2023 Ordinance Index2023 ORDINANCE INDEX Ordinance Title City Council Approved 2023-01 An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Otsego to Provide for a Change in Zoning Classification for Land Included within the Preliminary Plat of IOS Otsego 1/9/2023 2023-02 An Ordinance Granting CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., d/b/a/CenterPoint Energy Minnesota Gass ("CenterPoint Energy"), Its Successors and Assigns, a Nonexclusive Franchise to Construct, Operate, Repair and Maintain Facilities and Equipment for the Transportation, Distribution, Manufacture and Sale of Gas Energy fo the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota, for Such Purpose; and, Prescribing Certain Terms and Conditions Thereof.2/13/2023 2023-03 An Ordinance Establishing a PUD, Planned Unit Development District for Mississippi Landing 3/13/2023 2023-04 An Ordinance Amending the City Coded Regarding Commercial Zoning and Uses 3/27/2023 2023-05 An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Otsego to Provide for a Change in Zoning Classification for Carron 5/22/2023 2023-06 An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance Regarding Definitions, Building Materials, and Residential Driveway Surfacing.6/12/2023 2023-07 An Ordinance Amending the City Code Pertaining to Juvenile Curfew Hours & Penalties, the fees charged for Water Meters, and Eligibility for Refund of Building Permit Fees 9/25/2023 1 of 1