06-11-07 CCOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL JUNE 11, 2007 6:30 PM 1 Mayor Lanz Fournier will call the meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll ll: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmember5: Vern Heidner, Jessica Stockamp and Tom Darkenwald. Absent: Mark Thorsted. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Laurie Smith, Associate City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Gary Groen, Finance Director; Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor; and Tam! Loff, Administrative Assistant. City Attorney Andrew MacArthur arrived at 7:30 PM. Page of Allegiance: Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consider agenda approval. City Administrator Mike Robertson added 11.2. Mail Permit and 11.3. Workers Comp. City Engineer Ron Wagner added 9.5. Otsego Creek Update and 9.6. CSAH 39 Striping. CM Heidner motioned adoption of the agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the folloWing minutes. 3.1. May 296 2007 C& Council Meeting. CM Stockamp motioned adoption of minutes as amended. Seconded by CM Heidner. Motion carried 3 in favor. CM Daricenwald abstained. 4. Open Forum: (5 minuteIimit) Erin Kline, Coldstone Creamery, would like a temporary sign. She said that people can not see them from the Highway. CM Heidner stated the City Planner has said they can put up bigger banners on the building on the southwest side. City Clerk Judy Hudson recommended that she come into a staff meeting Thursday to discuss the matter. John Skoogman, 12867 83rd St, asked about dust control. Mayor Fournier said that they plan on talking about dust control under Public Works items. 5. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items). 5.1. Approve Claims List. 5.2. Approve Resolution 2007-30 Permanent Interfund Accounting Transfers. City Council Meeting June 11, 2007. Page 2. 5.3. Resolution calling for Public Hearing proposed Tax subsidy -Duke Realty. 5.4. Special license for Otsego Waterfront East. 5.5. Code enforcement: Fritz and Diaz properties. 5.6. Pay Estimate #7 for CSAH 42 in the amount of $23,777.25. 5.7. Approve release of collateral from the Bank of Elk River. CM Heidner motioned adoption of agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 0 • 7. Public Works. John Skoogman, 12867 83`d St, asked why residents have to pay for dust control when blacktop streets are maintained at city cost. CM Heidner said that they have done a study in the past and the cost of blading gravel roads is about the same as the periodic maintenance of blacktop roads. Public Works Director Brad Belair said that he contacted BCB and they are scheduled to come out next week to do dust control. Mr. Skoogman also asked for the speed to be reduced on 83rd Street. City Engineer Ron Wagner said that the speed limit on a gravel road is 55 mph unless there are 10 houses per quarter mile per state statue. 7.1. Update on Public Works Building. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair gave council an update on the new Public Works Building. 7.2. Update on Park Proj=. Mr. Belair gave council updates on the construction of the three new parks. The deadlines have not been met, the contractor has been slow. 7.3. Consider Proposal for Generator at Public Works. Mr. Belair went over the proposal to install a generator at the Public Works facility. The proposal is just for installation. The generator can be purchased from the state contract at a low price. Mayor Fournier asked what was budgeted for the generator. Mr. Belair said that he would get the numbers together for them. The funds would come out of the capital equipment fund. CM Heldner asked why we need a designer can't we just have an electrician. City Engineer Ron Wagner stated that he can have Stuart Keating give a quote on installation. They are the company used for the City Hall generator. City Council Meeting lune 11, 2007. Page 3. 7.4. Consider Quotes for Sign Software & Equipment. Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor, went over the quote from Sign CAD systems. The software is designed for street signs. Mayor Fournier asked how he Lard about this company. Brad said from a Trade Show and also from other cities who use them. CM Heidner asked if they would need a computer for the system. Mr. Belair said that they would use an existing computer. City Engineer Ron Wagner stated he thought the software would pay for itself quickly. CM Heidner motioned to approve the purchase of Sign CAD software and equipment in the amount of $12,495.00. Seconded by CM Daricenwald. All In favor. Motion carried. 7.5. Consider Quotes for Crack Sealing. Brad Belair stated that the only bid they received was from Bargen, Inc. Pat Jansen, 14576 W St, asked why toilet paper is not put down after the crack sealing. He stated that last year he was pulling tar off his car. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair said that they do not have the high traffic that some cities have and toilet paper makes a mess. The contractor will use an anti stick agent. Mr. Belair stated that they do use toilet paper in the high traffic areas. Mayor Fournier motioned to approve the quote from Bargen Inc. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion canted. Laurie Smith presented the Planner's Report. City Engineer Ron Wagner presented the Engineer Report. CM Heidner motioned to approve the sketch plan for an elementary school/middle school campus subject to the fifteen conditions listed in the Planner's Report. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. S. Ron Wagner, C& Enginee . 9.1.Consider authorizing engineering _review Land report on water treatment at Pump House 1. 2, & 3. City Engineer Ron Wagner went over a proposal to prepare a feasibility study to treat water to remove radium. Mr. Wagner stated that the project would start immediately and the study would be done by November. CM Heidner asked if this would include Well #8. Mr. Wagner replied yes. CM Heidner stated he would like to see filtration systems on all wells in the city. . u•- � �� • y!li•.• • li•1- . 1,• 1 Laurie Smith presented the Planner's Report. City Engineer Ron Wagner presented the Engineer Report. CM Heidner motioned to approve the sketch plan for an elementary school/middle school campus subject to the fifteen conditions listed in the Planner's Report. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. S. Ron Wagner, C& Enginee . 9.1.Consider authorizing engineering _review Land report on water treatment at Pump House 1. 2, & 3. City Engineer Ron Wagner went over a proposal to prepare a feasibility study to treat water to remove radium. Mr. Wagner stated that the project would start immediately and the study would be done by November. CM Heidner asked if this would include Well #8. Mr. Wagner replied yes. CM Heidner stated he would like to see filtration systems on all wells in the city. City Council Meeting 3une 11, 2007. Page 4. CM Heidner motioned to have City Engineer prepare Feasibility Study for water treatment at Pumphouse 1, 2, 3 and Well #8. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.2 Consider Resolution and letter to Minnesota Department of Health Eggarding Well #8 Treatment. Mr. Wagner went over Resolution 2007-35 approving a commitment for radionuclide treatment for proposed well #8. CM Darkenwald asked if there is a timeline. Mr. Wagner said that there is no timeline but the water can not be used until it meets standards. CM Heldner motioned to approve resolution 2007-35 and to send the letter to state dated 3une 11, 2007. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.3 Consider awarding. 2007 Street Maintenance Prosect. Mr. Wagner went over Resolution 2007-31. Allied Blacktop had the low bid at $189,857.77. Mr. Wagner said that they have done the work for us the last several years. CM Stockamp motioned to approve Resolution 2007-31 accepting the bid from Allied Blacktop at $189,857.77. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.4 Approve Plans & Soecs and ordering advertisement for bids for Ron Wagner went over the Quantrelie Ave and 88°1 Street improvements. Mr. Groen said that the total bond would be about $1,000,000. CM Darkenwald asked why we are bonding on this when nothing is likely to be built on that side this year. CM Heidner said the owners of the property will pay for the bond. CM Heidner motioned to approve Resolution 2007-37. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.5. Qtseao Creek Restoration Ute. Mr. Wagner gave Council an update on the Otsego Creek Restoration. 9.6. CSAH39 Striping. Mr. Wagner went over the Striping that went on the road today on County Road 39. Mr. Wagner also updated Council on Grenins Mississippi Hills project. 10. Andrew MacArthur,City Attorney. City Attorney Andrew MacArthur received a letter from Gerard Zachman. Mr. MacArthur said he would like to have the Mayor, CM Heidner and himself meet with Mr. Zachman. City Council Meeting June 11, 2007. Page S. 11.1. Consider Resolution 2007-32 approving the Permanent Interfund Accounting Transfer. Finance Director Gary Groen said that this Resolution had to do with land connecting the 101 project. CM Heidner motioned adoption of Resolution 2007-32. Seconded by CM Stockamp. CM Darkenwald abstained. Motion carried 3 in favor. 11.2. Mail Permit. Finance Director Gary Groen said he received a letter from the Post Office stating the City is not eligible for nonprofit standard mailing. Mr. Groen said that the newsletter mailings will cost an additional $400 because of this. City Attorney Andy MacArthur will look into the options. 11.3. Workers Como. A Resolution including City Commissions in the City's Workers Compensation insurance. CM Heidner motioned adoption of Resolution 2007-38. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 12. Mike Robertson,. QW Administrator. An Otsego Creek Authority Meeting was set up for June 19, 5:30 PM. 13. Judy Hudson, City Clerk. 13.1. Otsego Clean up Month Update. City Clerk Judy Hudson updated on the Otsego Clean up Month. Judy Hudson said she received a call from Jeff Lindenfelser; he would like to build a new home and would like to live in the existing home until he is finished. Mr. MacArthur said that they could come up with some kind of contract to require the removal of the old home when the new home is finished. 14. Adjourn by 10 PM. CM Stockamp motioned to adjourn at 8:42 pm. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Larry Fournier ATTEST: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. Recorded by: Tam! L.off, Administrative Assistant