue (CSAH 19) is designated as a minor arterial roadway by the Wright County Transportation Plan and Otsego Transportation Plan. The primary function of minor arterial roadways is to carry regional traffic between destinations. To accomplish this, no direct lot access to Labeaux Avenue (CSAH 19) is not allowed and street intersections are to meet established spacing requirements. City staff and Wright County Highway Department Staff have discussed a plan for the functional classification of streets within the CSAH 19 corridor. The subject site is located at 77th Street, which would be a planned full -intersection with CSAH 19 ultimately with a roundabout. The area transportation concept guides that 77th Street is to be extended west to Kadler Avenue as a commercial/industrial collector street. The area transportation plan outlines that a backage street parallel to Labeaux Avenue (CSAH 19) is to be constructed to provide access to the development of the properties west of CSAH 19 between 73rd Street (a full -intersection) and 77th Street. The area transportation concept anticipates that the existing Labeaux Avenue (CSAH 19) and 80th Street intersection will be restricted to right-in/right-out or three-quarter turning movements in the future. The CSAH 19 area transportation concept is to be adopted as part of the current City Comprehensive Plan update. Development of the subject site must provide for dedication of right-of-way and construction of Labeaux Avenue (CSAH 19), 771h Street, and the planned backage street as illustrated on the City/Wright County area transportation concept. The exact alignment of these streets would need to be further evaluated and defined as part of a development application review process. 3 Utilities. The subject site is within the West Sewer District established by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. Sewer and water utilities would need to be extended to the subject site from the east side of Labeaux Avenue (CSAH 19) at 77th Street. The City is in the process of expanding the capacity of the West Wastewater Treatment Facility (W-WTF) that provides sewer treatment to development within the West Sewer District. Until the expansion of the W- WTF is substantially complete no sooner than fall 2024, capacity for additional residential, commercial, and industrial development may be limited. Park Dedication. The Park System Master Plan does not identify acquisition of land from the subject site for public park purposes. Section 10-8-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance does not require payment of a cash fee in lieu of land dedication for subdivisions within the industrial zoning districts. RECOMMENDATION The development of the subject site with the proposed storage use would involve a change in the planned land uses in the area along the CSAH 19 corridor that address certain economic development goals of the City, while not fulfilling others. The proposed development would provide for extension of transportation and utility infrastructure opening additional land to the west for potential industrial development. If the Planning Commission favors the proposed development, City staff recommends support for the proposed development either to be addressed further through the Comprehensive Plan update process or considered as part of zoning and subdivision applications required for development initiated by the property owner. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend support for the proposed Clayton Montgomery Properties LLC sketch plan. B. Motion to not support the concept plan based on the request being inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and not compatible with the surrounding area. C. Motion to table. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney 4 Site Location Map Overview Legend Roads CSAHCL — CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑ c ❑ t Parcels Torrens Aerial Map f L Crophlaxx Map Center: 45` 4' 15.42. -93` 38' 16.9 nuc ;cmd eww (�wnld!"y enc. 31 -119N -23W SGb,Ifif,1 QfOM1COIIL Hennepin County MV9 FlfoHdL•fI fly E.wm,,,vP,suret Minnesota �) nl,l l()AIA, LIc :1171 15 N -,v A%IIII /,II�I'�. Lulrl •a r •1 4)2022 riData. U:61.' Oft 271 ft 541 ft N W F. S 6/24/2022 Overview 1ir ri Y -'1T ✓✓;; II —8 §jTjNE-,- } Legend Full Intersection (RAB), ti Roads silip.-� — CSAHCL Ao ` a^ �. 'l ��� CTYCL MUNICL PRIVATECL It 3/4lntersection ��' �` Z. TWPCL "80Th 3; NE �i= ' �, Highways Interstate #~" Citi_—State Hwy f '�. ' E� !: _. _ �-► �M� a ' 8�_o H S r'NE di — US Hwy { Full Intersection (RAB) - 1 Cit /Townshi Limits c i 77TH 5 N. 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