94-109CITY OP OTSEGO COUNTY OP WRIGHT STATE OP MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 94-109 RESOLUTION AUTHORISING PAYMENT OF ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION TO CITY CLERK JEROME PERRAULT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Otsego has recently amended the city's Personnel Manual to allow the City Council to authorize additional compensation for employees who have served the city (or former township) with distinction for a thirty year period of time or longer; and WHEREAS, said amendment to the city's Personnel Manual allows the City Council to determine a reasonable amount of additional compensation, and further, upon agreement of the employee, said compensation may be in the form of a recognition dinner or celebration; and WHEREAS, Jerome Perrault has provided exemplary service to the City of Otsego as City Clerk and to the former Township of Otsego, prior to its incorporation, as Town Clerk over the last 50 years. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO# MINNESOTA that Jerome Perrault#s exemplary service to the community over the last 50 years entitles him to additional compensation, and that said compensation shall be, upon agreement with the employee, in the form of a Recognition Dinner to be held at the Otsego City Hall on January 22, 1995. Adopted by the council this 12TH Elaine Beatty, Deputy Cr day of December 1994. i Noiivan,Z. Freske, yor Gal wt