10-22-07 CCITEM 3_5 OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL NEE7ING OTSEGO CITY HALL OCTOBER 22, 2007 6:30 PM 1. Mavor Larry Fournier will call the meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jessica Stiodcamp and Tom Darkenwald. Coundimember Mark Thorsted was absent Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator, 3udy Hudson, City Clerks oning Administrator; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, C.Ity Engineer; Gary Groen, Finance Director and Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consider agenda approval. Mayor Fournier requested to move 5.4. to 3.4.; 8.1. to 3.5; and add under 6.2. Engineering Manual Discussion. CM Heidner motioned adoption of agenda as amended. Seconded by CN SUocicamp. AN in favor. Notion carried. 3.1. October 8, 2007 M Council Meeting. Mayor Fournier said that on page 7 11t refers to Mike Robertson comments on 70 residents and Mike was not at the meeting. CM Hekkw nxdkmmd adoption of minutes as amended. Seconded bv CM Stockamp. All in favor. Nation carried. 3.2. October 15, 2007 Public Works Su Meeting. October e 2007 Adminisbadve SubCOMmittee CM Heldner motioned ro to Consent Agenda. Seconded by Stodcamp. All In favor. Notion carried. Paul Donna, Residendal Carg Facilities. Dan Liclt presented • Planner'sReporL City Attorney•MacArthur reviewed the t i- Statute.state does not• a • s to regulate group homes. Mr. MacArthur said W anyone has problem with the group home UW need to • • to the •unty and/or the t •e. The County would be Human Services and the Stale would be the Department of Licensing. They dont need a permit fromthe CM Heidnersaid the that: r this started back in early 1 Susan •representing owner as a •• r. there for•u :.t• • from es de •. City Council Meeting October 22, 2007. Page 2. Rick Shuster, O'Day Ave., is wondering about water and sewer being extended to his neighborhood. Mayor Fournier and CM Heidner explained how it needs to be petitioned and the City's policy. 4. Open Forum: (5 minute limit) Paul Donna, Northland Securities, updated the Council on the Crty's Bond Rating and Bond Sale. CM Heidner motioned to adopt the Resolution approving the bond sale. Seconded br CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. 5, Consent Agenda (Non -controversial items). 5.1. Approve Claims List. 5.2. Received September 11, 2007 Police Commission Minutes. 5.3. Received September 12, 2007 Park & Rec Commission Minutes. 5.4. Approve Resolution to issue bonds for $690,000 for Friendship Addition and Waterfront East. 5.5. Approve Pay Request No.7 to Knife River Inc. in the amount of $9,310.00 for Park Site Improvements. 5.6. Approve Pay Request No. 8 to Knife River Inc. in the amount of $81,296.64 for Park Site Improvements. 5.7. Approve Pay Request No. 2 to Kotila Excavating in the amount of $42,678.13 for Otsego Creek North Drainage Improvements. 5.8. Approve Pay Request No. 3 to BurschAlle Construction in the amount of $84,583.01 for Trunk San. Sewer & Watennain along TH101 & CSAH 42. 5.9. Approve Pay Request No. 2 to Northdale Construction in the amount of $86,402.21 for Quantrelle Ave1W Street Improvement. 5.10. October 15, 2007 Public Works Subcommittee Meeting. 5.11. October 16, 2007 Administrative Subcommittee Meeting. CM Stoc kamp motioned adoption of the Consent Agenda. Seconded by CM Darkenwald as amended. All in favor. Motion carried. 6.1. Continuation of discussion for lawn mowing assessments Resolution 2QZ-73. Mayor Fournier said that he doesnt support reducing the fees. CM Heidner reviewed the lots and most haven't mowed again. This seems to be leading to an on going situation. Council had discussion on how do we give a rebate back if they do keep up their properties. CM Darkenwald said these people went through a lot and he thought that the people that showed up should receive something. City Council Meeting October 22, 2007. Page 3. CM Stockamp said that there should be a cost for city time next year. Mayor Fournier motioned to approve a resolution wPdxmt any rebate. Seconded by CM Heldner. Voting against CM Darkenwald and CM Stockamp. Motion failed. CM Darkenwald motioned if they mow the grass next year and do not receive any letters from the city the asses ent will be rebated except for $50.00. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 6.2. Engineering Manual Discussion. Kurt Neidermeier, People Service, demonstrated some equipment used for locating city services. 7.1. Review of Snow Plowing Policy. Public Works Supervisor Brad Belair went over changes in the policy, adding one more small tisk and making some re-adjustrnents in routes. The City will remove snow from school bike paths prior to 7 AM. CM Heidner requested clarification for height of mail boxes as Post Offices regulate these and it seems different from what is in the policy. Mr. Belair said we are more restrictive. Mayor motioned adoption of the revised policy. Seconded by Sbockamp. All in favor. M ts.z. Krveriinwisiver grace pant iano. Dan Ucht said that the City Council discussed the need for a neighborhood park in the Riverpointe/River Place area. The developer wants a $150,000 for an acre and a half property and Mayor Foumier contacted the Lahns and they were not Interested in selling. Mr. Ucht talked about the property that is along County Road 36 and has been ghost platted as an option. Susan Krekelberg, 17055 56th Place, in Riverpointe, attended the Parks Commission and is impressed that they realize we have a need for a park. If this option falls thru what are our options and time line. Mr. Ucht said that if we buy a piece from the developer we would require future development of park. Mr. Robertson said we also looked at land at the edge of the neighbortroods but nothing was suitable, even just for a Tot Park. CM Heidner is concerned with this parcel being too close to County Road 36. Mr. Ucht said that could put in a fence, trees, shrubs etc, to create some physical distance. Council agreed to send to the Park Commission fnr their review on November 14 at 7 PM. City Council Meeting October 22, 2007. Page 4. 9. Ron Wagner,Cily Engineer. Ron Wagner went over the costs for this project about $100,000 plus right of way costs. After Council discussion it was directed to bring this issue to the Parks Commission for discussion and recommendation. 9.2. Consider Resolution appm ing the Grenin's Mississipa Hills Sewer Improvement Assessment Roll. Andy MacArthur recommended to table until agreements are re -adjusted and received. CM Helmer motioned to table. Seconded by CM Sbx* amnp. All In favor. Motion carried. 10. Andrew MacArthur, C& Attorney. 10.1. Review of !.awful Gambling. Don Miller (Rogers Youth Hockey) and Barb Gustafson (gambling manger for Elk River Hockey), Mr. Miller said they have come to an agreement to work together and are working on a contract. Mrs. Gustafson said that they are looking for a couple of things tonight — need a Resolution to operate charktable gambling and need a Resolution allowing charitable gambling on Holiday Inn. CM Heidner would like to see their signed agreement first. Council agreed, asking them to return to the next meeting. 10.2. Amendment to Great River Centre Developers Agri CM Heidner motioned to adopt the amendment Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 10.3. Other WWI Business. Mr. MacArthur announced that we received official confirmation from the State that the annexation is official. 11. councillt�ems. 11.1. Set Final By" worksh - CM Heidner motioned for Wednesday, November 7, 5:30 PM. Seconded by Mayor (Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 11.2. Insurance Liability Coverage. Finance Director Gary Groen reported that the Admin Sub -committee met with Mary Eberly on this coverage. Council needs to take action not to waive statutory limits. Mayor Fournier motioned the I Ing Seconded by CM Heidner. Ali in favor. Motion carried. 11.3. Expand Committee. Mike Robertson recommended including one person from each department. Council agreed. City Council Meeting October 22, 2007. Page S. 11.4. Consider 2008 Fre Rates. Gary Groen reviewed. CM Heidner suggested adding $5 to each parcel to build reserves. CM Hekhm motioned to increase $5 per parcel per fire district. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 12. Mike Robertson, C& Administrator. 12.1. Review of Holiday Hours. Council agreed for City Hall to be closed Friday the day after Thanksgiving and that staff will work a ben hour shift Monday thrn Wednesday and they agreed to make this a permanent change to the work schedule. Council agreed to cancel the City Council meeting that falls on December 24. 13 Judy Hudson,City Clerk 131 Review of Cray Hall Sian Council added Established in 1990. CM Heidner motioned to approve the Sign. Seconded by CM Darkenwaid. All in favor. Motion carried. City Administrator said he needs a closed meeting to discuss a personnel issue. CM Heidner motioned to dose the meeting at 9:36 PM. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. Attending: City Administrator Mike Robertson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Judy Hudson, City Attorney Andy MacArthur, Mayor Fournier, CM Heidner, CM Stockamp, CM Darkenwaki and Finance Director Gary Groen. CM Stockamp motioned to reopen meeting at 9:47 PM. Mayor Fournier seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. 14. Adjorn by 10 PM. CM Sbodcamp said Pumpkin Patch Day was very successful and about 25 Boy Scouts donated time. CM Stockamp nwtioned to adjourn at 9:54 PM. Seconded by CM Dai kenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Lard/ Fournier ATTEST: Judy Hudson, City Ck*/Zoning Admin. Written by: Tami Loff, Administrative Assistant