04-26-07ITEM 3_1
April 26, 2007
Roll Call: Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier,
Councilmembers Mark Thorsted, Jessica Stockamp, Vern Heidner
and Tom Darkenwald.
City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson, City Clerk
Judy Hudson, Finance Director Gary Groen, City Attorney Andy
MacArthur, City Engineer Ron Wagner, and Assistant City
Engineer Joe Palawa.
Tom Brown of Terra Development was present.
Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 5:00 p.m.
Review of Proposed Parrish Avenue Assessments - Ron and Joe
reviewed how the assessments were calculated. Mike and Andy
discussed the costs of obtaining easements from property
owners. Tom Brown noted that the costs had taken a huge jump
over initial estimates. Ron said that the bids were taken
during a period were contractors were concerned about
escalating prices for oil and the bids reflected that. Andy
said the easement costs were higher than estimated because
the project had to be completed within a short period to meet
Ryan and Target's time frames, which left the City in a poor
negotiating position with the landowners.
After Tom Brown left, Council consensus was to offer a one
year delay in the assessment with the remainder to be spread
over 19 years. Mike said he anticipated that the assessment
hearing would be held in the fall.
Other Business:
Riverbend Sewer Connection Charge - Councilmember Darkenwald
left for this discussion. Ron reviewed the estimated costs.
Mike discussed how the hookup charges were calculated.
Council consensus was to calculate the percentage of the
sewer trunk that Riverbend would use and to refine the
estimate of new taxes that could be captured from new
Peavey House - Historic Preservation Commissioners Ron Black
and Chris Wilson were present for the discussion, along with
County Commissioner Pat Sawatzke. Ron Black described the
historic value of the Peavey House. He thought Park
Dedication fees could be used as a source of funds to
renovate the house.
Councilmember Heidner noted that historic consultant Bob
Vogel's report says renovation of the Peavey House is not
recommended unless there is an original form which can be
authenticated. Mayor Fournier said that the Council has
asked the HPC to suggest a use for the property but no one
has been able to come up with a use that seems possible.
There was discussion of moving the house to another historic
site. County Commissioner Sawatzke said that Wright County
has two historic sites but that he does not know if there is
any space for the Peavey House at them. There was also
discussion of moving the Peavey House to land adjacent to the
Old Towne Hall.
Robertson was directed to seek a cost estimate to move the
Peavey House and to write to the County Historical Society to
ask if they would be interested in having the Peavey House
moved on to one of their sites.
With no other business, Mayor Fournier adjourned the meeting
at 8:08 p.m.
Michael Robertson
City Administrator