02-11-08 CCOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL FEBRUARY 11, 2008 6:30 PM 1. Mayor Lary Fournier will call the meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Lang Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jessica Stockamp, Mark Thorsted and Tom Darkenwald. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Dan Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Gary Groen, Finance Director and Brad Belair, Public Works Supervisor. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consider aaendaapproval. Mayor Fournier requested to add under Item 9.2. Review of MSA Account. Mike Robertson requested to add under 11.1. Request for a Street Light. CM Heidner motioned to adopt the agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes. 3.1. January 28R2�ity Council Meeting. CM Heildner motioned adoption of the minutes. Seconded by CM Stodcamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: (5 minute limit) No one appeared on Open Forum. rt 5.1. Approve Claims List. 5.2. Receive January 9, 2008 Park & Rec Minutes. 5.3. Approve Pay Request #5 to EH Renner and Sons for Redevelopment of Well #3 in the amount of $7,189.12 5.4. Approve Resolution 08-07 regarding Sewer and Wates Rates. CM Heidner noted that there had been a change to Item 5.4. CM Heidner motioned to adopt the Consent Agenda. Seconded by CM Thorsted. Replacing Resolution 08-07 with Ordinance 2008-04. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Old Business. 61. City Hail Sign. Brad Belair received a revised quote and he has ordered the sign from the same company that did the Public Works building. 6.2. Set Workshou for Kadier Avenue yReil Jnr. The Council set a Workshop on March 13, 2008 at 5:30 PM. It will also include review of the Septic Ordinance and NPDES (Storm Sewer) Plan. City Council Meeting February 11, 2008. Page 2. 6.3. Utility Operations Ordinance. Dan Licht went over the proposed Ordinance. CM Darkenwald motioned to approve Ordinance 2008-02 and Summary Ordinance 2008-02 authorizing and regulating Sanitary Sewer Use and Operations within the City of Otsego, Minnesota and amending Chapter 6, Public Utilities, property improvements and ways, Section 3 Sewer Use of the Otsego City Code. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 7. Public Works. 7.1. Review Vehicle Maintenance Refit. Brad Belair reviewed his report with the Council. 7.2. Settlement of Three Parks ImRrovemerrt. Mike Robertson went over his Memo dated February 7, 2008 which outlined the meeting and settlement offer Knifie River made. CM Heidner motioned to settle with Knife River for the Three Park Improvement Project for $27,400. Seconded by CM Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.3. Consider uniform P i y for Public Works. Brad checked with other communities on what they are providing and also disaesed this with the Public Works Subcommittee and recommends approving the proposed policy. Mayor requested to add under Purchasing Process to be approved by the Public Works Supervisor (right after authorized vendor). Council agrees this should go into the Personnel Manual. CM Stockamp motioned to adopt a Uniform Policy for Public Works. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 8. Dan I.MChi y Planner. 8.1. The ShOM of Great River Centre 1st Addition Final Plat. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report Ron Wagner presented the Engineering Report. CM Heidner staffed concern with making sure there is an appropriate snow removal plan. Mr. Licht said staff can work with the applicant on this. Mayor Fournier suggested adding this as Condition No. S. Tom Brown, applicant, said it would be difficult to have all businesses use the same snow removal company but that they could utilize the storm ponds. Snow removal plan for Lot 1, Block 1 shall be provided for staff approval as condition No. 5. CM Heidner motioned to approve a final plat for Lot 1, Block 1, The Sloppes at Great River Centime 2"d Addition, subject to t he 4 conditions listed In the Findings of Fact and to include Condition S. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried. Tom Brown said Klein Bank is anticipating starting construction this spring. City Council Meeting February 11, 2008. Page 3. 8.2. Booster Pump Station. A. Rezoning from A-1 District to INS District. B. Preliminary/Final Plat. Dan Ucht presented the Planning Report. Ron Wagner presented the Engineering Report. CM Heidner motioned to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to IMS, Instibd Tonal District based on a finding that the action is consistent with the Comps Plan. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Heidner motioned to approve a CUP and Preliminary/Final Plat for Otsego Pressure Control Station #1 Addition based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried. 8.3. Review of Code Enforcement -Grass Procedures. Mike Robertson presented the proposed polk:V. CM Heidner suggested in Step 1 to publish around the of Robertson • e• in Step 11 fee andd• 0 9. Ron "OM QW Engineer. 9.1. Consider Resolution 08-06 Approving Plans and Sperm & ordering Muest for quotes for 2008 Annual Sewer Cleaning. Ron Wagner presented the Plans and Specifications for the 2008 Sanitary Sewer Cleaning Project. Kurt Neidermeyer, PeopleServices, agreed with the City Engineer. CM Heidner motioned adoption of 2008-06 approving Plans and Specifications and ordering request for quotes. Seconded by CM Stoccamp. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.2. Review of MSA Furxls. Mr. Wagner reviewed his memo dated February 11, 2008. Mayor Fournier motioned to auttvorize the City Engineer to send his letter to the State requesting the City's funds. Seconded by CM Thorsted. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.3. Other Items. CM Heidner said there are private streets with manholes that need crack filling. Staff should talk to the Home Owners Associations to ask if they would like to participate in the City's Street Projects to get the lower rates. If not the City should at least protect the pavement near the City Utilities by crack filling in dose proximity to those Utilities. 1110 W.TLMIZ;: �� �nal��► fM • f',b ti • •I f • f-� f / f i' • f•w`1r'i,:.. :.f �."IC.• City Council Meeting February 11, 2008. Page 4. street light at 37 and MacIver Avenue. One is there now on the south side and the County has the City of Albertville maintain it. County policy is only one light per intersection and association wants one more light installed on the Otsego side with city to pay for it. CM Heidner motioned to install a street light, funded from the Street Collector Fund at the northeast corner because the intersection of two Collector Streets should have additional light. Seconded by CM Sbx*amp. All in favor. Motion carried. Mike gave an update. 13. Judy Hudson,Cly Clerk. Mayor Fournier motioned up to $250 towards a gas gri11. Seconded by Stockamp. All in favor. Motion carried. Council authorized purchase of a small freezer for City Hall. 14. Adioum by 10 PM. CM Stodcamp nmotioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:30 PM. Maya' Lany Fournier ATTEST: 3udy Hudlen, City-Clerk/Zoning Admin. Written by: Tauri Loff, Deputy Clerk