ITEM 1 Fire Service MeetingSTT' F 0 MINNESOTA MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: July 18, 2014 SUBJECT: July 22, 2014, Fire Service Meeting In preparation for next week's Fire Service meeting, attached are a fire district map and copies of the agreements/contracts with each of the service providers. I have requested valuation and parcel count data by fire service district from Wright County that I hope to have for in time Tuesday's meeting. In addition to discussing the current contracts, an update on recent meeting topics and actions from the Albertville Otsego Joint Fire Committee will be provided. Councilmembers Heidner and Warehime are on that Committee and also attend Albertville Fire Department meetings/training when possible. They can provide additional insight in the department and how Otsego and Albertville do and can continue to work together to provide fire service to Otsego's residents. Finally, if there is any specific information you want prior to the meeting, please let me know as soon as possible and I will do my best to have it for you at the meeting. OTSEGO'S ORIGINAL 1997 FIRE CONTRACT W/ROGERS FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACT THIS AGREEMUN and entered into by and between CITY OF OTSEGO, County of , State of Minnesota, hereinafter called Otsego, and the City of Rogers, a municipal corporation of Hennepin County, State of Minnesota, hereinafter called Rogers; WHEREAS, Otsego, deeming it advisable to have Roger's Fire Department and Rogers' mutual aid fire contracts for: THAT PORTION, formerly known as Frankfort Township, East of State Hwy. 101 and North of the Crow River. WHEREAS, the parties hereto have by appropriate action authorized their respective Town Board Chair/Mayor and Clerk to enter into a Contract for the furnishing of said services, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual promises in this Contract, the following conditions are agreed and accepted by both parties hereto: OTSEGO AGREES AS FOLLOWS: (a) They will pay to the City of Rogers, the annual sum of .00044 of the market value within its service area according to the most recent valuation for the year in which services are provided for, compensation for such services. (b) Compensation for providing fire protection service will be made on or before July 30"' of each year. (c) In addition thereto, Otsego shall pay no per hour charge. (d) Otsego, will, to the best of its ability, provide to the servicing parties, the names and addresses of such residents in the above described area, will notify such residents of the service available to them and provide any telephone number or numbers to call for fire protection, and will also provide any and all reasonable services it reasonably can to aid speedy fire calls and responses. (e) Rogers shall not be liable in any way to Otsego, to any person, firm, entity or corporation for failure of the fire department to attend a fire, or to put out a fire, or for damage to goods, or for any act or omission.. II. ROGERS AGREES AS FOLLOWS: (a) They will furnish fire service and protection to the property located in Otsego, above described, or arrange for fire service and protection through mutual aid contracts. (b) They will purchase, own and maintain in good order such fire apparatus and equipment as it may consider necessary and suitable in their sole discretion for fire service and fire protection for said fire zone. (c) They will make every reasonable effort to promptly attend fires when notified and will furnish not less than five firemen on each call, subject to paragraph FPCntrct (d) They will make no claim against Otsego or its employees on account of damage to their property while in the fire service of Otsego, and will further hold Otsego harmless and will carry liability insurance insofar as negligent acts of the firemen of Rogers are concerned. (e) They will respond to a fire service call in one of the districts of Otsego presently served by Rogers, if service is requested by the aforementioned department; that said response shall be as soon as reasonably possible. 1II. BOTH PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: (a) In the event there are two or more fire calls at such time that it is impossible or reasonably difficult to respond to all of them, Rogers shall respond in the order that calls were received and will respond to the latter calls as soon as reasonably possible. That, in the event Otsego requires fire services at a time when Rogers' Fire Department has responded to prior fire call and cannot respond promptly due to its presence at the first call, Rogers will promptly notify the fire department nearest to Otsego with which Rogers has a mutual aid fire contract which shall thereafter respond to Otsego's fire call. (b) The roads and weather conditions in Otsego must be such that the fire can be made with reasonable safety to men and equipment and the decision of the fire chief of other fire department officer in charge shall be final as to whether road and weather conditions make a run possible or advisable. Maintenance of roads shall be the sole responsibility of Otsego. (c) A copy ofthis'agreement shall be posted at the fire department and also shall be available at the City office ' s. (d) Employees of Otsego may asist firemen of Rogers, upon request being made by the department, and such employees shall function at the scene under the direction of the fire department. This contract replaces any existing contracts and agreements between the parties and shall be and remain in force from January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997, and from year to year thereafter unless on or before September I" of any year either party gives notice to the other party of intention to ame d or terminate this contract. SIGNED AND SEALED THIS -�' DAY OF 19 ATTEST: CITY OF OTSEGO 9 Clerk, City of Otsego ATTEST: ,6 CL-�:n 9 - ( "--�-A- , - Clerk,it Qfogers Mayor60ity of Otsego CIT O OGER AM V ayor, -11ty of ogers FpCntrct 013-2017 FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENJ WITH THE CITY OF OTSEGO This agreement is made and entered into by and between the City of Albertville, a municipal corporation located in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and the City of Otsego, a municipal corporation located in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota. WHERE AS, Otsego desires the services of the fire department of Albertville in case of fires occurring in Otsego, as well as the emergency medical services of Albertville in case of a medical emergency, and WHEREAS, Albertville maintains a volunteer fire department with emergency medical response capability, which department is available to provide fire protection and emergency medical response services to properties located in Otsego, and THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between said parties as follows: 1. Albertville, through its fire department, shall provide fire protection and emergency medical response services to those properties in Otsego identified on the Fire District map attached as Exhibit A to this Agreement. Fire service provided by Albertville includes general structural and nonstructural, grass and forest, and vehicle firefighting and general rescue services including vehicle and equipment extraction and general search and rescue, hazardous materials response, fire code enforcement (but only on existing commercial and industrial structures located in the district) and high level, water and confined space rescue. Such fire protection and emergency medical response services shall be provided from January 1, 2103 through December 31, 2017, unless otherwise terminated pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 2. Otsego shall pay Albertville a Fire Service Fee ("Fire Service Fee") annually according to the formula set forth in this paragraph in exchange for the provision of fire protection and emergency medical response services as described above. Annual payments shall be made in four equal installments on or before every April 1st, July 1st, October 1St and December 31st. The Fire Service Fee shall be calculated by multiplying the adjusted fire department budget for the year fire service is to be provided (consisting of the fire department budget less state fire aids received) times the value of the Taxable Tax Capacity within the Fire District that is located in Otsego divided by the total Taxable Tax Capacity of the entire Fire District, where the Taxable Tax Capacity is the Taxable Tax Capacity used to calculate the real property taxes due in the year fire service is provided. For example, if the fire department budget is $380,000, the Taxable Tax Capacity of the Fire District area in Otsego is $3,000,000, and the total Taxable Tax Capacity of the entire Fire District is $10,000,000, then Otsego's annual payment to Albertville for that year under this Agreement would be $11.4,000, calculated as $380,000 times ($3,000,0001$10,000,000). Albertville shall issue a statement to Otsego by August of each year detailing the following year's estimated fire service amount due. In the event that Otsego disputes Albertville's calculations or the basis for the calculations, the parties shall within thirty .(30) days after such objections are delivered to Albertville meet and negotiate in good -faith a resolution to the objections. 3. Otsego and Albertville's respective City Councils shall both appoint Council representatives to a joint Fire Advisory Subcommittee for the purpose of reviewing ongoing fire service under this Agreement, the proposed fire budget, to address issues -arising from the Agreement, to review the operating and capital budgets, and to plan for future joint fire and emergency response services. The Subcommittees shall meet as often as is necessary, but shall meet at least two (2) times per year. The Subcommitttee shall consist of two elected officials from each City, the City Administrator of each City, the Finance Directors from each City and the Albertville Fire Chief. The Subcommittee shall develop a plan to address the long-term direction of the department. 4. Albertville shall tape all reasonable steps to insure that it has at all times adequate fire fighting and medical personnel and equipment available and ready to provide protection to Otsego's citizens and property as provided for in this Agreement. 5. Albertville shall at all times keep in place liability insurance coverage to protect Otsego's interests and to fulfill Albertville's obligations under this Agreement in at least the amount of the maximum tort liability limits set forth in Minn. Stat. 466.04. 6. Albertville shall fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend Otsego from all claims arising out of the negligence of Albertville, its employees, officers or agents in performing its duties under this Agreement, provided such indemnification shall not exceed the maximum tort liability limits set forth in Minn. Stat. 466.04. 7. Albertville's obligation to provide fire protection service and emergency medical response shall be subject to the following: a. If road and weather conditions at the time of the call are such that the fire/medical run cannot be made with reasonable safety to men and equipment, in the opinion of the Fire Chief or his Deputy in charge, no obligation arises under this agreement on the part of the City of Albertville to answer such call and no person or party -shall have recourse against the City of Albertville or City of Otsego for reasonable refusal to answer such call. b. In the event that a sufficient amount of the fire fighting/medical equipment and the number of volunteer firefighters, or both, are committed at the time of the fire call, in sole judgment of the Fire Chief or his Deputy, to fighting pre-existing fires or attending a pre-existing emergency, so as to render the available equipment and manpower inadequate to answer a fire or medical tail from Otsego, no obligation shall arise under this agreement to answer such call, provided that Albertville makes - all reasonable efforts to answer the fire or medical call in Otsego, including requests for mutual aid. c. In the event a fire call by Otsego is answered by Albertville, but before the fire in question is extinguished, the fire fighting equipment or volunteer firefighters, or both, 2 are needed to fight another fire in the Fire District or to respond to another emergency elsewhere in the Fire District, the Chief or his Deputy without liability therefore to any person or to Otsego under this agreement, may in his reasonable judgment, redeploy the firefighting equipment, volunteer firefighters and emergency response equipment as they deem necessary given the competing emergency situations. If a decision is made to leave a preexisting fire in Otsego, Albertville shall utilize all resources reasonably at its disposal to provide alternative services -to extinguish the fire in Otsego, including requests for mutual aid. The reasonable judgment of the Fire Chief or his Deputy shall be final and no person or party shall have recourse against the City of Albertville or the City of Otsego for any damages or losses resulting from such action or decision. d. The parties acknowledge that Albertville has entered into mutual aid contracts with other fire departments in other municipalities, and that in the event of concurrent fire calls or other concurrent emergencies within the Fire District, Albertville will call for mutual aid to serve one or all such emergencies as deemed necessary by the Fire Chief or his Deputy. e. Third parties shall have no recourse under this Agreement against either party to the Agreement. f. Because the City of Albertville has heretofore entered into mutual assistance fire fighting agreements with other municipalities possessing firefighting equipment and firefighters, which equipment and firefighters could be called by the Chief or his Deputy to a fire or other emergency in Otsego, the City of Otsego agrees to pay such additional cost as may be incurred thereby if, in the sole reasonable judgment of the Chief or his Deputy, such additional fire fighting equipment/emergency response equipment and firefighters are needed to respond to an emergency in Otsego and are in fact called to such emergency by the Chief or his Deputy. Otsego shall be provided an itemized list and explanation for any additional costs incurred under this section and billed to Otsego. 8. This agreement shall run for the period set forth in paragraph 1, provided, however, that this Agreement may be terminated by either party following one year's written notice to the other party. In such case, this Agreement shall terminate on the first December 31" following the first anniversary of the termination date (e.g., if a termination notice is served on October 17, 2014, this Agreement would terminate on December 31, 2015). Written notice of termination shall be effective upon personal service of the termination notice upon the City Clerk of the non -terminating city. 9. Albertville shall provide Otsego with the names and addresses of those parties served in Otsego with fire, medical or rescue services along with the incident report from the event. Otsego may bill such parties separately and keep the proceeds from such billings. 10. Albertville owns all fire/rescue equipment used by the fire department and shall have the sole discretion to determine when and how to dispose of such equipment, provided, however, that the proceeds from the sale of such equipment shall be credited to Albertville's fire depailment fund. 11. Albertville owns the fire hall and shall have the sole discretion to determine when and how to dispose of it, provided, however, that the proceeds from the sale of the fire hall shall be credited to Albertville's fire department-fuhd. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of ,Iftr X13 A,'J CITY OF ALBERTVILLE 1,11,4 Kimherl A. Olson City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO Ry-ggukk ica Stockamp, Mayor JUV\vV\, �} Tami Loff City Clerk Wright County, MN 0. beacon ,TM Date Created: 2/17/2013 Last Data Upload: 2/16/2013 11:13:52 AM �� developed by The Schneider Corporation Schneider wwm5chneidercorp.com KiVer Fire Department 13065 Orono Parkway Elk River, ,MN 55330 Wednesday, December 22, 2010 Mike Robertson, City Administrator- City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. NF Otscgo, MN 55330 Dean: 'Mr. Robertson, Enclosed, please find two original copies of the proposed Contract for firefighting Services for the City of Otscgo. The contract has been retrieved by out city attorney's office and was approved this past Monday at the Cite Council meeting. The new contract reflects the changes to a per parcel amount as previously discussed. The payment schedule has also been adjusted requiring payment twice during the year. If the contact is acceptable to you and your council, please have the mayor and city clerk sign both copies, returning one original to my office. The second copy is for your records. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (763) 635-1105. Sincerely, -E c. T. John Cunningham Fite Chief Enclosures (2) Plioner 763.635.1100 Fax: 763.635.1090 ;4tmBelk-riverm0.us CONTRACT FOR FIREFIGHTING SERVICES This Contract for Firefighting Services ("Agreement") is made and entered into effective January 1, 2011 by and between the CITY OF ELK RIVER, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("CITY OF ELK RIVER") and the CITY OF OTSEGO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("CITY OF OTSEGO"). IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN SAID PARTIES AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I: FIRE SERVICE The CITY OF ELK RIVER agrees to furnish, through the Elk River Fire Department ("FIRE DEPARTMENT"), firefighting services ("Services"), as outlined in EXHIBIT A attached hereto, to all properties in the CITY OF OTSEGO located within the area set forth in EXHIBIT B attached hereto ("Fire District"). ARTICLE II: RESPONSE AND RESOURCES The FIRE DEPARTMENT will make reasonable efforts to promptly respond to requests for service ("Fire Cali(s)") in the Fire District upon notification of such requests through the FIRE DEPARTMENT's primary public safety answering point ("PSAP"), subject to the following terms and conditions: A. The Fire Chief of the FIRE DEPARTMENT ("Fire Chief'), and/or his/her designee, shall be in command of the FIRE DEPARTMENT, including its personnel, equipment and resources, at all times, as outlined in the FIRE DEPARTMENT's policy manual and/or the CITY OF ELK -RIVER Code of ordinances. Furthermore, the CITY OF ELK RIVER owns the buildings and equipment associated with the FIRE DEPARTMENT, and the amounts paid by the CITY OF OTSEGO for firefighting Services do not give rise to any ownership interest in, or responsibility toward, those items. B. The safety of FIRE DEPARTMENT personnel and equipment are of the utmost importance when responding to and operating at an incident. The Fire Chief and/or his/her designee shall have the authority to modify and/or cancel a response if road, weather and/or other hazardous condition(s) pose a safety threat to the FIRE DEPARTMENT's personnel and/or equipment. C. The CITY OF ELK RIVER and/or the FIRE DEPARTMENT shall not be liable to the CITY OF OTSEGO, nor to any property within the Fire District, for loss or damage of any kind whatever resulting from any failure to furnish or any delay in furnishing personnel or equipment, or from any failure to prevent, control or extinguish any fire or control or mitigate a situation, whether or not such loss or damage is caused by the negligence of the officers, agents or employees of the CITY OF ELK RIVER or the FIRE DEPARTMENT. The CITY OF OTSEGO shall indemnify and hold harmless the CITY OF ELK RIVER and/or the FIRE Otsego Contract for Firefighting Services with the City of Elk River (Elk River Fire Department) January 1, 2011 DEPARTMENT from any claims of loss or damage arising from the CITY OF ELK RIVER's undertaking to furnish firefighting Services under this Agreement. D. In the event that the FIRE DEPARTMENT is committed and unavailable at the time of dispatch to a call in the CITY OF OTSEGO, the FIRE DEPARTMENT will respond to the call as soon as reasonably possible in the sole discretion of the Fire Chief and/or his/her designee. The Fire Chief and/or his/her designee has the sole authority to prioritize fire calls, to allocate equipment and resources, and to request mutual aid assistance, at his/her discretion and professional judgment. ARTICLE Ill: PAYMENT The CITY OF OTSEGO agrees to pay the CITY OF ELK RIVER an annual fee of $52.28 per parcel of property located within the Fire District, as determined by the Wright County Auditors office. The total cost for 2011 is $169,805.44 (3,248 parcels). The annual fee shall be paid in two equal payments. The first payment shall be made within the month of January and the second payment shall be made within the month of July. The annual fee shall be adjusted on January 1 of each year that this Agreement is in effect, as follows: A. The number of parcels shall be adjusted to reflect the then current number of parcels located within the Fire District, as determined by the Wright County Auditors office; and S. The fee per parcel shall increase 3% over the fee for the immediately preceding year. ARTICLE IV: MUTUAL AID The FIRE DEPARTMENT may enter into mutual aid agreements with other organizations. The primary purpose of such agreements is to provide emergency assistance to each other in the event of disasters, large scale emergencies or incidents that exceed the capabilities of the FIRE DEPARTMENT. These agreements often are written, but occasionally are arranged verbally after a significant disaster or emergency occurs. The CITY OF OTSEGO hereby agrees to reimburse the FIRE DEPARTMENT and/or the CITY OF ELK RIVER for any costs associated with the FIRE DEPARTMENT requesting mutual aid assistance while responding to or operating at an incident scene within the Fire District. Page 2 Otsego Contract for Firefighting Services with the City of Elk River (Elk River Fire Department) January 1, 2011 ARTICLE V: FALSE ALARMS All parties acknowledge that excessive false alarms constitute a public nuisance. The CITY OF OTSEGO agrees to enforce the CITY OF ELK RIVER false alarm policy and to collect and forward to the CITY OF ELK RIVER such penalties and fees as the FIRE DEPARTMENT charges to properties within the Fire District for excessive false alarms as provided in the CITY OF ELK RIVER false alarm policy. ARTICLE VI: TERM This Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2011 and shall expire on December 31, 2015, unless terminated earlier as provided herein. ARTICLE VII: MODIFICATION This writing contains the entire agreement between the parties and no alterations, variations, modifications or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement are valid unless reduced to writing and signed by both the CITY OF ELK RIVER and the CITY OF OTSEGO. This Agreement and the exhibits attached hereto contain the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersede all prior negotiations, agreements and understandings with respect thereto. ARTICLE VIII: TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated at any time during its term by mutual agreement of the parties. Such mutual agreement to terminate shall be in writing and shall be effective when fully executed by both parties. Either party may terminate this Agreement by serving a 365 -day written notice of termination to the other party. This Agreement shall terminate 365 days from the date of written notice of termination, unless the party serving the notice specifies a later date of termination or withdraws the notice of termination in writing before it is effective. If the CITY OF OTSEGO falls to pay for Services as provided in Article III hereof, falls to reimburse the City of Elk River for mutual aid costs as provided in Article IV hereof, or fails to collect and forward to the City of Elk River penalties for false alarms as provided in Article V hereof, the CITY OF ELK RIVER may terminate this Agreement upon 60 days' written termination notice. In the event this Agreement is terminated, the CITY OF OTSEGO shall still be responsible for paying in full any amount owed to the CITY OF ELK RIVER for Services provided under this Agreement up to the date of termination. Notice to either party shall be made to the city administrator, or city clerk if there is no city administrator. Page 3 Otsego Contract for Firefighting Services with the City of talk River (Elk River Fire Department) January 1, 2011 ARTICLE IX. SEVERABILITY The provisions of this contract shall be deemed severable. If any part of this contract is rendered void, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable, such rendering shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remainder of this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract effective on the date indicated above. CITY OF ELK RIVER CITY OF OTSEGO y its Mayor: 'J tak"111 `. SigAjwre Print Name Date City Cl 17 Signature &-/11.T ....a 4� Print Name By its Mayor: Signature T Print Name Date City Cleric: Signature Print Name Page 4 Otsego Contract for Firefighting Services with the City of Elk River (Elk River Fire Department) January 1, 2011 EXHIBIT A: SERVICES The CITY OF ELK RIVER and the FIRE DEPARTMENT agrees to provide the CITY OF OTSEGO the following Services, subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement: • Structural Firefighting, specifically: o Exterior Structural Firefighting o Interior Structural Firefighting Grass/Forest Firefighting • Other Firefighting, specifically: o Vehicle & Equipment Firefighting • Technical Rescue, specifically: o Vehicle & Equipment Extrication o General Search and Rescue o Rope Access/Confined Space Rescue (subject to team availability) • Other, specifically: o Investigation of Fire and Carbon Monoxide Alarms • Hazardous Materials Response, specifically: o First Responder, Awareness o First Responder, Operations • Emergency Medical Services, specifically: o First Responder Level to Personal Injury Accidents (as requested and per FIRE DEPARTMENT policy) and to support Technical Rescue Operations • Disaster Response, specifically: o Initial response for rescue, life -safety and incident stabilization (not including emergency management related functions) (2:2898801 v3 Page 5 Otsego Contract for Firefighting Services with the City of Elk River (Elk River Fire Department) January 1, 2011 EXHIBIT B: FIRE DISTRICT Elk River FD Payable 2010 Tax Data 0611512010 Legend Elk—River—FD MUN i 118 Year MUN Municipality # Parcels Land Building Machine Total Market Value 2010 118 Otsego 3248 266,613,300.00 354,869,900.00 953,500.00 622,436,700.00 Rage 6 V CD M v CL Legend Fire District Boundaries Xl ertviila {8180,94 Ac.) ENRNar(19108.26Ac) MonliaeiIa (2680.46 Ac.) r, 1. Ropara (071.07 A4,) M a rt t oo t L,4 Ek River ` Y r :i tt f Rogers Fire District Boundaries k OTSEGO AEscvIMrP; ThEapmquctlxrprinfannAlWalFvrygeaeanpmoynathaveGocm K 1 pm;xrad ior. or qp Wtotlo for leggl, ant3lnerrnr�, or uur rp jhUWI)e.Ummof1Mbinfalmakkln6houldrdylowormnumpts City of Otsego, MN. alms]nfan8u6�W��on eoumeRtaa4rfulo6r the uao6ihly M v CL Account Inquiry Page: 1 Detail May 28, 2014 03:29PM Report Criteria: Account: 101-42200-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES Periods: 00113 to 05114 Amount type: Actual Display: Reference detail Order by: Date/Journal/Reference number Date Journ Reference Description Debit Amount Credit Amount Balance 12/3112012 (14/12) Balance .00 ,00 347,922.07 0110112013(00113) Period Totals'** .00 .00 .00 01/24/2013 TB 52696.0001 4TH OTR 2012 FIRE SVC 29,145.55 .00 29,145.55 01/31/2013 (01113) Period Totals *"* 29,145.55 .00 29,145.55 0210712013 AP 79.0001 CITY OF ELK RIVER 90,510.72 .00 119,656.27 02128/2013(02113) Period Totals'** 90,510.72 .00 119,656.27 o3112/2013 AP 197.0001 CITY OF ALBERTVILLE 355.00 .00 120,011.27 03131/2013 JE 3.0057 To reverse the second batch of 12!31 accounts pay .00 ( 29,145.55) 90,865.72 03/31/2013 (03113) Period Totals "* 355,00 ( 29,145.55) 90,865.72 03121/2013 AP 14.0001 CITY OF ALBERTVILLE 39,135.53 .00 130,001.25 04115/2013 AP 134.0001 CITY OF ALBERTVILLE 500.00 .00 130,501.25 04/3012013 (04113) Period Totals *"" 39,635.53 .00 130,501.25 03/15/2013 AP 213.0001 CITY OF ROGERS 27,454.77 .00 157,956.02 05/3112013 (05/13) Period Totals "` 27,454.77 .00 157,956.02 06/0612013 AP 180.0001 CITY OF ELK RIVER 90,510.72 .00 248,466.74 05/30/2013 (06113) Period Totals "' 90,510.72 .00 248,466.74 07131/2013 (07/13) Period Totals **' .00 .00 248,460.74 08/31/2013 (08113) Period Totals **' .00 .00 248,466.74 a9116/2013 AP 114.0001 CITY OF ALBERTVILLE 78,271.06 .00 326,737.80 o913o12013 (09113) Period Totals- 78,271.06 .00 326,737.80 1 013 112 0 1 3 (10113) Period Totals "` .00 .00 326,737.80 11/3012013 (11113) Period Totals *" .00 .00 326,737.80 1 213 1 120 1 3 (12113) Period Totals **` .00 .00 326,737.80 12/31/2013 (13113) Period Totals *'* .00 .00 326,737.80 1213112013 (14113) Period Totals '00 .00 326,737.60 01!0112014 (00114) Period Totals'*" .00 .00 .00 0 1 10 6120 1 4 AP 20.0001 CITY OF ALBERTVILLE 39,135.53 .00 39,135.53 01131/2014 (01114) Period Totals *" 39,135.53 .00 39,135.53 01/1612014 AP 183.0001 CITY OF ELK RIVER 1,950.00 .00 41,085.53 02107/2014 AP 184.0001 CITY OF ELK RIVER 94,254.50 .00 135,340.03 02/28/2014 (02114) Period Totals `"' 96,204.50 .00 135,340.03 03/3112014 (03/14) Period Totals "' .00 ,00 135,340.03 Account Inquiry Page: 2 Detail May 28, 2014 03:29PM Debit Credit Date Journ Reference Description Amount Amount Balance 03/31/2014 AP 27.0001 CITY OF ALBERTVILLE 40,133.25 .00 175,473.28 04130/2014 (04114) Period Totals "' 40,133.25 .00 175,473.28 05131/2014 (05114) Period Totals "' .00 .00 175,473.28 Report Criteria: Account: 101-42200-390 CONTRACTED SERVICES Periods: 00113 to 05114 Amount type: Actual Display: Reference detail Order by: Date/Journal/Reference number Otsego Fire Service Contracts Albertville Elk River Rogers Contract Term January 2013 through January, 2011 through Yearly - automatically renews December 31, 2017 December 31, 2015 Notification date Contract ends one calendar 365 days September 1 for following year year after notice is given Payment by Otsego tax capacity divided by Set amount times number of .00044 of the market value total department service area parcels served tax capacity times department budget 2015 Estimated cost Number of parcels Value of property $221,583 if full time chief January 1, 2015 3% increase to $58.83/parcel est, approximately $200,022 (3,400 parcelsf $28,827 (5% increase in value) Wright County, MN Date Created: 7/22f2014 Last Data Upload: 7/21/2014 11:53:47 PM N 6"1011;M1 tAv A T -he Schneider co-pr'Twinn S,-finekie _dP DF I q www,�On&.t -.rr P com s!\ -c tzk