10-24-22 City Council Meeting MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2022 7:00 PM OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Call to Order. Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Tom Darkenwald, Tina Goede, Brittany Moores, and Jeff Dahl. City Staff: City Administrator/Finance Director Adam Flaherty, Human Resources/Assistant City Administrator Sabrina Hille; City Engineer Ron Wagner; City Planner Daniel Licht; City Attorney Dave Kendall, and City Clerk Audra Etzel. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum: Special Presentation: 2022 Photo Contest Winner. The City held its 6th annual photo contest. There were 10 participants that submitted a total of 33 photos. 544 votes were cast on-line and 149 during the Prairie Festival. The viewer's choice winner for the on-line voting was: Mary Lou Mismash who received 193 votes for her Afternoon Gold at Riverview Landing photo. Mayor Stockamp and the City Council congratulated Mary Lou and presented her with a certificate, prize, and a framed print of the photo. Mayor Stockamp opened the Open Forum at 7:04 PM. Tim and Lynn Neutgens, 13271 85th Street NE want to discuss the no discharge firearms zone map. They are requesting the map be amended to include their property in the no discharge zone. On September 11th and October 8th their home was hit by shotgun blasts from duck hunting; they have filed police reports. On October 16th their neighbor's home was also hit, and he also filed a police report. Ms. Neutgens is upset and not comfortable in her home or on her property. She fears for her safety and that of her family. Additionally, they are requesting the speed limit on 85th Street Ave NE in front of their home be reduced from 55 MPH to 40 MPH. City Planner Licht stated the Neutgens property is located near the SW corner of 85th Street and Nashua Avenue, this property is one of the 20-acre parcels that is part of the Carron Addition. Mr. McAlpine's lot is immediately to the east and there is another 20-acre lot east of the Neutgens and south of Mr. McAlpine at the corner of 83rd Street and Nashua Ave where the hunting is occurring. Currently the no discharge zone in the City Code is designated over urbanized areas of the City, where there are typically residential plats of acreage lots or smaller. The no discharge zone does not apply outside those urbanized areas, except 500 feet of either side of collector or arterial streets, basically there is more urbanized traffic on those roadways to keep firearms discharge way. Even from within the areas where discharge is allowed the City Code prohibits the discharge of a firearm within 500 feet of a building not owned by the hunter unless you have permission from the property owner. The hunting is occurring on the property to the southeast of the Neutgens property along the wetland area. Under the City Code, proper action would be enforcement by the Wright County Sheriff's office of discharge regulations. The map is reviewed, updated and published each year prior to the hunting season. The City Council could look at amending the map in the future. Mayor Stockamp asked if the Wright County Sheriff's issued tickets to the hunters. Ms. Neutgens said no tickets were issued to the hunters. Ms. Neutgens said the personal safety is extreme and she is uncomfortable in their own home and on their property. They are worried about their grandchildren playing outside on their property. Mr. Neutgens Page 1 of 4 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 24, 2022 said they have spoken to the parents of the hunters and they were unaware of a shotgun blast hitting their home. Sergeant Jason Oltmanns said there have been issues on DNR property with the direction of the birdshot and where it is landing. Their office looks at two different things: no discharge of firearms, which is a misdemeanor and more difficult because of hunting rights and there is the possible reckless discharge of a firearms. Sergeant Oltmanns is aware of this happening more than once. He will present to the Wright County Sheriff's office to discuss a reckless discharge of a firearms. Sergeant Oltmanns agrees something needs to be done. Their office runs into issues with hunter's rights. City Planner Licht said updates to the discharge map would need to have been updated in September before the hunting season. Recommends the Wright County Sheriff's office pursue before changing the map. Sergeant Oltmanns will work with staff. City Engineer Wagner said there is a roundabout within �/a mile of their driveway and their driveway is the last before the rural area begins. This road does meet all the State Statute standards for 55 miles per hour. City Engineer Wagner said the driveway density does not meet City policies as there is a mile and a quarter of 55 MPH on this section of 85t" Street. City Engineer Wagner said there is a reduced speed ahead sign near their property. CM Darkenwald asked if the matrix could be adjusted? City Engineer Wagner said they could look at how many development rights are proposed. Staff will set up the speed wagon and evaluate the traffic counts and speeds in the area. Mr. Neutgens said drivers are speeding and he is afraid of getting rearended. Mayor Stockamp asked staff to evaluate. Dennis McAlpine, 13355 85t" Street NE has two issues. He has lived at this address for 50 years and the speeding on this road has increased. His neighbor to the east has a difficult time getting into her driveway and feels the speed limit is too high for the street. Recently he heard gun fire followed by bird shot hit his house, noting the young hunter verbally apologized. Mr. McAlpine said the hunter should not have been shooting towards his property. He has measured the distance from his house to the water and it is 160'. The ruling states 500' feet from a building. Mr. McAlpine has researched the distance ammunition can travel and he is concerned about the shot landing on his property, hitting his buildings, and possibly hurt someone. He would like to see the firearms discharge map moved over to 83rd Street CM Darkenwald asked about the 500' distance. City Planner Licht said the DNR uses 500' from public land to private property. Attorney Kendall said the DNR is a good guide and the City could look at adjusting the distance in the ordinance. James Mulcare, 9560 Parkington Avenue NE said he has comments regarding the apartment concept on the agenda. He is concerned about the intersection location on Parkington. Also, he doesn't want to see a 300-unit apartment building on that site and does not want that many rental properties near his home. This is a unique property and he would like to see a better use of the property. He added the traffic on Quaday Avenue needs to be evaluated. Mayor Stockamp closed the Open Forum at 7:48 PM. 2, Consider Agenda Approval. CM Moores motioned to approve the agenda as written, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion carried SmO 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. October 10, 2022 Meeting. Page 2 of 4 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 24, 2022 B. October 10, 2022 Special Meeting, C. October 11, 2022 Special Meeting, 3.3 Approve Procurement of a Replacement Pump for Lift Station No. 3. 3.4 Approve Procurement of a Generator for the Booster Station. 3.5 Adopt Resolution 2022-82 Accepting Public Improvements for Arbor Creek 3rd Addition —Phase 6. 3.6 Accept Quotes and Authorize Well No. 6 Inspection and equipment Improvements. 3.7 Approve the Hiring for the Park Maintenance II Position. 3.8 Due North Car Wash: A. Approve Assessment Agreement. B. Adopt Resolution 2022-83 Approving and Adopting Special Assessments. 3.9 Approve Change Order #2 and Pay Application #13 for Water Tower #4 Project. 3.10 Approve Class A EQ Distribution Agreement. CM Moores motioned to approve the consent agenda as written, seconded by CM Dahl. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Plannina: 4.1 Norhart Apartment Concept. A. Presentation by City Planner Licht. B. Consider PUD Concept Plan. City Planner Licht presented the staff report. Mary Beth Wise, 1081 4th Street in Forest Lake and Mike Salt, 925 New Haul Drive in Faribault from Norhart. Their outlook is to create a better way of life for their residents, they design places where they want to live. Ms. Wise is looking for feedback in three areas: density (using the area to the north), parking reduction (covered, uncovered, and visitor parking), and building height (only 2' higher than hotel). They are proposing 307 units and they would like to use their data for parking requirement; the City's requirement for parking is higher. Ms. Wise reviewed the apartment amenities and benefits their building will provide. Mayor Stockamp asked if the other apartments in the City have met the parking standards. City Planner Licht said yes, the other apartments meet the ordinance requirements. CM Darkenwald asked about the 2018 housing study in regards to parking. City Planner Licht said the stalls were lowered from 2.5 to 2, adding they could look at the feasibility study. Mayor Stockamp said she was present at the Planning Commission meetings and has concerns about the quantity of apartments already located in the NE corner, along with the traffic. At this time Mayor Stockamp is not in support of the concept at this location. CM Goede agrees with the Mayor Stockamp's comments and would like to see this concept in another location. CM Darkenwald asked about the 2018 Multi Family Housing Study. City Planner Licht said the study was adopted at the end of 2019. CM Darkenwald stated he liked the apartment concept, but has concerns about the location and would like to see on the west end of the City. The parking requirement already were reduced from 2.5 to 2, he would like to see the data to justify. Additionally, CM Darkenwald has concerns about the traffic on Parrish Avenue NE at this time. City Attorney Kendall said it sounds like the City Council is not in support of this concept plan at this location, as a courtesy to the developer, a formal expression of all the comments as discussed. Mayor Stockamp asked if a motion to deny could be based on the 2018 Multi Family Housing Study? CM Darkenwald asked about incorporating the Housing Study into the Comprehensive Plan. City Planner Page 3 of 4 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 24, 2022 Licht said the City Council approve the 2018 Multi Family Housing Study. The intent would be to incorporate those recommendations as part of the current Comprehensive Plan update. Those recommendations could be part of a Planned Unit Development District if it were to move forward with support. Mayor Stockamp motioned to not support the PUD Concept Plan based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and recommendations of the 2018 Multiple Family Housing Study, seconded by CM Goede. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 5. City Council Reports and Updates: 5.1 Commission Liaison Updates. A. Heritage Preservation Commission - Liaison CM Moores had no updates. B. Parks and Recreation Commission - Liaison Mayor Stockamp said they reviewed concept plans for School Knoll Park, Santa Day planning and recapped the Pumpkin Patch event. C. Planning Commission — Liaison CM Darkenwald said they reviewed applications for Norhart Apartments and ALDI. City Planner Licht said the ALDI concept is proposed to be presented to City Council on November 14tn D. Public Safety Commission — Liaison CM Dahl attended the meeting. The number one calls received are due to falls. 6. Staff Reports and Updates City Clerk Etzel said direct balloting will start next Tuesday, November 1st through Monday, November 7tn during office hours and on Saturday, November 5tn from 10am-3pm. The polls will be open 7am-8pm on Tuesday, November 8tn. The General Election results for the City of Otsego will be canvassed on Monday, November 14tn City Engineer Wagner had street updates. The quarter mile on Kadler Avenue north of Michels that goes across Otsego Creek is currently gravel, curbing starting next week and then, if possible, the first layer of pavement before the asphalt plants close. Mayor Stockamp asked about the temperature for pavement. City Engineer Wagner said their office uses temperature censors and they are not concerned about the weather as long as it is above 40 degrees; they will follow-up in the spring. Prairie Pointe streets have been paved, anticipate 80tn Street and Martin Avenue to be opening after signage is placed. Sergeant Jason Oltmanns with the Wright County Sheriffs Department spoke with the residents regarding the speed on 85tn Street. He spoke with the residents and said there is a perception of speed with the roundabout and hill. Next week is Halloween and for safety residents cannot have ATVs on the roads. 7. Adjournment. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn at 8:33 PM, seconded by CM Goede. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. ATTESTa Audra Etzel, City AStockamp,Mayor Page 4 of 4