ITEM 3.3A OHPC 6.10.2014 MinutesITEM 3-3A Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission - 6-10-14 Present: Toni Seroshek, Gail Anderson, Chris Wilson, Jamie Plantenberg- Selbitschka, Zonja Matushenko. Mayor Jessica Stockamp. Meeting called to order at 7:07pm. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. Chris wished to add to the agenda a question on whether interested parties could order our City history books via the City's website. Otsego Festival Gail presented the list of farm families she had been given by Jessica. Names were divided up between Commissioners who will return the addresses they have found for farm families to Gail by June 24. We reviewed a draft of a letter to farm families re: the Festival and our focus on farm families. Update on Book Revisions Lisa Fahey is unable to attend tonight, but she sent word that she is almost finished retyping In the Early Years, our first OHPC book to undergo updating. History Quiz Zonya will submit her questions to Ross ®errant for adaption to use on the public screen. Other Commissioners should list what would be good questions and answers for the ongoing screen on City Subjects which is running in the Prairie Community Center. Shipping books Chris wonders if we could sell books from our online site. Jessica will check with on cost and where requests should be sent. Meeting adjourned at 0:OOpm. Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, July 0t" at 7pm. Gail Anderson, Recorder