Item 4.2 Norhart PUD Concept PlanITEM 4_2 TPC The Planning Company 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com PLANNING REPORT -Addendum TO: FROM: REPORT DATE: RE: TPC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission D. Daniel Licht 13 October 2022 Otsego — Norhart (Richard Lefebvre property); PUD Concept Plan 101.02 Norhart has submitted a PUD Concept Plan for development of a multiple family building as the first phase of a mixed-use development located between TH 101 and Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) north of 90th Street (CSAH 39). The subject site consists of three parcels having an area of 33.69 acres. PUD Concept Plan applications are processed in accordance with Section 11-36-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance to provide comment to the developer as to the acceptability of the land use. The City requires that PUD Concept Plan reviews include a public hearing before the Planning Commission so that surrounding property owners have an opportunity to be informed about the project and ask questions or provide comment. The PUD Concept Plan process does not provide the developer approvals to move forward with construction. Subsequent applications will be necessary that require Planning Commission review and City Council approval and which include a public hearing. A public hearing to consider the PUD Concept Plan application was held by the Planning Commission at their meeting on 15 August 2022. The Planning Commission tabled discussion of the PUD Concept Plan to allow the developer to complete a traffic study for the proposed development that had already been initiated. The traffic study has been received and reviewed by City staff, Wright County Highway Department staff, and provided to the City of Elk River. The developer has also provided an alternative site plan for the proposed development based on comments by Planning Commission members at the meeting on 15 August 2022. The Planning Commission will consider the PUD Concept Plan, including additional information received, at their meeting on 17 October 2022. Exhibits: ■ Site Location Map ■ Planning Commission minutes of August 15, 2022 (excerpt) ■ Traffic study prepared by WSB dated October 7, 2022 ■ PUD Concept Plan Alternative 1 (13 sheets) ■ PUD Concept Plan Alternative 2 ANALYSIS Alternative 2. The developer has submitted a second conceptual site plan for the location of a multiple family building within the property. The Alternative 2 concept plan proposes a 307 unit, five -story apartment building east of Quaday Avenue at the southeast corner of the subject site. The lots north and south of 94th Street west of Quaday Avenue would be planned for commercial uses. Alternative 2 addresses one of the issues raised at the 15 August Planning Commission meeting about the initial concept plan (now Alternative 1) creating a wall effect along the east side of Parrish Avenue and not providing the desired transition to the residential neighborhoods to the west in terms of building mass and scale. Alternative 2 assumes that the apartment development would be the only use east of Quaday Avenue absorbing all 19.66 acres, although the apartment site plan utilizes only 6.97 acres of the area. The developer indicates that the balance of the lot would be development limited to mowing walking paths/nature trails and are possible limited plantings to prevent the area from looking like a vacant lot. The proposed development of the entire 19.66 acre site with the single apartment buildings is an underutilization of the property abutting TH 101. Alternative 2 would still require flexibilities as part of a PUD District, which are discussed in subsequent paragraphs. Alternative 2 warrants consideration of adjusting the proposed lot area and required lot area per unit requirements to allow more complete development of the subject site as part of a PUD Development Stage Plan. It may also be preferable that the apartment building location in Alternative 2 be north of the power line easement. A location at the northeast corner of the property would be closer to the Mississippi River as an amenity and where the City will still require dedication of land for public park purposes. Moving the apartment building north of the powerline easement would also create separation from the Wyndham Gardens hotel to the south, which is separated from the subject site by a 200 foot wide commercial lot. Having a four-story hotel on the south side and a five story apartment building on the north side of this lot may result in another canyon effect depending on what is developed on the commercial lot. 2 PUD District. Development of the subject site is expected to be pursued as a PUD, Planned Unit Development District. Section 11-91-2 of the Zoning Ordinance makes any use allowed within the zoning districts established by the Zoning Ordinance as potentially allowed uses within a PUD District. Use of a PUD District allowing the uses of the R7, Residential High Density District and C3, General Commercial District would provide for the desired mixed use development of the property as guided by the Multiple Family Housing Study. Section 11-36-2 of the Zoning Ordinance states that development standards established for a PUD District are to be based upon the most closely related conventional zoning district, but may be modified to address certain building or site design objectives provided that the result is consistent with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed multiple family developments illustrated by Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 proposed the following flexibilities from the performance standards applicable to such development under the provisions of the R7 District and the recommendations of the 2018 Multiple Family Housing Study: Lot Area. Multiple family uses within the R7 District are currently required to provide a minimum of 2,500 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit, with potential reductions of up to 500 square feet for buildings constructed adjacent to commercial areas and with underground parking. The 2020 Multiple Family Housing study recommended allowance development of apartments within mixed-use areas with a requirement of 2,000 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit, which is a density of 21 dwelling units per acre. The three existing apartment buildings within the City are developed at a density of 21 dwelling units per acre or less. The lot for the multiple family building shown on Alternative 1 is approximately five acres in area. The lot area per unit for Alternative 1 is 870 square feet (50 dwelling units per acre). R7 District Housing Study Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Lot Area/Dwelling 2,500sf./ 2,000sf. 2,000sf. 870sf. 2,790sf./ 989sf. Building Height 3 stories 4 stories 5 stories 5 stories Off -Street Parking 2.0 stalls/du 2.0 stalls/du 1.0 garage/du 1.60 stalls/du 0.5 garage/du 1.68 stalls/du 0.35 garage/du Min Efficiency 500sf. 500sf. 420ft. (53/59) Unknown Floor IBR 700sf. 700sf. 644ft. (75/101) Area 2BR 780sf. 780sf. 775sf. (3/61) 3BR 860sf. 860sf. 1,016sf. Efficiency Units 10% 30% 20% Unknown Lot Area. Multiple family uses within the R7 District are currently required to provide a minimum of 2,500 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit, with potential reductions of up to 500 square feet for buildings constructed adjacent to commercial areas and with underground parking. The 2020 Multiple Family Housing study recommended allowance development of apartments within mixed-use areas with a requirement of 2,000 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit, which is a density of 21 dwelling units per acre. The three existing apartment buildings within the City are developed at a density of 21 dwelling units per acre or less. The lot for the multiple family building shown on Alternative 1 is approximately five acres in area. The lot area per unit for Alternative 1 is 870 square feet (50 dwelling units per acre). The lot east of Quaday Avenue in Alternative 2 is 19.66 acres in area, of which 6.97 acres are actually to be developed with the proposed apartment building. The lot area per unit for Alternative 2 is 2,790 square feet (16 units per acre) based on the entire area east of Quaday Avenue, which complies with the Zoning Ordinance. If Alternative 2 were developed on a lot limited to the apartment site east of Quaday Avenue equal to 6.97 acres, the lot area per unit would be 989 square feet (44 dwelling units per acre). The Planning Commission is asked to comment on the acceptability of the proposed density for the multiple family use generally and in relation to the existing and planned surrounding land uses. As noted at the Planning Commission meeting on 15 August 2022, the increase in density (and taller building) may be more acceptable if located adjacent to TH 101 east of Quaday Avenue, as shown on Alternative 2. Off -Street Parking. The Zoning Ordinance requirement for off-street parking is based on an ITE Parking Generation Study for suburban multiple family land uses. The ITE Study provides additional information that the parking demand for multiple family uses can be less based on the number of bedrooms per apartment. Consideration could be given to the number of required parking stalls for the development based a more detailed analysis to be submitted with application for a PUD Development Stage Plan using ITE studies to ensure provision of adequate parking based on the functional demands of this specific development. The Multiple Family Housing Study recommends adoption of a requirement for one enclosed parking stall per dwelling unit based on land use efficiency and as a desirable amenity for multiple family housing in the City. The PUD Concept Plans provide approximately one-half to one-third of the recommended number of garage stalls. The other three multiple family buildings in the City have each provided one garage stall per dwelling unit, although River's Edge uses a combination of attached and detached garages. We recommend that the number of garage stalls be increased to 1.0 per dwelling unit consistent with recommendations of the Multiple Family Housing Study, unless the Planning Commission supports reducing the requirement in consideration of the number of efficiency apartments. Floor Area. Section 11-17-6 of the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum floor area for each multiple family dwelling unit to ensure an adequate living space. Alternative 1 has efficiency, one bedroom, and two bedrooms units that are less than the minimums specified by the Zoning Ordinance. The largest reduction is a 16 percent decrease in floor area from the minimum for 53 of the 59 efficiency apartments. The decrease in floor area for the one and two bedroom units is less than 10 percent and applies to 74 percent of the one bedroom units and only five percent of the 2 bedroom units. The reduction in floor area may be acceptable if the extent of the reduction and number of units with reduced floor area is limited in consideration of other amenities included within the development evaluated as part of a PUD Development Stage Plan application. M Efficiency Apartments. Section 11-17-7 of the Zoning Ordinance limits efficiency apartments to 10 percent of the total number of dwelling units, but senior housing may have up to 30 percent efficiency apartments within the dwelling unit mix. Alternative 1 proposes 52 studio apartments or 20 percent of the 254 dwelling units. The number of efficiency apartments in Alternative 2 is not known. In our experience, a limitation of 10 percent efficiency units is restrictive and that up to 30 percent efficiency apartments within a building is consistent within current development practices. Traffic Study. The subject site abuts Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) along its west line. The proposed development is subject to Wright County and City approval that there is adequate capacity for the streets serving the property to accommodate the traffic generated by the proposed uses. Wright County and City staff had indicated to the developer that a traffic study would be required to be prepared to evaluate the traffic generation of the proposed development as part of a preliminary plat application. The developer has already engaged WSB to prepare a traffic study to evaluate existing and forecasted traffic conditions for Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and the intersections at 95th Street (CSAH 39), Park Avenue, 94th Street, and Main Street in Elk River, as well as 95th Street (CSAH 39) and Quaday Avenue. The forecasted traffic conditions are based upon both alternatives for the multiple family PUD Concept Plan and buildout of the balance of the property for commercial uses. Each alternative assumes that Quaday Avenue will be extended north through the property and 94th Street constructed between Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and Quaday Avenue. It is also possible from the traffic study to determine the volume of traffic that would be generated if developed entirely with commercial uses. i Parrish Avenue is designated as a Minor Arterial roadway by the Wright County Long Range Transportation Plan. Minor Arterial roadways are intended to carry traffic between regional destinations. The planning level capacity of a two-lane undivided urban roadway is 10,000 vehicles per day. Planning for improvements to increase capacity is to be initiated when traffic volumes exceed 8,500 trips per day. The Wright County Long Range Transportation Plan does not plan capacity expansion for Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) before 2040, although traffic volumes are monitored to determine if timing for improvements on Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) needs to be advanced. The likely capacity improvements would involve restriping Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) as three lanes with the center lane dedicated for left turns. The intersection at Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and Park Avenue is also likely to be restricted in the future to not allow a left turn from eastbound Park Avenue to northbound Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) or from westbound Park Avenue to southbound Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) known as a 3/4 intersection. The left turning movements can be replaced by turning right onto southbound Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) to circulate the roundabout at 95th Street (CSAH 39) to travel north or continuing south on Quaday Avenue to 951h Street (CSAH 39) west to the roundabout to continue west, south, or east, respectively. 5 Traffic volume data between 2000 and 2016 indicates that traffic has increased on Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) by two percent annually from 5,900 to 8,500 trips per day. Traffic counts obtained from data at the CSAH 39/CSAH 42 in 2021 that traffic on Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) decreased following the COVID-19 Pandemic period to 7,300 trips per day, which was typical of observed traffic regionally. WSB took current traffic counts on Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) as part of the traffic study indicating 9,650 trips per day between 95th Street (CSAH 39) and 94th Street and 8,550 trips per day north of 94th Street. City staff and Wright County staff agree that the increase in traffic volumes between the 2021 data and current traffic counts is due to the US Highway 169 and US Highway 10 improvement projects occurring in Elk River. The traffic study finds that the existing traffic volumes and intersection operations are not considered to be congested except at Parrish Avenue and Main Street in Elk River. The congestion at the Parrish Avenue and Main Street intersection in Elk River is shown to occur only during the peak PM period and only northbound left turning traffic, but that vehicle stacking is within the available queuing lanes. Projected traffic volumes for 2040 without development of the subject site (no build) indicate that only the Parrish Avenue and Main Street intersection in Elk River would experience congested levels of service occurring during the peak AM (for northbound left turning traffic only) and peak PM hours, but again with adequate vehicle stacking. Table 3 of the traffic study estimates that the proposed apartment uses would generate between 1,135 (Alternative 1) and 1,489 (Alternative 2) trips per day. The total traffic generation for the development would be 5,660 trips for Alternative 1 and 4,720 trips for Alternative 2. Alternative 1 generates more estimated traffic as it proposes 23,750 square feet more retail commercial building space than Alternative 2. If additional development of the area north of the power line easement were allowed with Alternative 2, this would increase the total traffic generation for that scenario. It also must be noted that if the property were to be developed entirely with commercial uses, traffic generation would be estimated as 7,756 trips per day as commercial uses generate more traffic than multiple family uses and also have different peak characteristics. The traffic study evaluated the effect of the estimated traffic generated by the development onto area roadways for 2024 and 2040 conditions for both development alternatives with the assumption that the Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and Park Avenue intersection would be improved to 3/4 movements for the 2040 scenario. Wright County has also commented that the proposed development would be required to construct right and left turn lanes on Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) as part of the proposed 94th Street intersection improvement to add the section east of Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42). The 2024 build evaluation for both alternatives indicates congestion occurring at the Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and Park Avenue intersection and at the Parrish Avenue and Main Street intersection in Elk River for the northbound left and westbound left movements during the peak PM hour. There is adequate stacking space at each intersection to accommodate estimated traffic volumes. Cel ■ The 2040 build evaluation for both alternatives indicates congestion occurring for traffic exiting the development from westbound 941h Street to Parrish Avenue (CSAR 42) during the peak PM hour and Park Avenue intersection and at the Parrish Avenue and Main Street intersection in Elk River for northbound left and right movements and westbound left movements and only during the peak PM hour. There is adequate stacking space at each intersection to accommodate estimated traffic volumes, except for the westbound lanes by 25 feet. The traffic study concludes that under the 2024 and 2040 development scenarios, Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and the studied intersections within Otsego will continue to operate at a satisfactory level of service except for peak turning movements onto the Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) at 94th Street, which will affect local traffic more than on the Minor Arterial roadway. Traffic impacts to 94th Street and Quaday Avenue under City jurisdiction will be subject to further review by the City Engineer with a PUD Development Stage Plan application. Decreasing levels of service at the Parrish Avenue and Main Street intersection in Elk River will occur under either the No -Build or Build scenarios and will require participation from effected jurisdictions beyond the scope of this development. The proposed development can be accommodated by existing streets with planned capacity improvements. RECOMMENDATION The PUD Concept Plan for development of a multiple family building within the Richard Lefebvre property planned for Mixed Use provides an opportunity for the Planning Commission to provide the developer a feedback as to the proposed land use and elements of the building and site design. The basis of the Planning Commission's evaluation is to be the Comprehensive Plan, the recommendations of the Multiple Family Housing Study approved by the City Council, and the intent of the performance standards established by the Zoning Ordinance. The comments provided by the Planning Commission in review of the PUD Concept Plan are intended to advise the developer as to whether the City has sufficient interest in the development to warrant the investment in time and expenses necessary to submit PUD Development Stage Plan and subdivision applications. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend support for the PUD Concept Plan for Norhart (Richard Lefebvre property) subject to the following comments: 1. The development shall require the following applications to be processed in accordance with the provisions of the City Code: a. Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to PUD District. b. PUD Development Stage Plan. C. Preliminary plat. d. Final plat. 7 Development of the subject site shall comply with the provisions of the WSRR District. The density of development for the multiple family land use shall not exceed one dwelling unit per 2,000 square feet unless approved by the City Council as a PUD Development Stage Plan. 4. The principal building shall comply with the setback requirements of Section 11- 77-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance 5. Right-of-way dedication and required improvements for Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) shall be subject to review and approval of Wright County. 6. Right-of-way dedication and required improvements for City streets shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The developer shall acquire at their cost right-of-way easement for extension of Quaday Avenue from the Otsego Waterfront plat to the subject site, subject to review and approval of City staff. 8. Right-of-way dedication, section design, and construction plans for Quaday Avenue and 94th Street shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. The PUD Development Stage Plan shall provide 2.0 off-street parking stalls per dwelling unit, including 1.0 attached garage parking stall per dwelling unit, unless a reduction in required parking is approved by the City Council as a PUD Development Stage Plan. 10. The exterior finish requirements for principal buildings shall be determined by the PUD Development Stage Plan based upon the provisions of Section 11-17- 4.D.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 11. The maximum height for the principal building shall not exceed three stories unless approved by the City Council as a PUD Development Stage Plan. 12. The floor area of individual dwelling units shall comply with the provisions of Section 11-17-6 of the Zoning Ordinance unless approved by the City Council as a PUD Development Stage Plan 13. The number of studio apartments shall not exceed 30 percent of the total number of dwelling units to be approved with a PUD Development Stage Plan. 14. The preliminary plat shall provide for dedication of land abutting the Mississippi River as determined by the City in accordance with the provisions Section 10-8- 15 of the Subdivision Ordinance. 15. All utility issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 16. All grading, drainage, and erosion control issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. B. Motion to not support the concept plan based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and recommendations of the Multiple Family Housing Study. C. Motion to table. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney I Site Location Map Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL ^— CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy Cityliownship Limits ❑ C ❑ t U Parcels OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER AUGUST 15, 2022 7:00 PM Chaifq%Lerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Offerman; Commissioners: Charles Foster, Laurie Jones, Vern Heidner, Jim Kolles, on Stritesky, Pam Black, and Richard Nichols*; Absent: None; Present: City Council: C m Darkenwald, Mayor Jessica Stockamp*, CM Tina Goede*. City Staff: City Plann aniel Licht and Deputy Clerk Bethany Benting. Those indicated with a (*) attended via v conference. 1. Announcements: City Planner Licht noted those members of the City Co it and Planning Commission who were online. 2. Consider the following minutes: 2.1 Planning Commission June 20, 2022. Commissioner Heidner motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Jones. All in favor. Motion carried. 7-0. 3. Public Hearing Items: 3.1 Norhart: A. PUD Concept Plan for development of a multiple family building with 254 apartments. City Planner Licht presented the Planning, Report. Applicants Mike Salt and MaryBeth Wise were present and agreed to the staff report. Mr. Salt provided a presentation regarding the concept plan outlining the flexibilities that would be requested through a PUD District. Chair Offerman opened the Public Hearing at 7:55 PM. Michael Yoakam, 15703 93rd Circle NE, said his main concern is the traffic on Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and would like a study done before going further. Dan Sly, 9501 Parrish Ave NE, voiced his concerns with the flexibilities requested for the projects stating the existing zoning rules are put in place for a reason. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission August 15, 2022 Page 2 Eugene Hively, 15729 9316 Circle NE, is concerned about growth and change and the City's ability to provide public services. Chance Nelson, 9193 Parrish Ave, is concerned about traffic on Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) that would be made worse by this development. Steve Brosko, 9686 Parrish Ave NE, voiced his concern about the existing traffic on Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) that would be made worse by this development. Mr. Sly asked for a further explanation of the concept of land use transition. Mr. Yoakam asked about the timeline for a decision on the development proposal and if Wright County will be involved. Chair Offerman closed the Public Hearing at 8:08 PM. City Planner Licht said that the City is aware of the issue related to traffic on Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and together with Wright County, require a traffic study to be completed before final approval. City Planner Licht said that such a traffic study would consider existing and future traffic on Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) without and with the development for the length of the corridor from CSAH 39 to Elk River. City Planner Licht explained the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan and Multiple Family Housing Study pertaining to housing, land use transition, and development standards. City Planner Licht commented about emergency services provided by Wright County Sherriff's Office, partner fire departments, and ambulance services. City Planner Licht said these are continuous discussions by City Council to ensure necessary services. City Planner Licht said that the Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the City Council regarding the PUD Concept Plan. Following City Council discussion of the Concept Plan, the developer will decide if they want to pursue application for a Zoning Map amendment, PUD Development Stage Plan, and preliminary plat. City Planner Licht said that those subsequent applications also require a public hearing to be held at the Planning Commission prior to final action by the City Council. Chair Offerman asked the applicant to show their slide with information about the development standard flexibilities being requested with the PUD concept plan. City Planner Licht explained how the requested flexibilities all relate to the proposed density of the development. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission August 15, 2022 Page 3 Commissioner Heidner asked the applicant if they determined what can be constructed within the powerline easement. Mr. Salt said no. Commissioner Heidner asked about the plans for snow storage within the site or if would be removed. Mr. Salt addressed. Commissioner Black commented that she lives in the Mississippi Shores development and is concerned about more traffic on Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42). Commissioner Black also said she is concerned about the transition from the development with a five -story building to one -acre lots to the west. Commissioner Black said that the building there will obstruct visibility for the commercial businesses from Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42). Commissioner Black suggested moving the apartment building to the east side of Quaday Avenue. Commissioner Jones said she is concerned about the proposed density and that following existing City requirements is a good idea. Commissioner Jones agreed with Commissioner Black's suggestion to move the apartment to the east side of Quaday Avenue. Commissioner Jones also asked about electric vehicle charging stations. Mr. Salt said EV charging would be available within the garage stalls. Commissioner Jones asked the monthly rate for garage parking. Mr. Salt said $60to $90 per parking space. City Planner Licht said the multifamily housing study approved by the City Council guided any apartment buildings for this property west of Quaday Avenue while keeping the land abutting TH 101 for commercial uses. City Planner Licht said that based on the comments from Commissioner Black and Commissioner Jones, the Planning Commission could recommend the apartment use be east of Quaday Avenue abutting the park property the City would acquire. Chair Offerman asked about park dedication requirements. City Planner Licht explained the City by law has a right to require dedication of land for public park purposes, the land is the area determined by the City, and that the land dedicated is not used for calculating density in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance. Commissioner Foster commented on the site plan and the area taken up by the powerline easement in relation to the proposed density and site design. City Planner Licht explained that the developable area of the site is limited by the powerline easement and required location of Quaday Avenue and 94th Street. City Planner Licht said the location and height of the proposed building are an effect of these site constraints. Commissioner Jones asked about the feasibility of underground parking relative to the water table. City Planner Licht said that is not an issue at this location. Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission August 15, 2022 Page 4 Commissioner Nichols asked regardless of the support or not of any development, shouldn't the Planning Commission ask for a traffic study. City Planner Licht explained the Wright County Transportation Plan and that a traffic study is typically undertaken by a developer in conjunction with a proposed development. Mr. Salt said they are undertaking a traffic study, which should be completed by September. Commissioner Nichols suggested tabling the application. Commissioner Heidner motioned to table this until the traffic study is complete. Commissioner Stritesky seconded. All in favor. Motioned carried. 7-0. 3.2 Autumn Woods Commercial LLC (formerly YourGarage LLCM A. Conditional Use Permit to allow multiple principal buildings on one lot. City Plan%Ron resented the Planning Report. Applicantchette, waspresent and agreed to the staff report. Chair Offerman openeNhe Public Hearing at 8:59 PM. No Public Comments were Chair Offerman closed the Public MVring at 9:00 PM. Commissioner Stritesky asked about the rking and use of the building if the owner ever sold. City Planner Licht said there wo be adequate off-street parking even with a change in occupancy. Commissioner Jones asked about the residential are o the east and if the trees are on the subject property or the residential property. CityP ser Licht stated the trees were mostly on the residential property. Commissioner Js asked about lighting on the back of the building. Mr. Touchette further explained th\isting vegetation, site improvements, and that there would be no lighting on the eaon of the warehouse building. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to recommend approval of a P -CUP and site and building plans for Lot 3, Block 1 Autumn Woods Commerci subject to the following conditions as stated in the staff report. Seconded by Commissioner Foster. All in favor. Motion carried. 7-0. 0 U c� z W m U) .a W z LU z W X 0 wsb Memorandum To: Mike Salt, Principal Architect Northart, Inc From: Chuck Rickart, PE, PTOE, Principal, Traffic Engineer WSB Date: October 7, 2022 Re: Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments Otsego, Minnesota WSB Project No. 21138-000 Background The purpose of the study is to document the impact the proposed Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartment development will have on the existing roadway network adjacent to the site. The proposed development is located north of Park Avenue, between Parrish Avenue and TH 101 in the city of Otsego. The site location is shown on Figure 1. The development is planned to include a 328 -unit apartment building on the property. Two land use alternatives are considered with this Traffic Study. Land Use Alternative 1: This alternative includes the proposed apartment development located between Parrish Avenue and the extension of Quaday Avenue south of the extension of 941h Street. The remining development includes mutli-family north of the extension of 941h Street extension and retail east of the Quaday Avenue extension. Access to the site is proposed through direct driveway access on the 94th Street and Quaday Avenue extension. The proposed Land Use Alternative 1 site plan is shown on Figure 2. Land Use Alternative 2: This alternative includes the proposed apartment development located east of Quaday Avenue. The remining development includes retail between Parrish Avenue and the Quaday Avenue extension both north and south of the 941h Street extension. Access to the site is proposed through direct driveway access on Quaday Avenue at 94th Street extension. The proposed Land Use Alternative 2 site plan is shown on Figure 3. The traffic impacts of the proposed site development were evaluated for the existing (2022), future 2024 and future 2040 conditions. The analysis was prepared to document the existing and future transportation and access impacts and needs for the roadways adjacent to the proposed Norhart, Parrish Avenue Apartment development. The analysis will address intersection operations at the following intersections in the vicinity of the proposed site: • Parrish Avenue at 941h Street • Parrish Avenue at Park Avenue • Quaday Avenue at Park Avenue • CSAH 39 at Quaday Avenue • Parrish Avenue at Main Street (Elk River) • Quaday Avenue at 94th Street (future) • Quaday Avenue at Site Access (future) • 94th Street at Site Access (future) The results of the analysis, discussed in the following sections, will include documentation of the existing conditions, traffic projections and analysis of future conditions and recommendations of any improvements to mitigate impacts, if necessary. Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 2 Figure 1 — Project Location LEGEND N '-01 O Study Location � lo� Elk River 169j _ 113 30 10 Mississippi Road Northwest 1 I' Otsego 9$f/I s _ a z r NF O W t 4 w z ® t m a z c 85th St NE p 85th St NE w w z z 83rd St NE > > a I O rn 1 CL .. N 0. 1 M 7 7_ NE o 78th St NE \ p \ m d ` 3 \ \ G P- P� \ fD R \ m 70th St NE A973ft 70th St NE UJ z z w m z > mCU a a' o a w 65th St 3 @ z 1 > 0 a a y Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 3 Figure 2 — Land Use Alternative 1 A e �' norhart _ �00 N -P o t99$ 3t dim °x I n 000 ` T1 Ss®SO uio pa oc.250 wv a �• � �_ y I a -�o RUEeMOICY PKLONY Nub'. nnb .nlr. ,Il+-. s OTSEOO APARTMENTS OTSEGO. MN a @r rc«ws rw zmza� MIDO Figure 3 — Land Use Alternative 2 jt II �, lJ 1• t• S'.Cf:.`.......w.�.......rw.....w....,..� I n'iSY�, sra+x .i�:iti\ Illl PacN9 ' 1 _ Iiii ..............,,.. .� $eLoUCKS X \ j s::�—�y._ Retail I 112 500st @.2 FAR ' , = 22,500st rl. I Multi Family n. '�' ,% ,,,, •r:..ww ..�........�M 328 Units .I .f •7s� / _ j ' Parcell__•K1, •I Y :j'.}r• 4' , .r....ay. n.w.•...... .�x�3 I I _ • - / ` /' ♦ f ww�osarw_u —_ c3.r-��+sc"='F I Retail... vy i4 184,250s1 @,2 FAR _ ice.:.,yr..36850st j'Ir G:..>I^yF:`:�w.'!f '©••�,�,,,,,•Y.., .� 7. I I I [•'0Q� lid t [a�l� ._•� I r�} r{. I r..ww. wm,u _ _ _ -- � � � ,�,I(�? `�rr..�-`�_•.�•, 1 � ,•;t' � �:.L:.:=�,:'.=��:aY..... �:ci��r�:z:..G' � �•-�..='`tet" 'i 1 ars[au , 1 �.���':t=.•�'�::;7�:'�CC^:..,........... r��S� «...�.r....�•e.........-r. e'vve� .Ij /( Y'[v.Wlll Ar I 1 y��".�.T^!.'.t:.'R:. L^�,�`� yw.�•�': .�ti .� 1. Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 4 Existing Conditions Roadway Characteristics The existing lane configurations and traffic control on the adjacent roadways and intersections, used to determine the impacts of the proposed site and area development include: Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) is a Wright County Minor Arterial roadway running from the Crow River in city of Dayton through the city of Otsego to Main Street in the City of Elk River. In the area north of CSAH 39, the roadway, in general, has a rural two-lane (one lane in each direction) undivided cross section with paved shoulders. Between CSAH 39 and Park Avenue the roadway includes an urban cross section with a single northbound lane and two southbound lanes with a raised concrete median. Approaching Main Street in Elk River crossing the river the roadway has a three lane urban cross section with two northbound lanes and a single southbound lane with paved shoulders. The current posted speed limit is 45mph north of CSAH 39 to 961h Circle where it changes to 40mph to Main Street. The current ADT on Parrish Avenue north of CSAH 39 is 9,650vpd and south of Main Street is 7,200vpd. Quaday Avenue is a city of Otsego local Industrial/Commercial Minor Collector from CSAH 39 to where it terminates north of Park Avenue. The street has a two-lane urban cross section with a raised concrete median. The current posted speed limit is 30mph. The current ADT is 160vpd north of Park Avenue. Park Avenue is a city of Otsego local street from 961h Street west of Parrish Avenue to Quaday Avenue east of Parrish Avenue. The street has a two-lane rural cross section west of Parrish Avenue and a two-lane urban cross section with a raised concrete median east of Parrish Avenue. The current posted speed limit is 30mph. 94th Street is a city of Otsego local street from Pakington Avenue to Parrish Avenue. The street has a two-lane rural cross section. The current posted speed limit is 30mph. The following is a summary of the existing conditions at the study area intersections: Parrish Ave at 941h St — Side Street Stop • SB Parrish Ave: one right/thru/left • NB Parrish Ave: one right/thru/left • EB 94'h Street: one right/thru/left Parrish Ave at Park Ave — Side Street Stop • SB Parrish Ave: one right/thru, one left • WB Park Ave: one right, one thru, one left • NB Parrish Ave: one right, one thru, one left • EB Park Ave: one right, one thru, one left Parish Avenue at Main Street — Side Street Stop • NB Parrish Ave: one right, one left • WB Main St: one thru, one left • EB Main St: one right, one thru Quaday Ave at Park Ave — All -Way Stop • SB Quaday Av: one right, one thru, one left • WB Driveway: one right/thru, one left • NB Quaday Av: one right, one thru, one left • EB Park Ave: one right/thru, one left CSAH 39 at Quaday Ave — Side Street Stop • SB Quaday Ave: one right • WB CSAH 39: one right, two thru • EB CSAH 39: two thru Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 5 Traffic Counts Existing peak hour turning movement volumes were developed based on new traffic counts conducted by WSB the week of August 15, 2022, at the intersections noted above in the city of Otsego and the week of October 3, 2022 for the intersection in the city of Elk River for the following time periods: • AM Peak: 6:00 — 9:00 am • PM Peak: 4:00 — 7:00 pm Although these counts were conducted during the TH 169/TH 10 construction no adjustments were made. It was determined that the counts are slightly higher than a normal condition and therefore would represent a worst-case condition. Figure 4 shows the existing area intersections that were analyzed as part of this study, with the existing AM and PM peak hour and ADT traffic volumes. Crash History Existing crash data included with this study was obtained using the Minnesota Crash Mapping Analysis Tool (MnCMAT) developed by MnDOT. The database includes crashes reported to MnDOT by local law enforcement agencies. The crash data presented is for a 3 year period from 2019-2021. The MnCMAT database does not provide access to the original handwritten crash reports, which contain some details that are not represented in the MnCMAT database. Crashes that resulted in damages under $1000 may not be included in the database results as well. A summary of the existing crash data is shown in Table 1. The crash rate and severity rate for each of the intersections are also shown below in Table 2. Table 1: Crash Data Summary Table 2: Crash Rate Summary Location Crashes Location 2019 2020 2021 Total Ave** PD PI PD PI PD PI Crashes Parrish Avenue at 1 1 4 1 0 0 7 Park Avenue Table 2: Crash Rate Summary Location Number of Crashes Daily Entering Vehicles Crash Rate* Severity Rate Calc Ave Critical*** Calc Ave** Parrish Avenue at 7 10,430 0.61 0.13 0.88 0.27 Park Avenue `— Intersection crash rates are expressed in crashes per million entering vehicles Average for specific traffic control using MnDOT 2020 green sheets — Critical crash rates are expressed in crashes per million entering vehicles with 0.99 confidence level The data shows that only the intersection of Parrish Avenue at Park Avenue has had reported crashes in the past three years. The intersection does have a calculated crash rate and severity rate that is above the MnDOT Metro and Statewide average rates. Right angle and rear end crashes make up 85% of the crashes in the intersection. Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 6 Figure 4 - Existing Conditions Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 7 Traffic Projections To analyze intersection lane configuration and traffic control needs projected traffic volumes were determined for the area. Future year projections were prepared for 2024 which represents the year after the proposed Norhart Parrish Avenue Apartments development is completed and, 2040 which represents the city's Comprehensive Plan planning horizon. The following sections outline the anticipated background traffic growth, traffic generation from the proposed development, as well as the traffic distribution and projected traffic volumes. Background (Non -Site) Traffic Growth Traffic growth in the vicinity of a proposed site will occur between existing conditions and any given future year due to other development within the region. This background growth must be accounted for and included in future year traffic forecasts. To determine the background growth in traffic the existing traffic volumes were compared to the 2040 projected traffic volumes from the Wright County and the city's 2040 Transportation Plan Updates. Based on this comparison a factor of 1.7% per year was used to project traffic from the existing 2022 counts to the 2024 and 2040 analysis years for traffic on the area roadways. Proposed Site Development Traffic Generation Traffic generation for the area development was prepared based on the two Land Use Alternatives discussed previously. The trip generation used to estimate the proposed site traffic is based on rates for other similar land uses as documented in the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, 111h Edition. Table 3 shows the anticipated traffic generation for three conditions: The Norhart Parrish Apartments traffic only; The additional Land Use Alternative 1 traffic, and; The additional Land Use Alternative 2 traffic. The table shows the daily, AM peak hour and PM peak hour trip generation for the proposed site development. Table 3 — Development Site Trip Generation Planned Use Size ADT AM Peak I PM Peak Total I In I Out Total In Out Norhart Parrish Apartment Development Multi -Family Residential 328 units 1489 121 28 93 128 78 50 Land Use Alternative 1 Additional Traffic Multi -Family Residential 250 units 1135 93 21 71 98 59 38 Strip Retail 83,100 sf 4525 196 118 78 548 274 274 Total Land Use Alter 1 Trips 5660 289 139 150 645 1 333 1 312 Land Use Alternative 2 Additional Traffic Strip Retail 22,500 sf 1225 53 32 21 148 74 74 Strip Retail 36,850 sf 2006 87 52 35 242 121 121 Total Land Use Alter 2 Trips 3231 140 84 56 390 195 195 Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 8 Proposed Development Area Traffic Distribution Proposed site generated trips were distributed to the adjacent roadway system based on several factors including anticipated origins and destinations for the planned land use, existing travel patterns and engineering judgement. Based on these parameters the following general traffic distribution was used to distribute the projected traffic volumes to the area roadway network: • North on Parrish Avenue • West on CSAH 39 • East on CSAH 39 • South on Parrish Avenue Projected Traffic Volumes AM Peak PM Peak 25% 50% 27% 18% 30% 20% 18% 12% Traffic forecasts were prepared for the no -build and build conditions. The traffic forecasts were prepared by adding the projected annual background traffic growth to the existing traffic volumes to determine the 2024 and 2040 no -build condition. The 2024 build conditions were prepared by adding the Norhart Parrish Avenue Apartment development site traffic to the no -build volumes. The 2040 build conditions were prepared by adding the anticipated Norhart Parrish Avenue Apartment development plus the additional Land Use Alternative traffic to the no -build volumes. Figure 5 - Figure 10 shows the projected no -build and build traffic volumes. Future Roadway Improvements Based on comments from Wright County the following roadway improvements were assumed with the intersection traffic operation analysis: 2024 Build: • Parrish Avenue at 941h Street o Northbound and southbound left turn lanes o Northbound right turn lane 2040 No -Build: • Parrish Avenue at Park Avenue o % access intersection 2040 Build: • Parrish Avenue at 94th Street o Northbound and southbound left turn lanes o Northbound right turn lane • Parrish Avenue at Park Avenue o '/ access intersection Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 9 Figure 5 — 2024 No -Build Conditions AM (PM) Turning Movements Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 10 Figure 6 — 2024 Build Land Use Alternative 1 Conditions AM (PM) Turning Movements Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 11 Figure 7 - 2024 Build Land Use Alternative 2 Conditions INSET: Parrish Ave & Main St Intersection LEGEND LEGEND N I m 50 (75) AM (PM) Turning Movements A 8311511 162 (230) 0301145 (2941352 Mw tad 12,ssf .2 FAR @ 9,900 22, 5003f Multi.Family 7,300 enc ts P -VI 0 i 06 0(0) 0 C 10 Relad 184,250s1 @ .2 FAR 46(37) 00 36,85051 47(13) (0)0 (50)14 231251 (0)0 N 0(0) 23 (12) 16 0 (0)0 3(11) 11 (39) (9)5 2(7) (60)60 49 (45) t (0)3 tz M 51 (28)18 N G 4— 785(647) w4 (746)724 (8)2 Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 12 Figure 8 - 2040 No -Build Conditions Traffic Study \,/ Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 13 Figure 9 — 2040 Build Land Use Alternative 1 Conditions AM (PM) Turning Movements Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 14 Figure 10 - 2040 Build Land Use Alternative 2 Conditions Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 15 Traffic Operations Analysis Existing and/or forecasted traffic operations were evaluated for the intersections and proposed site access in the study area. The analysis was conducted for the following scenarios. 1. Existing Conditions 2. Projected 2024 No -Build 3. Projected 2024 Build Land Use Alt 1 4. Projected 2024 Build Land Use Alt 2 5. Projected 2040 No -Build 6. Projected 2040 Build Land Use Alt 1 7. Projected 2040 Build Land Use Alt 2 The following sections describe the methodology used to assess the operations and provides a summary of traffic operations for each scenario. Methodology The intersections in the study area were evaluated during the AM and PM peak hours using Synch ro/S imTraffic micro simulation software. The results are derived from established methodologies documented in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) The software was used to evaluate the characteristics of the roadway network including lane geometrics, turning movement volumes, traffic control, and signal timing. In addition, the signal timing parameters for future year conditions were optimized using Synchro. This information was then transferred to SimTraffic, the traffic simulation model, to estimate average peak hour vehicle delays and queues. Due to the stochastic nature of the simulation models, there can be minor variations in the MOEs reported by the model between various runs. One of the primary measures of effectiveness used to evaluate intersection traffic operations, as defined in the HCM, is Level of Service (LOS) — a qualitative letter grade, A — F, based on seconds of vehicle delay due to a traffic control device at an intersection. LOS A conditions represent high quality operations (i.e., motorists experience very little delay or interference) and LOS F conditions represent very poor operations (i.e., extreme delay or severe congestion). For side street stop intersections, the intersection LOS is reported as the worst side street movement. Figure 11 depicts a graphical interpretation of delay times that define level of service. The delay thresholds are lower for un -signalized intersections than signalized intersections due to the public's perception of acceptable delays for different traffic controls as indicated in the HCM. In accordance with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) guidelines, this analysis used the LOS D/E boundary as an indicator of acceptable traffic operations. Figure 11: LOS Ranges for Signalized and Un -signalized Intersections 80 LOS E 55 — 50 � LOS E 35 `o H °1 $ 35 LOS C T O U 25 20 -- c LOS C LOS B Z u 15 LOS B U 10 10 LOS LOS Z unagnaraee imer:e<aon syruraea imers.n�oa LOS and other Measure of Effectiveness (MOEs) were calculated from the models and are discussed in the following sections for each analysis year. Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 16 Existing Table 4 — Existing Traffic Operations shown below, summarizes the existing LOS and delays at the primary intersections in the study area based on the current lane geometry, traffic control and existing traffic volumes. The analysis results show that all intersections are operating at overall LOS B during both the weekday AM and PM peak hours. In addition, all movements during the AM and PM peak hours are also operating at a LOS C or better except at the northbound left turn at the Parrish Avenue and Main Street intersection that is operating at a LOS E during the PM peak hour. The maximum movement queues do not exceed the storage lengths of the existing lanes at any of the intersections for existing conditions intersection. Table 4 — Existing Traffic Operations o AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour c Intersection LOS Delay LOS Dela v sec/veh sec/veh ° Parrish Avenue at 941h Street A (A) 4 (6) A (A) 3 (5) 2 2 Parrish Avenue at Park Avenue A (B) 3 (16) A (C) 4 (21) 2 Parrish Avenue at Park Avenue A (B) 3 (14) A (C) 4 (20) 2 Quaday Avenue at CSAH 39 A (A) 1 (3) A (A) 1 (4) Quaday Avenue at Park Avenue A (A) 4 (6) A (A) 4 (6) CL Quaday Avenue at CSAH 39 A (A) 1 (3) A (A) 1 (4) 2 �� Parrish Avenue at Main Street A (B) 5 (14) B (E) 13 (36) C = Overall LOS, (D) = Worst movement LOS Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. 2024 No -Build Table 5— 2024 No -Build Traffic Operations shown below, summarizes the projected 2024 LOS and delays at the primary intersections in the study area based on the current lane geometry and traffic control without the proposed Norhart Parrish Avenue Apartment development traffic. The analysis results show that all intersections will continue to operate at overall LOS B or better during both the weekday AM and PM peak hours. In addition, all movements during the AM and PM peak hours would continue to operate at a LOS C or better except the northbound left turn at the Parrish Avenue and Main Street intersection that would operate at a LOS E during the PM peak hour. Like the existing conditions the maximum movement queues do not exceed the storage lengths of the existing lanes at any of the intersections. Table 5 — 2024 No -Build Traffic Operations o AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour C Intersection LOS Delay LOS Delay L) sec/veh sec/veh Parrish Avenue at 941h Street A (A) 4 (7) A (A) 3 (5) 2 2 Parrish Avenue at Park Avenue A (B) 3 (16) A (C) 4 (21) a Quaday Avenue at Park Avenue A (A) 4 (6) A (A) 4 (7) 2 Quaday Avenue at CSAH 39 A (A) 1 (3) A (A) 1 (4) CL Parrish Avenue at Main Street A (C) 5 (15) B (E) 14 (40) C = Overall LOS, (D) = Worst movement LOS Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 17 2024 Build Table 6 — 2024 Build Land Use Alternative 1 Traffic Operations shown below, summarizes the projected 2024 LOS and delays at the primary intersections in the study area assuming the following: • Current lane geometry and traffic control • The extension of 941h Street and Quaday Avenue. • Right and left turn lanes on Parrish Avenue at 941h Street (Required by Wright County) • The proposed Norhart Parrish Avenue Apartment development traffic The analysis results show that all intersections including the new site access intersections would operate at overall LOS C or better during both the weekday AM and PM peak hours. In addition, all movements during the AM and PM peak hours would operate at a LOS C or better, except the following movements during the PM peak hour: • Westbound left turn at the Parrish Avenue and Park Avenue = LOS D • Northbound left turn at the Parrish Avenue and Main Street = LOS E Like the No -Build conditions the maximum movement queues do not exceed the storage lengths of the existing or proposed lanes at any of the intersections. Table 6 — 2024 Build Land Use Alternative 1 Traffic Operations Summary o AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour c Intersection LOS Delay LOS Delay v sec/veh sec/veh a 2 ° Parrish Avenue at 94th Street A (B) 4 (10) A (A) 4 (9) '6) Parrish Avenue at Park Avenue A (B) 3 (18) A (D) 4 (26) C. a 2 Quaday Avenue at Park Avenue A (A) 4 (6) A (A) 4 (7) 2 Quaday Avenue at CSAH 39 A (A) 1 (3) A (A) 1 (4) ° 94th Street at Site Access A (A) 2 (4) A (A) 3 (6) �U) co 94th Street at Quaday Avenue A (A) 5 (5) A (A) 4 (5) CL Quaday Avenue at Site Access A (A) 4 (5) A (A) 2 (4) 2 CL Parrish Avenue at Main Street A (C) 7 (19) C (E) 21 (46) C = Overall LOS, (D) = Worst movement LOS Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. Table 7— 2024 Build Land Use Alternative 2 Traffic Operations shown below, summarizes the projected 2024 LOS and delays at the primary intersections in the study area assuming the following: • Current lane geometry and traffic control • The extension of 941h Street and Quaday Avenue. • Right and left turn lanes on Parrish Avenue at 94th Street (Required by Wright County) • The proposed Norhart Parrish Avenue Apartment development traffic Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 18 The analysis results show that all intersections including the new site access intersections would operate at overall LOS C or better during both the weekday AM and PM peak hours. In addition, all movements during the AM and PM peak hours would operate at a LOS C or better accept the following during the PM peak hour: • Westbound left turn at the Parrish Avenue and Park Avenue = LOS D • Northbound left turn at the Parrish Avenue and Main Street = LOS E Like the No -Build conditions the maximum movement queues do not exceed the storage lengths of the existing or proposed lanes at any of the intersections. Table 7 — 2024 Build Land Use Alternative 2 Traffic Operations Summary o AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour c Intersection LOS Dela LOS Dela V sec/veh sec/veh 2 Parrish Avenue at 941h Street A (A) 4 (9) A (B) 4 (11) CL Parrish Avenue at Park Avenue A (C) 4 (20) A (D) 4 (28) 0 g Quaday Avenue at Park Avenue A (A) 4 (6) A (A) 4 (7) Quaday Avenue at CSAH 39 A (A) 1 (3) A (A) 1 (4) r 94"' Street at Quaday Avenue A (A) 5 (6) A (A) 4 (6) 2 Parrish Avenue at Main Street A (C) 6 (18) C (E) 24 (48) �� C = Overall LOS, (D) = Worst movement LOS Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. 2040 No -Build Table 8 — 2040 No -Build Traffic Operations shown below, summarizes the projected 2040 LOS and delays at the primary intersections in the study area without the proposed Norhart Parrish Avenue Apartment development traffic based on the current lane geometry and traffic control and a % access intersection at Parrish Avenue and Park Avenue as identified by Wright County. Similar to the existing and 2024 No -Build the analysis results show that all intersections will continue to operate at overall LOS B or better and all movements operating at LOS C or better during both the weekday AM and PM peak hours accept at the intersection of Parrish Avenue and Main Street which would be operating at an overall LOS F during the PM peak hour with the northbound movements operating at an LOS E during the AM peak hour and LOS F during the PM peak hour. Like the existing and 2024 No -Build conditions the maximum movement queues do not exceed the storage lengths of the existing lanes at any of the intersections. Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 19 Table 8 — 2040 No -Build Traffic Operations Summary o AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour c Intersection Delay Delay v LOS seclveh LOS sec/veh L � Parrish Avenue at 94th Street A (B) 5 (10) B (C) 14 (22) Parrish Avenue at Park Avenue A (A) 3 (5) A (A) 4 (9) Q Quaday Avenue at Park Avenue A (A) 5 (7) A (A) 5 (8) Quaday Avenue at CSAH 39 A (A) 1 (3) A (A) 1 (6) 2 Parrish Avenue at Main Street B (E) 1L(41) 100+ (100+) C = Overall LOS, (D) = Worst movement LOS Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. In order to improve the operations at the Parrish Avenue and Main Street intersection, a traffic signal or roundabout could be considered. With that improvement, the overall intersection would operate at a LOS B with all movements operating at LOS C or better in both the AM and PM peak hours. 2040 Build Condition Table 9 — 2040 Build Land Use Alternative 1 Traffic Operations shown below, summarizes the projected 2040 LOS and delays at the primary intersections in the study area assuming the following: • Current lane geometry and traffic control • The extension of 94th Street and Quaday Avenue. • Right and left turn lanes on Parrish Avenue at 94th Street (Required by Wright County) • '/ Access intersection at Parrish Avenue and Park Avenue (Identified by Wright County) • The proposed Norhart Parrish Avenue Apartment development traffic • The additional Land Use Alternative 1 traffic The analysis results show that all intersections including the new site access intersections would operate at overall LOS C or better during both the weekday AM and PM peak hours, accept the intersection of Parrish Avenue at Main Street which would operate at LOS F during the PM peak hour. In addition, all movements during the AM and PM peak hours would operate at a LOS C or better, except the following movements: • Parrish Avenue at 941h Street o Westbound left turn: PM peak hour = LOS E o Westbound right turn: PM peak hour = LOS E • Parrish Avenue at Main Street o Northbound left turn: AM Peak hour = LOS F, PM peak hour = LOS F o Northbound right turn: PM peak hour = LOS F o Westbound left turn: PM peak hour = LOS F Like the No -Build conditions the maximum movement queues do not exceed the storage lengths of the existing or proposed lanes at any of the intersections, accept the westbound left turn at Parrish Avenue and Main Street which would exceed the available storage by approximately 25ft. Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 20 Table 9 — 2040 Build Land Use Alternative 1 Traffic Operations Summary o AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour o Intersection LOS Delay LOS Delay v sec/veh sec/veh CL Parrish Avenue at 941h Street A (C) 8 (22) C (E) 19 (38) CL Parrish Avenue at Park Avenue A (A) 3 (9) A (B) 5 (12) Q 9 � Quaday Avenue at Park Avenue A (A) 6 (9) A (B) 6 (10) CL Quaday Avenue at CSAH 39 A (A) 1 (4) A (A) 2 (7) k ° 94th Street at Site Access A (A) 2 (5) B (C) 9 (22) CL 941h Street at Quaday Avenue A (A) 6 (8) A (B) 8 (12) 1EQuaday Avenue at Site Access A (A) 6 (7) A (A) 4 (6) 2 ° Parrish Avenue at Main Street 19(100+) 100+(100+) C = Overall LOS, (D) = Worst movement LOS Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. Similar to the 2040 no -build conditions, in order to improve the operations at the Parrish Avenue and Main Street intersection, a traffic signal or roundabout could be considered. With that improvement, the overall intersection would operate at a LOS B with all movements operating at LOS C or better in both the AM and PM peak hours. Table 10 — 2040 Build Land Use Alternative 2 Traffic Operations shown below, summarizes the projected 2024 LOS and delays at the primary intersections in the study area assuming the following: • Current lane geometry and traffic control • The extension of 941h Street and Quaday Avenue. • Right and left turn lanes on Parrish Avenue at 941h Street (Required by Wright County) • '/ Access intersection at Parrish Avenue and Park Avenue (Identified by Wright County) • The proposed Norhart Parrish Avenue Apartment development traffic • The additional Land Use Alternative 2 traffic The analysis results show that all intersections including the new site access intersections would operate at overall LOS C or better during both the weekday AM and PM peak hours, accept the intersection of Parrish Avenue at Main Street which would operate at LOS F during the PM peak hour. In addition, all movements during the AM and PM peak hours would operate at a LOS C or better, except the following movements: • Parrish Avenue at 941h Street o Westbound left turn: PM peak hour = LOS E o Westbound right turn: PM peak hour = LOS E • Parrish Avenue at Main Street o Northbound left turn: AM Peak hour = LOS F, PM peak hour = LOS F o Northbound right turn: PM peak hour = LOS F o Westbound left turn: PM peak hour= LOS F Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 21 Like the No -Build conditions the maximum movement queues do not exceed the storage lengths of the existing or proposed lanes at any of the intersections, accept the westbound left turn at Parrish Avenue and Main Street which would exceed the available storage by approximately 15ft. Table 10 — 2040 Build Land Use Alternative 2 Traffic Operations Summary o AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour V Intersection Delay Delay LOS sec/veh LOS sec/veh ° W Parrish Avenue at 941h Street A (C) 9 (24) C (E) 21 (45) � JCL Parrish Avenue at Park Avenue A (A) 3 (9) A (B) 6 (24) Q U-2) Quaday Avenue at Park Avenue A (B) 6 (10) A (B) 8 (13) 2 ° Quaday Avenue at CSAH 39 A (A) 1 (4) A (A) 2 (7) 2 941h Street at Quaday Avenue A (B) 7 (10) A (B) 7 (12) �U) CL Parrish Avenue at Main Street 22(100+ ) 100+(100+) C = Overall LOS, (D) = Worst movement LOS Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. Similar to the 2040 no -build condition, in order to improve the operations at the Parrish Avenue and Main Street intersection, a traffic signal or roundabout could be considered. With that improvement, the overall intersection would operate at a LOS B with all movements operating at LOS C or better in both the AM and PM peak hours. Conclusions Based on the analysis documented in this memorandum, WSB has concluded the following: • Norhart Inc. is proposing a new multi -family residential development located north of Park Avenue between Parrish Avenue and TH 101 in the city of Otsego. • Two land use alternatives are being considered and included with the Traffic Study. o Land Use Alternative 1 includes the proposed apartment development located between Parrish Avenue and the extension of Quaday Avenue south of the extension of 941h Street. The remining development includes mutli-family residential north of the extension of 94th Street extension and retail east of the Quaday Avenue extension. o Land Use Alternative 2 includes the proposed apartment development located east of Quaday Avenue. The remining development includes retail between Parrish Avenue and the Quaday Avenue extension both north and south of the 941h Street extension. • The Norhart multi -family residential site is proposed to include 328 residential units that would generate 1,498 daily, 121 AM peak hour and 128 PM peak hour trips. The remaining development area for Land Use Alternative 1 would generate 5,660 daily, 289 AM peak hour and 645 PM peak hour trips, and for Land Use Alternative 2 would generate 3,232 daily, 140 AM peak hour and 391 PM peak hour. Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 22 • The crash data shows that the intersection of Parrish Avenue at Park Avenue has a calculated crash rate and severity rate that is above the MnDOT Metro and Statewide average rates. • The traffic operations analysis evaluated impacts for existing conditions and the horizon years of 2024 and 2040 for the local roadway network, specifically, the following intersections in the vicinity of the proposed development: o Parrish Avenue at 941h Street o Parrish Avenue at Park Avenue o Quaday Avenue at Park Avenue o CSAH 39 at Quaday Avenue o Parrish Avenue at Main Street (Elk River) o Quaday Avenue at 94th Street (future) o Quaday Avenue at Site Access (future) 0 941h Street at Site Access (future) Based on Wright County comments improvements northbound and southbound turn lanes on Parrish Avenue at the new 941h Street connection for the 2024 and 2040 build conditions and, a'/ access intersection at Parrish Avenue and Park Street for the 2040 no -build and build conditions. With the existing, 2024 No -Build and 2040 No -Build conditions based on the current lane geometry (with a'/ intersection at Parrish Avenue and Park Street in 2040), traffic control and existing and/or projected traffic volumes, the analysis results show that all intersections will continue to operate at overall LOS B or better and all movements operating at LOS C or better during both the weekday AM and PM peak hours accept at the intersection of Parrish Avenue and Main Street which would be operating at an overall LOS F during the PM peak hour with the northbound movements operating at an LOS E during the PM peak hour in 2024 and LOS E during the AM peak hour and LOS F during the PM peak hour in 2040. With the 2024 Build conditions for each Land Use Alternative assuming the current lane geometry and traffic control with the proposed Norhart Parrish Avenue Apartment development traffic added to the No -Build conditions, the results show that all intersections including the new site access intersections would operate at overall LOS C or better during both the weekday AM and PM peak hours. In addition, all movements during the AM and PM peak hours would operate at a LOS C or better accept the westbound left turn at the Parrish Avenue and Park Avenue will operate at LOS D and the northbound left turn at the Parrish Avenue and Main Street that would operate at LOS E during the PM peak hour. With the 2040 Build conditions for each Land Use Alternative assuming the current lane geometry and traffic control with the proposed Norhart Parrish Avenue Apartment development traffic and the additional area development traffic added to the No -Build conditions, the analysis results show that all intersections including the new site access intersections would operate at overall LOS C or better during both the weekday AM and PM peak hours, accept the intersection of Parrish Avenue at Main Street which would operate at an LOS F during the PM peak hour. In addition, all movements during the AM and PM peak hours would operate at a LOS C or better, except during the PM peak hour for the westbound left and right turn at Parrish Avenue and 941h Street which would operate at LOS E and during the PM peak hour for the northbound left and right turn and westbound left turn at the Parrish Avenue and Main Street which would be operating at LOS F. Traffic Study Norhart - Parrish Avenue Apartments October 7, 2022 Page 23 For each of the analysis years, the maximum movement queues do not exceed any of the storage lengths of the existing lanes at any intersection accept the westbound left turn lane at Parrish Avenue and Main Street which would exceed the available storage with the 2040 Build conditions during the PM peak hour. The only additional mitigation improvement that should be considered, other than that required by Wright County, would be a traffic signal system or roundabout at the intersection of Parrish Avenue and Main Street with would be needed with or without the proposed Norhart Parrish Avenue Apartment development by 2040. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact Chuck Rickart at (612).360.1283. OTSEGO PARRISH AVE NE, OSTEGO, MN PROJECT TEAM Civil Engineer: Stantech 7500 Olson Memorial HWY Suite 300 Golden Valley, MN 55427 T:762-252-6800 F: 952-831-1268 Contact: Patrick Sveum Construction Manager: Norhart 1081 4th St. SW, #400 Forest Lake, MN. 55025 T: 651.529.7481 Contact: Marie Dickover Owner: Norhart 1081 4th St. SW, #400 Forest Lake, MN. 55025 T: 651.353.0914 Contact: Mike Kaeding Architect: Norhart Architecture 1081 4th St. SW, #400 Forest Lake, MN. 55025 T: 248.497.9641 Contact: Michael Salt, AIA PRE -SITE PLAN APPROVAL K 111e I LOCATION MAP norhart 290 9TH AVE SW Suite #311 Forest Lake, MN., 55025 (651) 464-5908 i». oe.cnq� ons ae..i vnetmnsvEw orasm¢ OTSEGO OTSEGO PARRISH AVE NE, OSTEGO, MN 2022-04 COVER SHEET G000 col1 o 1r=ra RENDERING VIEW 01 n. orhart 290 9TH AVE SW Suite #311 Forest Lake, MN., 55025 (651) 464-5908 Location Plan Schematic Section $nc w�Y PLAN rxn aew SHEET ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLY PRELIMINARY NOTFORCONSTRUCTION xa ouxtAwR mt� RN.1 RtE-CIfTPEVIEW Oi-2S9TY1 RajeRNm: OTSEGO PARRISH AVE NE, OSTEGO, MN Rged NvnEe,: 2022-04 PERSPECTIVE 01 - stKe� rr G010 . 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S K100 ROOF PLAN FIFTH FLOOR PLAN FOURTH FLOOR PLAN THIRD FLOOR PLAN 7 ALL FLOORS- MASTER GRAPHIC COORDINATION 35 scioi xs=r.a� norhart 290 9TH AVE SW Suite #311 Forest Lake, MN., 55025 (651) 464-5908 Location Plan SHEET ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLY PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION rw. mxdp m mt. Rev.f RRE{:RYRk1EW OT-N+2Y12 RoM Namx'. OTSEGO RgMRd4ecs: PARRISH AVE NE, OSTEGO, MN RojM Nwter. 2022-04 SCHEMATIC FLOOR PLANS FLOORS 3-5 SirA N�Mer: S K101 TOP OF ROOF @ _ — TOWER 169 ROOF LEV! � l15T-6" �1 FIFTH FLOOR I� 146'-, _ —FOURTH FLOOR t1 134'6' _ THIRDFLOOR I� 1233' SECOND FLOOR /l 1116" 10 MAIN ENTRANCE ELEVATION _ ROOF LEVEL I� Schematic Section PNt 1116'=,'d' 157'-6', AA- FIFTH FLOO' .. K --T ROOF LEVEL n _ _'L'T _R 146� — _ _ _ FOURTH FLOR n Ir-- _ Ij 1. FIFTH FLOR Na Desc,lpllon ...Dah.. Rev.1 PRE{IiY AEV�W ....... OT3b3P12 146' FLOOR 1. 11 F1 F1 11 P_ THIRDFLOOR _ _—_ xLY�� 100'-0"-V I ' I COURT YARD SIDE WALL ELEVATION 123•=0"& AA1 1/16=,' oa- P■i�Ps 11 TOP OF ROOF @ SECONDFLOOR n TOWER \1 I I I p F1 FIR5T FLOOR0. ROOF LEV FI _FIFTH I I _ ,00•_6--- � COU RT YARD SIDE ELEVATION nzm v,r=ra Io I COURT YARD ELEVATOIN ,um v,a=r-v -_—.--_ _ ROOF LEVEL I� Schematic Section 157'-6', AA- FIFTH FLOO' .. K --T . _R 146� SHEET ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOURTH FLOR n ao.l Im 1. I{ 134'-B" Na Desc,lpllon ...Dah.. Rev.1 PRE{IiY AEV�W ....... OT3b3P12 _THIRD FLOOR V' 123'-0' SECOND FLO-6R I� 111'"-V FIRST FLOR I� xLY�� 100'-0"-V I ' I COURT YARD SIDE WALL ELEVATION AA1 1/16=,' oa- P■i�Ps 11 TOP OF ROOF @ -_--169'-p^ TOWER \1 I I I 6Ket Norte: EXTERIOR -BUILDING ELEVATIONS sneer N.nAer A201.......... ROOF LEV FI _FIFTH I I II I� rim - 146'-0� I I _ FOURTH FLOOR V ......... . _THIRD' 300R n l0 " 0 SECOND FLOOR /1�I 111'-6'-V -FIRST FLOOR ^ 100'-Ov 4 COU RT YARD POOL SIDE ENTRANCE AROt tli6'=1'-0• I I y-�__ ROF LEVEL � _ - I,:II\ 157 -6'0 I I 11 11®' '11�'plt. - TFIFTH FLOOR �II'�i6 ul6i \ ■1��,. T - _FOURTH FLOOR u ' _ _THIRD 1-' _ FL?,R,& i 123' AFI SLC; 6�t'1-. +�'1G 1■ • �I 8�1- �I: SII 'I■ . -slim! Io I COURT YARD ELEVATOIN ,um v,a=r-v -_—.--_ _ ROOF LEVEL I� Schematic Section 157'-6', AA- FIFTH FLOO' .. K --T . _R 146� SHEET ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLY FOURTH FLOR n . 1. I{ 134'-B" Na Desc,lpllon ...Dah.. Rev.1 PRE{IiY AEV�W ....... OT3b3P12 _THIRD FLOOR V' 123'-0' SECOND FLO-6R I� 111'"-V FIRST FLOR I� 100'-0"-V I ' I COURT YARD SIDE WALL ELEVATION AA1 1/16=,' TOP OF ROOF @ -_--169'-p^ TOWER \1 I I I 6Ket Norte: EXTERIOR -BUILDING ELEVATIONS sneer N.nAer A201.......... ROOF LEV FI _FIFTH I I II I� FLOOR 146'-0� I I _ FOURTH FLOOR V ......... . _THIRD' 300R n - SECOND FLOOR /1�I 111'-6'-V -FIRST FLOOR ^ 100'-Ov 4 COU RT YARD POOL SIDE ENTRANCE AROt tli6'=1'-0• I I y-�__ ROF LEVEL � _ - I,:II\ 157 -6'0 I I �, 6' TFIFTH FLOOR 7 tae'-� T - _FOURTH FLOOR ' _ _THIRD 1-' _ FL?,R,& i 123' r 3 IOVERALLWE- BUILDING ELEVATION TDP DF RDDFa ■u mn ig■f 11{lll. h ilt I �I- I ; tll®Ii - Y 1111 ll 44iHi ' I c � �6rW �IIII {��� �_ �II •I ■ ■1C1 I USI 1 I 191 .f' r� OVERALL NORTH BUILDING ELEVATION At61 1116-=1'-0' 1W_v' — TOP OF ROOF @ TOWER 169'-D" a OOF LEVEL n 1ST --6' V gI 1 , OVERALL SOUTH BUILDING ELEVATION ntm _7t 7t r.�orhart _. 290 9TH AVE SW Suite #311 , Forest Lake, MN., 55025_ (651) 464-5908 Location Plan ' Schematic Section SHEET ISSUED FOR REFERENCE ONLY [NWTF0Rt0NSTRuc'n0NREARY . Na Desc,lpllon ...Dah.. Rev.1 PRE{IiY AEV�W ....... OT3b3P12 PrgeM Name: OTSEGO RqM R6l,ess'. PARRISH AVE NE, - OSTEGO, MN flajecl NunEe,: 2022-04 6Ket Norte: EXTERIOR -BUILDING ELEVATIONS sneer N.nAer A201.......... F11 I Site Plan_ Graphic layout coot v=w-(r NE2 rics 19.66 307 15.61 456,473.76 SF 165,078.85 SF 82,461.98 SF 552 926.92SF 135 383 518 1.68 norhart 290 9TH AVE SW Suite #311 Forest Lake, MN., 55025 (651) 464-5908 Location Plan Schematic Section No. Description Date R-1 SITE PLAN APPROVAL 10-062022 Project Name: OTSEGO Projectnear— PARRISH AVE NE, OTSEGO, MN Project N.mber. 2022-04 Sheet Name: Conceptual Site Plan - Ostego Sheet Number G001