10-22-07 PHPUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR GRENINS MISSISSIPPI HILLS FOR SANITARY SEWER AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2007 S PM, OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Mayor Fournier will open the Public Hearing. Mayor Fournier opened the Public Hearing at 5:05 PM. Roil Call: Mayor Lang Foumier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jessica Stockamp and Tom Darkenwald. Absent: Mark Thorsted. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Ron Wagner, City Engineer, Ken Beck, Associate Engineer; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney and Gary Groen, City Finance Director. 2. 1, Attoun corn Mr. MacArthur explained the purpose and process of the Public Hearing. He also explained the Processto Appeal. 4. Public Comments. Opened for Public Comments at 5:12 PM Lisa Peterson, her only concern was the SAC fee assessment for 5 Years at 6% which she feels would be too trig of a payment for them and asked for a kmger period with a lower rate of interesL Dan Peterson, Kahler, you didn't get the signed waiver yet as he feels there is some wile room on assessment terms. Dawn Schuithorp, Kahler, asked the Council for consideration of reimbursement of expenses occurred by the Schulttxorp's in the amount of $2,040 investigating their septic problem and asked for it to be taken off her SAC Fee. Greg Brunkow, Kahler, wandering why he was charged more than the others were. He feels he was told to install holding tanks at $4,500. He paid $600 for an alarm system. He paid $150.00 a month for total of $1,200 to pump the tanks. He doesn't mind paying the hookup but not ttie $23,000 that he is being charged. His lot cost a lot less to fix and they didn't have to seed his lawn. CM Heidner said the other residents paid over $20,000 for their mound systems. Mr. Brunkow said he had no choice as his house was almost done and he was told to install these tanks in the ground. Chris Bulow, 95"' Street, Vintage Golf Course, he was under the assumption that everyone was to be wed equally and he is being charged more. He feels he has fully cooperated with the city on everything asked of Vintage Golf Course and is being assessed the most. He donated an easement and forgave the hookup fees. Andy MacArthur said that the increase of fair market value is used. City Council Meeting October 22, 2007. Page 2. The golf course lots have potential of commercial use. Mr. Bulow said he assumed this was to be equal and he is not getting any credit back for what he did. Mr. MacArthur said he has been put on the liability waiver for his contributions. Mr. Bulow agreed that having sewer on these properties is valuable but he felt the costs were going to be equal. Mr. MacArthur said we are recommending a fire year deferment on the club house and then you hook up. Mr. Bulow said that he feels his mound system will last 15 to 20 years and would like the City to push out the deferment. CM Heidner said that this is an unusual assessment because normally we charge more for these types of sewer hookups (trunk fees etc). His future hookup charge would depend on tow many RECS the use is. Mr. MacAthur said also to look at the potential what could be done there. Mr. Bulow said that he doesn't think any more stubs were left for the Golf Course. Kenny Beds said that one V stub was left. Mr. Bulow asked for a 10-15 year deferment or if the lots change hands. Greg Brunkow, asked if he would have waited one year to build what would have been the cost. Council said $23,000. Chris Bulow asked if he can see the breakdown of outside funding. Mike Robertson said there is no outside funding until the waivers are signed. 5. Close the Public Hearing. Hearing no further public comment, Mayor Foumier closed the Public Hearing at 5:39 PM. 6. QW Council discussion mid action. Council discussed the rate of interest and length of assessment. Mr. MacArthur recommended that the Council not take any action until all waivers are received. Dawn Schulthorp's reimbursement, Council discussed this and decided $1380 would be deducted from the Schulthorp's assessment. Mr. MacArthur said the Council didn't make these property owners install a water meter and they will just pay the minimum sewer use fee of $34 a month, which is also a benefit. On Chris Bulow's request for a longer deferment on hooking up to sewer, Council decided the hook up would have to occur when there is a change of hands, septic failure, or an addition or modification of the building. Adjourned at 6:03 PM. Mayor Larry Fournier ATTEST: 3udy Hudson, City Cleric/Zoning Admin. Written by: Tami Loff, Administrative Assistant