02-21-2023 Planning Commission MinutesOTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING
FEBRAURY 21, 2023
7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Chair Offerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Alan Offerman; Commissioners: Charles Foster, Laurie Jones*, Vern
Heidner, Jim Kolles, Aaron Stritesky, and Pam Black; Absent: Richard Nichols; Present:
City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, City Staff: City Planner Daniel Licht and Deputy
Clerk Bethany Benting. Those indicated with a (*) attended via video conference.
1. Announcements:
City Planner Licht noted those members of the Planning Commission who were online.
Deputy Clerk Benting thanked and recognized Commissioner Jim Kolles for his 33+
years as serving as a Planning Commissioner as this was his last meeting as he did not
reapply for another term. Mayor Stockamp, Commissioner Heidner and City Planner
Licht also shared stories and thanked him.
2. Consider the following minutes:
2.1 Planning Commission January 3, 2023.
Commissioner Heidner motioned to approve the minutes as written.
Seconded by Commissioner Black. All in favor. Motion carried. 6-0.
3. Public Hearing Items:
3.1 Mississippi Landing:
A. PUD District Amendment
B. PUD Development Stage Plan
C. Preliminary Plat
City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report.
Applicant, Jesse Hartung, was present and agreed to the staff report but requesting
Outlot A not be required to be deeded to the City.
Chair Offerman opened the Public Hearing at 7:23 PM.
No public comments were made.
Chair Offerman closed the Public Hearing at 7:24 PM.
Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission
February 21, 2023
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Commissioner Black voiced her concerns about the area only having one entrance/exit
knowing this will become a high traffic volume. City Planner Licht explained the
Planning Commission could consider limited access at 90th Street and Quantrelle as a
factor in considering the intensity of the proposed development. Mr. Hartung explained
the future expansion and supporting access for emergency vehicles.
Chair Offerman noted that there have been big events in the past that have happened
at 101 market.
Commissioner Black said she is concerned with an emergency situation in that area.
Chair Offerman asked what the City can do or limit high volume events due to
emergency access and situations. City Planner Licht explained special use permits have
been issued for past businesses in Otsego.
Commissioner Jones asked about the fire services in regards to the height of the
building proposed. City Planner Licht said that fire services can protect the proposed
Commissioner Heidner asked if they would be able to get people off of the top floor in
an emergency. City Planner Licht stated that ladder trucks would not be able to reach
them nor Windom and Guardian Angles either.
Commissioner Jones asked about the access to the public plaza. Mr. Hartung explained
the plaza will be served with elevator access and has handicap parking.
Chair Offerman wanted to know about dedication of Outlot A. City Planner Licht said
the Wild Scenic Recreational River District allows for public/private uses. City staff’s
recommendation is that Outlot A be deeded to the City based on the proposed mixed
use development, use of the area of Outlot A for calculating density and Floor Area
Ratio, and the recommendations of the Parks System Master Plan that areas along the
Mississippi River be acquired for public use. Mr. Hartung explained he wants Outlot A
to be a park people want to visit and have full private control over and not lease the
land. Chair Offerman asked if the city could take cash fee and lieu of land now and
require land dedication with future phases. City Planner Licht said that approach is not
recommended. Mr. Hartung said he could possibly no longer develop on the project if
the City requires Outlot A to be dedicated to the City.
Commissioner Heidner asked if any park dedication fees been paid. City Planner Licht
explained that a trail easement was dedicated with approval of the Nathe Addition with
the intent to acquire the balance of the outlot in the future.
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February 21, 2023
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Commissioner Heidner questioned the height of the building noting it would be 7+
stories making it 100 feet above ground level. Mr. Hartung explained the phases of
building noting that this is the tallest building in the overall plan and that the height has
been reduced from the concept plan review. Mr. Hartung noted it will be higher than
the Guardian Angel building but he feels that when viewed from TH 101 it will only look
30 feet high. Commissioners agreed this was the only area in Otsego where the building
height would not cause compatibility issues with surrounding uses.
Commissioner Stritesky suggested the developer and City come to an agreement now
regarding Outlot A. Mr. Hartung agreed proposing that Outlot A not be dedicated to
the City but instead have an agreement on what can be placed there under a private
ownership knowing that 80 percent would be available to the public.
Commissioner Heidner asked if Phase 1 was to be built would it be able to operate on
its own without expansion. Mr. Hartung said yes.
Mayor Stockamp asked about parking. Mr. Hartung said he thinks there is enough
parking and noted they intent to provide on-demand car rentals.
Commissioner Stritesky asked where parking for future phases would be built. Mr.
Hartung said the enclosed parking would be expanded to the south under future phases
to provide parking.
Commissioner Jones commented that the development should comply with parking
requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Chair Offerman agreed.
Commissioner Jones asked how parking deferment agreements are administered. City
Planner Licht explained.
Commissioner Stritesky said that the development should comply with Zoning
Ordinance requirements for parking.
Commissioner Black said the development should comply with the Zoning Ordinance
parking requirements. Commissioner Foster agreed.
Commissioner Jones asked about the parking for residents within the parking structure
whether it is a charge or is it free. Mr. Hartung said that has not been decided.
Commissioner Jones commented that she is concerned the surface parking lot
becoming full.
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February 21, 2023
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Commissioner Stritesky noted that there are apartment units that do not meet the
minimum floor area requirements. Mr. Hartung said that the floorplans can be revised
to comply with the standard.
Commissioner Heidner still has issues with the height of the building. City Planner Licht
said if the Planning Commissioners would like to add a condition to lower the building.
Commissioner Stritesky commented he likes the commercial and amenities and is not
opposed to the building height.
Chair Offerman said he doesn’t have an issue with the height of the building.
Commissioner Jones said the height is not an issue for her as there is not single-family
neighborhoods adjacent.
Commissioner Kolles said the building height shouldn’t be an issue given the location
without residential neighborhoods around it.
Commissioner Stritesky motioned to recommend approval of a PUD District
amendment, PUD Development Stage Plan, preliminary plat, and vacation
drainage and utility easement and trail easement for Mississippi Landings,
subject to the conditions as stated in the staff report, amended as follows:
6. The site plan shall be modified to provide off-street parking as required by
Section 11-21-8 of the Zoning Ordinance.
7. The developer shall dedicate an easement to the City allowing public parking
within the surface parking area for access to Outlot A, subject to review and
approval of the Zoning Administrator.
12. Outlot A shall be dedicated to the City upon approval of a subsequent final plat
addition or of a PUD Development Stage Plan that increases the number of
dwelling units or commercial floor area above that approved for Phase 1, unless
an alternate dedication is approved by the City Council.
Seconded by Commissioner Heidner. 5 yes, 1 no. Commissioner Black
opposed. Motion carried. 5-1.
3.2 Zoning Ordinance amendment:
A. Amendment of the Zoning Ordinance regarding commercial zoning
Minutes of the Otsego Planning Commission
February 21, 2023
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City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report.
Commissioner Heidner asked if the parcels that are being proposed to change are under
a PUD now. City Planner Licht said yes, the PUD District would be modified to allow
only those uses provided for with the new zoning district.
Commissioner Foster asked if the Zoning Ordinance is amended now can it be amended
again in the future. City Planner Licht said yes.
Commissioners agreed by amending the zoning ordinance as proposed, it would
encourage other business that are still allowed in the new district to develop.
Chair Offerman opened the Public Hearing at 9:13 PM.
Stephanie Carpentier, 9337 Kagan Circle NE, commented she would like to open minor
auto repair business in the Great River Centre of Otsego. Ms. Carpentier said they are
local residents and small business owners. City Planner Licht explained that the Zoning
Ordinance only regulates uses and the City cannot distinguish between different owners
or sizes of businesses.
Stephen Shea, 9244 Kaiser circle NE, talked highly of the Carpentiers and supported
keeping minor auto repair as an allowed use.
Chair Offerman closed the Public Hearing at 9:21 PM.
Commissioner Stritesky rescinded his comment and does not oppose allowing minor
auto repair in the proposed zoning district.
Commissioner Black asked about current uses and if the standards are held by the
property or the owner. City Planner Licht said the approvals for an existing use stays
with the property.
Commissioner Heidner motioned to recommend approval of a Zoning
Ordinance regarding commercial zoning districts and uses as amended to
allow minor auto repair as a conditional use within the B1 District. Seconded
by Commissioner Stritesky. All in favor. Motion carried. 6-0.
4. Updates:
4.1 Updates on City Council actions.
Mayor Stockamp updated the Planning Commission on recent City Council actions.
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February 21, 2023
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4.2 Updates on future Planning Commission items.
City Planner Licht updated the commissioners on possible future agenda items.
5. Adjourn.
Commissioner Stritesky motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner
Kolles. All in favor. Motion carried. 6-0.
Adjourned at 9:36 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Bethany Benting, Deputy Clerk