RES 2023-08 Appointing Commissioners to Advisory CommissionsCITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2023-08 APPOINTING COMMISSIONERS TO ADVISORY COMMISSIONS. WHEREAS, the City has established advisory commissions including the Planning Commission, Parl<s and Recreation Commission, Heritage Preservation Commission and Public Safety Commission; and, WHEREAS, individuals are appointed to serve on these advisory commissions in accordance with the City Code and bylaws of each body and at the discretion of the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the terms of several of the individuals appointed to these advisory commissions will expire on February 28, 2023; and, WHEREAS, the City Council must make appointments to the new terms of these advisory commission positions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. That the following appointments, are hereby made to the respective City advisory commission: Planning Commission ■ Aaron Stritesky for the term expiring February 28, 2027. ■ Tracy Kincanon for the term expiring February 28, 2027. Heritage Preservation Commission ■ Brooke Nault for the term expiring February 28, 2027. ■ Tami Stinsl<i for the term expiring February 28, 2027. Public Safety Commission ■ Loren Green for the term expiring February 28, 2027. ■ Kyle Heltemes for the term expiring February 28, 2027. Parks and Recreation Commission ■ Jessica Schaffer for the term expiring February 28, 2026. ■ Kathleen Baltos for the term expiring February 28, 2027. ■ Kurt Baldry for the term expiring February 28, 2027. ■ Norm Witteborg for the term expiring February 28, 2027. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 13t" day of February, 2023. MOTION BY: Dunlap SECONDED BY:Moores IN FAVORStockamp, OPPOSED: none Dahl, Dunlap, and Moores 2 CITY OF OTSEGO ,e� Jessica L. Stocl<amp1 Ma or ATTEST: Audra Etze1, City Clerk City of Otsego Advisory Commission Appointments Expiring 29-Feb 2024 Expiring 28-Feb 2025 Planning (7 members) Appointed Heidner Black Nichols Offerman Foster Parks and Recreation (7 Expiring 28 Feb 2026 Expiring 28 Feb 2027 Jones Stritesky Kincanon Appointed Benoit Dehn Danzl Baltos Schaffer 1 Baldry Witteborg 1 Alternates blic Safety (7 members) Appointed Hubbard Freiberg Greeman Wolf Braun Green Heltemes Alternates Heritage Preservation (5 member) Appointed Wilson Nault Beaudry Seroshek Stinski Alternates Waldron City Council Approved: February 13, 2023