04-30-07CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP April 30, 2007 Roll Call: Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Mark Thorsted, Jessica Stockamp, Vern Heidner and Tom Darkenwald. City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson, City Clerk Judy Hudson, Finance Director Gary Groen and Public Works Director Brad Belair. Kurt Niedermeyer of People Service and Steve Berg of Wright County Emergency Management were present. Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 5:00p.m. Steve Berg described Emergency Planning in general terms, and explained the differences between table top exercises and other planning sessions such as drills or joint exercises. This session is a table top exercise, which is intended to be a review of a particular scenario. The idea behind the exercise is to familiarize everyone with the procedures and identify areas where improvements are needed. Steve Berg and Mike Robertson described the scenario. There has been an early summer morning (6:30 a.m.) tornado which has rendered the entire City of Otsego powerless, caused widespread damage, and blocked many roads with debris. Due to the power outage, the phones do not work, and cell phones only work erratically as everyone jams the few remaining cell towers that still stand. The assumption for the exercise is that power will not be restored for three days. City officials have to reach City Hall, the Public Works Building, and the City's water and sewer facilities, open some form of communications (probably radio) between City facilities and personnel, get Public Works equipment out to clear City streets, make certain the sewer and water systems are working, and communicate with residents, the general public, and media about the situation in Otsego. The following items came out of the discussion. 1. Radio base stations should be installed in both sewer plants so that they can be in easy communication with other City facilities. 2. The radio base station in the old City garage should be moved as soon as possible to the new Public Works Building. 3. Though the Emergency Operations Center will start out in City Hall, at some point in the first day it should be moved to the Public Works Building if the emergency looks like it will go more than a few hours. 5. Public Works will clear roads with the same priorities as are used in the snowplowing policy. 4. With electronic monitoring systems out, People Service personnel will check all sewer and water installations as soon as possible. If they need assistance, Public Works personnel will clear roads or paths to the facilities. 6. If the emergency appears to be a multi -day emergency, shifts will be set up with City employees so that someone is always on communications duty. 7. All costs will be noted and receipts retained for possible reimbursement under State or Federal policies. 8. Add to the plan possible sites for overnight shelters such as schools, churches, and hotels. 9. Update all addresses and phone numbers in the Emergency Manual. Future Actions 1. This discussion will be reviewed at a future department head meeting to see if any additional actions need to be taken and to track progress on the items discussed today. 2. The Resident Preparedness Plan will be put on the City web site after review. 3. Contact the Red Cross to see if they have established any shelter agreements with anyone in Otsego. 4. Talk with the City Engineer to determine if there are effective battery backups for the SCADA system. With no other business, Mayor Fournier adjourned the meeting at 7:29 p.m. i' Mic ael o ertson City Administrator