SEPTEMBER 10, 2007
6:30 PM
1 Mavor Larry Fournier will call the meeting to order.
Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.
Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heldner, Jessica
Stockamp, Mark Thorsted and Tom Darkenwald.
Siff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning
Administrator; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Laurie Smith, Associate Planner;
Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Gary Groen, Finance Director; Tim Rochel, Building
Official and Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor.
Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Consider agenda approval.
Mayor Fournier requested to move Item 5.3. Approve Pay Request from
Bonestroo to Item 6.2. under Old Business. Ron Wagner requested to remove
Item 8.2. Riverbend South Final Plat per applicant's re quest
CM Heidner motioned to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by
CM Stcm*amp. All in favor. Motion carried.
3 Consider the following minutes.
3.1. August 27, 2007 C& Council Meeting.
CM Heidner motioned adoption of the August 27, 2007 Council
minutes. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Qoen Forum: minute limit)
Joel Koiles, 8925 Mason Avenue, would like to reserve time under Item 8.3.
2008 Firearm No Discharge Map.
S. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial itemsl.
5.1. Approve Claims List
5.2. Approve Change Order No.3 and Pay Request to Oertel Architects
in the amount of $129,306.00 for Otsego Public Works Facility.
5.3. Approve Pay Request from Bonestroo in the amount of $4,110.37
5.4. Approve Minutes from joint Albertville City Council and Otsego City
Council Workshop.
5.5. Resolution 07-67 Including City Commissions in the Crty's Workers
Compensation Insurance.
CM Heidner motioned adoption of the Consent Agenda except for Item
5.3. Seconded by CM Stm*amp. All in favor. Motion carried.
City Council Meeting September 10, 2007. Page 2
6. Old Business.
6.1. Irrigation at East WWTP, Karen Caved Bonestroo Enaineering.
Karen Cavett with Bonestroo Engineering stated the good news as with the rain
the grass has taken off. She recommended revaluating the necessity of an
Irrigation System next year.
Item 5.3. Payment Request from Bonestroo
Karen Cavett went over the invoice. The clarifier problem was at the West Plant
and is separate from the warranty at the East Plant
It was also noted the Collapse Covers will be replaced at no cost to the City and
should be all completed by end of September.
Mike Robertson stated in regards to the flooding incident and City paid
approximately $20,000. When we dose out we have $100,000 of Gridor's money
and if dispute isn't resolved the City will take 50% from Gridor and 50% from
People's Services.
Karen Cavett inquired about the snowplowing for the winter. We had requested
moving the fence from the East Plant entrance off the driveway line and get the
well within the fence. Cost would be $9,776.00. Brad Belair requested the fence
to be moved for snowplowing. It will also accommodate grading the drive and
protect the trees. City Council would like it staked first
CM Heidner motioned to move the fence at the East Plant for $9,776.00
and for the one corner be staked. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in
favor. Motion carried.
CM Heidner motioned to approve pay request for $4,110.37 for the
WWTF Vilest and East. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion
Karen Cavett updated the council on the East and West Plants.
7. Public Works.
Brad Belair said he is working on dosing out the Public Works Building Project
and the Construction Project of the Three Parks.
8. Laurie Smith, _ Planne
8.1. Shamrockl
City Council Meeting September 10, 2007. Page 3
Laurie Smith presented the Planner's Report. Ron Wagner said he has
reconsidered the ROW for Kalland Avenue down to 80 feet of ROW as the major
trunk industrial street would take a different route.
Lynn Leegard, Shamrock Development, agrees with all the conditions.
CM Heidner questioned if there should be a bike path on the east side and
maybe need the 100 foot ROW. He would rather take money for the bike trail
than take for the bail fields.
Lynn Leegard stated that her understanding the exchange for use of ball fields In
exchange for money needs to be completed, but feels this can be worked out.
CM Heidner stated Item No. 6 should be changed to put a period behind
executed (3"d Line) and remove the rest of paragraph. CM Heidner also wants a
condition in here that there is a responsible party building and paying for the ball
Andy MacArthur has gone through the developer's agreement which will be with
Shamrock Development.
Lynn Leegard said they have no problem with paying the Park Fees.
Ron Wagner stated there is room in the ROW for a bike path.
Mayor Fournier motioned to table the application. Seconded by CM
Heldner. All in favor. Motion carried.
8.3. 2008 Firearm No Discharge MaI2.
Laurie Smith presented the Planner's Report.
Joel Kolies, 8925 Mason Avenue NE, said to correct the date for map to be
published as goose hunting already has started and map should be published
earlier in the year.
Joel Kolles staffed his brothers own farm land on both sides of CSAH 39, he and
his brothers would be opposed to any drastic changes to the No Discharge Zone
Map. He talked to the DNR conservation man (Mitch) who feels that thexe are
many areas in Otsego that could be hunted on.
The Council discussed the need for establishing a 500 foot No Discharge Zone
along either side of major roadways in the City. The Council discussed the need
to amend the City Code to add additional regulations, which would expand the
No Discharge Zone to include no discharge within 500 feet of pastured animals
unless written permission from the owner was obtained. The Council also
concurred that the publication date should be moved forward. Mrs. Smith said
that the No Discharge Map must be approved tonight in order to meet the
publication date as required by Ordinance. She stated that the City Code could
be amended at the next Council meeting.
City Council Meeting September 10, 2007. Page 4
CM Heidner motioned to have the published map to include the Dara
Glen and 1000 foot gray area encompassing County Road 39, 37, 19,
36 and 42; Odean north of 37, Mason Avenue, 80th Street„ Marlowe
Avenue and 83rd Street between Marlowe and Mason Avenues and
Highway 101 and Interstate 94. Seconded by CM Thorsted.
All in favor. Motion carried.
CM Heidner motioned to include in the Ordinance No Discharge shall occur within
500 feet of pastured farm animals or animals kept within an open feedlot. CM
Darkenwald added unless owner's permission.
Motion died for lack of second motion.
City staff was directed to make changes to the Ordinance to include no discharge
within 500 feet of pastured animals unless written permission by the owner is
given and to change the No Discharge Map publication date. Staff will bring forth
these changes for Council's consideration at the next City Council meeting.
9 Ron Wagner City En ig neer.
91 Consider Approving.Resolution No 07-59 for Hearing on Proposed
Assessment for CSAH 42.
The date of October 29, 2007 at 7:00 pm set for hearing.
CM Thorsted motioned to adopt Resolution 07-59 for a Hearing on
proposed Assessment for CSAH 42. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in
favor. Motion carried.
9.2 Consider &provina Resolution No 07-60 for Hearing on Proposd
Assessment for Grenins Mississippi Hills Sewer l5densim.
The date of October 22, 2007 at 5:00 pm set for hearing.
CM Heidner asked about a workshop prior so we know who is paying.
Mike Robertson said he will write up a memo to the City Council.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt Resolution 2007-60 for a Hearing on
proposed Assessment for Grenins Mississippi Hills Sewer Extension.
Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. -
CM Heidner motioned the adoption of Resolution 07-61 ordering
preparation of Fusibility Report for 75th Street. Seconded by CM
Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried.
9.4. Consider Change Order No 1 to Rice Lake Construction Group for
Well #8i RAW Water Line and Pumphouse #2 Improves in the
amount of 4178,540.00.
CM Heidner motioned the adoption of Change Order No. 1. Rice Lake
Construction Group for Well #8, RAW Water Line and Pumphouse #2
Improvements in the amount of $178,540.00. Seconded by CM
Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried.
City Council Meeting of September 10, 2007. Page 5
9.5. Consider Approving Resolution No 07-62 awarding 70th Street
"Shape and Pave" Project.
Ron Wagner went over bid results.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt Resolution 07-62 awarding 7e Street
"Shape and Pave" Project to Knife River Corporation. Seconded by CM
Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried.
CM Heidner motioned to withdraw his motion. CM Stockamp agreed.
Vern motioned to adopt Resolution 07-62 contingent upon a signed
contract from City of Albertville. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Water Tower No. 3.
Ron Wagner has asked them for explanation of timeline with concern of not
getting the painting done in time. At their meeting, the right people did not
show up and have sent them another letter. Their completion date is 12-7-07
and they have a lot of wont to get done.
Andy MacArthur went over his letter.
Don Miller, Odean Avenue and President of Rogers Youth Hockey Association
said Lawful gambling is a way of raising money for their organization.
CM Stockamp motioned to direct City Atborney to draft two alto native
ordinances. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carrieda
10.2. 62nd Street Ute:
Andy MacArthur reviewed options regarding proposed Agreement with
Mr.Zachman regarding the City 16.5 foot easement. Mr.Zachman has rejected
proposed Agreement at this time. Mr. MacArthur's recommendation is to notify in
writing to Zachman that the City reserves all rights in use of the 16.5 foot
easement area, but would still like to reach agreement with him.
Mayor Fournier motioned for the recommended course of action.
Seconded by CM Tho rsted. All in favor. Motion carried.
10.3 Ordinance 07-11 Water, Sanitary Sewer and StormwaWr Billing.
Gary Groen went over the proposed Ordinance and resolution adopting the
ordinance. Andy MacArthur recommended deletion of 5.6.2 and change ten days
to thirty days in 5.6.1. No. 6.5. should be changed to include the phrase "or by
City Council decision. In 12.1. add, The City reserves the right to enforce the
terms and conditions of this ordinance through the Administrative Enforcement
procedures of the City Code or any applicable action in law or equity." In 5.6.4.
delete the words "fifteen days" and renumber it as 5.7. Mike Robertson
suggested that 6.1. be clarified to indicate that certain connections and water
City Council Meeting September 10, 2007. Page 6
meters may serve more than one residence. Mike Robertson also suggested that
the definition of "available" services be expanded and clarified in 2.1. CM
Heidner requested modification of 6.6. to indicate that certain parcels could
continue to use wells for irrigation only purposes with City approval.
CM Heidner motioned to reimburse 3essica Stockamp for her damaged
pipes by People Services. Seconded by CM Thorsted. Motion carried
four to zero. CM Stockamp abstained.
10.4. Resolution No 07-63 Hearing for Delinguent Utilft Bills.
The date of October 15, 2007 at 6:30 pm set for hearing.
CM Heidner motioned the adoption of Resolution No. 07-63 for Hearing
on Delinquent Utility Bilis. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All In favor.
Motion carried.
10.5. Resolution for No 07-65 Hearing on Delinquent Fines
CM Heidner motioned the adoption on Resolution of 07-65. Seconded
by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried.
10.6. Resolution for No.07-64 Hearing on Undid Service' Charges
Mowin .
CM Heidner motioned the adoption of Resolution 07-64 Hearing of
Unpaid Service Charges Mowing. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in
favor. Motion carried.
11. Council Items.
11.1. Proposal to attend National Building Conference.
Mike Robertson supported Tim Rochel to attend the National Building Conference
in Reno, NV. Tim Rochel said he has never attended one previously and would
like to this year. CM Heidner suggested holding off this year and send all the
Inspectors next year when it is held in Minneapolis. The City Council agreed.
112 Wution Ng Q7-66 Set Preliminary 2008 Tax Lew.
Mike Robertson and Gary Groen went over Preliminary 2008 Tax Levy.
Mayor Fournier motioned to adopt Resolution 07-66 Set Preliminary
2008 Tax levy. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried.
13. Judy Hudson, C& Clerk.
13.1. Consider appointment of Tami Loff as Interim Deputy Clerk.
CM Darkenwald motioned to approve of Tami L.off as Interim Deputy
Clerk. Seconded by CM Stockamp seconded. All in favor. Motion
City Council Meeting September 10, 2007. Page 7
14. Adjourn by 10 PM.
CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:56 pm.
Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor tarry Fournier
]udy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Admin.