3.1 A Otsego_VillasatKC_Centra_rep3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com 1 PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht REPORT DATE: 31 July 2023 60-DAY DATE: 8 September 2023 RE: Villas at Kittredge Crossings; PUD Development Stage Plan Amendment TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Otsego Finest Homes, LLC, received City Council approval of a Comprehensive Plan amendment, PUD District amendment, PUD Development Stage Plan, and preliminary plat of a Phase 1 of 26 twin home and single family villa dwelling units on the west portion of subject site Outlot H, Kittredge Crossings. A second phase of 56 additional twin home and detached single family villa dwellings is planned for the east portion of the property, but has not received PUD Development Stage Plan approval. One two-family dwelling has been constructed to date. The developer is in negotiations with Centra Homes to acquire the unbuilt lots to continue construction of the approved dwelling units. Centra Homes has submitted preliminary building elevations that include exterior finish changes from the plans approved with the initial Phase 1 PUD Development Stage Plan. The change to the exterior plans for the dwellings requires an amendment of the PUD Development Stage Plan. A public hearing to consider the request has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 7 August 2023. Exhibits: Site Location Map Applicant letter dated July 10, 2023 Approved building plan Proposed building plan Proposed building color renderings Site Plan Item 3.1 A 2 ANALYSIS Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Ordinance establishes the following base requirements for single family villa and two family dwellings: Building Height. Buildings within the PUD District are allowed to be up to three stories or 35 feet in height. Floor Area. The minimum floor area for single family villa and two family dwellings is established by Section 11-17-6.D of the Zoning Ordinance as 940 square feet and 650 square feet, respectively. Garage Area. Single family villa and twin home uses are required to provide a minimum two car attached garage with an area of at least 400 square feet. Exterior Finish: Section 11-17-4.C.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires single family villa and two family dwellings to be constructed with the following exterior finishes: a. The exterior of detached townhome and two-family dwelling units shall include a variation in building materials which are to be distributed throughout the building elevations and coordinated into the architectural design of the structure to create an architecturally balanced appearance. b. A minimum of twenty five percent (25%) of the area of the front elevation of a structure, including the sides of an attached garage forward of the dwelling unit, shall have an exterior finish of brick, stucco and/or natural or artificial stone. c. Except for brick, stucco, natural or artificial stone, or cement or wood fiber board, no single elevation shall have more than twenty five percent (25%) of one type of exterior finish. d. For developments with more than three (3) principal buildings, the developer shall specify a minimum of four (4) color packages for siding, trim, and shutters with no color package used for more than thirty percent (30%) of the exterior finish for the total number of dwelling units. 3 Approved Building Plans. The following is a summary of the approved building plans relative to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and PUD District: Building Height. The approved buildings are one and two story structures that comply with the height limits of the PUD District. Floor Area. The floor area of the approved single family villas is 1,521 square feet including two bedrooms with opportunity for an additional bonus room. The approved twin home dwelling units have a floor area of just more than 2,000 square feet, which includes three bedrooms, threes baths, an upstairs laundry, and front porch. The floor area of the proposed dwelling units exceed the minimum requirements of Section 11- 17-6.D of the Zoning Ordinance. Garage Area. Each of the approved dwelling units has an attached two car garage that is oversized for a townhouse dwelling with an area of 552 square feet that complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Exterior Finish. The exterior of the approved buildings consists of a stone wainscotting on the front elevation and LP Smartside engineered siding with a horizonal lap and board-and-batten style. The proposed building materials comply with the requirements of Section 11-17-4.C.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. The developer provided four color packages for the approved buildings. The PUD Development Stage Plan approval included a condition of approval that no one color package be used for more than 38 percent of the total number of buildings in Phase 1 and that the same color package not be used for abutting buildings. Proposed Building Plans. The following reviews the proposed building plans for compliance with requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and PUD District in comparison with the approved building plans: Building Height. The proposed buildings are shown as two story structures that comply with the height limits of the PUD District. Floor Area. The floor area of the dwelling shown on the proposed plan is 1,560 square feet with three bedrooms, which complies with the minimum requirements of Section 11-17-6.D of the Zoning Ordinance. Garage Area. The proposed dwelling units have an attached two car garage that is shown to be 24 feet wide by 23 feet deep, or 552 square feet, which complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 4 Exterior Finish. The exterior of the approved buildings consists of a brick or stone wainscotting on the front elevation and vinyl siding with a horizonal lap and board-and- batten style on the remaining portion of the front and all of the other elevations. Centra Homes is also proposing additional details. The overall appearance matches that of the one existing building constructed within the Villas of Kittredge Crossings. The proposed elevation plans provided by the developer indicate that several color packages would be offered. We would recommend that the PUD Development Stage Plan condition of approval that no one color package be used for more than 38 percent of the total number of buildings in Phase 1 and that the same color package not be used for abutting buildings also be applied to the proposed PUD Development Stage Plan amendment. The proposed use of vinyl siding in place of the LP Smartside on the approved building plans means that the exterior finish materials of the Centra homes plans do not comply with the requirements of Section 11-17-4.C.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. The building plans proposed by Centra Homes for buildout of the remaining dwellings within the Vills of Kittredge Crossings are very similar in appearance to the approved plans. The character of the dwellings is also similar to that of other townhouse dwellings within the Kittredge Crossings PUD District. The existing townhomes (and likely most of the single family dwellings) within Kittredge Crossings use vinyl siding as the construction predates the current Zoning Ordinance requirements for the exterior finishes established on September 26, 2016. The Planning Commission also previously supported deviation from the exterior finish requirements for townhouse buildings within the Parrish Meadows development that used less than 10 percent masonry materials on the front elevation and a variety of vinyl siding textures along with trim for an acceptable architectural appearance. The same approach would be appropriate for the proposed building plans for the Villas of Kittredge Crossings. Criteria. Amendments of a PUD Development Stage Plan are to be considered based upon, but not limited to, the criteria established by Section 11-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan establishes a policy calling for Zoning Ordinance standards for single family villa and twin homes that ensure quality and innovation in construction, as well as consistent application of development requirements. The proposed architectural character and exterior materials are consistent with that of existing dwellings within the Kittredge Crossings PUD District as guided by the Comprehensive Plan. 5 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The character of the proposed building plans is compatible with the architecture and exterior materials of existing dwellings within Kittredge Crossings. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed use complies with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and PUD District of Kittredge Crossings with modifications approved through a PUD Development Stage Plan. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed PUD Development Stage Plan amendment will not affect traffic generation within the development. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed PUD Development Stage Plan will not increase the need for City services or facilities for the development. RECOMMENDATION The revised plans for Villas at Kittredge Crossings are consistent with the character of development that has occurred within Kittredge Crossings and other townhouse developments. The proposed architectural plans, including the exterior materials, are consistent with the polices of the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. City staff recommends approval of the applications subject to conditions as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan amendment for the Villas of Kittredge Crossings, subject to the following conditions: 1. The site and buildings shall be developed in accordance with the plans on file with the City except as modified herein or approved by City staff. 2. No one color package shall be used for more than 38 percent of the total number of buildings and that the same color package not be used for abutting buildings within Phase 1. 6 B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. c. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Audra Etzel, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer David Kendall, City Attorney Villas at Kittredge Crossings Site Location 921 ft Overview Legend Roads CSAHCL CTYCL MUNICL PRIVATECL TWPCL Highways Interstate State Hwy US Hwy City/Township Limits c t Parcels Torrens July 10, 2023 Dan Licht, AICP City of Otsego 13400 90th St NE RE: Kittredge Crossings Exterior Materials Dear Dan, Centra Companies would like to submit this request for a PUD Amendment for Kittredge Crossings. At this time, Centra is exploring the possibility of constructing twinhomes in the community, but our product offerings are not quite consistent with previous approvals. The purpose of this PUD amendment is to request flexibility to some of the architectural requirements from the 2021 approvals that were obtained by Hempel. As discussed, the general intent of Zoning Code Section 11-17-4.C.2 is to avoid monotony in the community and provide visual interest along the streetscape. Centra believes this intent can be met with incorporating varying architectural elements such as window grids and window wrap, stone accents, band boards, porch columns and overhangs and varying colors and textures with our vinyl siding packages. We also plan on using a window wrap Additionally, we would like to explore some possibilities for articulation through gables or bump outs for the upper stories or along the roof line. We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this PUD amendment with the Planning Commission on July 17th, then would look to obtain Planning Commission approval at the August 7th Meeting. Attached are some sample renderings that demonstrate what we would like to offer. Please contact me with questions, and I look forward to working with you in Kittredge Crossings. Regards, Paul Tabone Centra Companies s wso evi. 111>, ew q I' oll, llB NJlS: D4 SSlO J S O- l— I' NOIS3Q 3W Nmoi iINn E 0 o oa IEEII z o o 91 J J J m LL MaH Ou 4a t0 6 0 oo W o Wa VC)m W a m m : 9 EEI eoLL LFFFFFFFFFMEEEEHI CEEI EEEHI 11 AP, e m o00000 a a O O Q Q w Ww o00 Front View TWO-STORY TWIN HOMETWO-STORY TWIN HOME TWO-STORY TWIN HOME 7.13.23 Rear View TWO-STORY TWIN HOMETWO-STORY TWIN HOME TWO-STORY TWIN HOME 7.13.23 Side View (left) TWO-STORY TWIN HOMETWO-STORY TWIN HOME TWO-STORY TWIN HOME 7.13.23 Side View (right) TWO-STORY TWIN HOMETWO-STORY TWIN HOME TWO-STORY TWIN HOME 7.13.23 TWO-STORY TWIN TOWNHOMETWO-STORY TWIN HOME TWO-STORY TWIN HOME 7.25.23 SF 006 TWO-STORY TWIN TOWNHOMETWO-STORY TWIN HOME TWO-STORY TWIN HOME 7.25.23 SF 001 TWO-STORY TWIN TOWNHOMETWO-STORY TWIN HOME TWO-STORY TWIN HOME 7.25.23 TW 002 TWO-STORY DETACHED TOWNHOME TWO-STORY TWIN HOME 7.25.23 TW 001 TWO-STORY DETACHED TOWNHOME TWO-STORY TWIN HOME 7.25.23 SF 004