09-25-07ITEM 3_5 CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP WITH CITY OF ALBERTVILLE & WRIGHT COUNTY September 25, 2007 5:30 p.m. Roll Call: Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Mark Thorsted, Tom Darkenwald, and Vern Heidner. Absent: Councilmember Jessica Stockamp. City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson and City Engineer Ron Wagner. Roll Call: Albertville City Council: Mayor Ron Klecker, Councilmembers Tom Fay, Leroy Berning, John Vetch, and Dan Wagner. Absent: None. City Staff: City Administrator Larry Kruse Robertson and City Engineer Adam Nafstad. Wright County Commissioners Pat Sawatzke and Elmer Eichelberg were present. Albertville City Engineer Nafstad reviewed the proposed County Road 19 improvement from north of the Outlet Mall to 70th Street. The improvement would widen County 19 to four lanes to 70th Street with a taper from four lanes back to two north of 70th Street. The estimated cost is $2,700,000, not including right-of-way. The improvement is proposed for 2010. Nafstad noted that traffic levels, jay walking pedestrians and proposed development are the primary reason for the proposed improvement. If Wright County participates in sharing the cost per their policy, the costs would be Wright County $1,700,000, Albertville $950,000, and Otsego $53,000. If the County does not participate the costs would be Albertville $2,500,000 and Otsego $217,000. Commissioner Sawatzke suggested that the adjacent benefiting property owners should bear some of the cost and noted that Wright County did not have any extra road funds. Albertville City Administrator Kruse said that Albertville would like to receive County permission to construct 68th Street to County 19 as an interim solution. Commissioner Sawatzke said that it would be difficult to grant a full access permit for 68th Street and then limit it to right in/right out with a median later. There was considerable discussion of seeking Federal dollars through the T2000 program to reduce the County's share. Commissioners Sawatzke and Eichelberg said before they would support this they wanted to check with their fellow commissioners to see if they were ok with doing so. Both Albertville and Otsego Council urged the County to contribute to the improvement of a County road. With no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Michael Robertson City Administrator