Item 3.2 IOS Otsego S:\Municipal\Aotsego25xx\2500\OT2522.10 IOS Otsego Main Office: 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 www.haa-inc.com MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council CC: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator Audra Etzel, City Clerk Daniel Licht, City Planner Dave Kendall, City Attorney Don Houpt, Minnesota Otsego Industrial Properties, LLC Scott Dahlke, Civil Engineering Site Design FROM: Ronald Wagner, P.E. City Engineer Matthew Kind, P.E. DATE: December 23, 2022 RE: IOS Otsego We have reviewed the following information provided by Civil Engineering Site Design on behalf of Scott Dahlke regarding the IOS Otsego. Civil Plan Set for IOS Otsego, dated 10/17/2022 by IOS Otsego The submittal is to be considered for preliminary acceptance. We would offer the following comments: Cover Sheet 1. Provide an approval signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, P.E., City Engineer. 2. Provide benchmark(s) and datum listed (should be NGVD 1929 Adj. Datum). 3. The name of the proposed plat is not predominantly displayed. It appears on C1 as OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL and on C2 & C6.1 as KADLER INDUSTRIAL PARK under Proposed Property Description. Provide the correct name where mentioned and on the cover sheet. Preliminary Plat & Overall Site Plan 4. Show location, name, width of existing streets (80 th St NE), and existing structures within 150’. 5. Adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land shall be identified by name and ownership within 150’ of the project boundary. 6. Clearly label all proposed D&U easements. November 16, 2022 Page 2 S:\Municipal\Aotsego25xx\2500\OT2522.10 IOS Otsego 7. Re-label the 3 Outlots with Outlots A&B for the ponds and C as the vacant land to be developed. 8. Width of Kadler Avenue NE extension shall match the width of proposed Kadler Avenue Reconstruction project. City Project No. 22-06. 9. Label the proposed fence surrounding Lot 1 or add to Legend. 10. Provide a stop sign at both approaches to 78th Court from Lot 1 and at 78 th Court approach to Kadler Ave. 11. Show construction limits for grading and utility work. 12. Curb radius at Kadler and 78th not provided. Recommend 50 ft radius (collector to industrial). 13. ROW at intersections shall be rounded parallel to back of curb to allow for utility installation. Grading and Drainage Plan (C3.1) 14. Recommend adding a few more contour labels and some spot elevations along tops of berms for clarity. i.e. near west line of Lot 1. 15. Add valley gutter at Kadler and 78th. Site Grading and Drainage Plan (C3.2) 16. Recommend adding a few more spot elevations to paved surfaces north and south of building. 17. Recommend adding more grading close ups of the cul-de-sac and the intersection of Kadler and 78th with some spot elevations. Sanitary Sewer & Water Plan 18. The hydrant coverage is insufficient for the building. A maximum spacing of 150’ is required. 19. Hydrant spacing shall be 300 ft maximum in commercial/industrial areas. Currently at 400 ft. 20. Watermain shall be 12-inch to provide adequate supply for future industrial development. 21. Provide a plan and profile for sanitary/water (show storm in background) 22. The gravity san sewer connection is preferred, but the sewer extension from the east to Kadler Ave. has not yet been approved. Please provide an alternate san sewer connection (plan & profile) to the existing force main (on Kadler) along with an interim lift station location, in the event the City is unable to provide a gravity trunk sewer connection. 23. Add a hydrant for flushing at end of main. November 16, 2022 Page 3 S:\Municipal\Aotsego25xx\2500\OT2522.10 IOS Otsego 24. The current watermain trunk is approx. 1650 ft long (unlooped) with 4 - TEE fittings for services. Otsego Engineering Manual – Appendix B states: Water system valves shall be placed as directed by the engineer and may be required at any location with pipe tees or crosses and on straight pipe runs longer than 800 ft. Each of the 6 inch service stubs will be live and the only valve shown (on Kadler Ave) would shut down the entire 1650 ft of main for future connections. Add a 12-inch butterfly valve upstream of each of the 4 service tees, AND a 6-inch gate valve on each service to be placed at the ROW line. Storm Sewer Plan 25. Provide a plan and profile for the storm sewer trunk lines (show sanitary in background) . 26. It shall be verified that the infiltration areas of the pond can be accessed with City equipment. 27. Provide a cross section detail (or typical section) for the slope grading of the storm water basins. Add slope labels and provide a maintenance access route. Refer to Std Plate 404. 28. The OCS has a weir, swap std plate 402 with 403. 29. Clarify if the storm water basins for treatment are infiltration or filtration. No subsurface devices to filtrate are shown. Add those devices if that’s the intent, otherwise re-label as “infiltration basin”. 30. Match crowns at storm sewer structures. 31. Drop 0.1 ft thru structures. See Std. Plate 401. 32. Verify 2 ft of cover (top of pipe to top of casting or flow line) 33. Verify 3 ft cover over HDPE pipe. 34. Verify 1.5 ft cover over RCP (non traffic areas). SWPPP 35. Provide a concrete wash out area. Existing Conditions & Removal Plan No comments. November 16, 2022 Page 4 S:\Municipal\Aotsego25xx\2500\OT2522.10 IOS Otsego Profiles 36. Provide plan and profile sheets for 78th Court and that part of Kadler Ave proposed to be improved. 37. Provide cross sections for 78th Court and Kadler Ave. Details 38. Please use the new revised standard plate no. 405, 406, 500, and 805. 39. Use standard plate no. 114 (Urban Street – 10 Ton) for 78th Ct and Kadler Ave. 40. The proposed typical section thickness to be used shall be indicated in the street sections. Provide geotechnical report to verify typical section requirements. 41. Add Std Plate 311 (Manhole Casting Lid) 42. Add Std Plates 308 & 310 (Chimney Seal) 43. Add Std Plate 404. Landscape Plan No comments. Other Consideration 44. A geotechnical report shall be provided. 45. A stormwater management plan shall be provided. HydroCAD Report and narrative. 46. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in Minnesota Statues 115B.02, Subd 8 is required. 47. Street lighting is required at the intersections of 78 th and 80th with Kadler and where shown on a second sheet C1. Maximum spacing from those locations is 660 ft. Lights shall be 30 ft tall with the cobra head style fixture. Summary and/or Recommendation Since there will be adjustments to the storm sewer, only a cursory review was performed at this time. Please make all of the corrections listed above and re-submit.