ITEM 2 Compensation and Human resources items0 tsTe F o MINNESOTA MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: July 10, 2014 SUBJECT: Compensation and Human Resource Items As the Council is aware, there are several compensation and personnel related projects that are in process including the pay plan, position description updates, and, yet to be started, an update of the personnel policy. Additionally there are other items that we would like to address on Monday. One of the items is listed below. Pav Adiustment: Brad Sherrill is currently the lowest paid Public Works Maintenance II employee. However, he is assigned the duty of maintaining the City's heating and air conditioning systems because he is the only employee who holds a Boiler's License as required by the State to inspect the boilers; a daily inspection is required. I recommend a pay adjustment for Mr. Sherrill to compensate him for the additional licensure that he is required to have and to bring his pay in line with the Public Works II employee directly above him who is at pay grade 6. Therefore, I recommend Mr. Sherrill receive an additional step increase to step 7 for holding a Boilers License and for the related duties. In the future he may become a "maintenance electrician" as defined by Minnesota Rules 3800.3500 Subpart 7. Compensation either by means of an additional step advancement for that additional certification and the related duties should be reviewed before the duties are assigned and the certification is received. Position Descriptions: As I mentioned above, one of the projects underway is to review and update all position descriptions. Attached are all position descriptions that have been approved by the City. The first grouping is positions that are not currently filled. The position descriptions approved recently are in the new format. Further discussion on position descriptions will take place on Monday. 1