Item 2.1 OHPC Meeting Minutes 2023.03.14OTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER MARCH 14, 2023 7:00 PM Call to Order. This meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair: Toni Seroshek (Absent); Commissioners: Chris Wilson, John Waldron, Kathleen Beaudry, Brooke Nault, and Tami Stinski; City Council: CM Brittany Moores and CM Ryan Dunlap. 2.Announcements: Welcomed Brooke Nault & Tami Stinski as this was their first meeting as a new Heritage Preservation Commissioner. 3.Annual Business: 3.1 Election of the 2023 Heritage Preservation Commission Chair, Vice-Chair & Secretary. Chris Wilson motioned to appoint Commissioner Toni Seroshek as Chair. Seconded by Kathleen Beaudry. All in favor. Motion carried. 5-0. John Waldron motioned to appoint Commissioner Chris Wilson as Vice-Chair. Seconded by Kathleen Beaudry. All in favor. Motion carried. 5-0. John Waldron motioned to appoint Commissioner Brooke Nault as Secretary. Seconded by Chris Wilson. All in favor. Motion carried. 5-0. 4.Consider Agenda Approval: Commissioner Chris Wilson to approve the agenda as written. Seconded by Commissioner Kathleen Beaudry. All in favor. Motion carried. 5-0 5.Consider the following minutes: 5.1 September 13, 2022. Commissioner Waldron motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson. All in favor. Motion carried. 3-0 * New Commissioners not at Sept. Mtg 5.2 December 13, 2022. Commissioner Beaudry motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson. All in favor. Motion carried. 3-0 *Commissioners Waldron & Nault not at December Mtg. Item 2.1 6. Lefebvre Barn History & Photos. The Commissioners looked at Commissioner Waldron’s photos of Kevin Lefebvre’s round barn. Kathy will contact Kevin and invite him to the OHPC office to decide which pictures will be included in a poster, like the ones currently in the Prairie Center hallway. 7. Ideas for Historic Preservation Projects. A recognition of Otsego veteran through historical records, oral histories, and a memorial in conjunction with the city through Parks and Recreation as a project was discussed by the Commissioners. Part of the discussion was how to reach out to veterans in Otsego. Kathy thought we should look at the wall of plaques of veterans at the St. Michael Legion because they have the names of veterans from all the wars, which would be a good start. Other ideas included posters asking for veterans to come forward and have their pictures taken, oral history, asking the city council for a memorial in a park, and several other ideas. Chris asked the council members if they could find a maintenance person to check on the window caulking in the old school house. 8. Updates: 8.1 Updates on City Council actions. City Council CM Brittany updated OHPC on City Council Action Items. 8.2 Updates on Heritage Preservation items. Commissioners agreed for some time in the spring to take a tour of the old school house. 9. Adjourn. Commissioner Waldron motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Stinski. All in favor. Motion carried. 5-0 Adjourned at 8:10PM. Minutes taken/written by Commissioner Chris Wilson.