07-11-23 PSC Agenda PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday, July 11, 2023 6:30 PM Otsego Prairie Center 1. Call to Order 2. Consider agenda approval 3. Consider approval of meeting minutes 3.1 June 13, 2023 4. Open forum 5. Review received monthly reports. 5.1 Centra Care EMS Quarterly report (April-June) 5.2 Elk River Ambulance & Alina Health EMS Quarterly report (April-June) 5.3 Albertville Fire Department 5.4 Elk River Fire Department 5.5 Rogers Fire Department 5.6 Wright County Sheriff Department 6. Set Next Meeting 7. Adjourn Note: On occasion, there may be a quorum of the City Council in attendance for the purpose of observation and receiving information. Open Forum: If you have any questions, comments or information regarding an item not on the agenda, please step forward to be heard during the "Open Forum" item on the agenda. Please state your name and address for the record.