03-13-08ITEM 3_1
March 13, 2008
5:30 p.m.
Roll Call: Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry
Fournier, Councilmembers Mark Thorsted, Tom
Darkenwald, Vern Heidner and Jessica Stockamp.
City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson,
City Clerk Judy Hudson, Finance Director Gary Groen,
City Planner Dan Licht, City Engineer Ron Wagner and
Assistant City Engineers Jeff Gulden, Shane Nelson,
and Joe McPherson.
Proposed Kadler Avenue/I-94 Interchange
Ron Wagner and Jeff Gulden reviewed two concepts for
the proposed interchange and reviewed the federal
process that has to be followed in order to obtain
approval. Mike Robertson noted that MnDOT has
stated they do not see a reason for the proposed
interchange until there is a road connection to CSAH
35 two miles to the south. He stated that the
proposed interchange is not on MnDOT's list of
improvements and they would not provide any money
for it.
Council direction was to have the City Engineer
estimate the costs of the process of seeking
interchange approval and for the City Attorney to
prepare a resolution for official mapping of the
proposed interchange's area.
Stormwater Utility Fees
Ron Wagner and Shane Nelson reviewed projected costs
for meeting the federal NPDES mandate regarding
maintenance of stormwater systems. They stated they
have submitted their plan to the State MPCA for
approval. They noted that the City had budgeted
$50,000 for this in 2008 but their estimate is that
it will cost approximately $100,000 a year to comply
with the unfunded mandate.
There was considerable discussion of several options
for implementing a stormwater fee to fund this cost.
Council direction was to revise the proposed plan
based on 50% of the costs being funded through
general taxes or fees paid by all property owners
and 50% of the cost being assigned to property
owners who have existing stormwater systems.
Council also directed the City Engineer to prepare a
map of established stormwater ponds and drainage
Sewer & Water Long Range Plan
Joe McPherson reviewed the long range Sewer & Water
plan. The plan has timelines for improvements to
all parts of the sewer and water system based on
varying rates of growth.
2007 Budget Update
Gary reviewed the preliminary (un -audited) budget
numbers from 2007. Council direction was to leave
the gravel money in the general fund, pay for maps,
GIS and the engineering manual from the Building
Fund, and transfer the remaining monies to the
Capital Improvement Fund.
With no other business, the meeting was adjourned at
8:30 p.m.
Michael Robertson
City Administrator