2023 Resolution Index2023 RESOLUTION INDEX Resolution Title City Council Approved 2023-01 Designating an Official Newspaper 1/9/2023 2023-02 Designating Depositories and Approving Investment Brokers 1/9/2023 2023-03 Accepting Public Improvements for ISD #728 Otsego E-8 School Addition 1/9/2023 2023-04 Approving the Agency Agreement for Federal Participation in Construction 1/9/2023 2023-05 Approving Revised Uniform Policy 1/23/2023 2023-06 Receiving Feasibility Report and Calling Hearing on Improvement (2023 Street Renewal)1/23/2023 2023-07 Establishing Procedures Relating to Compliance with Reimbursement Bond Regulations Under the Internal Revenue Code 2/13/2023 2023-08 Appointing Commissioners to Advisory Commissions 2/13/2023 2023-09 Authorizing Application for Grant Navigant Support (League of MN Cities)2/13/2023 2023-10 Ordering Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the 2023 Street Renewal Project 2/13/2023 2023-11 Approving Vacation of Existing Drainage and Utility Easements within the Plat of Otsego Waterfront East 3rd Addition 2/13/2023 2023-12 Approving a Development Contract for Otsego Developments Addition 2/13/2023 2023-13 Approving a Site Improvement Performance Agreement for Waterfront Commons I 2/13/2023 2023-14 Establishing Water & Sanitary Sewer Utility Rates for 2023 2/27/2023 2023-15 Authorization Application for an Outdoor Recreation Grant for Carrick's Landing Park 2/27/2023 2023-16 Accepting Public Improvements for Ashwood Addition 3/13/2023 2023-17 Establishing Municipal State Aid Streets 3/13/2023 2023-18 Approving a Vacation of Existing Easements within the Plat of Nathe 2nd Addition 3/13/2023 2023-19 Accepting Bids and Awarding Contract for the 2023 Street Maintenance Project 3/13/2023 2023-20 Accepting Bids and Awarding Contract for the 2023 Street Micro-Surfacing Project 3/13/2023 2023-21 Approving the Amended Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between the State of Minnesota and Local Governments and Authorizing Participation in National Prescription Opioid Settlements 3/27/2023 2023-22 No Mow May Initiative 3/27/2023 2023-23 Approving Termination of Temporary Drainage and Utility Easements within the Plat of Parkview Retail 2nd Addition 3/27/2023 2023-24 Approving a Development Contract for Parkview Retail 3rd Addition 3/27/2023 2023-25 Accepting Bids and Awarding Contract for the School Knoll Park Renovation Project 4/10/2023 2023-26 Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids -2023 Street Renewal Project, City Project No. 23-03 4/10/2023 2023-27 Accrpting Grant Navigator Funding 4/24/2023 2023-28 Consent to Collateral Assignment of Development Agreement TIF Note - Otsego Apartments II, LLC 4/24/2023 2023-29 Authorizing Condemnation of Land for Public Purposes 4/24/2023 2023-30 Accepting a Donation from the Bank of Elk River 5/8/2023 2023-31 Accepting a Donation from the Rogers-Otsego Youth Baseball Association 5/8/2023 1 of 3 2023 RESOLUTION INDEX 2023-32 Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for East-West Watermain Connection Project 5/8/2023 2023-33 Accepting Bids and Awarding Contract for 2023 Street Renewal Project, City Project No. 23-03 5/8/2023 2023-34 Declaring Certain City Property as Surplus Property and Authorizing Sale 5/22/2023 2023-35 Adoption of the Wright County All Hazard Mitigation Plan 5/22/2023 2023-36 Approving Vacation of Existing Right-of Way and Drainage and Utility Easements within the Plat of MRD Commercial Park 5/22/2023 2023-37 Approving a Site Improvement Performance Agreement for Lot 1, Block 1 MRD Commercial Park Second Addition 5/22/2023 2023-38 Adopting the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the Year Ended December 31, 2022 6/12/2023 2023-39 Juneteenth 6/12/2023 2023-40 Approving a Development Contract for Boulder Pass 3rd Addition 6/12/2023 2023-41 Approving a Development Contract for Prairie Pointe 2nd Addition 6/12/2023 2023-42 Approving a Development Contract for IOS Otsego 6/12/2023 2023-43 Approving Vacation of Existing Public Right-of-Way - Boulder Pass 4th 6/12/2023 2023-44 Accepting Bids and Awarding Contract for the East-West Watermain Connection Project 6/12/2023 2023-45 Approving an Update to the Firearms No Discharge Zoning Map 6/26/2023 2023-46 Approving a Site Improvement Performance Agreement for Lot 1, Block 1 Great River Centre of Otsego 7/10/2023 2023-47 Accepting a Community Safety Grant Donation from Centerpoint Energy 7/24/2023 2023-48 Accepting Bids and Awarding Contract for the 2023 Mill and Overlay Project 7/24/2023 2023-49 Amending Designated Depositories and Investment Brokers 8/14/2023 2023-50 Adopting a Drug and Alcohol Policy 8/14/2023 2023-51 Approving a Site Improvement Performance Agreement for Lot 2, Block 1, Parkview Retaril 3rd Addition 8/14/2023 2023-52 Adopton of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan 8/14/2023 2023-53 Declaring Cost to be Assessed and to Set a Hearing on Proposed Assessment 8/14/2023 2023-54 Approving a Development Contract for R + L Carriers 8/28/2023 2023-55 Parkview Retail 3rd Addition Vacation 9/11/2023 2023-56 Parkview Retail 3rd Addition SIPA 9/11/2023 2023-57 2023 Street Renewal Project Adopting an Assessment 9/11/2023 2023-58 Accepting Bids and Awarding Contract for the Well #11 Project #23-05 9/25/2023 2023-59 Adjusting the 2024 Debt Service Property Tax Levy Certified in the Original Bond Resolution 9/25/2023 2023-60 Adopting a Preliminary Property Tax Levy for Taxes Payable in 2024 9/25/2023 2023-61 Accepting Public Improvements for The Village 10/9/2023 2023-62 Adopting an Assessment for Deliquent Utility Bills 10/9/2023 2023-63 Accepting Donations for Sponsorship of the 2023 Otsego Prairie Festival 10/9/2023 2023-64 Providing Approval of the Layout for State Project 8680-64 10/9/2023 2023-65 Adopting an Assessment for Unpaid Special Charges 10/9/2023 2023-66 Accepting Public Improvements for Martin Farms 6th Additions 10/23/2023 2023-67 Approving a Development Contract for Anna's Acres 10/23/2023 2 of 3 2023 RESOLUTION INDEX 2023-68 Resolution Accepting the Offer of the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority to Purchase a $34,045,359 General Oligation Sewer Revenue Note of 2023A, Providing for Its Issuance an D Authorizing Execution of a Bond Purchase and Project Loan Agreement with Point Source Implementation Grant 10/23/2023 2023-69 Accepting Bids and Awarding Contract for the construction of Marquette Avenue Cluvert Construction on Otsego Creek, Project No. 23-12 10/23/2023 2023-70 Establishing Precinct Boundaries and Polling Places 11/13/2023 2023-71 Accepting Public Improvements for Martin Farms 5th Addition 11/13/2023 2023-72 Ordering Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the 2024 Street Maintenance Projects 11/13/2023 2023-73 Ordering Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the 2024 Mill & Overlay Project 11/13/2023 2023-74 Ordering Preparation of Feasibility Report for the Improvement of Streets within Vasseur's Oak Grove 3rd and 4th Additions and Halls 1st, 2nd and 3rd Additions 11/13/2013 2023-75 Accepting Public Improvements for Meadows of Riverpointe 2nd Addition 11/27/2023 2023-76 Approving Updated Personnel Policy 11/27/2023 2023-77 Approving Flexible Work Policy 11/27/2023 2023-78 Establishment of the Otsego Fire and Emergency Department 11/27/2023 2023-79 Accepting Public Improvements for Nantucket Shores 12/11/2023 2023-80 Accepting Public Improvements for Boulder Creek 4th 12/11/2023 2023-81 Accepting Public Improvements for Hunter Hills 12/11/2023 2023-82 Approving Funds for Kittredge Park Shelter Repair 12/11/2023 2023-83 Approving Fund Balance Policy 12/11/2023 2023-84 Accepting Public Improvements for Highlands of Riverpointe 2nd Addition 12/11/2023 2023-85 Accepting Public Improvements for Arbor Creek 3rd Addition-Phase 7 12/11/2023 2023-86 Approving a Revised Development for Anna's Acres 12/11/2023 2023-87 Adopting 2024 Annual Operating Budget 12/11/2023 2023-88 Setting the Final Property Tax Levy for Taxes Payable 2024 12/11/2023 2023-89 Adopting the 2024-2033 Capital Improvement Plan 12/11/2023 2023-90 Adopting a Captial Improvement Plan for Issuance of Bond (Item tabled)12/11/2023 3 of 3