11-14-22 Special City Council Meeting MinutesSPECIAL TSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2022 5:30 PM OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Call to Order. Acting Mayor Darkenwald called the meeting to order at 5:35 PM. Roll Call: Acting Mayor Tom Darkenwald; Councilmembers: Brittany Moores and Jeff Dahl. City Staff: City Administrator/Finance Director Adam Flaherty, Streets Operation Manager Kevin Lamson, Parks and Recreation Director Nick Jacobs, and City Clerk Audra Etzel. Absent: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and Councilmember Tina Goede, 1. 2023 Budget, Tax Levy and Capital Improvement Plan Review. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the Budget Meeting #9 items included in the packet. Trails Management CIP —Fund 202 Parks and Recreation Director Jacobs reviewed the Trails Management CIP, which was also reviewed with the Administrative Subcommittee. The identified sections were Carrick's Landing and trail maintenance. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the Capital Improvement Plan financial sheets. The renewal projects will be based on the trail PCI ratings. CM Darkenwald asked about the trails, noting there will be more trails added. Parks and Recreation Director Jacobs said there are currently 42 miles of trails. The City Council concurred as presented. Park Development CIP — Fund 203 Parks and Recreation Director Jacobs discussed projects including: • Wayfinding (signage) was reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Administrative Subcommittee. There are 42 miles of trails, the signage will help with directions. SHIP Grant and funds through Park Development will help fund the improvements. City Administrator said the Wayfinding Study Document will be presented to the City Council at a future meeting for approval. The Wayfinding signage progress was reviewed, noting the grant was extended to 2023. • Carrick's Landing River Access progress was reviewed. • Athletic Field Improvements were bid in 2022; however, bids came in higher than expected, staff is proposing to rebid in 2023, Staff will look for other partners for cost sharing. • Land Acquisition was updated by City Administrator/Finance Director who said no response has been received from the property owner. Staff is looking for direction to move forward. The City Attorney's office has sent letters. City Council requested a letter be hand delivered to the property owner. • Prairie Park Masterplan has been shifted from 2022 to 2023, depending on the land acquisition. • Ashwood Neighborhood Park. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the Capital Improvement Plan financial sheets. The cash flow projection shows ample funds. These are dedicated funds that can only be used for Page 1 of 3 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 14, 2022 specific purposes. CM Moores asked about the fee schedule. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said there is a formula that is used annually to calculate the fee. The City Council concurred as presented. Park Capital Equipment CIP —Fund 205 City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said this is tax levy funded for items that depreciate and/or need to be replaced. Parks and Recreation Director Jacobs reviewed the 2023 proposed projects: • School Knoll Park Improvements. • Soccer Field Lighting — Lehrke Complex. CM Darkenwald asked if the lighting could be phased. Staff noted the cost is $190,000 per field and there are up to three fields. City Administrator/Finance Director said the improvement should be driven based on the contributions from Boreal Soccer Association; this would be brought back for City Council approval. • Kittredge Park — Shelter Repairs, CM Moores asked about the soil borings. Staff has made modifications to the shelter for safety. The footings are raising enough to affect the structure of the shelter; a consultant may be needed to discuss how to move forward. CM Darkenwald asked about an option of shaving the concrete. Parks and Recreation Director Jacobs reviewed the upcoming 2024-2032 projects. • Trail Renewal Projects (based on trail ratings) • River Pointe — Natural Park Area • Community Center Feasibility Study • Pickleball Courts Lighting • Playground Improvements (Prairie Park, Lily Pond, Kittredge, Lefebvre and more) Future Project Consideration: Master Plan Update, Park Lands) Acquisition, Community Garden, 2nd Community Park, 2nd Dog Park, RC Track Improvements, and Ash Tree Removal & Replacement due to EAB. The City Council discussed EAB. CM Dahl asked about preserving the old City Hall on CSAH 39. CM Moores said Wright County is looking at a roundabout in the area and the bung is only used for cold storage; additionally, the cost to make the building ADA accessible is very costly. CM Darkenwald said the building needs a lot of work. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said this would fall under the building CIP and a viable use would need to be considered to justify the costs. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the Capital Improvement Plan financial sheets. There are currently funds available to complete all the planned projects. Future projects may need different funding depending on what is being proposed. The City Council concurred as presented. City Buildings and Property Management —Fund 439 City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the 2023-2032 proposed projects. The City Council discussed the City Hall HVAC control system. Streets Operation Manager Lamson said the system is obsolete and cannot be repaired should the system go down. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty noted the City Campus projects are included and noted these will be discussed further at a special meeting. Page 2 of 3 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 14, 2022 The City Council concurred as presented. Fire Reserve CIF — Fund 214 City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said this fund was established to accumulate funds that will be used to finance the costs associated with the future construction of a fire station building and the capital equipment associated with it. This will be discussed at the Special City Council Meeting scheduled on November 21St The City Council concurred as presented. Capital Improvements Revolving CIP —Fund 414 City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the projects including: city entrance signage, CSAH 38 & CSAH 39 — local share, CSAH 37 local share, TH101 left turn signals, CSAH 38 — turn lanes at Martin Farms Ave, CR 137 — local share, CSAH 19 & CSAH 39 intersection local share, and Signal light painting. The County also identifies several projects in the next ten years to be funded with Local Option Sales Tax but are not currently assigned a year for improvement. This is important as local share expenditures for these projects will be paid for out of this fund; however, the estimated local share of these projects it not yet known. The City Council concurred as presented. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the Capital Improvements Fund —Cash Flow Summary. There is a transfer of $1.2 million that is up for City Council action before the end of the year. The 10-year projections on the levy are holding and the $1.2 million could be transferred to this fund based on the City's fund balance policy. For the tax abatements the City is levying property taxes generated from the projects to reimburse for the infrastructure investment. The current numbers are high as the City and County have set the levy and tax rates are lower than the calculations show; unfortunately, these numbers will decrease as the tax rate decreases and it will take longer to payback. City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the budget changes tracking sheet. This will be reviewed further at the November 28t" Special Meeting at 5:30 PM. The next budget meeting will include the Public Utilities Operating Budgets and CIP. 2. Adjournment. CM Moores motioned to adjourn at 6:55 PM, seconded by CM Dahl favor. Motion carried 3=0. ir ATTEST ,/ Audra Etzel, City Clerk Page 3 of 3 , ken (waken d