Item 1 - Comp Plan Update 2022TPC The Planning Company MEMORANDUM 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht DATE: 2 September 2022 RE: Otsego —Comprehensive Plan 2022 TPC FILE: 101.01 As part of the Comp Plan 22 update process, the City utilized an the on-line survey and mapping tool to garner public input into topics to be addressed. There were 123 responses to the survey questions and 79 comments indicated on the mapping tool. The Planning Commission will review and discuss the on- line responses a special meeting on 6 September 2022. No analysis of the information is provided at this time so as to allow the Planning Commission to outline their own thoughts regarding the survey and map comments. The survey responses have been edited only to the extent to organize responses to Questions 4, 5, and 6 that required a detailed individual response. We added location information to relevant responses to the mapping comments where needed for clarity. The Planning Commission may also want to review the on-line map prior to the work session, although the meeting discussion will include review both the map and comments. The Planning Commission discussion will be incorporated as part of an issues summary within the Comprehensive Plan document. City staff will finalize the draft Comprehensive Plan based on this information with Planning Commission review in October, to be followed by an update for the City Council in advance of a process to adopt the document by the end of 2022. Exhibits: ■ On -Line Survey ■ Mapped Comments Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Survey 1. Is the Vision Statement described below still relevant today in describing the community's aspirations for the future? Choice Strongly Agree Agree Neural Disagree Strongly Disagree Answered Skipped {questionl} is the Vision Statement described below still relevant today in describing the community's aspirations for the future? ® Strongly Agree Agree Neural t i Disagree ® Strongly Disagree The City has adopted a Strategic Plan that establishes Vision Statements to look out into the foreseeable future and imagines what is possible. One of these Vision Statements is: "Otsego is a social community with diverse housing, service options, and employment opportunities." Responses 14 11.8% 47 39.5% 33 27.7% 20 16.8% 5 4.2% 119 4 Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Survey 2. Below are listed several types of housing. Senior housing Affordable housing Rental housing Apartments Townhomes Single family homes Senior housing Affordable housing Rental housing Apartments Townhomes Single family homes Senior housing Affordable housing Rental housing Apartments Townhomes Single family homes High Need Low Need Not Needed 15 High Need Medium Need Single family homes 41 34.2% 41 34.2% Townhomes 14 11.7% 41 34.2% Apartments 7 5.8% 20 16.7% Rental housing 8 6.7% 26 21.7% Affordable housing 27 22.5% 27 22.5% Senior housing 17 14.2% 58 48.3% Answered 120 Skipped 3 Senior housing Affordable housing Rental housing Apartments Townhomes Single family homes Senior housing Affordable housing Rental housing Apartments Townhomes Single family homes Senior housing Affordable housing Rental housing Apartments Townhomes Single family homes High Need Low Need Not Needed 15 12.5% 21 17.5% 32 26.7% 31 25.8% 36 30.0% 54 45.0% 37 30.8% 47 39.2% 25 20.8% 39 32.5% 33 27.5% 11 9.2% ® Single family homes Townhomes Apartments ■ Rental housing ■ Affordable housing 0 10 20 30 40 50 ■ Senior housing Medium Need ■ Single family homes Townhomes Apartments ■ Rental housing ■ Affordable housing 0 20 40 60 80 ■ Senior housing J Low Need ■ Single family homes ■ Townhomes Apartments n Rental housing ■ Affordable housing 0 10 20 30 40 Page 1 Senior housing Affordable housing Rental housing Apartments Townhomes Single family homes Not Needed 10 20 30 40 50 60 Page 2 ■ Single family homes ■Townhomes Apartments ■ Rental housing ■ Affordable housing Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Survey 3. Below are listed several types of businesses. Warehousing Manufacturing Medical Offices Sit Down Restaurants Fast Food Services Retail Stores Warehousing Manufacturing Medical Offices Sit Down Restaurants Fast Food Services Retail Stores High Need 0 20 40 60 Medium Need ■ Retail Stores Services Fast Food t I Sit Down Restaurants e Offices ■ Medical ■ Manufacturing 80 ■ Warehousing i 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Page 1 ■ Retail Stores Services Fast Food ■ Sit Down Restaurants ■ Offices ■ Medical ■ Manufacturing ■ Warehousing High Need Medium Need Low Need Not Needed Retail Stores 50 41.0% 42 34.4% 20 16.4% 8 6.6% Services 46 37.7% 51 41.8% 18 14.8% 5 4.1% Fast Food 54 44.3% 29 23.8% 29 23.8% 10 8.2% Sit Down Restaurants 70 57.4% 41 33.6% 8 6.6% 3 2.5% Offices 14 11.5% 40 32.8% 54 44.3% 13 10.7% Medical 42 34.4% 56 45.9% 17 13.9% 7 5.7% Manufacturing 12 9.8% 48 39.3% 37 30.3% 24 19.7% Warehousing 8 6.6% 34 27.9% 47 38.5% 31 25.4% Answered 122 Skipped 1 Warehousing Manufacturing Medical Offices Sit Down Restaurants Fast Food Services Retail Stores Warehousing Manufacturing Medical Offices Sit Down Restaurants Fast Food Services Retail Stores High Need 0 20 40 60 Medium Need ■ Retail Stores Services Fast Food t I Sit Down Restaurants e Offices ■ Medical ■ Manufacturing 80 ■ Warehousing i 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Page 1 ■ Retail Stores Services Fast Food ■ Sit Down Restaurants ■ Offices ■ Medical ■ Manufacturing ■ Warehousing Warehousing Manufacturing Medical Offices Sit Down Restaurants Fast Food Services Retail Stores Warehousing Manufacturing Medical Offices Sit Down Restaurants Fast Food Services Retail Stores Low Need 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Not Needed 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Page 2 ® Retail Stores Services Fast Food ■ Sit Down Restaurants ■ Offices ■ Medical ■ Manufacturing ■ Warehousing ■ Retail Stores Services Fast Food Ii Sit Down Restaurants o Offices ■ Medical ■ Manufacturing ■ Warehousing Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Survey 4. What changes for future development should be considered? Response Growth Management need to focus on increasing commercial tax base to alleviate the burden on the individuals. please. 1. Continued support for low to medium density single family homes. 2. Attract businesses (office, service, mfg, etc) by being transparent about taxes and promoting expedited permitting for all businesses, and simplify and expand zoning eligible for business use. 3. Keep transportation corridors open and pursue additional river crossings Slow Housing Growth High need for fast food Seems to be a clear disconnect with ISD 728 as Prairie View had a multi million addition <2 years after being built When building homes and businesses keep them together, don't separate them and have them wasting all the precious farm land. There should be access to things unique and not just found in Elk River or Rogers. I do know the community could have use for something like Aldi's. Otsego needs to stand out from the surrounding community and recognize the mid -point area with whatever is unique and can highlight the "gather place" element of the community. Focus on commercial and industrial development to increase the tax base. There is enough high density residential. I would like to see a higher price point neighborhood in the 4,000 sq ft and 1 acre not range. I think we have plenty of gas stations and fast food it would be great to have a program that supports smaller non chain businesses. I would like to encourage more independent businesses to come to Otsego. Do not need more development I think the city of Otsego is appealing, because of its small town feel. Creating more houses and businesses takes away from wildlife, small town feel, and the beauty of this place. People left the city to be more remote and creating more takes away from why a lot of people have settled here. Cut back on housing permits. Otsego is growing too fast. To the extent legally possible, slow down the residential please. Increase setbacks. Developing a strong commercial base to contribute toward the communities taxes is a high need, otherwise residents will should the burden. While it's good for the city to plan for the future use, I believe the free market will naturally steer the usage of the land. So I trust that those who have been elected/hired will do their best at planning the future use and hopefully it will coincide the private sector. LESS HOUSING More park dedication. Less warehouse/trucking. More large lot single family development. The portion currently set aside is not right and not enough. The housing density here is nuts with the new developments. They are stacked on top of each other way too much. More commercial businesses. Too much housing already and Otsego is a big city with minimal businesses sharing in tax dollars and providing convenience to residents. Focus on business to improve tax base. Housing is ok, but demands more service than the tax revenue it brings. Otsego doesn't need more warehouses. Bring in shopping centers, restaurants and cultural diversity with grocery stores and restaurants. Anything that is family -friendly is in high demand for this area. Diversity is also important. Stop! We are already thinking of moving away because Otsego is growing too much Prioritizing businesses over housing to help offset property tax burden on residents. More business buildings than giant retail stores with large parking lots. Not sure what kind of housing Otsego needs. With the growing community, jobs and retail/food is important. There is not a Co-op or a store like Fresh Thyme or Whole foods close. Need more than Cub or Coburns. Otsego is home to brand new young families. Otsego need more neighborhood parks and play grounds specifically on Queen Ave between 53rd/45th and 70th and 65th. We don't need anymore warehouses in the area. The housing seems to be figuring itself out throughout all of Otsego as long as the infrastructure can keep up. For business and industry, the medical fields seem to be filling in prime retail and restaurant location sites which is confusing given Otsego's trajectory. Housing I am thankful our city does not have low income housing. My hope for this city is to continue to keep rural area so that we continue to keep our "hometown feel" and our city continues to what is shown on the comp plan while still developing what our water and sewer can handle. I love how Otsego has many large lot houses available compared to Rogers, for instance. Although high density housing has its place and need, it's great to see many lots nearing .5 +acres. I hope that remains and can continue to be part of how the city plans when looking to bring in future builders. Allowing the national builders to build 4 houses on an acre from all the fields they are buying up is ridiculous. Otsego should have adopted a format similar to that of Ham Lake or not more than 2 houses per acre. Even listening to the people who have lived here longer than I (16 yrs), I dont think whats going on was truly ever envisioned from the older residents. The ball is rolling now but hopefully this can change. Probably time to find new leadership for the planning commitee Bringing in more housing options and affordable housing is not needing or wanted. Keep as much farm lands, rolling hills and undeveloped land as possible. Sometimes less is more. People moved out here to get away from the city and metro, and that should be considered. No one wants to keep moving north to avoid over populated areas and crime. More single family and townhomes GET RID OF MANUFACTURED HOMES. THEY ARE A DISGRACE TO OUR COMMUNITY, ADD TO CRIME RATES AND ARE A BLIGHT - BRINGING DOWN PROPERTY VALUES No more developments on tiny lots No more cookie cutter, large developer neighborhoods where they pack in the houses like sardines. More houses with large lots. Affordable detached townhomes. Additional Election precinct locations on both east and west otsego Preferably a city owned the schools are hard to work with. As we grow as a community I feel that it is very important to keep the single family home projects growing... It brings mature adult owners who are financially stable. If we start bringing in low income homes, townhouses, or apartments, the crime comes with it. Currently we have already seen an increase in crime just from the sheer volume of people we have grown to have. I like "living in the country" and dont want to be pushed out by a skyrocket in crime. Already been victim to car breakin. Commercial More food & restaurant options. It'd be great to get a HyVee grocery store since there are none out this way. A DQ, Jimmy Johns, etc to eliminate having to go to Rogers or Elk River for those types of places. I would like to see the city of Otsego co to use to attract unique shops and restaurants as well as some chain store and restaurants. I would like to see the city become a city that people would like to move to and stay long terms as well as a point of destination for people in the community and outside the community with good entertainment options. We need more fast food restaurants. A Subway would be a great addition. Otsego is severely lacking in dining/fast food options. More quick healthy food options are needed. Sandwich, salad, grain bowl fast food options would be nice. It would also be great to have more options for mailing items. The post offices are far, and there's hardly any blue boxes around. Sams club or Costco! Medical, and lower cost eating options like Brueger's Bagels, and Quizno's. Would be nice to see some building of homes starting at $250,000 so we can address the exploding cost of homes. A thrift store or clothing store by Target. Continue to develop the downtown area. More store fronts, food, and drink options. More restaurants or gyms Bringing more businesses like retail stores, restaurants, things to do, etc for employment and amenities. Establish a "downtown" central location and build around that area. Definitely need some fast food restaurants. In previous 10 year plan. Land near the outlet mall was zoned as future commercial. Being that the mall is failing and land next to mall still hasn't been developed. Otsegos plan should not be commercial in the area. Healthier fast food options not just another McDonalds or Taco Bell. Medical: Urgent Care. More restaurants and places to eat. We need restaurants, food choices. I'm sick of driving to Rogers and ER for everything. A post office, hardware store, things like that Please consider more commercial growth. Would love to be able to shop locally, however with limited amount of stores I often commute to maple grove for good and services. And unfortunately with continued community growth and Covid, the stores in and around Otsego are frequently low on supply. I often ran into supply issues prior to Covid and now clearly it's much worse. The residential population of Otsego has grown exponentially. That being said, there are not many resources for restaurants, retail, etc that families need. I would love to see food options expand. with the amazon effect we need to be aware that there will be less big retail businesses and plan to accordingly. Industrial There's already so much semi traffic from the industry/warehouses on 101 (plus thru traffic) that the interchange at 101 and 94 in Rogers can't handle it. Any expansion that will result in increased traffic (especially slow semis) needs to work with Rogers and MNDOT to address access to 94. Also, our sewer fees for city water are unreasonable expensive (i.e. 3x the cost of the water). Please work within this plan to consider ways to lower those costs. Parks I think the biggest drawback to Otsego is the lack of explorable nature areas. Le. walking paths which connect neighborhoods but are not reliant on adjacent roads. Please consider building a park and walking trails in the area of odean Ave and 75th Ave. We do not currently have a park there within walking distance and there has been lots of development. Thank you! A top priority should be more parks and playgrounds around the newer neighborhoods. We are new to Otsego as of 2021 (from Shakopee) and we used to be able to walk to playgrounds. In our new Ashwood development, I don't even notice any playgrounds when I'm driving home. It would be awesome to have a community center to enjoy especially during the colder months. Shakopee had an amazing sand pool and provided jobs for teens in the area during the summer and helped us meet our neighbors. As more housing comes into the city. There needs to be more outdoor space and parks for people to enjoy. Parks! More playgrounds for the kids! A middle and high school! We need a community center. We're driving to other cities to use an indoor pool and playground. Would be nice to support our own community Larger wooded nature areas for hiking a few miles. More athletic fields Utilities Get sewer & water to all homes. Allow these residents to split their lots to take advantage of the high housing market. With the increase in people comes a significant increase on water usages. Water is the most important resource. With many more pulling from the same aquafer there is a significant risk when we face draught. Address the water issues in a major, and positive, way. The water us so hard, with excessive negative minerals, and needs to be improved. If ignored the infrastructure will not last as long. Individual appliance are already suffering and needing to be replaced at half the expected life. Can we please have clean and clear water????? Any chance of getting another high-speed internet provider. Spectrum is terrible but no other options exist without going to satellite. Transportation Roundabout with a pedestrian crosswalk on 36 and Randolph St NE Address water quality issues from iron oxidation in winter months. Address other water quality issues that has came up recently. Community Facilities Library. Our own community center. This growing city needs its own police force. At a population of 20,xxx the need is there. Also, some sort of "downtown" type area would be nice. Better fire protection for our housing developments Please don't out grow what our schools can handle for population. Answered 74 Skipped 49 Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Survey 5. What street improvements should be a priority? Response The intersections on River Road/County 42 at Otsego Elementary and Quaday could use traffic lights or roundabouts. The light at Quaday & #38 has been a great help, but Odean is a mess, needs re -surfacing. will McIver become the North/South route? Nelmark 101S to 94 east and west traffic configuration needs to be addressed to relive congestion. Roundabout at 70th and Quaday (or else readjust the signal so it doesn't spend so long 80th street and Kadler need to be upgraded. Having a dirt road at this point given all the Y Lighting In frastructure for roads has been adequate to this point. Obviously there are some that Less roundabouts More street lights. Many of the streets are SO dark. Especially 76th LN NE. stop the obsession with roundabouts River Road/Parrish. The Elementary school has a significant increase in parents dropping Less roundabouts Otsego could add city lights to majority of its streets. If the city wants to become bigger More comprehensive pothole, resurfacing attention. Along with pedestrian safety in New neighborhoods. Frankfort park (53rd/cty rd 36 and randolph) Also serves the Highlands Pot holes on 101 and on ramps Potholes in residential neighborhoods 96th St runs to a busy county park would like to see something done to slow people down. More lights on 19 Fixing potholes STREET LIGHTS! Very dark. Replace any 4 way stop with a traffic circle (roundabout). Replace traffic lights if Extend 75th St to 70 St NE I seems that the city has been doing a good job. 1 TRASH SERVICE Your wrecking the roads will all the trash truck. More bike lanes. Bike path on cty 39 and 19. Roads are very busy and dangerous to pedestrians and Improve maintenance timelines to residential streets. A road connecting CR39 and hwy 10 by Speedway/Cornerstone, across the Mississippi. It would help create a more direct approach from Otsego to Anoka, And Vice versa. It would The streets and paths are great. I think it's being addressed but the bridge over the Mississippi that connects into ER intersection is horrible. Also, the on ramp for 94E off of 101 is still not great -- backs up No thoughts regarding streets. Law to outlaw homeless people sleeping in vehicles on residential streets. Resurface or replace residential streets that are deteriorating. The trails are great. Keep More plow trucks! bring sewer and water to existing neighborhoods. More street lights I think Otsego's streets are well maintained. Keep the stoplights minimal. More roundabouts. There are several stop signs in town that It would be wonderful to have pathways connecting, going past natural water areas versus just housing and connecting all other pathways in the area for ease of exercise and Flashing lights near crosswalks around shopping areas and neighborhoods with established crosswalks. I'm very happy with the forward thinking of roundabouts. All stop signs shld have the flashing lights (like the signs on Odean) 70th Ave from Hwy 101 to the River Rd could use an upgrade Our streets seem to take a beating in the winter. An engineering study should be done to Get sidewalks asap on 80th from 19 to Prairie View. would love a sidewalk to get to Elk River. Not sure. Getting onto Hwy 94 in Rogers is time consuming. That's not Otsego, but an integral part of living in the north metro. Coming from the east is easy, but not leaving on Make the roundabout by Holiday gas station/ Pour safer. Two lane roundabout is not good with the amount of traffic at that intersection. Monti has a much safer design at the Street lights! Why is it so dark here? With the influx of young families and teens and young adults, Otsego needs to work with MNDOT to add guard rails onto the on and off ramps between Rogers and Elk River on Stop with the damn roundabouts!!! People dont know how to negotiate them and have had multiple very close calls in them. As well as increased difficulty being able to negotiate Since all city streets lead to County and State roads, access from city streets remains a I'm not sure if this is already in place, but some crosswalk signs would be much Answered 54 Skipped 69 Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Survey 6. Other comments? Response Growth Management I wish the city of Otsego take an opportunity to explore the downfalls to expansion and how developments negatively impacts many residents, wildlife, will increase crime, I would like to see more transparency when large projects are proposed. Since we don't Overall as a 15+yr resident/homeowner I have been extremely happy to see our little town grow to what it is now, and cant wait to see what the next 20yrs has in store for us. I hope that Otsego remains as is with plenty of open areas and little high density housing. Currently we have a good balance and hope that continues in the future. Land Use 2 or 3 houses max per acre. I understand the farmers selling, I just wish the city would It would have been better to have commercial/light industrial (apartments) along the 94 side of Otsego. Also east of Parrish and south along 101. More food options, community center, more parks No affordable housing. Just brings issues to our city. property to go down. It'll only be a matter of years before families move out due to the warehouse Otsego approved. A huge ugly building smack in the middle of a brand new community. Otsego Reps only thought about money. They did not think about the young families who move into the city. People will not forget who was sitting in those seats come No more apartments!!! lived there for 20 years. There are many forward thinking improvements that have already occurred. Now is the time to bring in more fast casual restaurants that are new to the area, rather than duplicate businesses (Kwik Trip) across the street from a new gas Affordable detached townhomes. Parks Need more parks with playgrounds. Can you put one in near 75th and Odean (where the new fire station will be)? Also, accelerate the timeline of the fire station construction. I would love love love to see a outdoor water park in the city of Otsego!!!! A community center would be wonderful. Work with the DNR to make more habitat preserves and make improvements and Build a park next to the Future Fire House at the corner of 75th St NE and Odean Ave Addition of a trail network in the northern and western portion of the city. We need walking and biking paths. That connect to neighborhoods. Ensure the area is walk/bike friendly Continue to improve the central park area as it brings a lot of people to our community. Partner with Kaboom.org to build neighborhood parks and playground. More trails, parks, nature areas! Would love to see trail and sidewalk expansions so the town is less car -dependent. Would Utilities Paint the new water tower, it's not pleasant to look at Water quality improvement. My water is often a brown tint and have seen recent NOT be in our water at any level, even if the level is considered "safe" by the EPA. We all know those levels are outdated & have not been reviewed in 30yrs. It is shameful that the city knowingly allows cancer-causing poisons in its water & expects homeowners to shell out thousands upon thousands of dollars to install whole house Take care of the manganese in our water. My pipes are coated in it. Fix the water Other Please make the homeowner with the hateful, disgusting signs leaning against their house It would be nice to have more restaurant options and more community areas to meet Transparency, I could not see the document where success/fail of 2021 comprehensive plan is presented. How are these quantified and measured? Can an executive summary Otsego is a growing community with the majority of the new citizens being young families. Appeal to that generation with a Library, Rec Center, Pool, more Playgrounds, Family Would love to see more spaces geared towards families. Such as a library, community center, family restaurants, etc. I tend to drive to Maple Grove frequently to find what I Bike/walking paths Adding another high school in the future Keeping 5th graders in elementary school- they're too young to be with 8th graders Please consider not adding so many housing and apartment options. I'd love to see the city help homeowners on fuel oil switch over to natural gas. Also it would be nice to not allow recreational vehicles racing up and down streets. I've been Maker the city. Have someone that actively is recruiting our city. Try to decrease spending whenever possible. Your doing a great job. Needs: High School, Activity/Community Center with gym and ice arena Bring back garbage can enforcement in front of residential addresses. would like that to return with a free walking track, exercise classes, rooms for rent, pool with kid play area, and senior activity center. Bring in another Kwik Trip! This area is growing fast and the existing stations are extremely busy, give us another option. Please Please enforce the housing and property ordinances on the books. The amount of We love the idea of a close-knit community with resources at our fingertips while also keeping in mind the small-town feel. A balance of the two is very important for Otsego. Answered 44 Skipped 79 Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Survey 7. What is your age? Choice Responses Under 18 years 0 0.0% 18 to 24 years 1 0.8% 25 to 44 years 79 65.3% 45 to 64 years 40 33.1% 65 to 74 years 1 0.8% 75 years or older 0 0.0% Answered 121 Skipped 2 {question7} What is your age? i ■ Under 18 years 18 to 24 years 25 to 44 years r 45 to 64 years i W 65 to 74 years ■ 75 years or older Page 1 Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Survey 8. Do you have childeren in your household? Choice Responses Yes 90 73.77% No 32 26.23% Answered 122 Skipped 1 {question8} Do you have childeren in your household? i i Yes No Page 1 Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Survey 9. How long have you lived in Otsego? Choice Responses 5 years or less 60 49.2% 6 to 10 years 22 18.0% 11 to 20 years 26 21.3% More than 20 years 14 11.5% Answered 122 Skipped 1 {question9}How long have you lived in Otsego? s 5 years or less 6 to 10 years 11 to 20 years rI More than 20 years Page 1 Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Survey 10. Is your home or business connected to City sewer and water utilities? Choice Responses Yes 85 69.7% No Answered Skipped 37 30.3% 122 {question10} Is your home or business connected to City sewer and water utilities? ■ Yes iiNo Page 15 Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Mapped Comments Page 1 Up Down Type Comment Votes Votes Love the walking paths, play area, and scenery! [Otsego County Like Park] 22 0 1 know that this area is Albertville. I just want to point out that the walking paths, upgraded street lamps with the city flags, and planted trees down the center really improved this area. The roundabouts were a great improvement as well to keep traffic moving. Please consider continuing this north on CR19. [Labeaux Like Ave (CSAH 19/70th St. CSAR 38] 8 0 Love that we have our own Target! It's nice to not have to leave Like the city or hop on the highway to shop. 8 0 For some reason roundabouts get a bad rap, but they are preferable to sitting at a red light for 5 minutes with no one else at the traffic light. Wouldn't mind more of them installed as the Like city grows. [70th St. (CSAH 38)/Odean Ave.] 7 3 Like Excited about the future fire department! 6 0 Thank you for the wide walking paths to walk and bike around the neighborhoods and for also clearing them of snow. [Odean Like Ave./75th St.] 5 0 Sit down dining area. Bring a crave, chili's, or cheesecake factory Idea into our area. 16 3 A couple of "fast food" restaurants. Brugger's Bagels, Jimmy Idea John's, Smash Burger ... etc. 15 0 Through all this development there aren't enough parks or open Idea space for kids. Need some fields and multipurpose areas. 13 1 Idea A city Library would be a nice addition to the "downtown" area. 12 0 Add park with playground and maybe rec area for soccer or tennis Idea court 12 2 Some type of pedestrian safety for the path that connects both Idea neighborhoods and crosses a busy county road 12 0 Idea Outdoor water park 11 1 1 know with the lack of school buses there is a large increase with parents driving kids to school in their vehicles, but this intersection before and after school is backed up to about 77th St NE on Maciver. I am concerned with the opening of the middle school this will get worse. There is a single left turn lane, and then a straight/right turn lane North on Maciver @ 80th. Everybody is either going to be going straight or right. Thoughts about adding a Idea dedicated right turn lane on Maciver? 8 1 Page 1 Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Mapped Comments Page 2 Up Down Type Comment Votes Votes There is a lot of traffic that comes from Albertville and continues straight North into Otsego. This area should have a substantial sign and landscaped area that welcomes you to Otsego. Similar to one you would see into a neighborhood (think Martin Farms neighborhood sign). Please consider this before putting a building or parking lot near this corner. [Labeaux Ave. (CSAH 19)/70t st. Idea (CSAH 38)] 81 0 1 know with the lack of school buses there is a large increase with parents driving kids to school in their vehicles, but this intersection before and after school is backed up to about 77th St NE on Maciver. I am concerned with the opening of the middle school this will get worse. There is a single left turn lane, and then a straight/right turn lane North on Maciver @ 80th. Everybody is either going to be going straight or right. Thoughts about adding a Idea dedicated right turn lane on Maciver? [MacIver Ave./80th St.] 8 1 Idea Rec Center. Gym, Training Center, Turf, and possible pool. 61 2 environmentally conscious idea to leave this area undisturbed as a sort of wilderness preserve. As a ethical means to Protect our local environmental diversity and wildlife! [SW of Quaday Idea Ave./78th St.] 61 0 1 am a resident who currently lives on the east side of this proposed industrial area. I love our cornfield view now, but understand it will eventually be developed. What can the city do to create a wider buffer zone between the residential lots and the proposed industrial land? There is currently a "conservation area" on the back side of these lots that is not very wide. Please consider widening this area and planting more trees spaced close Idea together to create some privacy for the residents. [SunRay Farms] 6 0 There should be a pedestrian/bike connection. [59th St./61st St. Idea between Riverpointe and Harvest Run East] 5 0 Adding in a large facility like YMCA or Lifetime Fitness. Closest Idea facilities are 20+ minutes away. 5 7 the city purchase it instead of a developer, and keep it as it currently is in its natural state. The abundance of wildlife and native vegetation is beautiful. An additional trail system for city residents to use is encouraged if the city purchases this property, especially since the 2021 survey results showed a high interest by residents in expanding our trail system. [SW of Quaday Ave./78th Idea St.] 4 0 Page 2 Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Mapped Comments Page 3 Up Down Type Comment Votes Votes With the addition of new community members, we could benefit Idea from more daycare options. 4 0 Idea Otsego needs a full size baseball field. 3 1 Otsego needs walking paths which do not run along roads. Other communities have ensured to incorporate these type of pathways Idea into city planning and are a huge draw/benefit for residents. 2 0 Please add an off -ramp from 101 South to 70th street. Improves access to residents. Would likely bring more commuters to the Idea nearby Kwik trip 2 0 Build a community center somewhere in Otsego with indoor park and a pool. We constantly go to other cities for these types of Idea facilities. Would be amazing to support our own city 1 0 Add visible crosswalk lights and paint. Also add "no passing on shoulder". I've seen so many close calls here. [MacIver Ave./75th Idea St.] 1 0 Idea Add fast food options here like Hardee's. [NE ofTH 101/CSAH 38] 1 1 Does anyone else think a bridge over the Mississippi connecting CR39 and Hwy 10 would be fantastic? And then build an over pass at the stop light by Cornerstone/Speedway. I commute from Otsego to Anoka and it just sends like a logical solution and would ease congestion around 10/169/101 interchange. [Otsego Idea Waterfront East to Elk River] 1 3 Would be nice to add a walking path along here to connect the sunray farms main entrance sidewalk to the ones along 70th Idea street. [Labeaux Ave. (CSAH 19)/73rd St.] 0 0 Adding a high school with a city community center in this area would be so helpful! ISD 728 and the City of Otsego should partner now to purchase land and work to get a plan in place for breaking ground. Something will be needed within the next 3-5 years but within 5-8 years it will really be needed. Connecting Comment pathways to the area will be important also. Thank you! 22 7 Enough with the apartments please. I believe there is plenty in Otsego now. Main reason I moved here 11 years ago is because Comment not a lot of rentals especially apartments. 18 3 Make this homeowner take down their offensive and unsightly backyard signage. Anti gay messaging and "Kamala Swallows" is Comment inappropriate and can be seen from Odean Ave. 18 0 city grows with housing I feel we have not grown enough in amenities and are therefore constantly bringing business to Comment Rogers and ER. 16 0 Page 3 Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Mapped Comments Page 4 Up Down Type Comment Votes Votes Where are the sit down dining options? We need more mid to Comment high dining options. Not sports bars either. 15 2 Flip the yellow flashing left turn yields. Solid left turn light from 101N exit to 70th st W. While enabling left turn flashing yield from Comment 70th st to kwik trip. 14 2 1 agree with the other comment. Please address the hateful signs, especially the "Kamala swallows" one, in our community filled Comment with children. I am quite embarrassed to be their neighbor. 141 0 1 firmly believe a Costco or Sams club would be an amazing addition to our community. Bringing in business from so many Comment surrounding communities as well as many many jobs! 12 2 This road is so busy for all of the kids (and adults) crossing to get to the pathway. Kids cross here by foot and bike to get to school. It would be so helpful to have a pedestrian crossing area with lights so everyone can cross safely. I'm not sure what that would do for traffic flow but from a safety standpoint this is so Comment important. Thank you. 10 0 NO KWIK TRIP. Otsego needs retail and dining in this corridor, not Comment more gas stations. 101 2 Enough of the pack d housing being put in- the big reason for moving here was the space and land close to amenities. People could have their farm animals and larger lots- our home and space is very important. Too much crowding coming in.. if it needs to Comment be developed require large 1 acre lots or more. 10 4 Comment Stop building!! You are turning Otsego into maple grove 9 17 Another grocery store option would be nice so we didn't have to go to Maple Grove for special items for a family member with Comment food allergies. Hy -Vee or Whole Foods would be the dream! 9 1 It would be great to have more restaurant options, both takeout Comment and sit down. 6 0 Walking biking path should be extended at least to LaBeaux. Co Rd 39 is terribly busy with speeding traffic. Very dangerous to anyone walking or biking. [CSAH 39 from Odean Ave. to Labeaux Ave. Comment (CSAH 19)] 6 0 Comment Dairy Queen 6 3 Emergency medical services somewhere closer than Maple Grove Comment would be comforting. 6 0 Bring diverse food and snack cafes and shops here such as boba Comment Cafe, pho bistro, food truck, street taco shops, wingstop etc. 6 0 Page 4 Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Mapped Comments Page 5 Up Down Type Comment Votes Votes With the golf course and connecting to the new Otsego park, is it possible to maintain this a green space and protected from the Comment heavy industrial planned to the south? [Riverwood National] 6 0 Industrial development should stay south of 80. In fact it should probably be further south then that given the school and residential houses that already exist in the area. [SW of Labeaux Comment Ave./80th St.] 4 0 maybe you could look at a project to fix the stream bank erosion at 96th and Parrish. Its already eroded behind the levee and if not addressed one day will threaten the homes and Parrish Ave. The river breached the point in 1965 and will again. [Parrish Ave. Comment (CSAR 42)/96th St.] 3 0 It would be helpful to make this area residential as it would increase the viability of the site and allow for an extension of 77th through the site to connect up with 80th street. Perhaps moving the industrial zoning from this area to the area to the north of the Industrial area on 94 would allow for a larger distribution hub in that area that could appeal to the Amazon's, Waymo's and FeclEx's, with better access to 94. That large concentration could support a future industrial interchange. [West of Labeaux Ave. Comment (CSAH 19) at 77th St.] 3 2 Add walking/bike path here along with park, picnic Comment area/house/tables. [Queens Avenue/65th St.] 3 1 With the expansion of 85th Street and Maciver Ave, a future high school to the east or west of the current Prairie View Elementary and Middle Schools would make a nice complete school campus Comment and should handle the traffic well. 3 0 I feel the portion of 83th Street in Otsego between Mason and Nashua should be added to the Sewer and Water Utility District. This is one of only a few gravel roads left in the City which is expense to maintain and unhealthy due to dust. New schools and developments surround this area. By adding it to the Sewer and Water District, developers would absorb the cost. And if extended it could connect to the City Facilities in the future and not cost tax Comment payer money. 3 1 As a resident of the Riverwood National Golf course community I ask that you do NOT proceed with your current plans to grow industry near Kadler. Those who have elected to live in this area have done so beacause of the peace and tranquility this area offers (within a short drive to town). We do NOT want businesses/ more traffic in this area. Please keep all industrial Comment builds south of 80th. 2 0 Page 5 Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Mapped Comments Page 6 Up Down Type Comment Votes Votes Keep all industrial growth South of 80th Street to keep the traffic off Kadler to maintain a safer Riverwood National golf course Comment community! 2 0 Just wondering if changing the classification of some properties Comment will change the land use for such things as farm animals? 1 0 1 meant to say it is zoned for Commercial. Not Industrial. Sorry for Comment any confusion. 1 0 Comment Ice Arena with Walking path. 1 3 When these lots to the north get developed, I beg that the road CANNOT go through to 80th. This will cause drivers who are backed up at the stop sign on Maciver to use this route as a cut through to drop off and pick up kids at the school. [Marlowe Ave. Comment within Arbor Creek 3rd Add.] 1 0 Where Kadler turns turns to gravel it would be idea to stop/close the road. That way through traffic from the industrial area and Michels traffic would be force to go down to Labeaux. This feels like a personal road for Michels now with large equipment. Kadler and 80th would be a corner junction only. Roads also need to be Comment upgraded and widened. 1 0 This water treatment plant was poorly planned and is such an eye soar to this neighborhood. Not to mention the smells it produces. The city needs to put some privacy fences around this area and do Improvement more to conceal this from the neighborhood and park. [W-WTF] 10 0 Add to the play ground/larger playground (especially more swings). With the growth of the community and the neighboring development the current playground will get quite crowded (as Improvement it's already gotten quite full). Thank you! [Lefebvre Creek Park] 7 0 Is there any room for a park and playground in this area? [Odean Improvement Ave./75th St.] 7 0 This sludge green pond is one only Shrek could enjoy. It's green the minute the ice clears all the way until fall and stinks. Improvement [Pheasant Ridge] 6 0 Improvement Guardrails on the off ramp 101 and 44th/53rd exit. 5 0 Roundabouts are faster and much safer for traffic than 4 -way Improvement stops. Consider adding more in the city! 4 1 This intersection gets pretty dangerous during school pick up and drop off. Its hard to see oncoming traffic when exiting the school due to long vehicle stacking lines and busses maneuvering in and Improvement I out. [Otsego Elementary School] 141 0 Improvement I Repair potholes/wear in right lane before and after bridge 1 3 1 Page 6 Otsego Comp Plan 2022 Mapped Comments Page 7 Up Down Type Comment Votes Votes 80th street and Kadler need to be upgraded and walking trails Improvement added to connect us to the rest of Otsego. 3 0 1 find it difficult to see if a car is approaching south toward 70th St Improvement at this light when I am trying to turn left off of 101N. 21 0 Remove the street light here that should be used for 38 or 39 and replace with a small street lamp like the dozen others around this one. Our house is lit up so much through the windows we had to get black out blinds & curtains for our front bedroom. Improvement [Mason Ave./67th St.] 2 1 Add fence along path. It's a steep decline into the marsh and Improvement potential for injury. [Queens Ave./61st St.] 2 0 Improvement Guardrails on the off ramp 101 and 70th St exit. 1 0 Please place a yellow left turn arrow here. It would greatly Improvement improve the flow of traffic entering 101 S. [TH 101/CSAH 36] 1 0 Add pedestrian access with rogers. Kids would benefit from better access to schools as well. Only way is to use hwy 101 or go Challenge to Brockton lane, which is not pedestrian or bike friendly. 14 1 Pedestrian traffic is impossible in this area of town. CR39 is too dangerous for walking or biking. The addition of a bike trail would improve community connectibility and mobility in this area of Challenge town. 121 1 Having this area zoned for commercial is not ideal or even desired considering all of the single family housing units located just to the east. Multi family housing or even additional single family units would fit these areas much better. The commercial can be utilized west of 19 and South of 70th. [NE of Labeaux Ave.(CSAH Challenge 19)/70th St. (CSAH 38)] 8 2 Page 7 i g Hi, D. Daniel ® Idea Q Like IN Comment © Challenge Q Naste lent Campus Salida `+ LakesldePark id esCr ti 4 M w t C ma on .x Woodland Services of Mn Montissippi f" �.. .= --..- =' _ - Treils Park �a' _•� - - :: - ' --_ r, {. _ j�Regional Park�_Big Lake ,j�'� "" �` t`t1 `cNowthen.' 1 ' '►mss.' • \. MenardS -L Lord of. Glory l'fi ® r' �` Lutheran Church •;Baiieyi Monticello Pine Golf Club« -m' J�'� ' , ,4 Q� �,./ .► Elk River- w ;,- \ Rum River • J r'� ori Riverv.,o n * — -- Central p°`.' c; Regional Pa al OverfThe Top Retrievers • _ ' : ®®�= Rum River Ilk - -- - Hills Golf Club. MNL,, InGame • - — I-illr • Pine Hills Nortl _7_ ® •�_ �,1 1 il,. •- - ',' 94 Premium jll"- Pelican Lake # State Wildlife Albertville Management I' Area ", t 4 INK �� i ' �► Legend i' Like r ' + Idea Comment * Challenge