ITEM 1 ISO Fire Protection Rating Systemro g jJEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES CONNECTING & INNOVATING SINCE 1913 RISK MANAGEMENT INFORMATION THE ISO FIRE PROTECTION RATING SYSTEM Many insurance companies use ISO's PPC evaluations as a factor in setting the premiums they charge for property insurance; the better the community's PPC grade, the lower the premiums the insurance company would charge for property insurance in that community. ISO's data on fire losses indicates that communities with better fire protection as evaluated by the PPC do in fact tend to have lower losses from fire damage than other communities. This memo gives an overview of the factors that affect a community's PPC rating, how these ratings affect insurance premiums, how the city can have its rating reviewed, and where the city can get more information on the ISO PPC process. Factors for PPC Ratings Highlight The Insurance Services Office, Inc. (150) has for many years done evaluations and ratings of the fire protection provided in communities. This system is called the ISO Public Protection Classification program, or PPC. The PPC process grades a community's fire protection on a scale of 1-10, based on ISO's Fire Suppression Rating Schedule. ISO's PPC system has been in use since the early 1900's, and has been continuously modified and refined over that time. The Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) looks at a great deal of specific information about the fire department, the water supply, and the types of property in the community, and uses a fairly complex process to evaluate that information. In general though, here are the factors the PPC system looks at. Water Supply Water supply is the most important single factor, and accounts for 40% of the total rating. The FSRS compares the water supply available at representative areas of the community with the amount needed to fight a fire in the types of buildings there are at that location. In addition, there are some specific minimum requirements for specific classes; to be Class 8 or higher, for example, the city must have the water supply and equipment to deliver at least 250 gallons per minute for at least two hours. ISO Fire Rating Factors Alarm and \ dispatch 10% Water supply Training 40% 9% Personnel 15% Equipment 26% This material is provided as general information and is not a substitute for legal advice. Consult your attorney for advice concerning specific situations. LEAGUE O:F MINNESOTA. CITIES 145 UNIVERSITY AVE. WEST PHONE: (651) 281-1200 PAX: (551) 281-1298 INSURANCE TRUST ST. PAUL. MN 55103-2044 TOLL FREE: (800) 925-1122 WEB: WWW.LMC.ORG Fire Equipment Fire equipment accounts for 26% of the rating. Again, there are both some specific minimum equipment requirements, and additional equipment standards based on the numbers and types of structures in the community. Regular testing of the equipment is also a factor. (Incidentally, the ISO rating system does not have a maximum age for fire trucks, but instead focuses on the equipment's capabilities. If the 1949 pumper is tested regularly and meets performance requirements, it's as good as a brand new truck as far as ISO is concerned.) Personnel Personnel accounts for 24% of the rating. 15% of that is based on the numbers of firefighters available for the initial response and how quickly the firefighters can respond. The other 9% reflects the initial and ongoing training the firefighters receive. Alarm/Paging System The alarm and paging system accounts for the remaining 10% of the rating. When ISO rates a community's fire protection, they will prepare a "Classification Detail Report" which shows in detail how much credit the city received in the rating process for each item reviewed, compared to the maximum credit possible for that item. ISO will also prepare an "Improvement Statement" which identifies what changes a city would need to make in order to move up to a particular grade. To get a copy of these reports, the fire chief needs to request them from ISO in writing on official letterhead. Re -rating the City's Fire Protection ISO will periodically send the city a "Community Outreach Questionnaire", asking for information about the city's fire protection system. If the city completes and returns the questionnaire, ISO will check for significant changes in the city's fire protection system that might merit a review of the city's current classification. Changes in the area served, improvements in the city's water system improvements, additional fire stations constructed, new equipment added, improvements in the city's alarm and paging system, etc., are some of the items most likely to trigger a review. If the city has made improvements in any of these areas, it may be worthwhile to contact ISO to request a survey. The city can also download a copy of the community Outreach Questionnaire from ISO's web site, complete the survey, and return it to ISO to get the process started. Pa Learn More ISO's website www.isomitigation.com/firel.htm I offers a great deal of useful and well -organized information on the Public Protection Classification system and the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule. You can also contact the ISO office for Minnesota by phone or mail. Insurance Services Office 111 North Canal Street, Suite 950 Chicago, IL 60606-6214 (312) 923-0070 or (800) 444-4554 Fire Protection Ratings in Minnesota The chart to the right shows the current distribution of ISO PPC ratings in Minnesota. How ISO PPC Ratings Affect Insurance Premiums The table to the right shows how the premiums would vary for some typical structures under a couple of insurance companies' current rating schedules. Keep in mind though that every insurance company sets its own rates. While these figures are reasonably representative of how much difference the fire rating can make in an insurance buyer's premiums, the amounts and percentages of the premium credits for the various fire classes will vary among insurance companies. Here are some points to note: In this schedule, no additional credit is given on residential property for a fire class better than 7. The reason has largely to do with the role that water supply plays in the ratings. Having a better water supply helps in fighting fires in larger commercial structures, and therefore is reflected in a better rating. But for most residential fires a lesser water supply is actually needed, and having more than that available really doesn't help the fire department fight that particular residential fire any better. There's some variation among insurance companies (e.g., some might allow additional credit for class 6, others might lump classes 7 and 8 together for rating purposes, etc.) but this general pattern is fairly typical for residential premium structures. Not all insurance companies use the ISO PPC classifications. This is especially true for residential coverage. Some companies have their own rating systems based on their own historical loss data for the area rather than on an evaluation of the fire protection in the area. Other insurance companies use their own systems for rating the fire protection for a particular property; a company might classify properties based on Something to Think About LMCIT also uses the ISO PPC ratings as a factor in determining premiums for coverage on the city's own buildings. Representative Insurance Premiums Fire Class $150,000 residence $1,000,000 office building 1 $670 $2,950 2 $670 $2,980 3 $670 $3,020 4 $670 $3,040 5 $670 $3,060 6 $670 $3,120 7 $670 $3,230 8 $777 $3,330 9 $972 $3,440 10 $1,072 $3,710 In this schedule, no additional credit is given on residential property for a fire class better than 7. The reason has largely to do with the role that water supply plays in the ratings. Having a better water supply helps in fighting fires in larger commercial structures, and therefore is reflected in a better rating. But for most residential fires a lesser water supply is actually needed, and having more than that available really doesn't help the fire department fight that particular residential fire any better. There's some variation among insurance companies (e.g., some might allow additional credit for class 6, others might lump classes 7 and 8 together for rating purposes, etc.) but this general pattern is fairly typical for residential premium structures. Not all insurance companies use the ISO PPC classifications. This is especially true for residential coverage. Some companies have their own rating systems based on their own historical loss data for the area rather than on an evaluation of the fire protection in the area. Other insurance companies use their own systems for rating the fire protection for a particular property; a company might classify properties based on Something to Think About LMCIT also uses the ISO PPC ratings as a factor in determining premiums for coverage on the city's own buildings. the individual property's distance from a fire station and water supply, for example. Improving the city's ISO PPC rating will likely have the biggest impact on citizens' insurance costs if your city is in one of two situations: • The city is currently in one of the lowest ISO PPC classes; or • The city has a significant amount of commercial or industrial property. Pete Tritz 10/04 M